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Trial and Error

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Well, my apologies to anyone who has been following this blog. I got so caught up in work and trying to do the little mom/work balancing act, I forgot to pay the cable bill, so my internet was shut down for a while. I am sooooooo embarrassed, usually, I pay it without fail, geuss I got too caught up. Anyways, I am back. I hate nights like tonight. The neighbors are at it again. It isn't fair, it really isn't. They can fight and have 20 sherrif cars out here, her 2 sons are both on probation,




OMG!! MY LEGS! I forgot what it was like to stand on my feet for 8 hours straight. My legs feel like cement, I was up at 5:30 this morning, and it was a rough one. The 5 yr old came in at 6 complaining of an ear ache. The baby woke up at 6:30, so I was dealing with a very unhappy camper trying to make her feel better and feed the baby at the same time. Grandma had a Dr, s appointment. she has 2 masses in her intestines the size of lemons. Because it is in the lymph nodes, they can not operate.



Time For A Change

I got a phone call this morning from another employer, no surprise there, I get them on almost a daily basis with all the applications and resumes I have been putting out thre. Anyways, This employer called me, wanted me to come in for an interview, ok, no big deal, 2 o'clock. I ironed my suit, showered, shaved and went in looking pretty professional, I probably could have gotten away with casual, but I figured the suit would work better. So I went in, did the interview, answered with no hesita



This Title Left Intentionally Blank

Man, what a day, thak god the kids FINALLY went to bed. I think my oldest is hitting puberty. She is beginning to "bud" if ya know what I mean. She also gets really really moody around the first week of each month. I swear, if you even make a face at her she runs off crying "everybody hates me" I told her dad she might be getting ready to go through it, he agrees, her grandmother says I am pushing her, to wait until she is at least 13. Like I have ANY kind of control over it?! Hell, I started



Good News (finally! Maybe?)

I got a package in the mail yesterday from one of the companies I submitted my resume to. I do that a lot, on an average week I submit around 50 copies of my resume to employers. I also fill out roughly 30 applications each week. I get a few hits here and there. When all is said and done, I try and find more employers and find more websites to subit a resume to, I figure that way, any unposted employers can find me in their searches, and I can search their sites and find more employers. It is



A Real Problem

I got a letter today from the state that Liz's dad lives in. It said I could call the toll free number and find out how much child support the state had collected on my behalf. It looks as though he knew he was screwed either way, and signed the paper saying he was dad. Now I have to worry about a whoile new set of problems. His mom for one. She has custody of his other 3 kids, and I am afraid she will try to take Liz away from me, because she is her grand daughter. She lives in a state with gr



First Time

Cool, I figured out the settings on this thing and how to add entries. I knew all that work on the other board would help me out someday. No, I am not a rocket scientist, nor am I a poet, so don't expect anything like that here, sorry. I am however a mom of 4 of the most beautiful girls in this world. Can ya tell I am a tiny bit biased about my kids? LOL And no, I do not think they are angels, well, maybe when they are sleeping. But, when they are awake, you would swear it was a wrestling mat



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