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Catch The Wave!


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I can't say it enough.....LADIES WE HAVE TO HAVE VARIETY IN OUR TOY BOXES! I just tried the new Doc Johnson G-Spot vibe called "The Wave" and it is SPECTACULAR!


I know it looks odd, but it feels fan-fucking-tastic inside you! This purple wonder is designed for CLITORAL AND G-Spot orgasm potential - and it gave BOTH to me! Oh...so wonderful! AND it is WATERPROOF, so you can use it in the bathtub - ALONE!!!!!

When I saw this toy in my box I could not wait to try it out, the design of it was so intriquing to me. I thought the shape was perfect for that G-Spot and Clitoral double punch - and I was right. It curves in a kind of S shape so that when inserted it will rub your G-spot (it is only 4 inches long - about the right length for most women) AND the little nubbies on the head are DIVINE for hitting the insides of your vaginal wall!

PLUS, those little nubbies are also on the base where this baby will hit your clit - OHHHH the sensations! The controller is simple - 1 button that controls the speed of the vibrations - that is IT! So simple! 2AA batteries an you will be on your way!

I went solo on this one - my hb out of town for a night - and it was FANTASTIC! I lubed her up and gently stuck her in. The smoothness of the jelly-rubber substance this toy is made of makes for easy insertion AND it is only 1" in girth, so it will easily slide in! Once in I turned up the vibrations - and I mean UP...I like the power so I went full blast! I could feel the toy humming away inside me, so I started searching for my special spot...but I was getting distracted by the clitoral stimulator...I wanted to keep it on my clit - but I wanted to go for the G-Spot too...decisions....decisions....

I decided to go for the clitoral orgasm first...but as I pushed the toy down I found my G-Spot...so it was no moving for me...I tilted my pelvis just a bit, bent the toy...and I was in HEAVEN....my G-Spot being tantalized quickly AND my clit getting the same attention too....the pleasure was almost too much...but I am a trooper so I kept on.....as the orgasms built...like a race against each other I knew the G-Spot would hit first and it did, hitting me like a giant wave of immense pleasure, releasing a gush of liquid and then just when I thought I needed to remove the toy the clitoral orgasm overtook me and rocked my world with a series of orgasms that caused my body to go rigid and my legs, stomach and breasts to shake in convulsions!

The BIG KAHUNA had hit and I was enjoying my literal non-stop orgasms....for a few minutes my body was continually experiencing orgasms that wouldn't stop...until I took out the toy......

I can NOT express my happiness with this toy! The special design of it is IDEAL for clitoral AND G-Spot orgasms! Not many toys have given me orgasms like this one - so this is definitely a Mikayla's MUST HAVE for any person - Beginners or Experienced players - any woman would benefit from using this toy!

Happy Shopping AND happy orgasming! :rolleyes:

Mikayla ;)

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Well I bought my GF one of the previous toys you reviewed (the Heart-On) and she LOVES it! I think that this one will find a permanent spot in her business trip luggage. Thanks for some great suggestions!

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Well I bought my GF one of the previous toys you reviewed (the Heart-On) and she LOVES it! I think that this one will find a permanent spot in her business trip luggage. Thanks for some great suggestions!

YOU ARE VERY, VERY WELCOME!!!!!! I hope she LOVES it as much as I did!

Mikayla :blink:

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Well, glad you had a good experience with it. I bought this a few months ago and I was sadly disappointed :( It just didn't seem to do anything for me, I mean nothing. I ended up resorting to my other toys - especially big blue (blue meta - cannot say one bad thing about that one :P ).

I bought it because the shape intrigued me and I thought wow - this could be something, and water-proof too - my favorite. I guess that I might have to "play" around a bit more and give it another try - maybe it might work now? Maybe its just me - as ever - everyone has their own preferences. B)

Just another thought though - what about use for anal play? ;)

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Mmmmmm....Sexxitkittie, I am surprised you had a bad experience...or rather, no experience with this toy! The only thing I can think of is maybe your G-Spot is a little further up than the toy can get to (although that would be rare) - I would say, give it another try!

I had to bend the toy for the clitoral stim, it didn't hit me on it's own as hard as I like, but once I got it positioned right, it was perfect!

Not everyone has the same experiences with toys, and I am glad you pointed that out! Try again, cause even sex with men can be good one night and bad another, right?

As for whether I would use this toy anally.....I hadn't thought of that, and I am not quite sure I would, but maybe...something to think about!

Mikayla B)

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Thanks Mikala!!

This is my next purchase I think!!! ;)

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  • 2 years later...
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Well, I have to say my experience with this guy was equal parts good and bad. Don't worry, though. I'm pretty sure it's just me. :unsure:

First off, this toy is made out of a firm but relatively flexible plastic. It's perfectly formed (at least I think so) to hit the g-spot and the clit at the same time. It's waterproof, so don't be afraid to get wet! The design is smooth, except for hard nubbies where it hits those two spots. Unfortunately, that's where I had the problem.

I have never had a toy with nubbies before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. The nubbies on the clit area were great, no problems there. It was the ones on the g-spot area :( I made sure to lube it up really well, but the nubbies still scraped me a bit going in. I figured things would be fine once I got everything situated, and I was right. Once this baby is positioned where it needs to be, it's fabulous! I barely had to move it and I was on my way to the big O in no time. Sadly, afterwards was a different story. As I go to take it out and clean it, it scrapes me some more. Okay, so I just won't use it that often. Whatever. The next day, my SO and I get some alone time. Problem is, I'm sore. All the way. I don't mean "Oh, it'll be okay once we get going...", I mean "OMG, OW!" :( So, this guy went to the bottom of the box.

As I said before, the problem is most likely me. I haven't heard of anyone else on the board having nubbie issues. Also, the experience itself wasn't bad at all. So I wouldn't say it's a bad toy at all for most people. Just not a good one for me :(

The Wave

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Well, I have to say my experience with this guy was equal parts good and bad. Don't worry, though. I'm pretty sure it's just me. :unsure:

First off, this toy is made out of a firm but relatively flexible plastic. It's perfectly formed (at least I think so) to hit the g-spot and the clit at the same time. It's waterproof, so don't be afraid to get wet! The design is smooth, except for hard nubbies where it hits those two spots. Unfortunately, that's where I had the problem.

I have never had a toy with nubbies before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. The nubbies on the clit area were great, no problems there. It was the ones on the g-spot area :( I made sure to lube it up really well, but the nubbies still scraped me a bit going in. I figured things would be fine once I got everything situated, and I was right. Once this baby is positioned where it needs to be, it's fabulous! I barely had to move it and I was on my way to the big O in no time. Sadly, afterwards was a different story. As I go to take it out and clean it, it scrapes me some more. Okay, so I just won't use it that often. Whatever. The next day, my SO and I get some alone time. Problem is, I'm sore. All the way. I don't mean "Oh, it'll be okay once we get going...", I mean "OMG, OW!" :( So, this guy went to the bottom of the box.

As I said before, the problem is most likely me. I haven't heard of anyone else on the board having nubbie issues. Also, the experience itself wasn't bad at all. So I wouldn't say it's a bad toy at all for most people. Just not a good one for me :(

The Wave

I know this sounds horrible, but I'm glad you had this problem. I can't use studded or ribbed condoms because it rubs me wrong and always hurts, so I can only imagine this cause the same problem, however I didn't even think of that until I read your review. Thanks hun!

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It depends on how hard & pointy the nubbies are for me to like them. Though, I do like nubbies on glass too (but those are usually very smooth). Some people love nubbies, while others don't. One of our Reviewers, Valntyn, usually doesn't like nubbies, but she's found 1 or 2 toys with them that she's actually liked. It's all trial and discovery, really. But, it's always fun trying!! :P;)

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I've had my eye on this one for a long time and will probably go ahead and get it soon because it certainly looks like it would deliver (the main question being is that clit stimulator in the right place and does it really put out enough stim?)....if it does who knows, it may just join the ranks of those few great overworked favorites of mine! I'm going to have to buy a bigger tool box as it is! :P

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