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Sick Of Frigid Women - This Is From A Woman

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Ok. I've finally had it. I am sick and tired of hearing about women who have men trapped in relationships on one level or another and they are being perfectly aweful to their husbands/boyfriends.

Women, if you don't want to be with your man, let him go. Put him back out into the INVENTORY. There are many single women such as myself who know how to treat a man and who would give their right arm for a nice man.

I'm continually hearing about REALLY nice men who do everything only to get crapped on. In recent months I've heard of women cheating on their husbands, levels of frigidity that would make a snowman freeze and over-bearing, demanding bunch of snot nosed princesses.

I'm not going to be nice and clinical about this and give 'round about' suggestions to women for improving their treatment of their s/o's. If you're adult enough to be in a relationship, then take ownership and work towards not only making him happy, your family happy, yourself happy but pay that positive energy forward in the world.

Do you women HAVE to have drama? Are you vying for a spot on a TV talk show? What is with this stomping around being pissed-off shit all the time? What is with this, not making love to you s/o shit? What is this little Beverly Hills 90210 dream world you live in whereby he has to provide for you to the hilt and you get to pop around like a snooty brat?

Another thing, stop running all over hell and high younder telling everyone about each little issue/problem you have in your relationship. Nothing destroys a man's ego faster than him finding out you're running your mouth about your private affairs. Are you in a relationship with him or your parents/friends/co-workers?

I know as well as the next person that there are two sides to a story. But not all men are pigs. There are indeed some nice men out there who would like just a little bit back of what they give. You're ruining it for the rest of us. Bitches like you have caused good, decent men to run and hide. - afraid to date - afraid to do anything. A bunch of ball busters if you ask me.

And no, I'm not hearing this from men trying to pick me up. I'm hearing about it everywhere from so many different sources.

So again, if you don't want your man, let him go because someone else does. You'd be doing yourself a favor too by freeing yourself up for a relationship that may just possibly make you happy.



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SP, my pet, I could not have said it better myself. Well, maybe a little, but not much! :)

I am also very tired of this. As much as good men hate hearing about the jerks out there, we hate hearing about frigid women. It just is not fair.

There are really great, single women out there who would give their right arm for a good man. And then I hear from a great guy that his woman has "just changed" and doesn't seem interested any more. Well, we all change, we all grow, and sometimes that means people grow apart. I get that. But if that is the case, don't hold your SO prisoner. Let him go. Let him find happiness.

Trust me guys, not all of us are full of that kind of drama. Some of us actaully want to please our man!


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Well said SP! There are too many fabulous people wasting their in relationships with people who don't care. This doesn't include people with health issues or what have you, I'm talking about the Partners that just don't give a damn about their SOs needs.

Needs do include sex, love, respect, understanding, commuication, trust, the list goes on.

The bottom line is that these people (women and men) are selfish for holding on to someone just to have arm candy.There are AMAZING people still fishing in the pond, so stop being cruel and release them already, leaving them to dangle on the hook is wrong.

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SP, my pet, I could not have said it better myself. Well, maybe a little, but not much! :)

I am also very tired of this. As much as good men hate hearing about the jerks out there, we hate hearing about frigid women. It just is not fair.

There are really great, single women out there who would give their right arm for a good man. And then I hear from a great guy that his woman has "just changed" and doesn't seem interested any more. Well, we all change, we all grow, and sometimes that means people grow apart. I get that. But if that is the case, don't hold your SO prisoner. Let him go. Let him find happiness.

Trust me guys, not all of us are full of that kind of drama. Some of us actaully want to please our man!


I agree. There are so many single people out there that deserve a loving person whether it is male or female. There are men that do this as well. I know it first hand. I was involved in a relationship with a man that basically didn't want sex, but wanted to control me. It does make it difficult, but sometimes there might be extenuating circumstances. I am not saying that it makes it right. Sometimes for financial reasons or due to children. Who knows but each situation is very different. My thing is do what makes you happy. Don't suffer. If a relationship really makes you happy then do something to keep it. Don't let it go.

Sometimes even though you seem like you need to keep your homelife....most times it is because you are scared of change and what it might mean to your life. Make the change so you can be completely happy not just partly if need be. Change sometimes is very good. You never know, give it a shot....even if it is scary. I know that a lot of us get into routines and are afraid of change, but by doing this you might be losing out on something very wonderful.

Some also don't make the change due to not wanting to hurt extended family or what they might think....or they don't want to hurt their spouse or such, but is it worth living a life like that when you are not 100% happy. As long as you are happy that is all taht shoudl matter.

Just remember who decides what is a normal or conventional relationship. Nowadays things are so different. So everyone is different and more or less it is doing what is normal for you. No one will every agree completely on what is right...just go with your gut and be happy....that is all that matters.

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Ok. I've finally had it. I am sick and tired of hearing about women who have men trapped in relationships on one level or another and they are being perfectly aweful to their husbands/boyfriends.

Women, if you don't want to be with your man, let him go. Put him back out into the INVENTORY. There are many single women such as myself who know how to treat a man and who would give their right arm for a nice man.

I'm continually hearing about REALLY nice men who do everything only to get crapped on. In recent months I've heard of women cheating on their husbands, levels of frigidity that would make a snowman freeze and over-bearing, demanding bunch of snot nosed princesses.

I'm not going to be nice and clinical about this and give 'round about' suggestions to women for improving their treatment of their s/o's. If you're adult enough to be in a relationship, then take ownership and work towards not only making him happy, your family happy, yourself happy but pay that positive energy forward in the world.

Do you women HAVE to have drama? Are you vying for a spot on a TV talk show? What is with this stomping around being pissed-off shit all the time? What is with this, not making love to you s/o shit? What is this little Beverly Hills 90210 dream world you live in whereby he has to provide for you to the hilt and you get to pop around like a snooty brat?

Another thing, stop running all over hell and high younder telling everyone about each little issue/problem you have in your relationship. Nothing destroys a man's ego faster than him finding out you're running your mouth about your private affairs. Are you in a relationship with him or your parents/friends/co-workers?

I know as well as the next person that there are two sides to a story. But not all men are pigs. There are indeed some nice men out there who would like just a little bit back of what they give. You're ruining it for the rest of us. Bitches like you have caused good, decent men to run and hide. - afraid to date - afraid to do anything. A bunch of ball busters if you ask me.

And no, I'm not hearing this from men trying to pick me up. I'm hearing about it everywhere from so many different sources.

So again, if you don't want your man, let him go because someone else does. You'd be doing yourself a favor too by freeing yourself up for a relationship that may just possibly make you happy.



You just foundyourself a hard man! You are added to my friends list for sure. If I don't get a mind blowing blowjob by the next time I come stateside I WILL look you up and drop in! FYI, I have compared and I am noticably larger than the Pearl Butterfly that I bought on TT! Oh shit, now you got me blushing....


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OMG!! thanks so much for saying that! I've always felt this way... I have always had a hard time making female friends bec of the way they act. LOL I'm right behind you on this wagon.


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Though I am no longer single, I know of many woman who are this way and to that I have to agree!!


DITTO THAT! It's like you described a good friend of mine to a T!

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I TOTALLY KWYM!!! I had a "friend" that was like that, and I stopped talking to her after she used me for stuff, anf screwed over our other friend too. There are players & users in both genders. Women seem to be more emotionally manipulative at times though!

It's like this: BE HONEST and UPFRONT!

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You just foundyourself a hard man! You are added to my friends list for sure. If I don't get a mind blowing blowjob by the next time I come stateside I WILL look you up and drop in! FYI, I have compared and I am noticably larger than the Pearl Butterfly that I bought on TT! Oh shit, now you got me blushing....


LOL! Thanks jhard. Anytime. *blushes back*

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Ok. I've finally had it. I am sick and tired of hearing about women who have men trapped in relationships on one level or another and they are being perfectly aweful to their husbands/boyfriends.

Women, if you don't want to be with your man, let him go. Put him back out into the INVENTORY. There are many single women such as myself who know how to treat a man and who would give their right arm for a nice man.

I'm continually hearing about REALLY nice men who do everything only to get crapped on. In recent months I've heard of women cheating on their husbands, levels of frigidity that would make a snowman freeze and over-bearing, demanding bunch of snot nosed princesses.

I'm not going to be nice and clinical about this and give 'round about' suggestions to women for improving their treatment of their s/o's. If you're adult enough to be in a relationship, then take ownership and work towards not only making him happy, your family happy, yourself happy but pay that positive energy forward in the world.

Do you women HAVE to have drama? Are you vying for a spot on a TV talk show? What is with this stomping around being pissed-off shit all the time? What is with this, not making love to you s/o shit? What is this little Beverly Hills 90210 dream world you live in whereby he has to provide for you to the hilt and you get to pop around like a snooty brat?

Another thing, stop running all over hell and high younder telling everyone about each little issue/problem you have in your relationship. Nothing destroys a man's ego faster than him finding out you're running your mouth about your private affairs. Are you in a relationship with him or your parents/friends/co-workers?

I know as well as the next person that there are two sides to a story. But not all men are pigs. There are indeed some nice men out there who would like just a little bit back of what they give. You're ruining it for the rest of us. Bitches like you have caused good, decent men to run and hide. - afraid to date - afraid to do anything. A bunch of ball busters if you ask me.

And no, I'm not hearing this from men trying to pick me up. I'm hearing about it everywhere from so many different sources.

So again, if you don't want your man, let him go because someone else does. You'd be doing yourself a favor too by freeing yourself up for a relationship that may just possibly make you happy.




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Well said SP. There must be an epidemic of this going on. Seems like lately I've heard a lot of this. Add to it, wives using the kids as emotional blackmail if the husband dares to suggest that the marriage might need some help. All I can do is shake my head.

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I couldn't agree more.

My Sweetguy is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and his ex treated him like dirt.

She still treats him that way, and their son (he is 22) won't have anything to do with her because of her bad attitude twards men.

These are two perfectly loveable 100% american males, and I love them just the way they are.

Thank God she is such a bitch, because I love these guys she tossed aside for something better.

She is still alone (smirk)

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This thread made me think about a conversation I had over the fence with a neighbor recently. Her husband is very hard working. He drives truck and therefore is away a lot. She made the comment that every woman should have two husbands: one to bring home a pay cheque and one to do the chores. That just kinda broke my heart. The husband has also remarked that they have a sexless marriage. WTF!

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This thread made me think about a conversation I had over the fence with a neighbor recently. Her husband is very hard working. He drives truck and therefore is away a lot. She made the comment that every woman should have two husbands: one to bring home a pay cheque and one to do the chores. That just kinda broke my heart. The husband has also remarked that they have a sexless marriage. WTF!

Isn't that sad... The sad reality is that this is considered normal! You have heard the jokes about, you know, "After you get married sex is gone etc"... I think on average most married couples can say that it's true!

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Isn't that sad... The sad reality is that this is considered normal! You have heard the jokes about, you know, "After you get married sex is gone etc"... I think on average most married couples can say that it's true!

One guy I know told me that since their child was born, he's been shut off. Trying to be diplomatic, I said that maybe she's exhausted from taking care of the baby all day and perhaps he should tell her honestly that he feels neglected. He said he's tried. It's been over a year and a half with no attention what so ever. He even takes over the "baby duties" when he gets home from work and on the weekends, as well as cooking meals, and cleaning up. She's not mean to him, but she virtually ignores his presence.

I'll tell you, what it would have meant to me to have someone that conscientious. I'm not complaining. I loved my life then - even though it was tiring. (three kids in five years.) I remember my oldest daughter was having a hard time falling asleep. I was kneeling by her bed, stroking her hair and humming to her. My husband-at-the-time stopped in front of the door of the room and commented how he would love for me to do that to him. That's when I realized that I needed to spend more time on him...not that I didn't give him any attention - but it showed me that he needed a little bit more.

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Isn't that sad... The sad reality is that this is considered normal! You have heard the jokes about, you know, "After you get married sex is gone etc"... I think on average most married couples can say that it's true!

I'm not sure of that. Years ago, I read an article, that randomly surveyed a bunch of couples, it stated the average married couple has sex 2-3 time a week. So what do you think? When it comes to sex: Do you think that people for the most part are embarrassed to admit to sexless marriages, or do people make statements that are exaggerations or half truths?

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I'm not sure of that. Years ago, I read an article, that randomly surveyed a bunch of couples, it stated the average married couple has sex 2-3 time a week. So what do you think? When it comes to sex: Do you think that people for the most part are embarrassed to admit to sexless marriages, or do people make statements that are exaggerations or half truths?

Also how many couples are complaining about no sex when they really mean not enough or not exciting?

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Try all three for a few years!!


Well Man there are plenty of women here to help ya along ;) Bring it on and we will show you the way.

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