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A 3-some Fantasy


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Okay ladies--I hope you like it. My wrists are killing me!!!! QG

Azure. That’s the word I was looking for. It described the color of the sky perfectly. Bright blue and sprinkled with some high altitude cirrus wisps on the horizon that helped transition the sky to the snow capped mountains in the distance. I was contemplating all of this scenery as I laid flat on my back in the snow, where I had landed after trying to take a turn too agressively on my skis. A quick mental inventory of any sensitive points indicated that nothing was bruised but my pride. And then I noticed the sky, and got lost for a moment in its beauty.

My impromptu landscape admiration session was cut short however, by a slight splattering of snow that came my way, courtesy of another skier swooshing by who had to cut sharply to avoid me. I looked up while brushing snow off my face and caught the sensual figure on skis about 20 feet from me. She was gone very quickly, but not before I noticed her huge tits jutting out of her ski suit as she regained her speed.

“Not bad,” I said to myself, “kind of looks like Mikayla.”

“See anything you like?”

Uh-oh, busted. I turned to look behind me and saw Mikayla standing there, flashing me her gorgeous smile. I couldn’t tell if she had seen me checking out the hottie on skis, or if she had just pulled up and was fishing for a compliment about herself. I decided to play innocent and pay her the compliment.

“Lots,” I replied grinning, “but it would look a lot better out of those ski clothes.” I was relieved when she giggled. “Why don’t you help me up?” I extended my hand.

She shuffled over on her skis and stuck out a hand. I grabbed it, and then pulled her down on top of me. She yelped and giggled as she collapsed into my arms.

“You asshole!” she laughed, and then she stared right into my eyes with a look that just begged me to kiss her. Which I promptly did. The cold snow, the brisk air, and our warm tongues was a combination that churned my insides, and reminded me of last night when we fucked. Sounds a little vulgar, I know, but you have to understand the whole situation before you realize that it’s actually the perfect descriptive word for what we did.

Mikayla and I had met at the office and had only been dating a short time, and things were just perfect between us. We were in the throes of a newfound love, but we’d both had several relationships before, and this one was definitely different. So we decided to test the waters a bit more and take a trip together—a three day ski adventure seemed perfect.

We had arrived late in the afternoon the day before, and after quickly getting unpacked and grabbing a light dinner at the lodge, we settled into our spacious luxury cabin for a relaxing evening. With fireplaces in the living room and the bedroom, a large jacuzzi tub in the bathroom, a large hot tub on the deck, and a rocky mountain backdrop, we couldn’t possibly picture anything that could make the setting any more romantic. After starting roaring fires in both fireplaces, we broke out some champagne and slipped into a very comfortable and hot bubble bath.

Things began innocently enough, with us just relaxing, sipping champagne and massaging each other gently. As Mikayla’s hands drifted down to my cock, she found some razor stubble. Things had been so hectic at the office that I hadn’t had time to properly prepare myself for the trip.

“This just won’t do,” she said, with fake exasperation in her voice. Then she looked up at me sweetly—“Can I? I’ll be careful.”

“Of course, if you really want to, but you have to use LOTS of shaving cream.”

I reached over and got a can of shaving cream and a new razor out of my bag and handed them over to her. Mikayla squirted out a huge handful of shaving cream and slathered it all over my cock, balls, belly and legs. She slowly massaged it in and quickly had me completely erect. She said she had never shaved a guy before and to help her so she wouldn’t hurt me. I guided her hand but after a couple of soft, light downward strokes on my shaft, she pretty much had the hang of it. Whenever I started to concentrate too much on my small fear of getting cut and my hard-on started to go down, a few loving strokes by Mikayla on the head quickly brought me back to full attention. She took a stab (not literally) at my balls, but she really got nervous then, so I took over and quickly had them as smooth and bald as my cock.

With that out of the way, Mikayla applied more shaving cream—“to condition things” she said, and slowly she started masterfully stroking me with one hand, while her other cupped my balls with her fingers gliding up and down my crack and massaging my MDP. While most guys if given the choice would prefer a blowjob, a good handjob with plenty of lube certainly has its place—kind of like a beer at the ballpark—wine or a cocktail just wouldn’t do the trick. This was one of those handjob times—my groin and belly all slathered in soft foamy shaving cream, me sitting on the side of the tub while Mikayla kneeled in front of me in the bubbly water. Her stroking was quickly bringing me to my fullest potential and I was almost ready to come. She was moaning too, which really started to drive me crazy—moans of pleasure from giving me pleasure, just incredible. My own moans and groans quickly gave way to a desire I had.

“Oh Mikayla, I need to cum on your tits…oh that feels so gooooood….let me cum on your tits.”

She responded in kind. “Oh yeah Greg, cum all over my tits, please, I need your hot cum on my beautiful titties.”

She increased the pace of her stroking and I quickly started spasming as my hot load shot out of my cock and onto her glistening tits. They were soon covered with hot strands of my silky cum, and she massaged it into her tits with her free hand while her other finished milking my cock.

As I slipped back down into the warm water, Mikayla hopped up on the side and said she needed to shave too. As I watched, mesmerized by her beauty, she quickly and expertly shaved what little stubble she had on her beautiful pussy, and quickly it was slick, smooth and gleaming. As she rinsed off the shaving cream, I couldn’t resist and found I had the most tremendous urge to lick her freshly shaved womanhood. I quickly moved over, parted her lips with my hands and literally attacked her clit with my tongue. While I licked, I worked two fingers into her welcoming pussy and Mikayla was soon moaning deliriously and shaking like a leaf. Her orgasm soon overtook her and as her pussy contracted, I lapped up her delicious juices before licking my way up her tummy to her tits, and finally to her mouth. After some tender kissing, we got out of the tub and prepared for bed.

I made it into the soft bed first, and as I lay there naked, I wondered what was taking Mikayla so long. Soon she appeared in the bathroom doorway, wearing a new sapphire blue corset and crotchless panties she had bought for the trip. She looked incredible in it and she walked over and sat down next to me in the bed. She placed her hand on my silky smooth crotch and immediately started to get a rise out of me.

“Does your cock need anymore, uh, “aftershave”?” she asked coyly.

I nodded. “Actually yes—it needs Mikayla juice—I hear it’s very soothing.”

“Oh yes, it is, I think I have some.” And with that she dropped her head down and I felt her soft full lips enveloping my now erect cock. As she sucked, throated and stroked me, I admired her body in her constricting corset. It looked really sexy, but I wondered if it might be a bit uncomfortable. I loved how Mikayla looked in it but I knew very quickly it would have to come off because I needed to suck her tits. But first the blowjob—it was stellar. She was salivating like mad—every time she pulled her mouth off my cock a string of it would connect my cock to her mouth—kind of like spider’s silk. It was a complete turn-on, and she didn’t neglect my balls either. After a couple of minutes I was completely soaked and I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Oh Mikayla, I need to fuck your tight pussy, please let me fuck you!” I groaned as my hands pushed her body up and around. I was on my back, but leaning up against several pillows, and as she lowered herself down on my pole, my head was just inches away from her deliciously ripe tits. She slowly worked her pussy muscles on my cock while we ground our pelvic bones together and she raked my chest with her fingernails. Every so often she would put one or two of her fingers in my mouth and I would gently suck them, which seemed to make her moan louder. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and ripped off her corset, liberating her tits, which I attacked with wanton abandon. Licking, sucking, biting and nibbling ensued along with gruff massaging from my powerful hands. Oh she felt incredible. Finally, Mikayla couldn’t take it anymore either and began slowly bouncing up and down on my cock. I could feel the lacy edges of her crotchless panties tickiling my shaft as we thrusted, and I just knew our simultaneous orgasms were fast approaching.

“Oh Greg, I love getting fucked by you. Oh I need your cum inside me, oh please fucking cum deeeeeep inside me!!” She let out a gutteral moan as I reached around and under her ass cheeks, found her pussy lips with my fingers, and spread them wide as I met her final bounce with an deep upward thrust of my cock. I buried it in her as far as I could just as my hot load pulsated out of my cock deep into her pussy.

“Oh I’m coming Mikayla, oh I’m fucking cumming inside you!”

“Oh I feel it, it feels sooooo fucking gooooooooood Greg, gimme your hot fucking cum!!!”

And that is what I meant by saying we “fucked” last night. Yes, outside the bedroom it’s a vulgar and filthy word, and I rarely say it, but it describes our bedroom activities perfectly. Picture a layer cake—one layer is hot passion, another is lust, another is animal attraction and primal urges, and another layer is love, and it’s all covered with a frosting of trust and security. That cake is only for us and it is delicious. No one else can have any. Calling it “making love” would leave out several of the other layers; so in the private, trusting security of the bedroom, when we whisper in each other’s ears or shout from the passion, we call it “fucking”. And it just fits.

As we lay next to each other and slowly drifted to sleep, Mikayla suddenly leaned up on her elbow and looked over at me in the darkness.

“Greg, if we had a threesome, promise me I get all of your cum, okay?”

Whoa--what the hell?!?! Where did that come from? I wasn’t even thinking of a threesome with Mikayla, had never participated in one, and had never talked to her about one. Maybe this was one of her quirks that I was encountering for the first time, and I started to laugh when she cut me short.

“I’m serious Greg, if we had a threesome, I get all of your cum, whether it’s on me, in my mouth, pussy, or ass I don’t care, but she doesn’t get any of it. I get all of it. Agreed?”

I was still a little shocked but also turned on as hell, and flattered. The other women I’d dated and my ex-wife—they all viewed semen as an unpleasant annoyance that went hand in hand with sex. They would have been perfectly content if they never had to deal with my hot juice, and here was Mikayla actually demanding it. Craving it. Oh that was hot. As far as I was concerned, I had no idea where she was going with this, but I was in complete agreement.

“Yes Mikayla, 100% agreed. You, and only you, will get all of my cum, every last drop. No ifs, ands, or buts. Only for you baby.” And then I reached over and kissed her as passionately as I could to finalize the message.

She sighed happily, laid back down, and soon we were fast asleep.

And now we were finishing up just a perfect day on the slopes. Beautiful sunshine, no wind, 40 degrees, and perfect snow. We had started about 8:30 that morning after a hearty breakfast, but no morning sex. I had awakened with my usual morning wood but Mikayla would have nothing to do with it. “Save your strength for tonight, I have a surprise up my sleeve,” she had said. The only thing I could think of that it meant was some more lingerie, some sex toys, and a long session of play time. Fine by me. I didn’t mind pacing myself.

By the end of the afternoon though, we were both spent. It seems no matter how good of shape you are in, by the end of the first day skiing your quads and glutes are just screaming at you for mercy. So with happy thoughts of the hot tub and cold beer to help dull the pain, Mikayla and I headed back to the cabin.

After downing a beer, grabbing another, stripping down and showering, I threw on a pair of silk boxers. While Mikayla made herself up and prepared her “surprise” (whatever THAT was!) I started a roaring fire in the bedroom and living room, and cracked open another beer from the fridge. I settled onto the comfortable bed and slowly massaged my sore thighs and sipped my beer when Mikayla appeared in the doorway in a sexy lavender, low cut, thigh length, silky slip nightgown and slutty high heels. She was hiding something behind her back as she approached me and sat on the bed.

“Greg, do you trust me?” Oh boy, here we go again, I thought.

“Yes dear, we’ve been through this already. I trust you.”

“Good, then I need you to move over here to the foot of the bed and put your arms behind the footpost.”

Being the good sport that I am, I drained my beer, moved down to the foot of the bed and put my arms behind me—which Mikayla promptly handcuffed securely. She had done this once before so I felt like I knew the routine, until she brought out the blindfold.


“Don’t worry baby, this will only help heighten your sensitivity to the wonderful sensations you’ll soon be feeling.”

“Well, okay, but be gentle,” I whispered, as she giggled and slipped the blindfold over me. She then kissed me long and passionately .

“I’m going to put some music on.,” she whispered seductively as she pulled away from me. As the soft music started, I relaxed somewhat, and soon Mikayla was back at my side and kissing me, then moving to my neck, down to my chest, stomach and finally paydirt. I relaxed as she lovingly sucked my rock hard cock, enjoying the sensation, the soft music, and the light buzz I had from the beer. She continued her magic for a couple of minutes, then stopped suddenly and I heard some rustling. “What was she doing?” I thought to myself, but before my inquisitive mind inquired too far, she resumed her work. But something was different, it still felt great, but just—different. After a few seconds my mind started to calm down again and I got completely lost back in the sensations flowing across my body. Mikayla’s hot tongue worked its magic on my cock as her other tongue simultaneously found its way back to my mouth, and we kissed deeply and passionately. “This is great,” I thought to myself, “Mikayla’s kissing me at the same time she’s blowing me. Awesome! WAIT!!! WHAT THE FUCK—THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE?!!” I tried to protest but Mikayla had a tremendous lip lock on me. My mind started racing a hundred miles an hour and my body tensed up. Who was the mystery person sucking my cock? My first thought scared the living shit out of me—I hope to high Zeus that’s not her friend Howard from that website she’s always talking about!!!! Oh crap that was the last thing in the world I wanted (well it could be worse and be Danny DeVito!), but before I went too far down that road, I felt the mystery guest’s long fingernails lightly raking my aching balls, and her soft pair of ample tits brushing against my thigh. Okay, calm down, at least it’s a chick, and I know Mikayla wouldn’t bring a skank into the bedroom because she would want to mess around with her too. So I finally gave up, attacked Mikayla’s tongue again and enjoyed this first time sensation of having a hot tongue in my mouth and a hot mouth slurping my cock at the same time.

After another minute or two, Mikayla moved back down and for a couple of minutes I felt the pleasure of the girls tag teaming me. One would throat my shaft while the other would take my balls in her mouth and work her tongue over them. Who was who I had no idea. Finally, one of them left the work down under and raked her fingernails up my chest and started kissing my neck. When I couldn’t take it anymore, and I felt myself start to tighten up, I remembered what Mikayla had said about giving her all my cum.

“Mikayla, oh fuck that feels good! I’m about to cum baby!”

“Oh come on baby, give me your hot fucking load down my throat! Give it to me now baby!”

Her answer confirmed that it was Mikayla down there finishing me off. Mystery Girl then proceeded to deeply kiss me as I quickly lost control and pumped my hot cum into Mikayla’s welcoming mouth . It was just such an incredible feeling, our soft tongues clashing while my cock was being swallowed by Mikayla. As things subsided, Mikayla came up for air. She made her way back up to my mouth and, playfully pushing Mystery Girl away, she began kissing me again.

“Hey, no fair!” Mystery Girl pouted, playfully. “What’s in this for me?”

Whoa—I knew that voice. Holy fucking shit!

“Whitney, is that you?” I struggled to see through the blindfold to no avail.

She giggled—I knew that laugh. Oh shit, it WAS Whitney!!! Whitney (or Curvacious Lust as I had nicknamed her) was the CEO’s assistant at work—she and I always flirted playfully there and I was always fantasizing about getting a handjob from her because she had these incredible looking hands. And now she was on the bed with us in all her glory and she had just helped Mikayla suck my cock!!

Mikayla chimed in playfully, “I’ll show you what’s in it for you bitch!” as I felt her climb over me to Whitney. I could hear sounds of kissing and then felt the bed jiggle as they fell over in a pile, moaning.

“Okay, did somebody forget about me?” I asked to no one in particular. I was completely ignored as their moaning and writhing increased. Realizing they had no immediate plans to unleash me, I stood up and bent over, easily lifting my shackled arms up and over the four foot post on the bed. Then I sat down and contorted my body enough to bring my cuffed hands under my feet and up in front of me, but not before losing my balance and falling off the bed.

“Ow shit!!” Moans and kissing were the only sounds that reacted. Now I was pissed. I ripped off the blindfold, looked at the two of them going at it, said an admiring “Whoa!”, then began looking around for the handcuff keys. There on the dresser. As I unlocked the cuffs I thought to myself, “Allright bitches. Play time is over!!” I threw the cuffs down, walked over to Mikayla and CL, raised both my hands and slapped each of their asses as hard as I could. They each yelped and sat up, both giving me “What the fuck?” looks.

“I’m helping out here whether you like it or not, but it’s going to be a few minutes until I can get hard again, so who wants their pussy licked first?”

Mikayla responded like a trouper. “Oh Greg, let’s give Whitney a treat first, whatta ya say?”

I responded with action, diving onto the bed and spreading CL’s legs wiiiiiide. Mikayla and I both went after her pussy with our tongues, simultaneously licking her clit and halfway kissing each other at the same time. We both stuck a finger in CL’s welcoming pussy as I moved my tongue down and began rimming her tight pink asshole. Mikayla continued working CL’s clit as we moved our fingers in and out of CL’s hot pussy in unison. CL was moaning like crazy and digging her fingers into the sheets as her body quickly began rocking to the effect of the tremendous orgasm tearing through her body. We continued our work however, until she had come two more times, her moans turning into desperate screams during the last one.

Completely satiated, she pulled herself away and my smile grew as I pushed Mikayla back down on the bed.

“Your turn sweety,” I said gleefully as I pulled CL down next to me so she could help. CL and I then repeated the procedure on Mikayla, working her clit with our tongues, fingering her together, with me eventually rimming her asshole while CL nibbled her clit. CL and I enjoyed some surreptitious kissing as well, as our tongues found each other when both of us were working Mikayla’s engorged clit. Mikayla was writhing in ecstasy as she moaned orders to us.

“Oh, fuck yeahhhhh….lick that hot pussy, oh finger me, oh yeah fucking lick that hot clit!” I responded in kind with “Oh baby I love licking this hot sweet pussy of yours…gimme your pussy juice baby…I need your hot pussy juice!”

Soon Mikayla was shuddering in orgasmic bliss and digging her nails into the sheets as well. Three orgasms later and she was completely spent as well.

As the three of us lay there recovering from our fun, I suggested we pop into the hot tub and enjoy the moonlit night on the deck. The girls eagerly agreed and I loaded up on beer for all of us and we all ran out naked onto the deck and got into the hot tub. The hot water mixed with the cold night air was invigorating, and as we all huddled together and sipped our beers, we fell into easy conversation like the old friends that we were. Mikayla and CL actually started to remind me of sisters—they just got along so well with each other.

But they weren’t acting like sisters now, more like crazed hyenas. I’ll be damned if they didn’t start making out again, right in front of me like I wasn’t even there. What the fuck!?!?

“Allright, if you two are going to keep that up, one of you needs to be riding my cock at the same time!” My feelings were hurt.

“You go first Whitney,” Mikayla offered to CL.

CL giggled a little and then climbed on top of me. As she worked her way down my pole, she and I both felt relief from all the tension our office flirting had built up between us. She worked herself up and down a couple of times on my cock before coming very quickly. Mikayla looked at me worried but I shot her a comforting wink. I was an orgasm and 3 beers into it, I was in NO danger of coming too soon. Mikayla moved over to CL and they gently began to kiss. CL’s orgasm subsided and she seemed a little upset.

“Fuck!!! I came too fast. Can I please ride his cock a little bit longer? I really need this Mikayla!”

“Of course, it’s okay!” Mikayla responded warmly, and then kissed her deeply.

I of course was turned on as hell. “Yeah, Whitney, it’s okay, ride my cock baby, I need to fuck you more.” My hands moved up to play with her tits while the girls made out like long lost high school lovers. I quietly met CL’s thrusts with my own and otherwise tried not to disturb their makeout session. I did however, move my hand underneath Mikayla and massaged her clit and fingered her as she continued to kiss CL deeply. I don’t know how they did it, but soon both of them orgasmed simultaneously—CL’s pussy clamping down on my cock and Mikayla’s pussy gripping my fingers. It was all very very hot.

As CL slowly worked herself off my still hard pole, Mikayla moved over and took her place. They resumed their makeout session as I pounded Mikayla’s pussy underwater and repeated my fingering technique on CL. After about ten minutes, another shockwave enveloped us, as all three of us climaxed in unison—CL and Mikayla’s sweet pussies contracting and my cock shooting yet another volcanic load deep into Mikayla’s love hole.

As the shockwaves subsided, we enjoyed more beer and quiet conversation, all the while taking in the cold night air and the moonlight. After about 20 minutes, we decided to jump out and get back inside. I had one more scene to play out before we called it an exhausted night.

We quickly toweled off inside and the girls jumped into bed while I added several logs to the fire in the bedroom. The intense heat was very soothing, as the three of us laid on the bed and relaxed, our hands exploring and stroking each other’s bodies. Soon our stroking and kissing started to turn serious, so I decided it was time to steer things in the direction I wanted.

“Mikayla, do you need your pussy licked?” I asked.

“Of course—I could always use a good pussy licking. Who wants to do the honors?”

“Whitney, would you mind?” I asked, hoping she would still be into it.

“Sure, as long as you can lick mine Greg.” CL had read my mind.

“Well, let’s get to it then!” I ordered, as CL laid back and Mikayla straddled her face. I spread CL’s legs wiiiide once again and got down to business. Mikayla was facing me, and although she was mostly lost in the magic that CL was working on her love hole, she glanced down at me from time to time, I think to make sure I wasn’t enjoying myself too much.

CL’s pussy was tasty, just like Mikayla’s. After lapping up her sweet mellifluence for a few minutes, and feeling her orgasm, I stood up, my cock now hard again. Her legs still spread, I began teasing her pussy with the head of my cock, working it around her lips and her opening. Her moaning increased so I finally inserted myself into her and slowly began thrusting. I looked up to see Mikayla’s eyes burning a hole in me. I could almost read her mind as her words from last night came back into my brain. Of course I had no intention of cumming inside CL, but I wanted to tease Mikayla a little, because you know, that’s just the kind of guy I am.

After thrusting into CL for a few minutes, I increased my pace and intensity, spreading her legs back even farther and just giving her an incredible pussy pounding. Her moaning increased, which made her latch onto Mikayla’s pussy even harder, causing Mikayla to quake like a leaf, which turned me on even more. CL’s pussy felt incredible, it had been such an exerting day, and my quads were burning again. Oh I needed to cum bad now, but I held off for the sake of more theatrics. I began moaning too, with each pounding thrust into CL I moaned. CL groaned, I moaned, and Mikayla got pissed.

“Don’t you dare, don’t you FUCKING DARE Greg!!” hissed Mikayla to me.

Oh shit, for some reason that turned me on even more, so much so that I almost did come, but I managed to hold off, even when I felt CL’s hot drenched pussy clamp down harder than I had felt all night. As CL bucked and writhed, she stopped licking Mikayla as she was completely losing control. Suddenly, and I don’t know how this happened, CL’s pussy shot a stream of liquid that hit me in the belly like a fire hose! Holy shit the girl was ejaculating!! I had seen Mikayla do it once before but even then it was something so new to me, and now here was CL doing it too! That nearly sent me over the edge. I groaned louder as I fought for control of my own body.

“Oh fuck you better not FUCKING CUM ASSHOLE!!!” Mikayla shouted as she mashed her pussy back down on CL’s mouth. CL’s spasms and squirting slowly subsided as her orgasm passed and she dutifully and hungrily started attacking Mikayla’s pussy again. I thought Mikayla looked upset and I felt bad for pushing her so far, but I was a little pissed off too since I thought she trusted me. Plus I didn’t like being called an asshole.

When I pulled out of CL’s quenched pussy, Mikayla immediately saw that I was still rock hard, and a look of relief crossed over her face. I was slightly perturbed however, and although I planned to give her my cum, I was going to make her work for it.

I stood up on the bed and straddled CL, with my cock, glistening with CL’s love juice, square in Mikayla’s face. Mikayla looked up at me sweetly and grabbed it with her hands and started to suck it when I stopped her by grabbing her by the back of her hair and pulling tight.

“Put your hands down bitch. I’m going to feed this hard cock to you. Do you want me to feed my cock to you?” I pulled harder on the hair.

Mikayla winced but I could tell she was really turned on as well. “Yeah Greg. Fuck yeah, feed me that hard cock, oh feed it to your slutty bitch Greg.”

That was all I needed to hear. I grabbed the base of my cock and balls with my right hand and slowly shoved it into Mikayla’s open mouth, while my left hand controlled her head movements with the fistful of hair I had grabbed. I moved her head back and forth, fast and then slow as Mikayla expertly sucked and throated my cock while her hands played with her clit and CL’s tongue.

“Do you like how your bitch girlfriend’s juices taste?” I asked as I thrust deep into Mikayla’s hungry mouth.

“Oh fuck yeah, oh feed that delicious juicy cock to me baby, aaaaaaahhhhhh!”

We carried on like this for a good five minutes until I decided it was time to come. Since I was now 2 orgasms and 5 beers into it, I needed Mikayla to really work me over to get me to come, so I reached down and brought her hands up to my cock. She immediately took over, and as I held onto her hair for dear life, she expertly stroked me with one hand, while cupping my balls and fingering my asshole with her other hand. The massaging, sucking, throating, humming and fingering were all combining to get me completely rigid, and I slowly started to feel that familiar feeling begin to surface in my legs. Very quickly I was shaking and wailing as my orgasm throttled up through my body, into my cock and down into Mikayla’s awaiting throat. At the last second her finger moved up into my ass an inch or two and skyrockets started going off. My cock felt like it was 10 feet long as my orgasm stretched my sensory perception to its absolute limits. All the while Mikayla kept her form perfectly, taking all of my silky cum without missing a drop. As my orgasm slowly subsided, I pulled out of her mouth, dropped to my knees and kissed Mikayla very deeply, almost sloppily, as her juices, my juices, and CL’s juices washed over our tongues. As we passionately kissed, completely caught up in the moment, I felt CL slide down a bit and take my still half throbbing cock in her mouth and suck whatever little juices down that may have remained. After another 30 seconds or so we all collapsed on the bed, exhausted, and fell immediately to sleep.


The next morning, after we awakened and freshened up a bit, the three of us sat back in bed and recounted what had happened the night before. CL had had a fantastic time, but she couldn’t stay since she had met a hot guy on the slopes yesterday and had a date with him tonight. She was giddy and said she couldn’t wait to see if HE could make her squirt too! She said that the only thing that could be a perfect ending for her would be if Mikayla and I gave her a real life lesson in anal sex. She just wanted to watch while we did it and maybe try to help out.

Mikayla was absolutely thrilled and I was excited as well. CL grabbed a bottle of lube as Mikayla gave her instructions. Mikayla was next to me, with her back facing me. I kissed and gently bit her neck as CL followed her instructions and began lubing my cock, taking it into her hands and quickly bringing me to full attention. She worked lube into Mikayla’s crack as well and tentatively fingered her ass as Mikayla’s moaning gave her the encouragement she needed. CL then grabbed the base of my cock and balls and guided the tip over to Mikayla’s awaiting ass. Waiting for Mikayla’s nod, CL then slowly pushed my cock into Mikayla’s soft ass and watched with large eyes as it slowly disappeared up to my balls. When I slowly began thrusting, Mikayla turned her head to me and we kissed deeply. As I pulled partially out on each thrust, CL would wrap a couple of fingers around my cock and balls and give a me a comforting massage before I pushed back into Mikayla. After about 5 minutes of this, Mikayla instructed CL to begin inserting the large glass dildo she had lubed up into her pussy. As Mikayla’s hot holes took in each tool completely, poor CL’s eyes bugged out with erotic fascination. Mikayla’s moans reached a new pitch as my cock got pleasantly squeezed by her ass and the glass dildo, and soon I was on the verge of coming. After whispering my intentions into Mikayla’s ear, she silently nodded and I could tell she was ready too. After a couple more soft thrusts I exploded in ecstasy in Mikayla’s hungry ass, as her pussy clamped down on the glass dildo and went berserk. I glanced down and noticed CL fingering herself to an orgasm as well, as she was completely turned on by the spectacle.

After things had subsided, the three of us took a hot shower in the oversized bathroom and had another enjoyable time soaping each other to orgasms. After we dried off and had a late brunch, CL said her goodbyes and headed off to get some much needed rest before her hot date that night. Mikayla and I then kissed tenderly in the doorway, went back to the bed, and fucked.

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WOW! I am almost speechless! WOW! :D:blink::lol:

Quiet Guy you have done it AGAIN!

That is a fab-fuckin-tastic fantasy! It is written sooooooo well, I think I came in my pants literally! With the exception of a little bit of jealousy that I probably wouldn't have had - you again NAILED ME PERFECTLY - literararily I mean! :lol:

I hope that CL is as pleased with this as I am - she definitely got some action in THIS fantasy! WOW!!!!! You get 2 thumbs UP, an A+++ and a triple Orgasm for that!

Thank you sweety for just making my day that much brighter!


Mikayla :rolleyes:

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I ABSOLUTELY disagree with HOWARD!

If you read the story correctly, you would see that I (Mikayla) brought CL into the threesome, it was arranged by ME, not by Greg, therefore how and why should he have had a sexual relationship with her first! I obviously noticed the sexual tensions between them and picked her because they had the "flirting" and the connection! I am a women who is secure enough to choose a woman who I know my man is attracted to. I do not think that it would be necessary for Greg to have a relationship with her first, that would undermine the nice (awwww) little relationship he and I have going!

Also, spoken like a man who has never had a threesome- why does he have to make anyone belive that he and CL have a relationship? In a real threesome experience, I would prefer they NOT have a solid relationship - gives me more power in the situation! Geez!

I think it was set up just perfectly! I also think that if I asked him to have sex in my PRESENCE, then he would - because that seems to be the kind of power I have over him in these FANTASIES! I also think that if he wants to write the next fantasy where it is he and CL, then that is up to HIM, not you.

If you think you can do better, dear HOWARD, then why don't you get your fingers to typing and write something better!

Also, I found that part about him thinking it was you sucking his cock to be HILARIOUS! I am sure we all know you are heterosexual - but in the interest of staying fair here, and being open to other perspectives, let me just say that many a HETEROSEXUAL man has sucked a cock just for the experience and it doesn't make them gay!

Whew...I think I have said all I need to say!

I still loved that fantasy....

Mikayla :rolleyes:

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wow howard, your protestaions almost seem like that secret guy code you were talking about......something about what we say is a cover up for our feelings? all the vehement denials were just covers for what "we men really feel"?

It was a story, you didn't write it. It was good, and I agree with Mikayla on the creation of the 3some. he was not in charge so he wouldn't have had any reason to arrange something with CL in advance.

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Also, spoken again like a man who has NEVER had a 3-some! You never know who can be persuaded to do things. She wasn't "shy" enough to lie to me and tell me that "interoffice relationships were forbidden" now was she? If she was approached by me to have a threesome, she may be thinking, "mmmmm, maybe I can lure him away from her!" You obviously have NO IDEA how women think!

Your problem, dear Howard, is that you are not thinking about this like a fantasy! You are also analyzing it too much! I mean, come on - I have been in quite a few 3-somes and let me tell you, they were not all women like myself! You would be surprised at who is into these kinds of things!

Again I say, it was well written and worked out just fine for me - I hope CL liked it - but I have yet to hear from her!

Of course you are entitled to your own opinion - however, in this case let us remember that this is not a courtroom, but a forum where we are discussing a FANTASY - let us treat it as such!


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Oh, ok, so it's all about the sudden nature of it? Ok well try this on for size.

In the inital story, "greg" tells us that Mikalya has been with his firm for some time. Yes we know that CL put the Idea in that "greg" won't date co-workers an such, but we are not given all the other info as to what CL and Kayla discuss. For all we know, they could have an entire Bi-curious relationship outside of this that has been regulated to flirting, talking and maybe a kiss or two. We are not sure of what Mikayla has said to get her to take part. We are assuming that CL went into this knowing "greg" was the intended target. Mikayla orchestrated all of this.

You are taking this too far and need to just say, hey good job and move on, but you are getting pissy about your name mentioned in the same sentance with sucking some dick.

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Amazing work QG. No wonder your wrists ache..and I'm sure it wasn't all from typing ;) Wow...once again, you have gotten a good story out!! I loved it!! Its funny how I see so much of myself in Whitney's character. Because I would have "pouted" and giggled in those exact spots.

Remember....critcism is always constructive, even if given negatively.

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Well I'm glad all of you liked it--I put in personality traits that I can pick up on here in your posts--it's kind of hit and miss.

Yes, please keep in mind it is a fantasy--therefore it doesn't have to make perfect sense, but I was trying to provide some continuity between this one and the last one.

And Howard, I was not implying you were gay--Greg was freaking out--that's all. Remember he doesn't know Mikayla very well, but trusts her. However, he is still a little jumpy. So when he felt another mouth on his cock--well, he freaked out a bit. I meant it as humor.

I for one would love to have someone else write one for a change--but I like writing them so I will continue if people really do enjoy them.


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PLEASE don't stop....please, please, please....I BEG of you!

Is that enough reassurance that I LOVE them???? :lol:

Of course, you could always send them just to me privately - although I think they are a bit long for the PM!

Keep writing, you are a natural!

Mikayla ;)

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Now Howard....I don't think Quiet Guy at all wrote that fantasy to make anyone "jumpy" you seem to be the one that is jumpy! What do you mean that you didn't deserve the criticism I dished out? I simply disagreed with your assessment of his FANTASY and tried to remind you that is was only such, and then Crazy jumped in as well.

I think it was QG who did not deserve the criticism from you - not you from me!

I also think that everyone is entitled to their own opinions on everything and we don't have to agree, but sometimes it is good to concede that you might have been wrong or hasty or inconsiderate of someone's feelings. I have most certainly done that - and I will do it now. If you thought that I was berading you for something unjustly, I apologize - however, this apology is conditional. I believe that my defense was justified, my examples were adequate, and that I was properly explaining my position to you.

I also think that sometimes you hold people up to an impossible standard - and when they don't make it, you seem unhappy. Perhaps that is a flaw in your thinking.

I most certainly do not want you to stop posting - and I do not think anyone else does either - so can we settle this little tift either on forum or off?


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Fine Howard, have it your way. :angry:

Since you seem unwilling to at least meet me halfway - let me express myself in two quotes from our friend Ben Frankin, I am most assured you will get my meaning:

"A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small bundle."

"The learned fool writes nonsense in better language than the unlearned - but it's still nonsense."


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I really wish I could see the both of you argue about something different (a good debate) and not an issue involved in this forum. You are both so firm in your stances and no wavering in the least. Amazing.

I'm off to read the story again!!! :D

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:lol::P I think you did a wonderful job QG,I laughed at some of it and the mental images you were able to place were incredible. I read a lot so when I am reading something that I can actually visualize -it's good! To actually almost feel what I am reading is Great! Keep up the good work, looking forward to reading more!!! :):):D

I really wish I could see the both of you argue about something different (a good debate) and not an issue involved in this forum. You are both so firm in your stances and no wavering in the least. Amazing.

I'm off to read the story again!!! :D

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Are you flippin' kidding me - a public apology is what you expect? You can keep dreaming you pompous ass! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions - however, when I disagreed with your assessment of a FANTASY that you critiqued like it was some kind of serious piece of literature (sory QG) - instead of a fantasy, i.e. CL wouldn't have done that, she is a shy secretary...how would YOU know? You didn't write the fantasy, you are not the one imagining the scenarios, etc. It is a MADE UP INTERPRETATION OF WHAT QUIET GUY THINKS OF ME AND CL - NOT ANYTHING MORE OR ANYTHING LESS - NOT YOUR INTREPRETATIN OF ANYTHING.

Ergo, what you said about how he is struggling with his characters is OK, however, by telling him how he should write his next piece to further develop HIS characters is not! Would you call up Stephen King and say, "hey Steve, the killer in your last book, I didn't really believe that he would do that!" NO - BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T WRITE THE WORK and you have to give some room for author interpretation!!!!!

If you wrote a FANTASY, I would not try to go and change what your characters were doing or not doing or suggest that you "develop" your characters better! I mean, my GOD MAN!

I will say it again, if you think you can do better, have the balls to post a fantasy of your own on here and we will see where it goes!

As for whether my quotes apply, they most certainly DO apply, maybe you need me to explain them to you!

The first one simply states that you are too consumed in YOURSELF to admit that you might be wrong and because of that you are going to end up a "tiny bundle" alone!

The second states that what you write might sound good - but mostly you are full of shit!

I think both of those quotes are really appropriate - and I think YOU know it!

So, you keep waiting for that apology Howard, you will be waiting until hell freezes over - I am done with this shit. I think you have a lot to offer to the site, but as far as this post is concerned, I am through debating with someone who refuses to admit that he may have been harsh and judgemental. I was willing to meet you halfway - you said "no" - too bad.

Enjoy life on the pedestal you have built for yourself - life is lonely at the top!

Mikayla :angry:

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MIkayla: You must have some special lens behind those pretty eyes of yours. I don't see anywhere in my answer that I was going to hold my breathe waiting for that apology ! :unsure: I frankly would fall over if I had gotten one from you. Your ego is far too big to admit you are being nasty, or hyper critical, or unfair. <_<

I am dropping the matter, as we obviously cannot agree, and anything I say just seems to set you off. You have gone way beyond being the lady you normally are. :(:ph34r:

I still agree with you 99% of the time :) .

BTW, I have sent QG a PM where I complimented him, sincerely, on his writing, and encouraged him to continue. If I were a teacher grading a paper I would give him an A+. But I would also have made the comments I made above in a margin. MY intent was to encourage him to do even better, not to insult him, you, or CL, or anyone else. That you take such offense makes me question how well you take any kind of criticism in your own life. MY God, you are firing away when someone else's work is criticized! Is QG your husband? Why the emotional attachment here?


First, how would you know ANYTHING about my eyes...we have never met???

Second, NO Quiet Guy IS NOT my husband...I could only wish my hubby could write this well!

Third, let us get this straight.....no matter what, I am ALWAYS a LADY!

Fourth, I don't care if you sent QG a compliment in a PM...do you really think that is what all of this is about...all of this bickering back and forth? Howard, you made a comment about his fantasy, I disagreed about your comment and said basically "it is a fantasy dude, you can't critique it in that manner!" Then you came back AGAIN and insisted smugly that you were right because "do we really think a shy secretary would have a 3-some with the guy she wants to date?" I again reminded you that IT IS A FANTASY - people do things in fantasies that they don't do IRL. Then you came back AGAIN and started with this "I don't think I deserved the criticism I recieved from Mikayla" crap whining and such.

THEN, I came on and said, if you thought I was criticizing you, I am sorry. Said I thought it was my opinion vs. your opinion, couldn't we settle this on forum or off...and you rudely replied "NO."

That was smug and rude. Talk about me being snippy.

Then it just continues!

We don't have to agree on everything, 99% of things, or anything at all. I don't care. What I do care about is you accusing me of "criticizing" you when I was just stating my case - justly so - and then when I was accused of being harsh and wanting to settle all I get is a big fat NO....well then, the gloves come off.

NO ONE...not you or anyone else is going to accuse me of not being a lady. Furthermore, I would think about that comment you made about MY ego being too big to admit that I was wrong - YOU are the one who has never admitted that. YOU are the one who is smug and doesn't want to bend an inch. Never accuse me of having a big ego...I will ALWAYS admit when I am wrong...ALWAYS....and quite frankly up until a few posts ago I didn't think there was a "right" or a "wrong" here, but now I do!

Furthermore, for you to cry "emotional attachment" is just odd...I have no emotional attachment to Quiet Guy, other than I love his work. What I do have is an opinion about why you would critique or "grade" his work like a teacher - what is up with that.

It is a sexual fantasy Howard, isn't the main point - DID IT MAKE YOU HORNY??????

I too am done, finished...spent. I will NOT post on this matter again.


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Thanks Howard! :P

I apologize too. So can we now go and talk about SEX AGAIN?????? :rolleyes:

Mikayla ;)

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I could take all of the above as an implied compliment to my writing skills, but I won't! ;)

I will tell you this--I am just glad that THAT many people cared enough about what I wrote to post an opinion!!

May you all have a happy weekend.


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Dam, I leave for 3 days and all hell breaks loose. I'm gonna do this more often...loool



I think Howard and I have kissed and made up - so hopefully there will be no more "hell" breaking loose here....then again...you never know! :lol:

Welcome Back!

Mikayla B)

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  • 7 months later...
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Okay ladies--I hope you like it. My wrists are killing me!!!! QG

Azure. That’s the word I was looking for. It described the color of the sky perfectly. Bright blue and sprinkled with some high altitude cirrus wisps on the horizon that helped transition the sky to the snow capped mountains in the distance. I was contemplating all of this scenery as I laid flat on my back in the snow, where I had landed after trying to take a turn too agressively on my skis. A quick mental inventory of any sensitive points indicated that nothing was bruised but my pride. And then I noticed the sky, and got lost for a moment in its beauty.

My impromptu landscape admiration session was cut short however, by a slight splattering of snow that came my way, courtesy of another skier swooshing by who had to cut sharply to avoid me. I looked up while brushing snow off my face and caught the sensual figure on skis about 20 feet from me. She was gone very quickly, but not before I noticed her huge tits jutting out of her ski suit as she regained her speed.

“Not bad,” I said to myself, “kind of looks like Mikayla.”

“See anything you like?”

Uh-oh, busted. I turned to look behind me and saw Mikayla standing there, flashing me her gorgeous smile. I couldn’t tell if she had seen me checking out the hottie on skis, or if she had just pulled up and was fishing for a compliment about herself. I decided to play innocent and pay her the compliment.

“Lots,” I replied grinning, “but it would look a lot better out of those ski clothes.” I was relieved when she giggled. “Why don’t you help me up?” I extended my hand.

She shuffled over on her skis and stuck out a hand. I grabbed it, and then pulled her down on top of me. She yelped and giggled as she collapsed into my arms.

“You asshole!” she laughed, and then she stared right into my eyes with a look that just begged me to kiss her. Which I promptly did. The cold snow, the brisk air, and our warm tongues was a combination that churned my insides, and reminded me of last night when we fucked. Sounds a little vulgar, I know, but you have to understand the whole situation before you realize that it’s actually the perfect descriptive word for what we did.

Mikayla and I had met at the office and had only been dating a short time, and things were just perfect between us. We were in the throes of a newfound love, but we’d both had several relationships before, and this one was definitely different. So we decided to test the waters a bit more and take a trip together—a three day ski adventure seemed perfect.

We had arrived late in the afternoon the day before, and after quickly getting unpacked and grabbing a light dinner at the lodge, we settled into our spacious luxury cabin for a relaxing evening. With fireplaces in the living room and the bedroom, a large jacuzzi tub in the bathroom, a large hot tub on the deck, and a rocky mountain backdrop, we couldn’t possibly picture anything that could make the setting any more romantic. After starting roaring fires in both fireplaces, we broke out some champagne and slipped into a very comfortable and hot bubble bath.

Things began innocently enough, with us just relaxing, sipping champagne and massaging each other gently. As Mikayla’s hands drifted down to my cock, she found some razor stubble. Things had been so hectic at the office that I hadn’t had time to properly prepare myself for the trip.

“This just won’t do,” she said, with fake exasperation in her voice. Then she looked up at me sweetly—“Can I? I’ll be careful.”

“Of course, if you really want to, but you have to use LOTS of shaving cream.”

I reached over and got a can of shaving cream and a new razor out of my bag and handed them over to her. Mikayla squirted out a huge handful of shaving cream and slathered it all over my cock, balls, belly and legs. She slowly massaged it in and quickly had me completely erect. She said she had never shaved a guy before and to help her so she wouldn’t hurt me. I guided her hand but after a couple of soft, light downward strokes on my shaft, she pretty much had the hang of it. Whenever I started to concentrate too much on my small fear of getting cut and my hard-on started to go down, a few loving strokes by Mikayla on the head quickly brought me back to full attention. She took a stab (not literally) at my balls, but she really got nervous then, so I took over and quickly had them as smooth and bald as my cock.

With that out of the way, Mikayla applied more shaving cream—“to condition things” she said, and slowly she started masterfully stroking me with one hand, while her other cupped my balls with her fingers gliding up and down my crack and massaging my MDP. While most guys if given the choice would prefer a blowjob, a good handjob with plenty of lube certainly has its place—kind of like a beer at the ballpark—wine or a cocktail just wouldn’t do the trick. This was one of those handjob times—my groin and belly all slathered in soft foamy shaving cream, me sitting on the side of the tub while Mikayla kneeled in front of me in the bubbly water. Her stroking was quickly bringing me to my fullest potential and I was almost ready to come. She was moaning too, which really started to drive me crazy—moans of pleasure from giving me pleasure, just incredible. My own moans and groans quickly gave way to a desire I had.

“Oh Mikayla, I need to cum on your tits…oh that feels so gooooood….let me cum on your tits.”

She responded in kind. “Oh yeah Greg, cum all over my tits, please, I need your hot cum on my beautiful titties.”

She increased the pace of her stroking and I quickly started spasming as my hot load shot out of my cock and onto her glistening tits. They were soon covered with hot strands of my silky cum, and she massaged it into her tits with her free hand while her other finished milking my cock.

As I slipped back down into the warm water, Mikayla hopped up on the side and said she needed to shave too. As I watched, mesmerized by her beauty, she quickly and expertly shaved what little stubble she had on her beautiful pussy, and quickly it was slick, smooth and gleaming. As she rinsed off the shaving cream, I couldn’t resist and found I had the most tremendous urge to lick her freshly shaved womanhood. I quickly moved over, parted her lips with my hands and literally attacked her clit with my tongue. While I licked, I worked two fingers into her welcoming pussy and Mikayla was soon moaning deliriously and shaking like a leaf. Her orgasm soon overtook her and as her pussy contracted, I lapped up her delicious juices before licking my way up her tummy to her tits, and finally to her mouth. After some tender kissing, we got out of the tub and prepared for bed.

I made it into the soft bed first, and as I lay there naked, I wondered what was taking Mikayla so long. Soon she appeared in the bathroom doorway, wearing a new sapphire blue corset and crotchless panties she had bought for the trip. She looked incredible in it and she walked over and sat down next to me in the bed. She placed her hand on my silky smooth crotch and immediately started to get a rise out of me.

“Does your cock need anymore, uh, “aftershave”?” she asked coyly.

I nodded. “Actually yes—it needs Mikayla juice—I hear it’s very soothing.”

“Oh yes, it is, I think I have some.” And with that she dropped her head down and I felt her soft full lips enveloping my now erect cock. As she sucked, throated and stroked me, I admired her body in her constricting corset. It looked really sexy, but I wondered if it might be a bit uncomfortable. I loved how Mikayla looked in it but I knew very quickly it would have to come off because I needed to suck her tits. But first the blowjob—it was stellar. She was salivating like mad—every time she pulled her mouth off my cock a string of it would connect my cock to her mouth—kind of like spider’s silk. It was a complete turn-on, and she didn’t neglect my balls either. After a couple of minutes I was completely soaked and I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Oh Mikayla, I need to fuck your tight pussy, please let me fuck you!” I groaned as my hands pushed her body up and around. I was on my back, but leaning up against several pillows, and as she lowered herself down on my pole, my head was just inches away from her deliciously ripe tits. She slowly worked her pussy muscles on my cock while we ground our pelvic bones together and she raked my chest with her fingernails. Every so often she would put one or two of her fingers in my mouth and I would gently suck them, which seemed to make her moan louder. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and ripped off her corset, liberating her tits, which I attacked with wanton abandon. Licking, sucking, biting and nibbling ensued along with gruff massaging from my powerful hands. Oh she felt incredible. Finally, Mikayla couldn’t take it anymore either and began slowly bouncing up and down on my cock. I could feel the lacy edges of her crotchless panties tickiling my shaft as we thrusted, and I just knew our simultaneous orgasms were fast approaching.

“Oh Greg, I love getting fucked by you. Oh I need your cum inside me, oh please fucking cum deeeeeep inside me!!” She let out a gutteral moan as I reached around and under her ass cheeks, found her pussy lips with my fingers, and spread them wide as I met her final bounce with an deep upward thrust of my cock. I buried it in her as far as I could just as my hot load pulsated out of my cock deep into her pussy.

“Oh I’m coming Mikayla, oh I’m fucking cumming inside you!”

“Oh I feel it, it feels sooooo fucking gooooooooood Greg, gimme your hot fucking cum!!!”

And that is what I meant by saying we “fucked” last night. Yes, outside the bedroom it’s a vulgar and filthy word, and I rarely say it, but it describes our bedroom activities perfectly. Picture a layer cake—one layer is hot passion, another is lust, another is animal attraction and primal urges, and another layer is love, and it’s all covered with a frosting of trust and security. That cake is only for us and it is delicious. No one else can have any. Calling it “making love” would leave out several of the other layers; so in the private, trusting security of the bedroom, when we whisper in each other’s ears or shout from the passion, we call it “fucking”. And it just fits.

As we lay next to each other and slowly drifted to sleep, Mikayla suddenly leaned up on her elbow and looked over at me in the darkness.

“Greg, if we had a threesome, promise me I get all of your cum, okay?”

Whoa--what the hell?!?! Where did that come from? I wasn’t even thinking of a threesome with Mikayla, had never participated in one, and had never talked to her about one. Maybe this was one of her quirks that I was encountering for the first time, and I started to laugh when she cut me short.

“I’m serious Greg, if we had a threesome, I get all of your cum, whether it’s on me, in my mouth, pussy, or ass I don’t care, but she doesn’t get any of it. I get all of it. Agreed?”

I was still a little shocked but also turned on as hell, and flattered. The other women I’d dated and my ex-wife—they all viewed semen as an unpleasant annoyance that went hand in hand with sex. They would have been perfectly content if they never had to deal with my hot juice, and here was Mikayla actually demanding it. Craving it. Oh that was hot. As far as I was concerned, I had no idea where she was going with this, but I was in complete agreement.

“Yes Mikayla, 100% agreed. You, and only you, will get all of my cum, every last drop. No ifs, ands, or buts. Only for you baby.” And then I reached over and kissed her as passionately as I could to finalize the message.

She sighed happily, laid back down, and soon we were fast asleep.

And now we were finishing up just a perfect day on the slopes. Beautiful sunshine, no wind, 40 degrees, and perfect snow. We had started about 8:30 that morning after a hearty breakfast, but no morning sex. I had awakened with my usual morning wood but Mikayla would have nothing to do with it. “Save your strength for tonight, I have a surprise up my sleeve,” she had said. The only thing I could think of that it meant was some more lingerie, some sex toys, and a long session of play time. Fine by me. I didn’t mind pacing myself.

By the end of the afternoon though, we were both spent. It seems no matter how good of shape you are in, by the end of the first day skiing your quads and glutes are just screaming at you for mercy. So with happy thoughts of the hot tub and cold beer to help dull the pain, Mikayla and I headed back to the cabin.

After downing a beer, grabbing another, stripping down and showering, I threw on a pair of silk boxers. While Mikayla made herself up and prepared her “surprise” (whatever THAT was!) I started a roaring fire in the bedroom and living room, and cracked open another beer from the fridge. I settled onto the comfortable bed and slowly massaged my sore thighs and sipped my beer when Mikayla appeared in the doorway in a sexy lavender, low cut, thigh length, silky slip nightgown and slutty high heels. She was hiding something behind her back as she approached me and sat on the bed.

“Greg, do you trust me?” Oh boy, here we go again, I thought.

“Yes dear, we’ve been through this already. I trust you.”

“Good, then I need you to move over here to the foot of the bed and put your arms behind the footpost.”

Being the good sport that I am, I drained my beer, moved down to the foot of the bed and put my arms behind me—which Mikayla promptly handcuffed securely. She had done this once before so I felt like I knew the routine, until she brought out the blindfold.


“Don’t worry baby, this will only help heighten your sensitivity to the wonderful sensations you’ll soon be feeling.”

“Well, okay, but be gentle,” I whispered, as she giggled and slipped the blindfold over me. She then kissed me long and passionately .

“I’m going to put some music on.,” she whispered seductively as she pulled away from me. As the soft music started, I relaxed somewhat, and soon Mikayla was back at my side and kissing me, then moving to my neck, down to my chest, stomach and finally paydirt. I relaxed as she lovingly sucked my rock hard cock, enjoying the sensation, the soft music, and the light buzz I had from the beer. She continued her magic for a couple of minutes, then stopped suddenly and I heard some rustling. “What was she doing?” I thought to myself, but before my inquisitive mind inquired too far, she resumed her work. But something was different, it still felt great, but just—different. After a few seconds my mind started to calm down again and I got completely lost back in the sensations flowing across my body. Mikayla’s hot tongue worked its magic on my cock as her other tongue simultaneously found its way back to my mouth, and we kissed deeply and passionately. “This is great,” I thought to myself, “Mikayla’s kissing me at the same time she’s blowing me. Awesome! WAIT!!! WHAT THE FUCK—THAT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE?!!” I tried to protest but Mikayla had a tremendous lip lock on me. My mind started racing a hundred miles an hour and my body tensed up. Who was the mystery person sucking my cock? My first thought scared the living shit out of me—I hope to high Zeus that’s not her friend Howard from that website she’s always talking about!!!! Oh crap that was the last thing in the world I wanted (well it could be worse and be Danny DeVito!), but before I went too far down that road, I felt the mystery guest’s long fingernails lightly raking my aching balls, and her soft pair of ample tits brushing against my thigh. Okay, calm down, at least it’s a chick, and I know Mikayla wouldn’t bring a skank into the bedroom because she would want to mess around with her too. So I finally gave up, attacked Mikayla’s tongue again and enjoyed this first time sensation of having a hot tongue in my mouth and a hot mouth slurping my cock at the same time.

After another minute or two, Mikayla moved back down and for a couple of minutes I felt the pleasure of the girls tag teaming me. One would throat my shaft while the other would take my balls in her mouth and work her tongue over them. Who was who I had no idea. Finally, one of them left the work down under and raked her fingernails up my chest and started kissing my neck. When I couldn’t take it anymore, and I felt myself start to tighten up, I remembered what Mikayla had said about giving her all my cum.

“Mikayla, oh fuck that feels good! I’m about to cum baby!”

“Oh come on baby, give me your hot fucking load down my throat! Give it to me now baby!”

Her answer confirmed that it was Mikayla down there finishing me off. Mystery Girl then proceeded to deeply kiss me as I quickly lost control and pumped my hot cum into Mikayla’s welcoming mouth . It was just such an incredible feeling, our soft tongues clashing while my cock was being swallowed by Mikayla. As things subsided, Mikayla came up for air. She made her way back up to my mouth and, playfully pushing Mystery Girl away, she began kissing me again.

“Hey, no fair!” Mystery Girl pouted, playfully. “What’s in this for me?”

Whoa—I knew that voice. Holy fucking shit!

“Whitney, is that you?” I struggled to see through the blindfold to no avail.

She giggled—I knew that laugh. Oh shit, it WAS Whitney!!! Whitney (or Curvacious Lust as I had nicknamed her) was the CEO’s assistant at work—she and I always flirted playfully there and I was always fantasizing about getting a handjob from her because she had these incredible looking hands. And now she was on the bed with us in all her glory and she had just helped Mikayla suck my cock!!

Mikayla chimed in playfully, “I’ll show you what’s in it for you bitch!” as I felt her climb over me to Whitney. I could hear sounds of kissing and then felt the bed jiggle as they fell over in a pile, moaning.

“Okay, did somebody forget about me?” I asked to no one in particular. I was completely ignored as their moaning and writhing increased. Realizing they had no immediate plans to unleash me, I stood up and bent over, easily lifting my shackled arms up and over the four foot post on the bed. Then I sat down and contorted my body enough to bring my cuffed hands under my feet and up in front of me, but not before losing my balance and falling off the bed.

“Ow shit!!” Moans and kissing were the only sounds that reacted. Now I was pissed. I ripped off the blindfold, looked at the two of them going at it, said an admiring “Whoa!”, then began looking around for the handcuff keys. There on the dresser. As I unlocked the cuffs I thought to myself, “Allright bitches. Play time is over!!” I threw the cuffs down, walked over to Mikayla and CL, raised both my hands and slapped each of their asses as hard as I could. They each yelped and sat up, both giving me “What the fuck?” looks.

“I’m helping out here whether you like it or not, but it’s going to be a few minutes until I can get hard again, so who wants their pussy licked first?”

Mikayla responded like a trouper. “Oh Greg, let’s give Whitney a treat first, whatta ya say?”

I responded with action, diving onto the bed and spreading CL’s legs wiiiiiide. Mikayla and I both went after her pussy with our tongues, simultaneously licking her clit and halfway kissing each other at the same time. We both stuck a finger in CL’s welcoming pussy as I moved my tongue down and began rimming her tight pink asshole. Mikayla continued working CL’s clit as we moved our fingers in and out of CL’s hot pussy in unison. CL was moaning like crazy and digging her fingers into the sheets as her body quickly began rocking to the effect of the tremendous orgasm tearing through her body. We continued our work however, until she had come two more times, her moans turning into desperate screams during the last one.

Completely satiated, she pulled herself away and my smile grew as I pushed Mikayla back down on the bed.

“Your turn sweety,” I said gleefully as I pulled CL down next to me so she could help. CL and I then repeated the procedure on Mikayla, working her clit with our tongues, fingering her together, with me eventually rimming her asshole while CL nibbled her clit. CL and I enjoyed some surreptitious kissing as well, as our tongues found each other when both of us were working Mikayla’s engorged clit. Mikayla was writhing in ecstasy as she moaned orders to us.

“Oh, fuck yeahhhhh….lick that hot pussy, oh finger me, oh yeah fucking lick that hot clit!” I responded in kind with “Oh baby I love licking this hot sweet pussy of yours…gimme your pussy juice baby…I need your hot pussy juice!”

Soon Mikayla was shuddering in orgasmic bliss and digging her nails into the sheets as well. Three orgasms later and she was completely spent as well.

As the three of us lay there recovering from our fun, I suggested we pop into the hot tub and enjoy the moonlit night on the deck. The girls eagerly agreed and I loaded up on beer for all of us and we all ran out naked onto the deck and got into the hot tub. The hot water mixed with the cold night air was invigorating, and as we all huddled together and sipped our beers, we fell into easy conversation like the old friends that we were. Mikayla and CL actually started to remind me of sisters—they just got along so well with each other.

But they weren’t acting like sisters now, more like crazed hyenas. I’ll be damned if they didn’t start making out again, right in front of me like I wasn’t even there. What the fuck!?!?

“Allright, if you two are going to keep that up, one of you needs to be riding my cock at the same time!” My feelings were hurt.

“You go first Whitney,” Mikayla offered to CL.

CL giggled a little and then climbed on top of me. As she worked her way down my pole, she and I both felt relief from all the tension our office flirting had built up between us. She worked herself up and down a couple of times on my cock before coming very quickly. Mikayla looked at me worried but I shot her a comforting wink. I was an orgasm and 3 beers into it, I was in NO danger of coming too soon. Mikayla moved over to CL and they gently began to kiss. CL’s orgasm subsided and she seemed a little upset.

“Fuck!!! I came too fast. Can I please ride his cock a little bit longer? I really need this Mikayla!”

“Of course, it’s okay!” Mikayla responded warmly, and then kissed her deeply.

I of course was turned on as hell. “Yeah, Whitney, it’s okay, ride my cock baby, I need to fuck you more.” My hands moved up to play with her tits while the girls made out like long lost high school lovers. I quietly met CL’s thrusts with my own and otherwise tried not to disturb their makeout session. I did however, move my hand underneath Mikayla and massaged her clit and fingered her as she continued to kiss CL deeply. I don’t know how they did it, but soon both of them orgasmed simultaneously—CL’s pussy clamping down on my cock and Mikayla’s pussy gripping my fingers. It was all very very hot.

As CL slowly worked herself off my still hard pole, Mikayla moved over and took her place. They resumed their makeout session as I pounded Mikayla’s pussy underwater and repeated my fingering technique on CL. After about ten minutes, another shockwave enveloped us, as all three of us climaxed in unison—CL and Mikayla’s sweet pussies contracting and my cock shooting yet another volcanic load deep into Mikayla’s love hole.

As the shockwaves subsided, we enjoyed more beer and quiet conversation, all the while taking in the cold night air and the moonlight. After about 20 minutes, we decided to jump out and get back inside. I had one more scene to play out before we called it an exhausted night.

We quickly toweled off inside and the girls jumped into bed while I added several logs to the fire in the bedroom. The intense heat was very soothing, as the three of us laid on the bed and relaxed, our hands exploring and stroking each other’s bodies. Soon our stroking and kissing started to turn serious, so I decided it was time to steer things in the direction I wanted.

“Mikayla, do you need your pussy licked?” I asked.

“Of course—I could always use a good pussy licking. Who wants to do the honors?”

“Whitney, would you mind?” I asked, hoping she would still be into it.

“Sure, as long as you can lick mine Greg.” CL had read my mind.

“Well, let’s get to it then!” I ordered, as CL laid back and Mikayla straddled her face. I spread CL’s legs wiiiide once again and got down to business. Mikayla was facing me, and although she was mostly lost in the magic that CL was working on her love hole, she glanced down at me from time to time, I think to make sure I wasn’t enjoying myself too much.

CL’s pussy was tasty, just like Mikayla’s. After lapping up her sweet mellifluence for a few minutes, and feeling her orgasm, I stood up, my cock now hard again. Her legs still spread, I began teasing her pussy with the head of my cock, working it around her lips and her opening. Her moaning increased so I finally inserted myself into her and slowly began thrusting. I looked up to see Mikayla’s eyes burning a hole in me. I could almost read her mind as her words from last night came back into my brain. Of course I had no intention of cumming inside CL, but I wanted to tease Mikayla a little, because you know, that’s just the kind of guy I am.

After thrusting into CL for a few minutes, I increased my pace and intensity, spreading her legs back even farther and just giving her an incredible pussy pounding. Her moaning increased, which made her latch onto Mikayla’s pussy even harder, causing Mikayla to quake like a leaf, which turned me on even more. CL’s pussy felt incredible, it had been such an exerting day, and my quads were burning again. Oh I needed to cum bad now, but I held off for the sake of more theatrics. I began moaning too, with each pounding thrust into CL I moaned. CL groaned, I moaned, and Mikayla got pissed.

“Don’t you dare, don’t you FUCKING DARE Greg!!” hissed Mikayla to me.

Oh shit, for some reason that turned me on even more, so much so that I almost did come, but I managed to hold off, even when I felt CL’s hot drenched pussy clamp down harder than I had felt all night. As CL bucked and writhed, she stopped licking Mikayla as she was completely losing control. Suddenly, and I don’t know how this happened, CL’s pussy shot a stream of liquid that hit me in the belly like a fire hose! Holy shit the girl was ejaculating!! I had seen Mikayla do it once before but even then it was something so new to me, and now here was CL doing it too! That nearly sent me over the edge. I groaned louder as I fought for control of my own body.

“Oh fuck you better not FUCKING CUM ASSHOLE!!!” Mikayla shouted as she mashed her pussy back down on CL’s mouth. CL’s spasms and squirting slowly subsided as her orgasm passed and she dutifully and hungrily started attacking Mikayla’s pussy again. I thought Mikayla looked upset and I felt bad for pushing her so far, but I was a little pissed off too since I thought she trusted me. Plus I didn’t like being called an asshole.

When I pulled out of CL’s quenched pussy, Mikayla immediately saw that I was still rock hard, and a look of relief crossed over her face. I was slightly perturbed however, and although I planned to give her my cum, I was going to make her work for it.

I stood up on the bed and straddled CL, with my cock, glistening with CL’s love juice, square in Mikayla’s face. Mikayla looked up at me sweetly and grabbed it with her hands and started to suck it when I stopped her by grabbing her by the back of her hair and pulling tight.

“Put your hands down bitch. I’m going to feed this hard cock to you. Do you want me to feed my cock to you?” I pulled harder on the hair.

Mikayla winced but I could tell she was really turned on as well. “Yeah Greg. Fuck yeah, feed me that hard cock, oh feed it to your slutty bitch Greg.”

That was all I needed to hear. I grabbed the base of my cock and balls with my right hand and slowly shoved it into Mikayla’s open mouth, while my left hand controlled her head movements with the fistful of hair I had grabbed. I moved her head back and forth, fast and then slow as Mikayla expertly sucked and throated my cock while her hands played with her clit and CL’s tongue.

“Do you like how your bitch girlfriend’s juices taste?” I asked as I thrust deep into Mikayla’s hungry mouth.

“Oh fuck yeah, oh feed that delicious juicy cock to me baby, aaaaaaahhhhhh!”

We carried on like this for a good five minutes until I decided it was time to come. Since I was now 2 orgasms and 5 beers into it, I needed Mikayla to really work me over to get me to come, so I reached down and brought her hands up to my cock. She immediately took over, and as I held onto her hair for dear life, she expertly stroked me with one hand, while cupping my balls and fingering my asshole with her other hand. The massaging, sucking, throating, humming and fingering were all combining to get me completely rigid, and I slowly started to feel that familiar feeling begin to surface in my legs. Very quickly I was shaking and wailing as my orgasm throttled up through my body, into my cock and down into Mikayla’s awaiting throat. At the last second her finger moved up into my ass an inch or two and skyrockets started going off. My cock felt like it was 10 feet long as my orgasm stretched my sensory perception to its absolute limits. All the while Mikayla kept her form perfectly, taking all of my silky cum without missing a drop. As my orgasm slowly subsided, I pulled out of her mouth, dropped to my knees and kissed Mikayla very deeply, almost sloppily, as her juices, my juices, and CL’s juices washed over our tongues. As we passionately kissed, completely caught up in the moment, I felt CL slide down a bit and take my still half throbbing cock in her mouth and suck whatever little juices down that may have remained. After another 30 seconds or so we all collapsed on the bed, exhausted, and fell immediately to sleep.


The next morning, after we awakened and freshened up a bit, the three of us sat back in bed and recounted what had happened the night before. CL had had a fantastic time, but she couldn’t stay since she had met a hot guy on the slopes yesterday and had a date with him tonight. She was giddy and said she couldn’t wait to see if HE could make her squirt too! She said that the only thing that could be a perfect ending for her would be if Mikayla and I gave her a real life lesson in anal sex. She just wanted to watch while we did it and maybe try to help out.

Mikayla was absolutely thrilled and I was excited as well. CL grabbed a bottle of lube as Mikayla gave her instructions. Mikayla was next to me, with her back facing me. I kissed and gently bit her neck as CL followed her instructions and began lubing my cock, taking it into her hands and quickly bringing me to full attention. She worked lube into Mikayla’s crack as well and tentatively fingered her ass as Mikayla’s moaning gave her the encouragement she needed. CL then grabbed the base of my cock and balls and guided the tip over to Mikayla’s awaiting ass. Waiting for Mikayla’s nod, CL then slowly pushed my cock into Mikayla’s soft ass and watched with large eyes as it slowly disappeared up to my balls. When I slowly began thrusting, Mikayla turned her head to me and we kissed deeply. As I pulled partially out on each thrust, CL would wrap a couple of fingers around my cock and balls and give a me a comforting massage before I pushed back into Mikayla. After about 5 minutes of this, Mikayla instructed CL to begin inserting the large glass dildo she had lubed up into her pussy. As Mikayla’s hot holes took in each tool completely, poor CL’s eyes bugged out with erotic fascination. Mikayla’s moans reached a new pitch as my cock got pleasantly squeezed by her ass and the glass dildo, and soon I was on the verge of coming. After whispering my intentions into Mikayla’s ear, she silently nodded and I could tell she was ready too. After a couple more soft thrusts I exploded in ecstasy in Mikayla’s hungry ass, as her pussy clamped down on the glass dildo and went berserk. I glanced down and noticed CL fingering herself to an orgasm as well, as she was completely turned on by the spectacle.

After things had subsided, the three of us took a hot shower in the oversized bathroom and had another enjoyable time soaping each other to orgasms. After we dried off and had a late brunch, CL said her goodbyes and headed off to get some much needed rest before her hot date that night. Mikayla and I then kissed tenderly in the doorway, went back to the bed, and fucked.

OMG, may i simply say you know how to tell a story!!! I read this at work, what a mistake. I work with all men and, damn I haven't been that turned on in a very long time. Thanks so much for that!!!!!!!!!!

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I think Howard and I have kissed and made up - so hopefully there will be no more "hell" breaking loose here....then again...you never know! :lol:

Welcome Back!

Mikayla B)

Hey all, im new to making relies, but have been reading all the material i can..... Let me say this ..... in everyone lifes' there a time and place where every get to a point by they have to agree that they disagree ..... happens all the time.....

QG ...... i've read both stories so far and my GAWD those are two of the most exciting erotic stories i have read in a very long time. Keep up the writing .... lots of us enjoy reading your stories and continue to keep looking for the next one.

Mikayla n CL ... wow QG did a good job with your characters .... and yes i laughed when howard was mentioned.... before i got to that point i thought the samething ..... if was well placed and i know no pun was intended .........

Howard i value you advice alot from all you have advised.... i understand sometimes our minds have trouble switching from Teacher to reader .... i know been there done that ....

You all are a great bunch of people ... i accept the majority of was is advised ... doesnt matter how gives the advice .... But it's all up to the reader to accept or decline what the wrttien material is and what it contains... plus if it can aid oneself in future development ...............

Great job everyone ........ thanks


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Hey QuietGuy,

Wow i'm coming in really late on this lol, Sorry I've only been a member for a few weeks ;) so i'm just now browsing this section. Anyways I just wanted to say that I LOVE your story...You have amazing writing and storytelling skills. I've written 2 stories here and they look like child's play compared to all the stories i've read here so far. There is a High calibur of writing on this site and you are of the highest (meaning one of the best) writers on here. My view of sex stories and how they should be written if you want to really turn the readers on has changed since I started reading the stories here...yours to be more specific. I hope someday something I write gets as great a response as your work has gotten you :) I hope to see more stories from you !!!

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Yeah, I wish QG would come back and write some more. :) I think his are the best stories on here. :)

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