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Your First Time Having Sex: How Was It?


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OK, so when did it all begin, your journey into your sexual self? Please, if you feel comfortable doing so, please share with us the story of your first time.

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I couldn't find my way in and once she showed me the way, I thought, "huh, well this IS different." and went about it as I was indoctrinated to do by all the older brothers and friends I had that imparted their "wisdom". Now I look back and think I hope it wasn't as bad for her as I think I was........:huh:

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For me it was ok i enjoy the foreplay mostly but towrdsthe end i wish i hadn't done it i felt sad and wore out and really didnt do much he kept sliding out and our position were limited.

He felt like he was the man and i really didint know what to say but I am ready to sleep

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Wow, some really unhappy experiences here.

Well, mine is rather upbeat. Although he later became my ex husband (many years after), I was 16, and the boy I wanted to take my virginity was a high school sweetheart, age 17. I just sensed and KNEW that he would be gentle with me, and not hurt me. He was NOT a virgin, yet not overly experienced either. We had tried a couple of times, but either the timing wasn't right, or we got interrupted, so, one night, when we knew his roommate would be gone for the night, we planned it.

Condoms at the ready, (I had told him straight out that IF this was going to happen, then we would use condoms) we went in on the bed, lights down low, whispering sweet nothings, and also comforting me, he was very slow and gentle. Not knowing any better, I thought he was HUGE. He may have been about 6 inches, tops. I was so nervous, and concentrating on the pain I knew would come, that I really didn't enjoy it much. I felt the tearing, but it didn't hurt that bad. We had had a lot of foreplay, so I was aroused, to a point, but I was also scared and worried. It wasn't the "dream" night that so many girls wish for, but it was with who I wanted, when I wanted. We even snuggled afterwards, and watched some TV.

We had sex several times after that (not that night, I was pleasantly sore, but later on thru the course of the summer), and it was pretty good. But again, I was young and inexperienced. He wasn't an overly good teacher either. But I never regretted my choice, even after our bad relationship, lies, cheating, and divorce. That I could give that kind of pleasure and satisfaction was/is very empowering.

I think I was more excited about becoming a "woman" than anything. I was worried that people could "tell" just by looking at me, just a bit, even though I knew that they couldn't see things like that. A couple of boyfriends after being with my first, thought that I would just put out at the drop of a hat since I was no longer a virgin. Needless to say, I had a few very disappointed guys.

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My First time wasn't too bad. It was with someone I thought at the time I loved, but I really kinda did it just bc I didn't want to be the only virgin among my group of friends. The thought that I was 13 and they were 16 and older never entered my head.

Now I consider this my first time, bc I was raped b4 this but in my mind that man only broke my hymen he did not get my virginity bc I didn't willing give it.

That first time with Jody tho was really sweet he kept asking me if he hurt me or not. As much of an ass as he turned out to be it was a very touching moment in my life.

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I am sad to say that I don't remember it very well. I was 21 and thought I was so mature and adult. I picked this guy, not because I had feelings but because I thought he could teach me a lot. Once I told him I was a virgin though, he nearly didn't go through with it. He couldn't believe I had chosen to do such a thing. I don't remember it hurting to much and the stupidity of what I'd done (having sex with someone I barely knew) did not really hit me until I was older and wiser. Married sex is MUCH better!

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I think I should get Vampira71's permission before I answer this as she owns it. ;)

Permission granted... :rolleyes:

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My first time was when I was 15 behind the big blackboard in my high school library. Bit of a strange choice of location but it was the only place we could think of going at the time and I guess it kind of felt 'bad' to be in school ;) It was very awkward though as it was both our first times and I was worried about the whole bleeding thing. It was also a bit of a disappointment as it was with someone I had wanted since the first year of high school and I had wanted him for four years, so when I finally got him and he was going to take away my virginity, I thought it was going to be great - but I felt a bit let down and we never ended up even going out together properly. I do have some fond feelings of it as well though - and its a bit funny too. I remember there being pressue to get rid of my virginity before leaving school though, from other friends etc, and I wish I hadn't have rushed into it, but I don't think of it as a bad exeperience.

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my first time was a really nice experience. My bf was really gentle with me after a weekend of foreplay. Yeah... a lot of foreplay and I ended up pushing him away a few times once it got to the point of pain. In the end, I was the one pulling him on top of me and saying I was ready while he kept asking if I was sure. I don't really remember much to be honest... I remember occasionally saying harder, but my bf says I was saying way more than that and that I grabbed his butt. The day after I was sore and bleeding a little but it wasn't too bad. The bleeding freaked me out lol An hour or two after we ended up on Navy Pier, running around and playing mini-golf and stuff :D

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My first time is not what I wanted for my first time. I was 17, my bf at the time and I was walking through the backyards taking a shortcut back into town, on our way back from a basketball game, and we just stopped next to an empty house. He began kissing me and touching me all over...I stopped and told him that I was still a virgin and he did not believe me...I insisted that I was...so he decided he wanted to have sex....I was curious so I agreed (I know, I am an idiot, but my life was sheltered) He had no finesse whatsoever...he just climbed on top and shoved himself in...he really hurt me...I told him to stop but he didn't until he was done...it was the worst experience ever...I did not know till years later....when I was an adult that it could be considered date rape because I said no and to stop. I just remember after being covered in blood and dried leaves and him bragging to his brother and friends right in front of me. The next day my brother told me he was bragging about it at school so I actually, in front of his male peers, shoved him up against the gym wall with my forearm under his neck, told him that if he told another person that I had sex with him that I would personally kick his ass, and denied that it happened right in front of everyone...I made him look like a liar in front of all his friends...I think my brother also had a few "words" with him as well...lol. Everyone was scared of my brother...in turn they were scared of me because of him....and he is my younger brother...lol. Anyway....he dropped out of school like a week later and nothing was ever said to me about it again....

I still don't tell people about that time as being my first time very often...Not even my own Mother...she thinks my Jr. Prom night was my first time....it was actually my second...it wasn't as bad but it was not good either...the poor guy was pitiful...lol. Another story for another time....

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First time with my hubby was before we were married. I was scheduled to work at the PD that night and we started making out at his apartment. He asked if I was ready and I said yes. Short and sweet, not like I thought it was going to be i.e., how it's always portrayed in the movies all steamy, sexy and hot. Although, that night at work was the best because I kept thinking back to it and got all hot again....had to wait til I got off (no pun intended!) in the morning to take care of it! I did have one very bad memory about it though....ended up getting my first yeast infection afterwards! :wacko: That sucked!

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I know this is an old post but I got to thinking it would be fun! I was 15, My bf was also. We had been getting pretty hot and heavy for awhile and one Friday night at the roller rink (yeah that's right!) we sneaked outside... I can not remember all the details but I do remember that it was in December, we were behind some bushes on a pile of snow. luckily I had a long wool coat under me. He was really hard, the first hard penis I had ever seen, not too bad either :) He put on a condom and got on top of me. With out too much trouble he inserted it. A little pain but not too bad. After thrusting for maybe a minute or less, he came... And would you believe he asked me "Was it good for you?" I was like "Oh, um, yeah, yeah it was good..." I had NO IDEA!!! LOL

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hm.... My first time was with my current boyfriend.... it was right after our birthdays... he was 17, I was 18. I hadn't gotten to celebrate his birthday with him, so I went to visit him and tied a little bow around my waist so I was his present. We had fooled around a bit before.... but nothing more than just oral.

For us, it was great. It was both of our first times and he went really slow and easy on me. I didn't bleed or hurt or anything after.... Once he came he got REALLY tired, but we cleaned up and went out for dinner and came back to his house for a movie.... we wound up having our second time then. March 26th I think... I wrote it on the ribbon.... =D

It was a great time.

My ex tried to get me to have sex with him.... forced me to give him a blow job... the first time he had me give him a hand job I started to cry... I didn't want to AT ALL. I only did it because I thought he loved me and was afraid he would leave me. I wound up leaving him, thank God....

my love now is the greatest... he kept asking me if I was sure.... sure about giving him a blow job, sure about letting him come in me, sure about everything. He doesn't want me to feel uncomfortable AT ALL.


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It hurt alot. I was afraid, but wanted to. A minute later I got the "Wow that was awesome" my thoughts were ... "if you say so" <_< it was not what I expected, and I was hurting for a day or so after. Sad thing was, I married the man and for many, many years after it was the same situation. I should have gotten a clue :lol:

It wasn't til a year or so ago in my current and hopefully last relationship, that I knew what good sex was. :wub: At least I think it's good. For what I've had to compare it to, it's mind blowing now. Sad thing was I missed all of my young adulthood, not realizing how bad it really was. :(

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Not a great story here so I'll be brief. I was 15, he was a couple of years older. We had been dating a while. We were making out, I said "NO". He did anyway. Then I continued to date him. Idiot. He grew up to be a teacher and guess what! He lost his teaching license for molesting a 15 year old girl. It still bugs me that if I had of reacted differently, that girl (and maybe others for all I know) would have been spared. I know, crappy story.

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Not a great story here so I'll be brief. I was 15, he was a couple of years older. We had been dating a while. We were making out, I said "NO". He did anyway. Then I continued to date him. Idiot. He grew up to be a teacher and guess what! He lost his teaching license for molesting a 15 year old girl. It still bugs me that if I had of reacted differently, that girl (and maybe others for all I know) would have been spared. I know, crappy story.

Vanilla, just two things ((hugs)) and stop feeling that way. You didn't make this guy what he turned into because of how you reacted. It wasn't your fault, that trip's on him.

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I never had the pressure in the back of my mind to make the first time "special". So, when I was 15 and on a tour to Ireland and the 20 year old in my tour group (who I thought was super cute) started coming on to me, I guess I figured it would be a pretty unusual story to tell in the future. I had known him for two weeks and never expected to see him again after the tour. He was no gentleman, but it didn't hurt too bad and I didn't bleed.

Sometimes I almost regret it, but it made me a lot more outgoing (which I definitely needed, I was painfully shy,) and I'm really glad that my first time wasn't associated with any horrible failed relationship or anything like that. Overall I think it was a decent decision.

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I was 15 or 16. I met some ramdom guy at a party who looked like Boris Becker back in the day when he was playing alot. I justed wanted the first time to "get over with". It was under a tree in a friends backyard and hurt like hell. End of story. Then I dated someone when I was 16, it was ok. Didn't get mind blowing until I had my first love at the age of 18. We recently reconnected and man am I glad I dodge that one now!

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I know this is an old post but I got to thinking it would be fun!

I had the perfect setting...I was 17, he was 21, it was summer. We had fooled around for a couple of weeks. He took me to this remote place in the woods and we walked a bit into this meadow. He had a blanket with him...apparently he already had everything planned because I don't remember actually talking about it. Anyway, we were going hot and heavy and he sat up to take his pants off. I guessed it would be a good thing if mine came off, too. He hopped on, pushed for a couple minutes, hopped off and rolled over on his back. I still had my socks on. I remember thinking, "This is it? This is SEX?" I wasn't hurt and didn't bleed but i felt nothing. After we had practiced for a while, it felt a lot better, but I don't think I had an orgasm with the first guy. We drifted apart after the summer and later on I heard he was married and beat his wife! Whew! Escaped that one, too!

I worked for 2 years between high school and college and met a guy at work. He was much older and really introduced me to what sex was all about. I liked him because he was knowledgeable, he liked me because I was insatiable. My college years were pre-AIDS, so finding partners was pretty easy. My ex and I lived together for 1.5 years before we were married. He was the first guy I was really "in love" with and we waited 3 months before we had sex. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like to have been a virgin when I was married. But then I think of my college days and they were a lot of fun. I wouldn't give up those memories.

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Guest eminatic

my first time was horrible. i had never had ANY experience with a guy before (never held hands/kissed/etc), i was 19 (yeah im a late bloomer i guess). i invited my (now bf but at the time he was barely an aquaintence) over as a friend. he was over not even 5 minutes and shoved his hand up my skirt, and when i tried to push it away he shoved it harder. i started crying and then he tried to have sex with me but i was so tight and it hurt so bad he couldnt get in...

a few days later he came back and we had "sex" (he penetrated me for about 30 seconds) and it hurt SO bad. i didnt say anything but it definately brought tears to my eyes.

we were looking back on it recently and he claims he never knew i was crying, didnt notice i was trying to push his hands away and also didnt know i was a virgin.

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I kinda get a bad feeling about that....

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I agree with Synirr. You're DATING HIM?! The guy who I posted about who did something similar to that with me is never going to get a chance to date me now. That worries me a little.

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