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Oral Sex Venting

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My husband is a wonderful person. I decied to perform some oral on him..after geting some great f ing advice on it. I wasnt perfect...but it was pretty satisfying. the sounds i heard ...I know he was satisified. Then I hopped ontop ..which I do not do by the way... and I took the ride on the century

huffing and puffing. I never saw his eyes open that wide before. after he came he said oh... I love you. and Thank you so much." Then he said what can I do for you. I said how about a little help for me.// I need to cum like that too. He said just a minute.. he went and came back then HE said well..I dont have time I need to shower and then MAN vs wild is on and I dont wanna miss it.

he goes to take a shower and I sat there really disappointed. He yelled my name ...so I thought...yes... I went into the bathroon..He asked me to bring him a towel. I brought him a wash cloth after I blew my nose into it.

I cleanup a little and then I went to bed...

I was really hurt..and he thinks I'm just being a bithc about it.

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That was plain inconsiderate and selfish of him to do to you, and there was no need for him to say he was going to do it, then pass you over for a damn TV show! I'd tell him to either tape the damn show, or get Ti-Vo (however it's spelled).


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While I agree with Howard that you should, at some future point, join him in the shower, I think that this particular day, HE DIDN'T DESERVE IT! I mean, come ON! Here you are, giving him oral, fucking the crap out of him, then you ask for a little help and he says, "I have to watch TV!" OH HELL NAWWW!

Listen, you are taking great strides, you are getting comfortable, trying to satisfy him. This is GREAT, but he needs to remember the golden rule: Do unto others!

Yes men, this means if YOU CUM then your partner should too! IF it doesn't happen during sex - then it should happen after sex. Come on guys, what the hell would you do if we were on top fucking you, came, then got off and said "I have to go watch Lifetime network!" Your man downright left you high and dry - the equivalent of blue balls - you have to not let him get away with that!

I would have either gotten naked and went into the bathroom, turned the shower OFF and said, "I will be on the bed waiting for my orgasm - and if you can't come give me one, I am going to fuck myself and then you can fuck yourself in the future as well!"

Or, I would have masturbated myself to orgasm so he could HEAR ME and let him know what he missed. Then, the next time we had sex I would have refused the oral on HIM, until I had cum and he would know that it was NEVER going to happen like it did that night again.

DO NOT let this go - find a way to make him understand!

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:o I was trying to vent some frustration.

These are new avenues for me. I am not sure what I expected to get.

It sounded to me like people were telling me what I did wrong. I think the snot in the wash cloth sent him a message.. He'll ask later when we are both in a calm place about the whole situation. Until then He will have to do the Hand jive.

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My husband is a wonderful person. I decied to perform some oral on him..after geting some great f ing advice on it. I wasnt perfect...but it was pretty satisfying. the sounds i heard ...I know he was satisified. Then I hopped ontop ..which I do not do by the way... and I took the ride on the century

huffing and puffing. I never saw his eyes open that wide before. after he came he said oh... I love you. and Thank you so much." Then he said what can I do for you. I said how about a little help for me.// I need to cum like that too. He said just a minute.. he went and came back then HE said well..I dont have time I need to shower and then MAN vs wild is on and I dont wanna miss it.

he goes to take a shower and I sat there really disappointed. He yelled my name ...so I thought...yes... I went into the bathroon..He asked me to bring him a towel. I brought him a wash cloth after I blew my nose into it.

I cleanup a little and then I went to bed...

I was really hurt..and he thinks I'm just being a bithc about it.

Maybe you fucked him so hard he could not think strate, At any case (WHAT AN ASS)

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Amen to that.....yeah Um I got passed up for Heros the other week, oh, that will never happen again!!!! He knows better now. We have only be together for 4 months so i am still training him how to be in a real relationship....this is his choice he never has been in a real one before, so he is learning...plus he is still getting used to being with a nympho (not a slut just a nympho for my man!!!)!!

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What an absolute ingrate! Your husband clearly needs to be repremanded for his behavior!

Kudos fo you for adding new excitement to your sexual relationship! I only wish that I can get my wife to the point where she will try something new to please.

I firmly believe that sex should be our time to "play" and "let-loose". One of the many things I like to do when we have sex is bring my wife to a couple of orgasms orally prior to our having intercourse. Honestly, I do not rush to her vagina, as I am very excited about all of her body. That means I generally start with a back, foot or hand massage. What I find so exciting about that is the stimulation to other parts of her body and her anticipating my "arrival" at vagina. All the while, I tell her that I so enjoy her body...how it feels, smells and tastes! :rolleyes:

Clearly you need to have a talk with your husband. I have attempted to introduce a "goodies jar" into our bedroom. The idea was that we could write down our sexual desires on a piece of paper and place it in the jar. We both would take turns retrieving a "goodie" from the jar and acting on the want. I have not gotten it adopted yet, but I am working on it. I think it might be a good way to allow you and your husband to "explore new terriotories without any limiting boundaries...and the intrigue of what is to come should be fun. Good luck, and keep talking!


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  • 1 month later...
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That was a pretty crappy thing for him to do, don't get me wrong. But I think that the worst thing you can do is turn around and snub him back. Experience tells me that kind of strategy only results in bitterness and hurt feelings on both sides. My best advice is too start another night of fun, and try to entice him into working on you first. Drop little hints that you need it, your so horny, etc., etc. (if a little dirty talk is part of your routine, or even if it isn't) and tell him that you'll return the favor for him. I think if he's the one who hasn't orgasmed yet, the TV may seem a little less important.

Or, the next time you start something, maybe ask him if he's going to leave you hanging again, but make it sound like you know the answer is no, don't be mean about it. The worst move is to start snubbing favors from each other. It's just going to cause problems. Just keep "training" him in the bedroom and if that doesn't work, simply sit down and talk. If he still won't consider you then he is a selfish ass and should treated as such, as in gotten rid of.

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I am firmly of the opinion that we train the people in our lives on how to treat us. Letting things go without discussion or other action will reinforce that he can get what he wants and leave you hanging. "Sometimes" a man's organsm can be so powerful that it shuts off their common sense. Might I suggest that on the occassions you are interested, you adopt an "I cum first" approach. Then when you are realing in the afterglow, you can please him and he is then welcome to shift down out of his sex drive having both of you be satisfied.

~the laundry goddess

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Ah how right you are and when one person has that ingrained "I'm the giver/caretaker" persona in a longstanding relationship and suddenly seriously starts to change things up and demand more the "taker" may be up for trying but just isn't quite able to keep up or truly break the old mold. I guess in this case it's like trying to train a retarded puppy.....you'll be patient for awhile, but if it doesn't catch on soon it's going out to the curb. Ha Ha!

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I have to say that was truly inconsiderate of your hubby.... however in his defense men sometimes just don't realize what they are doing.. or what they are not doing in this case.

I find myself feeling very fortunate when I hear stories such as yours. If one of teh hubbies happens to be an inconsiderate oaf, the wife is more than happy to show them up and make things right.


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That checklist sounds like great advise. Of course everyone has the right to be happy. I don't think that the point of that checklist is "do everything for your partner and shut the F up". It's more along the lines of trying your best and everything that you can as one person in a 2 person relationship. If these steps aren't ever explored, then you can't truly say you tried everything. Becoming aware and trying to fix one's shortcomings is not only a great thing to do for a relationship, but for yourself as well. It usually makes for a better person. Besides, you can't fix other people, but you CAN fix yourself!

It's meant to be a guide, not a standard.

Most people fall into roles. Some of which you may not particularly like. What many people need to realize, is, that, if you're tired of your normal "role" in a relationship, you can't, in all fairness, get pissed off because all of a sudden you need a change. Talking with your partner, letting them know WHY you're upset, and what you NOW want, and how you think this can come about, is all important in making your current relationship better. Only you will know how to confront and converse with your partner. If they absolutely refuse to listen, or try to make things better, then it's time to rethink it all. Only YOU can make things so that you'll be happy.

Best Wishes!

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That checklist sounds like great advise. Of course everyone has the right to be happy. I don't think that the point of that checklist is "do everything for your partner and shut the F up". It's more along the lines of trying your best and everything that you can as one person in a 2 person relationship. If these steps aren't ever explored, then you can't truly say you tried everything. Becoming aware and trying to fix one's shortcomings is not only a great thing to do for a relationship, but for yourself as well. It usually makes for a better person. Besides, you can't fix other people, but you CAN fix yourself!

It's meant to be a guide, not a standard.

Most people fall into roles. Some of which you may not particularly like. What many people need to realize, is, that, if you're tired of your normal "role" in a relationship, you can't, in all fairness, get pissed off because all of a sudden you need a change. Talking with your partner, letting them know WHY you're upset, and what you NOW want, and how you think this can come about, is all important in making your current relationship better. Only you will know how to confront and converse with your partner. If they absolutely refuse to listen, or try to make things better, then it's time to rethink it all. Only YOU can make things so that you'll be happy.

Best Wishes!

Tyger, that is awesome advice.


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MEN. NEVER pass up a chance to make love to your wife! If she's hot and raring to go, take the ride with her! A horney woman who is AFOed, is a happy woman, and happy women are happy to pleasure their men again.

I totally know how you feel on this. my s/o has done things really similar, and he knows about it for a few days afterwards...

howard i know this is kinda thread hijacking, but my s/o almost never does the instagating (sp?) for sex. I usually do. He'll occasionally have a few days where no matter what he's horny, but other than that I usually have to instagate sex. normal? not?

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Not. He needs to be checked out for medical problems, and if that clears, he needs to see a counselor. Then he needs to see a counselor with you. Anytime one spouse is unhappy with the relationship, the other spouse has a serious problem, whether he wants to acknowledge it or not.

When people are IN LOVE with someone, they want to be with them, they wonder what they are doing when they are apart, they make plans to get together, they look forward to seeing each other, they flirt with each other, they touch, they kiss, they communicate, and the PLAY with each other. Being together is NOT a chore. It is all smiles, hugs, and kisses, the public be damned.

When that is NOT Happening for any couple, they are in trouble. No, life is not always a bowl of cherries, and there are sad moments, too. There are periods of unhappiness from all sorts of causes. But YOUR BEST FRIEND, the person you turn to, and who is ALWAYS there for you IS YOUR SPOUSE, when the two of you are happy together. The person who wants to comfort you, and to help you, and has some idea what kind of help works for you is your spouse. The person you want to share a victory with is YOUR SPOUSE. The person you want to play with is YOUR SPOUSE. The person you look for when you are separated is your spouse. And when you see each other, you can feel your blood pressure drop, and the smile rise on your lips. Only his smile seems quicker than your own, but it doesn't matter who smiles first. It really doesn't. What matters is that you are more than just best friends: you are lovers always.

That is why great sex is the glue that binds lovers together, and why it is so important to marriages. That is not to say that marriages of accomodation have not existed, and do not exist. Some people are quite happy to be roommates. Others are Friends with Occasional Fringe Benefits. But where all these relationships work is the couples are first of all Best Friends, and understand each other. The marriages that sparkle are the ones involving lovers. I occasionally meet couples who are married but rarely see each other, don't share friends, or friendships, but remain tied together for business, or social reasons, only. I knew a couple that actually could not stand each other, and only put on appearances a few times a year for the public. I know married couples who live together, but have no sex, and only stay together so that both are " married ", and therefore not seen as a potential threat to other couples. One such couple has an adult daughter with her own children, and other than living under the same roof, and their daughter and gradnchildren, they have almost nothing in common. They call it a marriage, but I see it as not even much of a roommate accomodation. But they stay together, and have for many years. She has no interest in sex. He has had a number of lovers over the years. He doesn't talk about it, and she doesn't ask.

Not many people can live that way, I think.

I have known couples who have reached the point of one leaving the other and filing for divorce, precipitating a huge discussion, long overdue, where one spouse admits for the first time that (s)he has problems with frequent, or certain kinds of sex, etc, because of events that occurred earlier in his/her life before (s)he met and married his/her spouse. Sometimes such couples work things out. Many times, (s)he can't get past the demons, and the marriage eventually ends. I have seen just as many marriages end because of something that happens during the marriage that is so traumatic, that one of the spouses just cannot get past it. No one is promised tomorrow, and we have all had great friendships in our lives, and now wonder why we no longer see that person, or hear from them. People change, and not always for the better. We all change, and the only difference is a matter of degrees. The happy couples deal with this by changing together, whenever its possible, and sometimes agreeing to have those dips in life, accept them for what they are, and just go on with the understanding that they won't visit those problems, or dwell on them.

Sometimes that involves SEX. That is the only way to explain how a couple who was once a loving duo now are just roommates, sharing the remainder of their lives in a sexless marriage. I really think this does not have to be the case. Its just convenient to them. I see it as living HELL, because I have been there.


Well said and so very true.

My husband is my everything.

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I'm glad that sort of thing works for you, Iha, but I can't imagine putting anything besides my loved ones first working for me. My philosophy is that if I put my loved ones' needs first and my own needs second, then the spiritual will follow. Putting spirituality first sets you up in a way of thinking that could bring you down a road where you're trying to compare everything about yourself and others to the perfection your spirituality or religion tries to demand of you. While that sort of judgement can make you strong enough to weather the tough parts of a marriage, it can also lead you to stay in a thoroughly unhappy or harmful marriage. One has to find their happy medium in order to be truly happy and many types of spirituality and religion can lead to an extreme.


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I'm glad that sort of thing works for you, Iha, but I can't imagine putting anything besides my loved ones first working for me. My philosophy is that if I put my loved ones' needs first and my own needs second, then the spiritual will follow. Putting spirituality first sets you up in a way of thinking that could bring you down a road where you're trying to compare everything about yourself and others to the perfection your spirituality or religion tries to demand of you. While that sort of judgement can make you strong enough to weather the tough parts of a marriage, it can also lead you to stay in a thoroughly unhappy or harmful marriage. One has to find their happy medium in order to be truly happy and many types of spirituality and religion can lead to an extreme.



I started this topic and no I am choosing to end this particular one. We had a long talk and we straightened some things out clearly and to act detail.

Being a youngert couple that is not as experienced in sex that is why we need to be able to come here and not be judged for what we did in htese particular situations.

Thank you to all who listened and posted...



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My husband is a wonderful person. I decied to perform some oral on him..after geting some great f ing advice on it. I wasnt perfect...but it was pretty satisfying. the sounds i heard ...I know he was satisified. Then I hopped ontop ..which I do not do by the way... and I took the ride on the century

huffing and puffing. I never saw his eyes open that wide before. after he came he said oh... I love you. and Thank you so much." Then he said what can I do for you. I said how about a little help for me.// I need to cum like that too. He said just a minute.. he went and came back then HE said well..I dont have time I need to shower and then MAN vs wild is on and I dont wanna miss it.

he goes to take a shower and I sat there really disappointed. He yelled my name ...so I thought...yes... I went into the bathroon..He asked me to bring him a towel. I brought him a wash cloth after I blew my nose into it.

I cleanup a little and then I went to bed...

I was really hurt..and he thinks I'm just being a bithc about it.

I would have been a bitch too My husband has rejected me 2 times now in past month, he did not do it like that thow, I was really hurt also, there i was, all horny and no one to please me but the good old fingers!! men , how would you have liked your wife to regect you like that? nicol

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  • 5 weeks later...
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For many guys, once they cum, that's it.

My DH can take all the buildup in the world, but once he has come, it is pretty much all over. He can often be reworked about half an hour later, but the hormones just are not up for continuing straight after the event.

My solution is to ALWAYS make sure I have come first - or be aware that I will have to do it myself afterwards. He still enjoys watching afterwards, but it certainly doesn't have the same effect on him.

I am pleased to see that your January post said you had talked about it. Communication is the key to great sex!


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  • 3 months later...
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This is an interesting thread and had many interesting posts...but IMO some were heavy. The issue here didn't seem to be communication (she asked for what she wanted) ...but action. Action provokes reaction and I can see how this would end in a stall. A wise person once told me "never return a hurt with a hurt". I would have been angry, and would have said so, and let the matter drop...expecting an apology that night. If one did not occur, i would remind him of the situation and prod his memory of being inconsiderate. I have found that with my ex, passive-aggressive behavior was totally stupid and immature...it contributed to the divorce, i am positive.

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