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Your Parents Sexuality...


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So I though this would be funny. My parents slept in separate beds. I do remember however 1 instance where I could hear them in the next room whispering. I was around 11 or 12 years old. It was dark, late. It was keeping me up. So I shushed them! Then I could hear them laughing... I also remember finding 2 books in my Mom's underwear drawer. One was "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex" and the other was "How to be a Sensuous Woman". I quickly confiscated those and they were mine for a while until she found them on me! I was like 13. She was upset and said you are too young for that stuff and hid them. I found them again and took them with me when I moved out at 18. Other than that my parents were A-sexual to me.

My H overheard his parents one night as he was getting a late night snack. He could hear his parents breathing heavy and moaning etc! (YIKES) He said he was pouring orange juice and just froze. He ended up putting it back and going to bed, horrified! LOL

How did you discover that your parents actually had sex? I bet there are a lot of funny ones out there!

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Never caught them or heard them but when they were in their room we were not allowed to interrupt or disturb them in any way and we just knew they were doing it...They were sooo opposite it seems funny they've survived 50 years of marriage...My dad had a major porn mag habit that drove her absolutely crazy and she was sooo repressed and prissy that any attractive or sexy woman on tv or in public was automatically branded a "whore". Took me years to get over that "don't be a whore" type of brainwashing....thank god I shook it off! I've made sure to never send my kids those kinds of negative messages!

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Never caught them or heard them but when they were in their room we were not allowed to interrupt or disturb them in any way and we just knew they were doing it...They were sooo opposite it seems funny they've survived 50 years of marriage...My dad had a major porn mag habit that drove her absolutely crazy and she was sooo repressed and prissy that any attractive or sexy woman on tv or in public was automatically branded a "whore". Took me years to get over that "don't be a whore" type of brainwashing....thank god I shook it off! I've made sure to never send my kids those kinds of negative messages!

Gawd! my Mom too she was a very nervous and conservative type aways criticizing the way I liked to dress said it was too risque! It kind of was though LOL

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I don't remember any incidences. I do however am extremely glad that my son is growing up in a generation where sex will not be something considered dirty and that sex is a natural expression of love and desire between two people.

We don't hide the kisses, and the hugs and the fact that we love each other, and he's used to seeing us laying on the bed clothed, hugging and kissing and touching.

We lock our bedroom door for privacy, but we want him growing up not as repressed as our parents made us.

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I't sound as if a lot of us grew up in very conservative households. Mine was all about proper standing. Everything has to tied in a 'nice' neat package, perfectly presented. I too was like that for a time. It was all I knew, me and my friends. I wasn't until I married and moved far away that my eyes were opened and saw other things. My husband was much more experimental than I was, and was a very patient. Thank goodness, My world opened up in so many ways. I'm trying very hard to change that with my children. I hope it works!

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If it wasn't for the existence of me and the Sibs, I'd say that they haven't had sex.

Grew up like many of the rest of you, very repressed mom.

Never acknowleged sex exsisted.

If it wasn't for my older sisters, I'd have been completely in the dark.

The Ex was repressed, also, and happy to stay that way.

Thank goodness I have sweetguy!! WhooHoo!!

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I found a bottle of KY Warming in the RV, but that's the only way I'd ever know my parents aren't asexual.

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Mom's a moaner. I was I think 12? When I moved back in with mom at 20 it was so bad I had to leave teh house and when I asked her to please keep it down that I found it rude to be so loud with no respect for anyone else (i was paying rent then too). She BLEW!! She told me I was being rude and that if she had ever mentioned sex like that to her parents they would have disowned her. And besides, she can't be quiet. After having to leave SEVERAL times because i couldn't drown her out I actually had to move out. I live on a completely different floor on teh opposite side of teh house now! LOL

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My room was right next to my parents' and I never heard a thing. I am the only proof that they even kissed!

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Well they must have kissed very well!!!!!!!!

I was one of those surprises, so who knows what happend! :)

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We had one of those surprises with our youngest son!!!!!!!! But I know very well what happened! :P

If I didn't look so much like my dad, I would swear I was adopted! :)

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My parents were not discreet at all. Sexuality for the most part has always been something of an open subject when I was growing up. Affection was never hid. But I'd probably say seeing a condom wrapper when I was younger was my first "clue".

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I know that I was an 'oops'. I was born 8, 10 and 12 years after my other siblings.

I remember in my teens my mom making a comment to my aunt that

thank god the year after I was born, the pill came on the market.

WOW! They has sex for no reason but to just have sex? Blew my mind!

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Growing up, I would have never thought that my parents had sex. My premarital talk was, "You probably know more about it than I do, so if you have any questions, go ahead and ask."

It wasn't until many years later that my mom started talking to me about having sex. Now I know much more about my parent's sex life than I ever wanted to know.....

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My parents never discussed sex. You also never saw any type of emotion whether it be a hug or kiss between them. If it wasn't for my brother and I.....I would start to wonder if they ever did. The only thing I ever heard was when I was in my early twenties. My dad made a joke about birthday control. He told me to put an asprin between my knees that if I dropped my asprin then I dropped my birthday control....pathetic I know. Explains more than likely my previously sheltered life.

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My parents were always affctionate toward each other while I was in my younger years. Some issues drove them apart, though, when I was around 12. I never walked in on the deed until my mom started dating again and I was walking down to the dryer which was right across from my mom's bedroom at the bottom of the stairs and I saw stark white man-butt bouncing up and down. My only thought was "Go Mom." At this same time my father was dating an 18 year old, and, well...I'm pretty sure they were having mad sex. It was great, his girlfriend and I used to trade music.


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The only thing I ever witnessed between my parents was an occasional kiss. No holding hands, no hugging, no touching. My dad did call mom "little one" but he called her like that all the time and in front of everyone so I didn't think it was a term of endearment or anything. Never ever heard them having sex. Found my dad's stash of sexy comics when I was about 9 or 10. Other than that - nothing.

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My parents were always very affectionate but the most we ever had to clue us in to their playtime was Mom going to “read a book” while Dad “took a nap” with their bedroom door locked. It wasn’t until I was 16 or 17 that they started getting noisy, waking us up in the middle of the night & stuff. My two sisters & I joked that our boyfriends/husbands weren’t part of the family until they heard our parents’ bed squeaking. :blink::rolleyes:

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My parents took 'naps' where they locked the doors. I could also hear them late at night sometimes, thumping....OH, and the best, I walked in on my dad giving my mom oral on our daybed in the family room! It was sooooo ....icky...I went promptly back to college and didn't ever mention it again!

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My parents took 'naps' where they locked the doors. I could also hear them late at night sometimes, thumping....OH, and the best, I walked in on my dad giving my mom oral on our daybed in the family room! It was sooooo ....icky...I went promptly back to college and didn't ever mention it again!

HEY at least Mom was getting some! Kudos to your Dad! But I know it's gross to think of your OWN parents... We always say, that if the kids walk in on us, "Oh gawd! here come the therapy bills" LMFAO! :D

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Maybe I'm a "prude" in this way, & may get "flamed" for it, but, my parent's sexuality (or anyone else's parents for that matter) is not my business.

What people do in their bedroom during their private time isn't my concern (so long as it's all legal and nobody's getting hurt).

I do think it's important to have parent show that they love each other, infront of the kids, with hugs, kisses, and terms of endearment, & teach kids about sex responsibly, but other than that, it's not anyone's business unless they choose to make it such (like if they talk about it with friends).

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Maybe I'm a "prude" in this way, & may get "flamed" for it, but, my parent's sexuality (or anyone else's parents for that matter) is not my business.

What people do in their bedroom during their private time isn't my concern (so long as it's all legal and nobody's getting hurt).

I do think it's important to have parent show that they love each other, infront of the kids, with hugs, kisses, and terms of endearment, & teach kids about sex responsibly, but other than that, it's not anyone's business unless they choose to make it such (like if they talk about it with friends).

Oh yeah you're a big prude! :rolleyes: I agree it is private, I just posted this to recall funny incidences, that's all. It's cool though if that's how you feel. :)

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