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Been Naughty? Need A Spanking?


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Have you been a little... naughty? Have you been thinking dirty, nasty, sexy thoughts about your lover? Do you need a spanking? Has your man been a bad, bad boy? Did he forget to take out the garbage? Does he need to be punished? Well, then, I have the little whip that can do the job!

This little 14" Rubber Whip is small but it will get the job done in a SNAP! Made of soft rubber, this little gem will tantalize your lover's backside - or frontside - with just enough sting to deliver your point! The hundreds of little rubber strips can be used to tickle and tease before the "SNAP" comes down, delivering a delicious little pang of pleasure!

My hubby loves to run this whip over my tits, tummy, thighs and pussy before having me turn over for my spanking! The little rubber strips feel like thousands of fingers caressing your most sacred places! Then, just as you adjust to the pleasure - SNAP - the little tap of the whip comes down - not really enough to hurt - but enough to wake up all the nerves in your skin! Whoo Hoo - I have GOT to love a good spanking!

So, if you are looking for a little something for beginner's bondage play - or if, like me, you already LOVE a good spanking - this little whip is definitely for you!

Save your lover's hand - buy a whip!


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  • 1 year later...
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The 14" Rubber Whip

A rubber whip may seem like a child's plaything compared to the snap of leather. But rubber has some district advantages. You aren't going to feel guilty or worry if you get it wet, if things get sweaty or messy. It can just rinse right off in the sink. It comes in black, blue, purple or red so you can coordinate with any other toys in your collection. Get two and wave them around as an evil cheerleader with whips instead of pompoms. Afterwards, hang it up on a peg from the nylon strap.

The rubber isn't as springy as I might like, but the lack of stretch reduces the chances it might snap or break on you. The strands are easy to separate and don't tangle too much. It still has just enough give to put a wallop into the whip. Depending on how much force goes into the motion, the rubber tendrils can give ticklish caresses or sharp stinging slaps. But even a hard smack isn't going to leave more than a brief red welt. You aren't really going to hurt yourself with this item. This whip is versatile enough to be a beginner's toy, or part of a more experienced player's collection. It's just useful for so many scenarios.

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*inserting evil laughter here*

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My husband and I have this little whip and he looOoOoooooves to use it on me -- it's how I learned I like a good spanking! :wub::ph34r: He loves to tickle me with it and then when I least expect it, snap me with it -- it gets so that I'm jumping at every light swipe in anticipation!

Definitely a GREAT addition to playtime!!

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  • 10 months later...
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Time to be punished..

Stars: 5/5

This whip is a great addition to some fun. It's extremely lightweight, easy to clean with a rinse under the water and also easy to store. The whip comes in 3 wonderful colors, Black, Purple and Red. I personally like the black once, since of course, black goes with everything!

So easy to use that you might find yourself having too much fun. There is no need for big arm movements, at the flick of a wrist your partner with feel the slight snap of the thin rubber strips. It's not loud at all, just perfect actually. It feels awesome when it's being used to tease, tickle and taunt. The best thing about this whip is you can be as soft or as hard as you want and it never delivers anything but exactly what you want.

I would recommend this to anyone who feels they deserve a little spanking. Newbies or experts alike will enjoy this great little addition.

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  • 7 months later...
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I wanted to get this as a surprise, and boy was he surprised! This was a gift I bought for him to show my oh my how my eyes have opened up in the last year. We do not have any whips or paddles. I thought it would be nice to go along with the under-the-bed-restraint system that we have. Lately we have been dabbling with light bondage and i felt this would be a nice addition.

The whip comes in three colors: black, purple, and red. I chose purple as it is my favorite color. This item is very cute and easy to store due to its small size. It has a wraparound strap for you wrist and a plastic handle. Attached to the handle are several dozen thin rubber thongs. It measures 14 inches in length, counting the thongs.

So he decided that I must have been bad and it was time to receive my punishment. It doesn't take much but just a small flick of the wrist and the delight is felt. I have realized this is something that I am enjoying. This simple item is high quality and works very well. Great value as well. If you want some fun this is a way to do it. I look forward to using this more. I see this as being something we use with some frequency.

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You? Naughty and need a spanking? :o LOL!

I have one whip that I like a lot, this one may need to join her. B)

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