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Excuse us if this post is a little weird, writing for two people. Well, the moondawg account is shared by two folks, Rob and Dee. We live in Prague and in the southern U.S. ocassionally. We are a couple that has been together since about 2000 when we met in Berlin at exchange student party. We came to the site to read the reviews initially, but learned to like the other forums also. We hope to make friends on the site, and give our sincerest apologies for sounding snooty by using "we" way too often. If we can remember we will probably type our first initial underneath our posts to mark who is posting. Not sure if we will be using the sex toy catalog very often, but we live in prague, so can you really blame us? We hope our posts will help folks, and we hope to get help if needed. Thanks for your time.


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Welcome to the site, alsways great to have another couple on board. You're not the first couple to share an account here, so don't worry about sounding snooty. Just be respectful in your posts, post often, and share your experiences and questions. This is a great bunch of people on this board to answer questions and to act as sounding boards.


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Well, he is the snooty and haughty American professor. I am the fiesty, romantic, caring, and fiercly Czech Love goddess... and a glorified accountant as my day job



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You two sound like a pair! Love it! Looking forward to seeing your posts. Welcome to the board ;)

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You two sound like a pair! Love it! Looking forward to seeing your posts. Welcome to the board ;)

Well, considering he would probably be in a debtor's prison without me, I am sure he would say that also. joking...joking...I love him to bits. Thanks for being so kind.


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I can totally relate...I too am a 'snooty American Professor' LOL

Enjoy the forum!!!

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Welcome: It will be nice to get your perspective on sexual mores since you live in both countries, and we know so little about life styles in the former Eastern Bloc countries. I understand that some call Prague the Paris of the East, which is intended as a compliment. Other than that, I know very little about the country, altho I have met some ex-patriots here from your country. Are sex toys readily available there? How about contraception? And how badly has the country been hit by AIDS?

Just curious.


Well, That's an interesting set of questions. As far as sexual liberation in America and the Czech Republic. Well, All of Europe is pretty much less sexually repressed than America. Sex toys and contraception are readily available. The nightlife in Prague is crazy. It is a pretty sexual charged atomosphere. Combine that with the beautiful architechture and landscape, and you do sort of have a Paris of the East. (R always thought Paris was a dump as I am typing). I am not really sure on the AIDS epidemic. It's not like Africa, but can you honestly quote me off numbers from America about Aids? I can't remember either. There has been a syphillis(sp?) outbreak in the prostitution population. We don't really use those services(even though some of the brothels are VERY nice to get a buzz going at), so it doesn't really have much of an impact on us. I wouldn't say prostitutes are for tourists, but they are kind of. It's funny, there is a weird grey area. I think it isn't illegal or legal to be a prostitute. Pimping might be illegal, I am not sure. The bad thing about that life is that it isn't regulated like in Holland or Northern Germany. That is why Prague is the porn and prostitute capital of Europe. It's kind of like the 1880's old west. This is another thing that leads to Prague having a kinky, kinda sexyyyy/kinda dangerous feel to it. It's like russian roulette with your wang(R is laughing at that one). I hope am not painting too dark of a picture. Prague really is one of the most romantic cities in the world, but it does have its problems on it's more seedy side. Then again who doesn't.

Don't even get me started on the Bible Belt. You trade in a good sex life for tax breaks. Bah.


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Welcome to the forum, and looking forward to seeing your input!!

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Welcome to both of you. It is always nice to see a couple participating here. Hope you enjoy the forum!!! I have seen a bit of your country on TV. It is definitely beautiful!!!

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Welcome both of you. I hope you really enjoy the site. Have fun!!!!!!

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Welcome to both of you! I always love seeing another couple join the site together. You sound like a great pair of folks and I'm sure you'll add not only to the educational aspect of TooTimid, but to the FUN as well! :) Again, welcome!

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