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The Sexiest Profession....


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But a Chip N Dale dancer is very sexy!!

Just a rhetorical question, because I don't want to hijack the thread, but, am I the only one who's never been turned on by a Chip 'N Dale dancer? *shiver* Yuck.

Prostitutes :P

*giggle* To some people this might not be a joke, though! "Available" has "sexy" written all over it when you can't get it elsewhere. Haha!

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Brandyfan I don't know if you watch Desperate Housewives but I think many women in america would love to see Jamie Denton as their plumber. now, do I want Mario from the super mario bros coming over here to fix the sink, sure, I know the wife is not gonna find him sexy (besides the fact he is a cartoon) but she is not fond of short italian guys with walrus 'staches. Now if Tom Selleck were come over and do some plumbing, it might be a different story, there is something about that mans 'stache.......

I stand by what I said, it's not the job, it's the person. I have seen some highly un-attractive hookers, pole dancers, chip-n-dales and may other "sexy" jobs. It's like was said with accents and nationalities, the you have to find the person sexy before anything else. The first time you meet a person you make roughly 16 assumptions about them based solely on appearance and paralanguage. Just because someone is a French Maid or an Exotic Dancer is not going to get my mind and cock racing over which one is gonna blow first!

The person not profession.

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Oooh ooh! Bartenders.

Any guy who can make me a drink that's to die for, is okay in my book. Yes I'm 18, but hey it happnens. I dunno I've seen some HOT bartenders. The idea of getting hands on with a bartender is a nice thought. (:

Hmm...policemen too. Obvious reasons here people lol. They look AMAZING in those uniforms, and the handcuffs? Kay, enough said.

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It does depend a lot on each guy as mentioned before. It is hard to pin point one profession but here are my favs:

Military ( hubby was Air Force YUMMY!!!)

Firemen (WOOHOO!)

Cowboy ( I would be more than happy to save a horse! LMAO!)

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I can't say that I'm attracted to any profession over another but there are some mighty fine doctors out there that could give me a physical ;) anytime!!!!!

Also, I'm a big NASCAR fan and there are several drivers that I'd like to take out for a spin--especially my favorite driver!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Artists, divas, rockstars (love the tats, I think that's so hot) concert harpists.

I'm really attracted to musicians. Even if the girl isn't the best looking, if she really has a passion for her music I am hers. Probably cause I'm a musician. I want to make music with my girl. Beautiful music.

This is starting to sound hopelessly romantic but I want to write love songs with her. < so mushy lol

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I have been around mechanics most of my life...I find them VERY sexy. The man I'm with now is one and I have paid a couple of visits to him at work...high heels, short black dress, garters, stockings.....and the hood of my vehicle, lol...you get the picture. I watched him fix a tiny motor once and it got me so hot, I wanted to jump him right then & there :rolleyes: I like guys that work with their hands, either building or fixing stuff....I'm not into "pretty office boys" with manicured hands at all....give me a dirty tattoo'ed hottie any day!

I'm also attracted to cops, firemen....and musicians

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Contractors in VERY tight jeans - leather tool belt is most helpful!


Motorcycle cops!

Frustrated day traders or investment bankers who work out and who wear little wire rim glasses! OMG! If I play this right in this soft economy market, this may be the way to go, huh?

Fighter Pilots! One of my closest encounters came while a friend and I were sitting at lunch one day when a whole table of Jax Navy's finest came in the room. Girls do you know what I'm saaaayyying? Hon-ey, these fellas were in their flight suits and OMG the place ran out of ice trying to calm many a female fluttering heart/pussy! ha,ha. Mine, too!

Career fed testosterone can be high in the above fields.

Sad for me, I work in a "white collar" industry and ICK, there's not one in 26 years I would do. It's a wonder any of these men ever sired children! No sex drive at all. Of course, office romances is something I would NEVER do anyway. Too weired and these days exec's are getting fired, transferred and demoted from it. I'm an exec who likes to eat!


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Darnnnn someone said race car drivers lol.

That was me :D and after last night watching them on the track again. Oh yea sexy still :lol: Especially when they start bumping and banging. ;) How I make it through their short off season I don't know.

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I can't say any particular profession turns me on. There are attractive women in just about every profession. Although I haven't seen very many of them in the technology or engineering professions (I'm a programmer by trade). Money's certainly a plus, but it wouldn't have any impact on attraction. I think I'm too visual for things like presumed compassion or work-ethic to factor in at that initial attraction stage.

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Not sure about profession. Singer/band member maybe.... Accents get me way more than line of work. For some reason, anyone with an accent is so much more appealing to me. For instance, I don't think Kevin Kline is sexy, but in French Kiss, in which he has a French accent, he is to die for.

Otherwise, I guess mechanic (like for semi trucks and Cats and other big machines). Dirty, rough hands, hardworking. Smells like diesel.

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I think it has more to do with the man's level of security in how he presents himself. Like once, A guy I dated for awhile was a first responder, EMT, part time cop in some little town with about 600 people, and also was in the National guard. First, I was SO attracted to him for the uniform, the power, for his attractiveness, etc...and he was very well endowed. But in the end, I had a hard time being sexually aroused with or by him because he was constanty going on and on and on about himself 23 hours a day. (I think he slept an hour a day minus the 45 seconds of sex). lol. Mechanics are good because they are not afraid to jump in there and tear that shit up only to put it back together again...part of a joke I heard once but all the same, very true.

So to sum it up. Uniforms and self esteem are my biggest turn ons in a man. But without the tremendous ego. Firefighters- thier bravery turns me on. They are running in while everyone else is running out.

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