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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRavin' rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreview!! Muey bien!!
  2. Well, there was this one guy that worked at an auto parts store that I was interested in, years ago, and, after I got my parts, I gave him a business card, with my cell number written on the back, and said "If your single, and wish to go out, call me at the number on the back". And he did. He told me later that he was very flattered that I had done that. Something that simple, let's him know you're interested, and let's him make the "big" first move by calling.
  3. SOOOOOOOOOO, as you all know, I have been wanting Mirena FOREVER!! The doctor's office was suppose to call and verify that I was covered, and they never called me back, so I assumed from what read in the insurance book and no call back, I was all set, and excited. Fucking BCBS is BS!! So much for following up or preparing the patient. I get there today, and the receptionist tells me that it's a deductable-ratio cost. Meaning I had to PAY for the whole thing, procedure and all, which, I couldn't do. It would've been over $800!!!! Our deductable is a thousand dollars, so, of course, it hasn't been met yet. This is because it's not a necessity, even though their book says that "contraceptives prescribed or inserted by a physician" is. So, I am on some fuckin' pills. I was so upset when I found out that it wasn't covered that I cried. I think I'm gonna call them and tell them that their book is EXTREMELY deceptive and unclear.
  4. OK, since I can only see you...... I can't believe you wore WHITE!! LMAO!! Seriously though, very sweet.
  5. OK, it's the jokester visual in me, but the title to this post made me have some wierd images in my head!! LMAO For the sake of the guy's comfort, I will keep my visuals to myself. LOL
  6. We had a nice, quiet ceremony. Thanks for all your thoughts.
  7. Let me also agree with the other posters here. Each person's body chemistry responds to different medications differently. Hence why there are SO many choices out there. It's a crap shoot to figure out which one works best for you. Even as Thurisas mentioned, asprin can affect people differently, or even the higher end pain relievers. When you start talking about mood/behavioral altering drugs, then it can really be trial and error. If you're having issues with your meds, you need to talk with the doctor that prescribed it for you. Hence why the handouts say "If you experience any of these side effects, please tell your doctor immediately." That's not just for the severe reactions either. If you are not happy with what's happening, then it's your job as the patient to tell your doctor, and it's your doctor's job to figure something else out for you. Good luck!!
  8. Mikayla is absolutely correct!! People get excluded for all sorts of jobs, including the "petty" sounding ones. But, say, for instance, in the "not pretty enough" catagory, think of it this way, have you ever seen a really ugly female or male sales associates that's right out front, and helping customers? No, not really. The company has an image, and they like to put their best foot forward. One company I worked for, blatantly told me that I was exactly what they were looking for to add diversity to their area. I was tall, and white. Plus I was pretty, with nice nails. All good for getting men to purchase more merchandise. Plus, most of the other associates in the area were either Mexicans or African-Americans. They felt they needed at least one "upfront and blatantly obvious white girl in the department". OK, whatever, I needed the job, and I excelled in it!! Some jobs simply need people to be able to do certain things. Other reasons, is that most companies simply don't have the resources or the experience to train people with certain special needs, whether you're talking about sightless, deafness, or people in wheelchairs. It's very sad, but, that's the cost of business. Most companies that hire people out (like temp agencies), and resource centers, will direct people that have different needs, to specialized areas, not to placate you, but to offer you more obtainable jobs. The more specialized jobs, the more chances are that you will be hired, and have a higher degree of comfort, since, being directed there, they will know how to deal with certain issues that may arise, whether it's a physical issue or even language barrier. I am sorry you're feeling the way you are. I can NOT say I know how you feel, since I too, am not one with disabilities (well, some people down here would consider me being a "Yankee" one LMAO!!), seriously though, try not to let it get down. It may seem like they're trying to coddle you, but, I think, in all honesty, the people that are trying to help you are trying to help guide you to a job that will be a long-lasting fit for you. Best wishes!!
  9. Too funny!! I think men that are humorous in semi stressful situations are wonderful!! LMAO
  10. Welcome to the site! It's a great first step, trying to learn new and fun things!
  11. Laughing My Ass Off
  12. I too, must go with the "rather be pissed off than pissed on" groups. I've never experienced it, and don't think I could do it either, but, that's the thing! Everyone's different.
  13. I gotta have one!!! Hey, you should rename your hubby AEH!! LMAO
  14. OK, no beating around the bush, (sorry, couldn't help the pun there), yes, even fingering can leave you sore the next day. If he's "pounding" at you vigorously, then yes, it can and will leave you sore. Iha is absolutely correct, labias and vaginas are not overly delicate, but, they can get bruised, even with just fingers and fists, such as you've described. Think of it this way: a vigorous fingering is like vigorous fucking. Your genitals get pounded at, and it can get sore/tender down there due to this. OK, as a FWB, you really have no say in who else he may date, fuck, finger, or kiss. Sorry, but that's what a FWB is. Just a casual thing, with no strings attached. As a woman, it's very, very, hard to seperate being intimate with someone and not feeling anything on the romantical side. Women are just "wired" to be a bit more emotional when it comes to sex, so, you're normal there too. However, if it gets to the point where you're starting to have stronger than friendship feelings with this FWB, you should rethink the whole "not BF material" aspect. Either continue with the FWB, or move on. I had an FWB, and I had to stop sleeping with him, because I was becoming a bit too emotionally caught up in him, and, at the time, that's not what either of us wanted (a commitment). I kinda wish now I had at least told him how I had been feeling, to get that out in the open, but, if I had, I may not be where I am today, so it all worked out for all of us.
  15. I think this is my favorite response!! LMAO Honest, funny, and I can even picture him shrugging as he typed that!! LOL
  16. If I still had it, I'd put a black bat-cape on, just for you Pappy!! LMAO
  17. What Thurisas said could be true, or, if you have some severe allergies to some foods or substances, and your BF partakes in them (such as, if you have an allergy to shellfish, but he doesn't, and he eats some, and either that night, or the day after, you try to BJ, and get a nasty reaction), you could be suffering from an allergic reaction to what he ate. This is rare, but it can happen, especially if you're overly sensitive.
  18. An eighty year old man was walking by the beach. He heard a voice say, "Pick me up." He heard it again say, "Pick me up." He looked down and saw nothing excep a little green frog. He asked, "Froggy, was that you?" The frog replied, "Yes, it was." He picked the frog up. The frog said, "Kiss me and I'll become your bride." He put the frog in his pocket. The frog yelled, "KISS ME AND I'LL BECOME YOUR BRIDE!" The man replied, "I'm an eighty year old man. what do I need with a bride? But I would love to have a talking frog!"
  19. Would please add a pic to this review? I'm sorry this item didn't work for you. Though, I have something similar, and there are heads that I like, and others that I threw out! LOL Thanks!!!
  20. ....Pappy, it almost sounds like you and Whiskey.........well, ya know!! LOL
  21. We're glad you found us too!! Welcome aboard, and I hope you find some useful stuff, insight, and are having great SEX!!!!
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