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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Welcome! I hope you enjoy the site and get a lot out of it! There is a lot of helpful information, interesting debates, jokes, and lots more!
  2. Ginger, that link was awesome! I guess that can all be applied to the phrase "That just blows!" too then!
  3. Blue, I'm glad you took my post as it meant to be. I know sometimes I can come across as harsh. I don't tend to use flowery words most of the time. As far as Mommy Mode and all of that. There are 2 different types of roles in a marriage with children. The parental role, and then the husband and wife roles. Kids should come first in almost every aspect, IMO. Such as food, clothing, shelter, health..... However, there are times where the kids need to learn & know boundries. As long as the children are safe, fed, warm, and healthy, there is NO reason why Mommy and Daddy can't go "take a nap" together, go out without them, or keep the kids out of their room for a period of time. Setting boundries, limitations, and enforcing them show kids how to be respectful and responsible. How is this a bad thing? Some women brush their partner's needs off, for the sake of the kids, and them Dads are left feeling alone and probably a bit resentful of the children. It happens a lot, unfortunately. Women are nurturers by nature, and have to learn how to balance kids and hubby better. Showing kids that you have affection & love for your spouse/SO is important. Though the level of affection should be tempered for age-appropriateness, obviously. Yes, your relationship does change after having children. It's up to you on how it will do so.
  4. And, added bonus! Upper body workout for the guy! What a great idea!!
  5. BlueEyesCT, I agree. You sound like a caring, loving husband. This is a great thing. And your wife is very lucky to have such a tolerant and accepting husband. I'm sure telling us about the molestation she went thru was a hard thing to do. Most of us can read between the lines, and kinda take an educated guess. But, we don't like to jump to conclusions. Thank you for your honesty. I'm sure that was very hard for you to do. With that said, now is the time to grow a bit more of a stronger role. I'm not trying to sound mean or disrespectful here at all. I'm saying that, you are NOT responsible for what happened to her. You are NOT responsible for how it made her feel. You are NOW responsible for enabling her to continue to feel the way she does, and allowing her to continue the pacifistic lifestyle she has chosen to live with you. Sitting back, and idly watching your sex life go from slow to pretty much non-exsistent is both of your faults. AFter people's suggestions and opinions, again, you are enabling her to stand by and not do anything by making excuses. Ultimatum is such a strong word with negative undertones. I would, however, insist that you go with her to her OB/GYN appointments if and when it is possible. The health of your wife and child are extremely important. You should be made a part of it. Men have generally taken a traditional role of sitting back and letting the woman and doctor know all about her and the baby's health. The woman sits back, and basically explains what's going on, and what to expect when they get home from the doctor. I've never found this acceptable. ASK questions, voice concerns with her at the doctor's office. If your wife gets mad, she gets mad. Her GYN has probably seen more of her internal and external parts than you have (bright lights and a speculum aren't usually on hand in the bedroom LOL). For women, the ONE doctor they should be completely open & honest with is her OB/GYN when it comes to her own health. Not just the mechanics of having a baby, but also the sexual aspect of her health all the way around! Yes, sex is the way to have babies, to procreate. However, in a marriage, it's also ADULT PLAYTIME. And you both are missing out on such a wonderful bonding experience. Mental health is JUST as important as physical, if not more so. Your wife sounds like she thinks that that's not true. She sounds like she thinks that she should be able to handle her issues alone, in whatever way she chooses. Again, not a good idea. She may KNOW what happened to her, and she may think she knows it's not her fault. But, she has yet to come to terms with it. She doesn't UNDERSTAND it. Not really. KNOWING & UNDERSTANDING are 2 different things. For example, I KNOW that when I turn the key in my car's ignition, it starts. Do I understand all the electrical and chemical reactions that make it so? No, not really. Nobody LIKES to confront nasty things that have happened. Or remember the bad evil things that have befallen them. But, as a mature, complete adult, one must do so. Asking for some help in doing so, doesn't make anyone a failure. It makes them smarter and stronger for doing so. Rivisting the nasties will be painful, but necassary. Her sister seems to have figured that out. Counsellors have been trained and educated in ways of enabling people to cope with things that they may not know how to do so. Different techniques, ways of thinking, and a different POV, that some people may have never even thought of before. What's wrong with that? You wife doesn't seem like the type of person to have even considered that aspect of going for help. Her ignoring it hasn't made it go away. You enabling her to ignore it, and not confront it, hasn't helped her, or your marriage, either. She is used to getting you to just let it drop, so she will continue to think that way. This can, ultimately, cost you your marriage, and affect your children's future as well. How? Well, if your wife isn't comfortable with HOW your children got there, how can she honestly answer questions that your kids will have in the future? Children pick up on how their parents are feeling. If she comes across as totally uncomfortable with sexuality all around, then that WILL rub off on the kids, creating issues in their lives too. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic. I too, was raped when I was 6. Thankfully, it only happened one time, and not an ongoing thing. I found people I confided in, learned things, read, and listened to other victims. Good friends, and a select number of family, were there when I needed them to be, and I also was able to confront and stare down my rapist when I was 15. That in itself was a wonderful, empowering, growing experience. It was a turning point for me. Gone was the shy, reserved girl I had been. Out came this strong-willed woman that understood, finally, what it felt NOT to be a victim or in need of keeping to myself. IMO, I would suggest maybe either couple's therapy, along with one-on-one sessions with the counselor, instead of a group therapy situation. She sounds, to me, like she would be the person that keeps quiet if there were too many people around. I wish you and your family all of the best.
  6. DH-Dear Husband or, if he's made his wife mad, Dick Head, Depends on the context. SO-Significant Other MIL-Mother-in-Law FIL-Father-In-Law WADR-With All Due Respect IMO-In my opinion IMHO-In my honest opinion BOB-Batter Operated Boyfriend BOG-Battery Operated Girlfriend
  7. I would say yes, that if the rabbit is peeling, then it is time to bury the bunny. Peeling material can be deposited inside of you, and can create health issues in some cases. Peeling material, like in the jelly, or even the paint, really can't be stopped. I'm afraid the patient is on his way out..... When disposing of sex toys, I would suggest taking the batteries out, wrapping it up in a plastic bag, tying the bag, and throwing it away, for privacy sake, in a dark trash bag. I'm sorry that the news isn't good. One day, you will be ready to move on, find another well-deserved Rabbit, and the pain won't be so bad. My condolences.
  8. Bear necessities, the simple bear necessities. Forget about your worries…..ok, well, aside from stealing a movie song, I wanted to let you know about the newest clit tickler I got! It’s called the Little Teddy Clit Tickler, and I’m here to tell you that this little bear knows how to work it! I was a bit skeptical on how well this would work because the site and the package insert said that the bear is soft, pliable, jelly material. But, as a lover of animals and clit stimulators, I was willing to see if this bear was properly trained. All my skepticism went away when I turned it on, and felt the little paw’s strength when it came to the jelly material. Yes, it’s pliable and fairly soft, but it’s got enough firmness in it to hold well enough to satisfy the most finicky vibe user, such as myself. My purple, waterproof, little bear vibe looks a lot like the Hustler Rock-It vibe, about the same size, and takes just 1 AA battery (not incl.). The sitting bear topper looks as if someone is holding the bear up at gunpoint, cuz his paws are held up. It’s very easy to install the battery, twist it on, the bear has one setting: HIGH! Just how I like ‘em! When the vibe goes on, the bear “punches” side to side super-fast, which provides a lot of stimulation all around your clit! And, that bear can throw a punch!! Armed with my favorite dildo (because I LOVE feeling FULL), and the bear, I was able to twitch and clench with some wonderful orgasms! Thank you, thank you very much!! Small, relatively quiet (but not overly so), cute, and fun, this little Teddy will work your clit over very well! Pack it in an overnight bag, purse, or right in the nightstand, cuz you’re gonna want this little bear to snuggle with often! Won't You Be My Teddy Bear....
  9. Honey, I've BTDT. I married my HS sweetheart knowing FULL well that he'd never been faithful in any relationship, and that he'd probably cheat on me too. We were together 4 yrs, only married, officially, for 9 mos. I had always told him that IF I EVER found PROOF that he had cheated, he'd be gone. And, when I did, he was out the door. No warnings, no second chances.....that was it! I married him cuz of a couple of reasons. One, I had made a promise. I keep them. This was a foolish promise to keep. Two, pride. He had told everyone in his family AND the girl he was with before we got back together, that if he could, he'd get back together with me. That we had a "connection". That connection got severred when his ass cheated. Three, I loved loved loved all his family AND friends!! I just clicked with them all. Now, you have married a guy that is a confessed cheater. A successful marriage requires trust on both people's parts. You don't seem to have that. No, you're not dumb for feeling this way. But, what you need to try and do is figure out whether or not this is a GUT FEELING, or if you're somehow punishing him for past bad acts on his part. People have been getting away with cheating for as long as the word Monogamy has been around. Some people discover it, others don't. Some choose to overlook it. There ARE ways of hiding an affair. Now, I'm not saying that he IS having an affair, and I'm not saying that he isn't. But, I AM saying that, since he's an experienced cheater, I'm sure he's learned to cover his tracks over the years. But, if it's a continual behavior, he will mess up, and you'll catch him. It just may take longer. I'm not a huge comfort, I know. The only person to help you is YOU. And, maybe even a marriage counselor, if you want to continue the marriage. If you've tried and tried to catch him doing something bad, and haven't been able to do so, he's either telling you the truth, or extremely good at covering his tracks. What do you choose to believe? Nagging at him all the time, accusing him of cheating is just opening the doors to divorce court. He'll either get sick of it, and cheat because he's getting accused of it, and may as well do it, or he'll just get tired of having to prove himself to you over and over again. And you coming across that you don't believe him, doesn't show him that you're a wife, more like a babysitter looking to get him in trouble. As far as your self-esteem, again, only YOU can work on that. Positive thinking may sound a bit cliche', but it really DOES work! Go look in the mirror, and find ONE thing that you REALLY like about yourself. For instance, I LOVE my hair. It's thick, light brown, and wavy. I've always loved how much hair I have. Even if I have a "bad hair day", I tell myself that I am lucky to have this hair to HAVE a bad hair day with! Silver lining to that hairspray cloud! Maybe you have great eyes, nice breasts, a shapely waist, awesome smile, humor, good with math, a sexy walk....whatever. Find one thing you LOVE about yourself. Declare it outloud!!! It's not bragging, it's affirmation. Then, every day, find something good to declare about, out loud. It will help. And, over time, it will show too. Best wishes!
  10. Yes, go get tested. Some STDs don't have any signs that they are present until it is too late. Clamidiya can sterilze you if it goes untreated. Be thankful you found out (early I hope), and it's a treatable one. I have genital herpes, and had NO clue I had it until I had my first OB. The guy that I think gave it to me (cuz herpes has been known to lay dormant up to 10 years or more), I hadn't been with since May, and when I got my first OB, it was late October! So, no, there aren't always signs. Just go to your doctor or local Family Planning office, tell them what you suspect, and get tested and take ALL of the medications prescribed by the doctor. Your BF needs to get treated at the same time, or you can pass it on between you. His ex may or may not have slept with others. He could've had it for a while, or even cheated on her, and got it. It's been known to happen. Either way, someone gave it to someone, and now you may have it. Better to be safe than sorry and get it checked out. Contracting or having an STD doesn't make you a "skank" or a slut. Once you learn about it, it makes you more careful in the future. Anyone that is sexually active, in a committed relationship or not, should read up and learn all they can about STDs. It never hurts to learn, and it's smart to arm yourself with knowledge!
  11. I did the football thing YEARS ago, when I was a teenage girl. The guy I dated in HS (yes, Val, him), was on the football team. I was "allowed" to wear his "around the school" jerseys. One night, after a great game that he won the game ball with, I wore the shirt, which I could SWIM in, a thong, put the black smudges under my eyes, and was in his room, waiting, with a football! I looked SO cute!!! He made more touch-downs that night too. Get creative, and, you can even look in your (or his) closet for something to make fun for the night! Have fun!
  12. The Top Ten Things Men Know "FOR SURE" About Women 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. They have boobs. (.)(.)
  13. Tyger


    Yay!! Gotta LOVE da glass!! What a treat!
  14. Yes, in asnwer to your question, Thurasis IS Valntyn's hubby. I was their maid of honor at their wedding even!! They are SO considerate as freinds go! I mean, I've known them both since high school (knowing Val about a year longer), they always kept in touch in one way or another, even when they weren't together, AND they share the same birthday! I mean, how nice is it of them to bulk things in like that?
  15. Hot Date Night Party Pack Whether you’ve been married what seems like forever, or dating/living with someone, this Party Pack has something for everyone! Hubby & I celebrated our 5 yr wedding anniversary on 7-4-07, and this Pack came in just in time for us to have a bit of fun! Pretty in pink, there are Naughty Favor Cards, you can write what you want on them, and give them to your lover all thru the night. There’s a pin you can wear for fun that says “Your Place, or Mine?” Scented and silky “rose petals”, for that added touch to your bed. Hot Date Card game, with suggestions like “Take off my….and give it a sniff, then put it back on.” Fill in the blanks with some of the suggestions on the 2 sided suggestion card, or make some of your own up, whether they be sexual or silly, this game promises to put some fun in your Date Night! Then, last, but not least, my favorite item….pink fuzzy covered handcuffs that are made of REAL metal! Keys included, the cuffs also have the safety buttons on them, just in case you loose the keys in all the excitement! This is a good thing, especially for us!! The cuffs are sturdy, and fairly comfortable for men and women! I was able to sneak one of the cuffs on hubby, while he thought he was being slick by cuffing me. Ha ha!! Those are FUN! Nothing like a little light bondage to make a gal all wet! This item is great for a batchelorette party, spicing up your date night, or, like in our case, even a great anniversary treat! This kit had us laughing a loving for quite a while! A definite for couples everywhere! We will be using this Pack over and over, for sure! Adding fun surprises, laughter, and just having FUN, are all extremely important to have a long-lasting and fulfilling sex life! Have fun, and go out on a Hot Date!! Hot Date night TONIGHT!!!
  16. If the anti-nausea meds that her OB/GYN has prescribed, then go back and let her dr know this. There may be something else that may work. Different things work for different people, so it's really hard to suggest something. I never had any morning sickness (hubby got it all, which I thought was a FAIR trade! ). Anyway, if it's over a year before she wants to engage in sex, there could be many reasons for that. Fear of getting pregnant again, post-partum depression (severe case if it's that long), hormones, Mommy Mode.....the list goes on and on. Again, I would suggest that she talk to her OB/GYN NOW and after the baby is born. Letting her Dr know that this happens. It's not uncommon, but she has to be willing to discuss it with her Dr too, not just make a slight effort. There's nothing wrong with using some prescribed medication to help anyone over a bump or 2. Sometimes the hardest step, is admitting that there really IS an issue first.
  17. I wanted to be the first to post HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the both of you!!! Much love, hugs, and I miss you both tons!!!
  18. Welcome! I hope you enjoy the site!
  19. Welcome to the forum, and I hope it helps you with any issues you may have. I, for one, thing being a SAHM is a great thing. I have done so for the last 4 yrs. Every once in a while, I've had to go back to work, but have either done so when our daughter was asleep, or have been able to leave her with family, and she's always done well (once I am out of sight LOL). A couple of jobs, I have actually been able to take her to work with me. That's pretty cool, but stressful at the same time. Many people can't stay home with their kids due to finances. If you're able to do so, then great! Sometimes it's actually cheaper for a parent to stay at home with the kids, then it is to send them to daycare! Anyway, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive! I hope you're able to get a lot out of the site, and again, thank you to you and your hubby for your sacrifices for our country!
  20. Again, so long as your fetish (which doesn't mean you're addicted to it, it means that it's your THING that you just LOVE to see) doesn't interfere with your everyday life, you will be fine. In other words, you don't stay home from work, or not want to have sex with your SO, but rather just look at pics of bikini bottoms. When dating, you can admit to these fantasies to get your GFs interested in wearing them. An added bonus to a relationship! Masturbating several times a day won't decrease your fertility. At least not enough to truly matter. The male body produces sperm all of the time. So, whatever is ejaculated, is replenished soon after. A few hours or so, and you're tank is pretty much full. The only real things that will do that are diet, exercise (or lack of), smoking, drug usage. If you're truly concerned about your fertility, when you find the woman you want to have a child with, then go to a fertility specialist. Best wishes, and have fun!
  21. Again, so long as your fetish (which doesn't mean you're addicted to it, it means that it's your THING that you just LOVE to see) doesn't interfere with your everyday life, you will be fine. In other words, you don't stay home from work, or not want to have sex with your SO, but rather just look at pics of bikini bottoms. When dating, you can admit to these fantasies to get your GFs interested in wearing them. An added bonus to a relationship! Masturbating several times a day won't decrease your fertility. At least not enough to truly matter. The male body produces sperm all of the time. So, whatever is ejaculated, is replenished soon after. A few hours or so, and you're tank is pretty much full. The only real things that will do that are diet, exercise (or lack of), smoking, drug usage. If you're truly concerned about your fertility, when you find the woman you want to have a child with, then go to a fertility specialist. Best wishes, and have fun!
  22. A nurse was on duty in the Emergency Room when a young woman with purple hair styled into a punk rocker Mohawk, sporting a variety of tattoos, and wearing strange clothing, entered.. It was quickly determined that the patient had acute appendicitis, so she was scheduled for immediate surgery. When she was completely disrobed on the operating table, the staff noticed that her pubic hair had been dyed green, and above it there was a tattoo that read, "Keep off the grass." Once the surgery was completed, the surgeon wrote a short note on the patient's dressing, which said, "Sorry, had to mow the lawn." ~Submitted by RN no name As a new, young MD doing his residency in OB , I was quite embarrassed when performing female pelvic exams.. To cover my embarrassment I had unconsciously formed a habit of whistling softly. The middle-aged lady upon whom I was performing this exam suddenly burst out laughing and further embarrassing me. I looked up from my work and sheepishly said, "I ' m sorry. Was I tickling you?" She replied, "No doctor, but the song you were whistling was, "I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Wiener". ~Dr. wouldn't submit his name I was performing rounds at the hospital one morning and while checking up on a woman I asked, "So how's your breakfast this morning?" "It's very good, except for the Ken tucky Jelly. I can't seem to get used to the taste" the patient replied. I then asked to see the jelly and the woman produced a foil packet labeled "KY Jelly." ~Submitted by Dr. Leonard Kransdorf, Detroit, MI While acquainting myself with a new elderly patient, I asked, "How long have you been bedridden?" After a look of complete confusion she answered.."Why, not for about twenty years - when my husband was alive." Submitted by Dr. Steven Swans on-Corvallis, OR
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