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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I can't remember the specific age, but it was in my early 20's. I was pretty self-conscious of my body until then. Then I bloomed!! Once I learned HOW to enjoy sex, masturbation was soon following! LOL
  2. First off, report the fucker. Sorry, but, even if you ARE dopey from medication, you said you remember pushing him away and telling him to stop, yet he continued. Yes, report his sorry ass. He will claim that y'all had a sexual relationship in the past, and that he thought you wanted it. You will have a fight (meaning he will argue that you asked for it) on your hands, but NO IS NO, drugged, comatose, or wide-awake. No means no. At the very leasthe should be fired. If your boss decides to go turn a blind eye, report them to the labor board in your state. And, if you're incapacited due to alchohol or drugs, that does NOT give him the right to assault you the way he did. Get a pregancy test, get verification whether or not you are pregnant. Get one with at least 3. Test yourself every couple of days. EPT is a great one cuz they have ones that have the "earlier detection" kit. Being in the medical field yourself, you KNOW of the things that can be passed around, and you really need to go to your doctor/GYN ASAP about seeing about STD testings. I have a helluva lot more I could say, however, in the interest of not seeming like I'm a lumberjack on vacation, I will just shut up now. LOL Best wishes darlin'.
  3. DAMN FINE EXPLANATION The wife came home early and found her husband in their bedroom making love to a very attra ctive young woman. And she was somewhat upset. 'You are a disrespectful pig!' she cried.. 'How dare you do this to me -- a faithful wife, the mother of your children! I'm leaving you. I want a divorce right away!' And the husband replied, 'Hang on just a minute love so at least I can tell you what happened.' 'Fine, go ahead,' she sobbed,' but they'll be the last words you'll say to me!' And the husband began -- 'Well, I was getting into the car to drive home, and this young lady here asked me for a lift. She looked so down and out and defenseless that I took pity on her and let her into the car. I noticed that she was very thin, not well dressed and very dirty. She told me that she hadn't eaten for three days. So, in my compassion, I brought her home and warmed up the enchiladas I made for you last night, the ones you wouldn't eat because you're afraid you'll put on weight. The poor thing devoured them in moments. Since she needed a good clean-up, I suggested a shower, and while she was doing that, I noticed her clothes were dirty and full of holes, so I threw them away. Then, as she needed clothes, I gave her the designer jeans that you ha ve had for a few years, but don't wear because you say they are too tight. I also gave her the underwear that was your anniversary present, which you don't wear because I don't have good taste. I found the sexy blouse my sister gave you for Christmas that you don't wear just to annoy her, and I also donated those boots you bought at the expensive boutique and don't wear be cause someone at work has a pair the same.' The husband took a quick breath and continued - 'She was so grateful for my understanding and help that as I walked her to the door, she turned to me with tears in her eyes and said, 'Please ... Do you have anything else that your wife doesn't use?"
  4. I was kinda shocked that I went up, but, yep, I did. I was a 32c all thru high school. One of my friends swore I got a boob job (til he got to fondle them LOL). I'm glad that you had such a great result with your b.c. pills. That's great!! I think that the side effects also depends on your age, especially since they say "If you're over the age of 35, you shouldn't smoke on The Pill....." sort of thing. But that's not an issue here anyway.
  5. I would say that the risk of side-effects would be worth it for you, espcially if your gyn agrees. I have been on a variety of birth control pills since I was 16 yrs old. I was really active, like you are now, and I never had an issue with weight gain. Since you ARE so active, I don't really see this as a problem for you. However, please check with your GYN to see which one they recommend for you, because, as it's been said already, each person reacts to the hormones in b.c. pills differently. It's the same like with drugs to help with manic depression, you really need to try the combination/Rx that works best for your specific chemistry. Your GYN will probably put you on something medium strength since your periods are so miserable for you. I was on one type of Pill for 4 yrs and started getting migraines. A blood test later revealled that I had to much testosterone in my system, and viola'!! They changed the Rx, and no more migraines! Also remember, that, in b.c. pills, a lot of women tend to have an increase in breast size, since the hormones fool the body into being pregnant (I increased a cup size), which does cause the scale to go up a bit. Talk with your GYN though. Best wishes sweetie!!!
  6. OK, OK, DON'T laugh, I KNOW I'm not quiet..........however, when I AM quiet, it's usually because I'm thinking of something serious, around unfamiliar people, sick, worried, or extremely tired. Usually, when I'm thinking about sex, I talk about sex.
  7. I bet if you stuck their toe in a electrical socket a man would vibrate!! LMAO!! Sorry, I couldn't resist!!!!
  8. It's always possible, since the g-spot is usually under your bladder, however, if you make sure that you urinate before you start having sex, the likelihood of that is very low.
  9. Thanks. I've had a lot of people say they like it. I've got enough antler beads to make one more, similar to this. As soon as I make it, I'll post a pic of that too.
  10. Whether or not you "count calories", watching what you eat can be very hard. Especially after you have a baby. I was a size 6/8 for the majority of my life. Not so now!! LOL I am trying to diet, and I know that part of my problem is what I eat, getting older, and the need to exercise more. All of which I am doing now. Do I count calories? No, I don't have the time to log everything I eat. I know that system wouldn't work for me. I know myself enough to know that at least!! LMAO When I was thin, I'd get snubbed at by larger people cuz I didn't have "their problem". However, I worked out for almost 2 hours a day, worked long hours on my feet, and watch what I ate. I worked at being that thin and healthy. It doesn't come easy for a lot of people. I do find that the person that wrote the article is rather petty and negative, however. Saying something's gonna fail just because you don't believe in it is just wrong. Unless you have tried it, and, in this case FOLLOWED it to the letter, you really can't say too much. It'd be like my mother saying it doesn't work. She's been on those sorts of diets for maybe 2 weeks, and quit, cuz she didn't see results. I keep telling her that that sort of thing is a long-time/life-time commitment, not a thing you just do for a bit, get fantastic and dramatic results, and you're all good.
  11. The pendant is black onyx, with crystal, acryllic (the larger bulky silver pieces), and metal beads. This set is made out of dyed howlite. Howlite is a stone, that is usually used to dye to look like turquoise. I'm not a huge "pink" fan, but I'm trying to diversify my selection. I hope you like it. Rhonodite squares, red jade balls, glass seed beads, and metal accents. Red dyed howlite set. I love the square/diamond shapes! Darker beads are actually antler bone, the balls are wood, and the smaller beads are glass.
  12. I TOTALLY agree with this. I would suggest that you look up local/federal labor laws. I don't know if that is even legal, schedulling you that amount of time. Now, if you volunteer for it, that's one thing.....I would think that the Federal Safety Committee (if there is such an entity) or OSHA would be giving out fines or something........
  13. Does the burning sensation go away after using it for a while, of does it spread up inside? If it spreads then I would say you may have an allergy to latex. Do you have this sensation with condoms too? If not, then it's probably you maybe not lubing up your labia enough to get it inside comfortably. Many people put lube ON the toy, but forget to put some up on their lips, which can catch on a toy, creating almost a slight burning sensation, I call it Toy-Burn. Kinda like rug burn. LOL Anyway, try using a lot more lube, paying special attention to your lips. Good luck!!
  14. I totally agree with this.
  15. I was using the Pill for a year. Just ran out of the Rx, and we're back to condoms & foam. Yeah, I am sooooo not getting pregnant. When I was on the Pill, I used foam too. It's a bit messy, but hey, better to be safe than pregnant. I hope to get on Mirena, but first, saving for DD's adnoid/tonsilecomies.
  16. I love watching the hummingbirds at my birdfeeder. Nervous for tomorrow. My daughter has another belt testing. I've been working with her on her terminology (and learning somethings myself!!). I cleaned off a lot of stuff off of my computer. Got a lot of little stuff done today. I hope my daughter feels better tomorrow.]
  17. Great idea!!! Let me know if you need any help.
  18. The one year guarantee applies to the freebies too. Call or e-mail Meaghan (Meaghan@TooTimid.com) and explain what happened. She'll send you a new one.
  19. Ooooooooooooooooooh.....LOL My bad!!! I have no idea what I was thinking!! Sorry about that!!! LOL
  20. I don't blame you at all. It's always good to be aware of what risks there are, and problems from a particular situation, whether it's on the Net, or in your real life. I have a hard time trusting people too. Other than the friends that I've known for a long time on here, there are 2 other people that have my personal info and phone numbers, and I did that in PM's or e-mails, never on a board. I had a stalker about 15 yrs ago, my ex. He called and called and called. He moved 3 hours away, and still called me! He had gone back to his mother's house, and I finally had to make this her business too, by calling her and letting her know that he was using her phone (and $$) to call me and harrass me, and that, if it didn't stop, I'd have him arrested, so please talk with him or have your phone blocked. I never heard from him again. Though, when he did it, he scared me.
  21. I'm shocked and appalled that your doctor, knowing you're on BC, didn't forwarn you about this. Why does it seem to me that doctors are just assuming that people know these things, and not telling/reminding them? I was always told that ANYTIME you are on any sort of antibiotic, unless directed by a doctor, continue taking your Pill anyway, but ALWAYS use a back up form of BC, like condoms. And, I could be wrong here, but, if you're on BC, aren't you suppose to go to the doctor for a stronger pregnancy test? I mean, the Pill (if that's what you're on) is fooling the body into thinking it's pregnant, so it won't release an egg, so I would think that pregnancy test OTC wouldn't register correctly anyway. I hope leslieann can weigh in on that.
  22. I too am one of those women that need clit stimulation to have an orgasm. And, for me, the stronger the vibes, the stronger my O is!! I would compare it to a man getting stimulated, but only by the shaft of the penis. Men usually prefer their heads touched in some way, because it's the most sensitive. Just the shaft feels good, but not mind-blowing. Think of a woman's clitoris as her "little penis" or her nub of pleasure if the first one kinda bothers you. LOL
  23. Your ex sounds like he's a great guy, to his kids. However, again, let me restress that, if he wanted you to change your physical appearance in such a drastic way, and made you feel bad about yourself, then he really is not a great person towards YOU. Yes, he's going to treat you nicer infront of other people, and that's what your friend has seen. What your friend needs to really GRASP is that, he's your EX for a REASON. For whatever reason, things just didn't work out. She needs to drop it and move on, hopeless romantic or not. I mean, how DISRESPECTFUL is it of her to do that, with you having another man in your life now. Imagine how that makes your BF feel? Just because you get along with your Ex doesn't mean that you should get back together. In fact, it's wonderful that you get along, if only for the sake of the kids you have together. So, she needs to drop it, or leave you alone. I hope her latest e-mail to you was sincere & truthful. As far as men being programmed, yes, that absolutely could be true. However, if any man uses it as an excuse, he's just shallow. I mean, yes, they see these images, and are influenced by them (as us women are too), however, men need to understand that they can choose to follow that mindset, or be a bit more free-thinking, and feel comfortable enough to like what they like, and say to hell with what others may think!
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