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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Investment tips for 2007. For all of you with any money left, be aware of the next expected mergers so you can get in on the ground floor and make some "BIG BUCKS". Watch for these consolidations in 2007. 1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W.R.Grace & Co. will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace. 2.) Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker. 3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and and become: MMMGood. 4.) Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and be come: ZipAudiDoDa. 5.) FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP. 6.) Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild. 7.) Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: Poupon Pants. 8.) Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW! And finally ... 9.) Victoria 's Secret and Smith & Wesson will merge under the new name: Titty Titty Bang Bang.
  2. My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks. As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told us that "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up, that would be super." On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. "Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground." She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one." To which (I swear) the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, "Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up, Bitch"
  3. Adam & Eve Productions teams up with Luc Wylder once again, for a more “realistic” type of adult film. Knock knock! Come on in, and see how the professional kinky ones live! Take a tour in 4 different porn star’s homes they share with their significant others (that are also adult stars). Check out their businesses on the web, the rooms in their homes, exotic pets, kinky collections, and personal space. Walk around, see how the adult film stars live. Then, watch them go at it with their partners, close up and personal. The whole thing was very laid back, relaxed, and pretty much unrehearsed. No acting skills needed for this one. Not at all what I expected. But, it was also nice to peek into their lives a little bit too. Curiosity and all. Luc does a great job trying to come across in more real surroundings, dialogue, and sets. However, I have noticed a couple of things when watching films directed by him: too much talking, and the same format over and over again-oral, sex, then the cum shot. One minute, they’re talking, and, almost as if there’s a switch turned on, BOOM!! They’re having down and dirty sex! The sex scenes are always good though, great close ups, and great lighting. For me, the action wasn’t as much as I’d like it to be. And, it was all male-female couples. If you’re not into cheesy sets, music, and an overly “fake” aspect of adult films, then this one is for you. It was a different type of porn, which was refreshing and fun to watch, with all the extras, such as web links, trailers, and so on. TAKE THE TOUR
  4. Now that you've experienced something other than what you have been dealing with, you're thirsting for more. There is NOTHING wrong with that. You & your wife, sadly, don't seem to be compatible now. She's doing a little too little too late. She should get kuddos for trying, but, not until she found out that there was actually someone else, did she really give 2 craps about your relationship. Someone was moving in on what she considers her "turf", and so she wants to mark you as HERS? Talk about confusing! If she seems like she wants to go back to the way things were~dull...then inevidably, it will. Best to part friends, especially for the children's sakes, and go your seperate ways as lovers. You will be in each other's lives because of your children, but, seperating as amicably as possible is best all around. But, if you sit down and think about it, you will probably see that you may love her as the mother of your children, and respect her for it, however, finding things that you still don't find attractive anymore.....it's like you're trying to find a reason to leave. That, and the chemistry is gone. Once gone, you really can't get it back. Going back to her was a mistake, IMO. You wanted to try and patch things up. But, frankly, the way I see it, it set things back. There has to be a 100% effort on both parties. She isn't trying, and you don't really seem interested in truly fixing things. I'm not being insulting, just stating that niether of you seem to be willing to put forth a lot of effort. And, if not, why bother? Relationships really need to be worked on and improved constantly. Holding each other back like this isn't healthy for either of you, or the kids. Your kids are probably thrilled to have you back in the house with Mommy, but, trust me, they will survive. And plus, it's also holding them back emotionally. And, I'm sure it's confusing as well. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. I'm sure that you will find someone out there again to love, trust, and make love too. Take your time, date, have fun, see what's out there. The best kind of man and Daddy is a happy one!
  5. I'm writing an article just about this subject, hopefully to come soon! Anyway, welcome to the forum, have fun reading, learning, experimenting, & loving!
  6. Please don't ever feel the need to "soften" your preferences with excuses. Just be kindly honest. There is nothing wrong with liking a certain body type at all. It does NOT make you shallow. It's something you really can't "control", if you KWIM.
  7. Tyger

    A Funny

    That would be my hubby at times !!! He's OBSESSED with the remote! LOL!!! Hence why we don't have a TV in the bedroom!! Very cute!
  8. Just keepin' ya on your toes!! LOL[/size]
  9. Welcome welcome!! I hope you can take some time and read some of the great articles in the Sex Education tab, located at the top of the page. Also, read and hopefully respond to some of the posts in the Adult Talk Forum (where you are now). Don't be afraid to contribute to posts that may be a bit "old" either. Fresh ideas and questions are always welcomed! Enjoy the site!
  10. Welcome to the forum, and, as recommended, read the sex education materials, and all of the posts on the forum that are of interest to you. If you have questions, please ask. You won't be treated as ignorant for not knowing something. That is the great thing about this forum. We try very hard to give good and helpful advise. And, by the way, I would love to visit your country someday. I am a big ancient Egypt fanatic!! I love watching the Discovery Channel when anything about the pyramids, goddess/gods, and ancient royalty comes on! Have fun, and welcome to the forum once again!!!
  11. Go up to the Sex Education Tab at the top of the page, and just look over all the great articles there. There are SOOO many good and informative articles there. Plus, they're written in "everyday" language. Not with all of the scientific wording that can confuse and frustrate people. Enjoy!
  12. Yes, you can. AND it gives you the instructions on how to strap the sucker up, and wear it!! Sorry for your mandatory break! Don't be jealous! JK And, thank you!
  13. That's too bad, a lot of us already tried this item out and loved it. Sorry it didn't work out for you. Just a reminder, please check to see if the item you're reviewing has already been reviewed, and post your review as an Add Reply to that original review. Again, sorry this lil bear didn't snuggle you right! This just goes to show, some toys may work for some, but not others.
  14. Where I am glad that you are both willing to try new things in the bedroom, I would also recommend that you read the Threesome forum and see how others have been affected by this. Now, I'm not saying you're doomed to failure. Because, I also know of several couples that have either chosen to do this, or have a swinger's lifestyles, and they're all still together. But, you need to really KNOW how strong your marriage is. Ground rules must be set AND followed. As far as toys, well, if you have sex toys for you, then you can use them with the other woman. Or get a strap-on that has dual pleasure for the both of you at the same time. Be sure to clean toys off before swapping them. Having sex toy antibacterial wipes (like the ones on the site here) are very handy for a quick clean up for sex toys. Those wipes are thick and sturdy, and stay moist quite a while. I'm "anal" when it comes to cleanliness, and I was very impressed with these wipes! Anal toys should be washed thoroughly with soap and water. Always practice safe sex, even when it's woman with a woman. There are female condoms available out there too. Usually found in the women's health sections (like with the douches and yeast infection treatments).
  15. C’mon baby, grab 2 AA batteries, and do the twist! Here comes the Anal Twister! A 4-in-1 toy, that can either be used as a strap on anal toy to thrust into your partner, as your own, personal anal toy, strapped on to stay in place, used without the harness, with or without the vibrator pack. Lots of possibilities! Made of some sort of “safe and non-toxic material”, the blue vibe’s bullet is almost at the tip of the toy, giving the strength of the 2 settings (low & high) more sensation at the tip. Just how I like them. Low is pretty good. High ROCKS!! Let me mention the battery compartment on the separate controller that the vibe plugs into. It’s so easy to put the batteries in. Just flip it over, slide it forward a bit, and like a car’s hood, it flips up, staying attached to the controller. It’s got finger grips on one side, for easy, firmer gripping, and the simple switch only has 3 settings to slide up to: Off, Low, & High. It also comes with instructions: one set to put the strap on, and another on how to use it. The ridges on this toy go almost the entire length of the shaft of this toy. They don’t protrude much at all, but you can still feel them enough to know they’re there. The overall length of this toy is 4" and the widest part is 1". This toy may be a great thing for beginners to slowly get use to the idea of anal sex. We decided to try this toy out on me one night. Hubby lubed me and the toy up, without the straps attached, the controller on, & he slowly, slowly slid it up inside. Now, I am still pretty new to the whole anal thing. At first, it wasn’t too bad. The widest part of the toy was a bit uncomfortable, but still good. Breathe, breathe….Now, when using other toys, I LOVE a good strong vibe. However, hubby accidently put it on HIGH first, and, like I said, it was POWERFUL. It startled me, and I involuntarily pushed the toy out!! We both laughed about that really hard, helping me to relax. So, we tried again. After getting it inside, and me doing my best to relax, hubby proceeded to use another toy in my vagina. It was enjoyable enough, but, again, I am still a newbie when it comes to anal, so it's still something I am getting use too. No anal orgasm, but I'm hoping! Later on, I strapped it up, to see how comfortable the straps are. Now, I’m probably what you would consider average in size, about a size 12. The thin, black elastic straps are made to be a bit tight so that the vibe inside or on you. But, they were a bit uncomfortable. They cut into my legs a bit too much for my liking. But, again, you really don’t need to use the straps for regular anal play. However, the next time, since he’s a bit more experienced with anal sex now, hubby’s getting it, and I know he’ll love it!! And, since practice makes perfect, I am going to be using the Twister again for sure! ~Twist the Night Away~
  16. So, does this still hold true?
  17. I wouldn't go so far to say your BF needs a shrink, but his issues ARE all in his head. And, having a woman throw up on him probably didn't do much for his BJ ego either!! He may just need time to get over it, allowing himself to just "go with the flow" so to speak. Since he's had more than one lover either gag, throw up, or just tell him NOT to cum in their mouths, then, chances are, he has some deep seeded isssues, and, he may never get over it. He may be like Thurasis, and just not be one of those men that just can't seem to do so. Does this make him less of a man? Of course not. He has a complex, and with a past like his, I can't say I blame him! However, all is not lost! You can try to reassure him that you like to swallow. You want to swallow. Talk dirty to him, tell him you want to taste his cum in your mouth. Just relax, have fun, and enjoy each other. There are several ways of pleasing each other. I wouldn't get too hung up on one thing too much. Best wishes.
  18. Howard, my Dad use to buy me those big dill pickles too. But, his was for the sheer entertainment of it all. He loved watching the faces that inevidably would come once I ate the pickle. I can still remember watching him try to hide his laughter while sitting at the counter. Your dad sounds like my kinda guy!
  19. It's more like a special occassion thing, or when I can't have sex (like when a certain time of the month thing pops up).
  20. 25 Well, can we say FLASHBACK? The 80’s are back for both Oriental Jane and All American Girls Double Feature, 2 disc set. Grab your leg warmers, blue eyeshadow, and headbands and follow me to watch these films! Down and dirty raw sex await you as well as all natural bodies, small breasts & dicks, bushy beavers, hairy backs, bad hair, music, & lots of make up. Both films do have some great close ups. Lots of enthusiastic cock sucking, titty fucking (which really isn’t seen much anymore), jism flying action, cheezy “porno” music, & costumes that look as if they shopped bad garage sales, bad acting, and an even thin Ron Jeremy (yes, he really WAS at one time!!), also grace the screen for you. This was a definite Old School collection though. Not to my tastes at all. Why get it? Nostalgia! Remembering big hair, and thinking, oh my gosh, did I actually WEAR some of that stuff?? Oh yes, yes I did!! LOL I wasn’t overly impressed with this film. But, I too, am the type of person that like the women looking a bit more bare, with fake breasts, and the men clean shaven, smooth bodies, tattooed, built, and hung! Not that I’m saying that natural bodies aren’t beautiful, because they are. That’s just what I am use to when watching my fantasy porns. 1980-porno-somethin'
  21. Welcome to the forum. When I was directed here, with a Free Vibe Giveaway offer, I came here, and never looked back!! I'm glad you're finally able to have some fun in the bedroom! Looking forward to seeing you post!!!
  22. *leia has some great advise. The first thing to do is educate yourself, not only about what to do, and how to do it, but also about the reprocussions of sex. Such as pregnancy and STDs. ALWAYS use condoms. Many guys will proclaim that "I'm clean, just look at me". Well, a lot of STDs either go dormant sometimes (like herpes and genital warts), or don't really have symptoms until much later on. I know, that sounds motherly, but, it's best to be fully informed. Also equally important, learning how to pleasure yourself! If you don't know what turns you on, how are you going to let your lover know what you like? Trust me, they will ask. And if you say "I don't know" then they will be just as puzzled as you are. Everyone masturbates. It's kinda that secret expectation. Learning and exploring your body, learning what works and what doesn't on you. Also, learn to listen to people. Learning how to listen is very important. Really understanding what people are saying. Why? Because not only teaching your lover how to please you is important, but learning and listening to them is just as important. Nobody wants a selfish lover. Who wants to give give give all of the time, and never recieve? Listening not only to words of encouragement, but also groans, moans and growls of pleasure. There will be varying degrees of it. Asking "do you like that?" is also a great, direct way of finding out what they like. When the person you find to make love with finds out you're a virgin, don't be shy about it. But, understand that that person will not expect you to know it all, or very much for that matter. So, don't think you need a PHD to get into bed with someone. It takes time, patience, and a willingness to teach and be taught to become a great lover. Best wishes!
  23. You'd better say 10 "Hail Vibes", and do some sort of pennance. Otherwise, I fear for your vibration soul. Peace be with you and the dearly departed.
  24. First, welcome to the site! I'm sorry you didn't enjoy your toys. Maybe you were doing something wrong, it's really hard to tell. YOu many have just had the wrong kind of materials for you. Some people like a more realistic feeling like jelly or cyberskin, to the hard plastic ones. As for cybering, there ARE several sites out there, where people watch each other, put on cyber-shows and whatnot. This isn't one of them. However, what we are, is adults, learning, loving, discussing, educating, and debating about sex, sexual issues, toys, have Toy Reviewers, and of course, the shopping aspect of TooTimid too. Again, welcome, and I hope you enjoy it here!
  25. Pour Some Vagina On Me~Def Leppard Vagina In The Boys Room~ Motley Crue Vagina...I Did It Again~Britney Spears Man, I Fell Like A Vagina~Shania Twain Waiting for vagina~Jennifer Lopez U & Ur Vagina~Pink Redneck Vagina~Gretchen Wilson Save a Horse, Ride a Vagina~Big-N-Rich (ew!!!) LOL
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