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Everything posted by nosleepnmesa

  1. I agree with the other post. I will also admit that I have been sore before to. Exspecially after marathon sessions or a few toys even with lots of lube. The soreness is easy to work threw, I only get sore when I decided or my hubby decides it is going to be a rough night Which is great for the stress relieve factor. Also yes alot of foreplay will help alot to exspecially as the others have said she may also be tighting up. Anyway good luck to you both and keep us posted.
  2. I only made my nickels worth, since I didn't want other women who read this post to be afraid to try cinnamin products with their SO, since there are a few women who look for flavored products to use on there SO since they don't like the natural taste.
  3. Hi Juzjon, Just needed to add my two cents to this. I agree with Mikayla on her views. I have to say though here there are quit a few products for men and couples. I just wrote a review on a cock ring that vibrates it drove my hubby nuts. The clit stimulator on it drove me nuts. So there are many different options here. Also my hubby gets hemorroids every now and then when they aren't flared up anal doesn't bother him in the least. I have also used one of my bullets on him, vibrated his sack and penis and all. I believe that there are plenty of toys not only for women but also for men. Alot of them are really for couples I know that my hubby LOVES and I mean LOVES to watch me and help me play. My husband also loves the clit buddy. Here is a link to it, in fact he put it at the top of our toy box. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=5033 Sorry just had to put in my two cents worth here.
  4. Hmm maybe you are a little more sensitive there then most men. I have given my hubby a blowjob with a cinnamin flavored stuff before, he never said anything about it burning or anything. I myself though like the natural taste of my hubby's penis. Although at times a change is good. I am sure you know that not all cinnamin flavored tabs,gels etc are the same. Just had two put in my two cents.
  5. That was a cute little poem. Made me smile for the day
  6. Hi smartiette, Welcome to TooTimid. I have given my husband numerous blowjobs with poprocks, yes he loves it very much. Here is what I do; I start out just giving him a blowjob when he is semi-erect I put a few pop rocks in my mouth, not alot because you can end up with a sticky mess. Once in my mouth, I move the poprocks to one side, that way I am still able to deep throat him and not have to worry about choking on the poprocks . Another thing I have done is I get him nice and wet and place a few poprocks on his penis, and then suck him into my mouth. I have found it easier to either one place the rocks on one side of your mouth by you check or place them on him and suck him in. If you had to many next thing you know you will have a mouth full of poprocks and your SO and end up with a mess. Just start with a little bit at a time don't try to fill your mouth with them. Hope this helps
  7. CL, So sorry to hear. I am sure things will get better soon. I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. Hope the new job works out well for you. Keep us informed please.
  8. Wonderful poem Chickiedoo, I need to print that out and hang it up somewhere. That is so very truely stated.
  9. I agree with Howard. Don't be afraid of doing anything wrong, picture it as a adult playground it is okay to laugh, play and have a good time. Alot of times people take sex so serious they forget that you can talk, laugh and try new things. Trust me I have been there. You know when I first came to this forum I was told to take charge and I did. I met my hubby in the shower and washed him, dried him in a way I am sure he has never been dried before. I also love Bondagejunkie's idea. Here is the link also to the coupons since I noticed that link didn't work. Once you have him tied down, suck on his neck a little, then slowly tease him, rub him, oils, heating gels, even your vibrator if you have one believe it or not, men love the vibration as much as we do. Rub it on his package and up and down his penis. But please don't ever be afraid of doing something wrong. http://shop.tootimid.com/index.asp?PageAct...ROD&ProdID=4676
  10. Sew, well let me start by saying that communication is the best thing when it comes to toys and sex. I take it he had no idea, and you know some men tend to get upset if they see there girlfriend with something bigger then them. Make sure that you tell him it is not to replace, and that he does bring you satisfaction. Have you asked him why he got so mad? You know(men on here please don't take this the wrong way) men tend to have egos at times and toys can be intimidating to them exspecially if there isn't that open communication. I am assuming that this isn't the first toy but it is in fact the first one bigger then him. Talk with him get that line of communication going and find out what exactly he is having a problem with. Is it that he feels that he doesn't meet your expectations? Maybe he feels that you needed something bigger to be happy that is why he made the comment he did. Heck I bought John Holmes and when I told my husband I was going to he laughed and said,"dear do you know how big that is?" I said sort of but curiosity was killing so I did it. My husband and I have a open communication on everything. Sometimes I do like to surprise him and buy something without telling him, but we also have been married a long time. He tells me he doesn't care what I buy as long as I let him play to and don't use them instead of him. I mean I can masturbate all I like, but if he is home he would like to watch and join in. The best line of advice I can think of is to talk with him, find out why he got so mad and also make sure to tell him you love him and that he makes you happy, that this toy is just something to enhance your sex life. Let him watch, join in and give him a show, also make sure you let him help you with it. Good Luck and keep us updated.
  11. Mike_d, I am with you on these questions. I personally have never tried one, as for as for reviews I think it would be a great idea. I know that I would bring it to bed. I think if my hubby came home and found a doll in our bed while I was taking a shower, it would send his imagination overboard. Whether it be a male one he would be thinking to himself I wonder which hole I get. If it be a female one my husbands mind would be going overboard, wondering not only what I was going to do with it but the excitement for him also. I can't wait to see what they others have to say.
  12. Here is a link to the G-spot O that Mikayla wrote I must say it is a great article, hands down she has done it again. I have g-spot O but wow I learned from it. I think this article blissful and to sew would help. Looking forward to Mikaylas next article. To Mikayla, great information in that article and I think it will help alot of people, heck I learned some new things from it tol. Great Work and well written. http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/misc...912_gspot_guide
  13. Sounds like fun to me, wonder what my hubby will think? Here is a little question for you, I am sure though your hubby doesn't have problems with ejaculating to soon. MY hubby is working on it more and more would you say that it help him last a bit longer? To me it seems it just might since it is covering him. I have to comment on the John Holmes note, I admit it made me laugh to. What a good idea to introduce it.
  14. Yes an emotional Oragism with a regular O is a amazing feeling. I have had that happen before it is such a overwhelming wonderful pleasure. I love when nothing in the world today is bothering you and you can allow yourself to become so involved in what you are doing. Now do I think one is better then the other, No I feel that they are both amazing. Although the intensity of it is all the better to bring the build up of the O to more levels.
  15. I thought about it and I think a story regarding your absolute favorite toy. How you use it, how you and your partner use it togeather. Why it is your favorite, I know choosing one would be hard but the Ultimate one in your toy box you would not trade for anything. Why your partner enjoys it so much. Just a thought
  16. nosleepnmesa


    Yes Mikayla I know we all hate to hear the DR tell us we can't and shouldn't do things like wear heels etc. I am sorry to hear about your knee. I think you should prolly break down and go to the Dr, you could always use the kid excuse, I forgot you told me that Hope you feel better soon.
  17. Tyger. Yep I know what smurfing is I am wondering if when I get home, if I should smurf my hubby with the John Holmes. Gently of course.
  18. My son was admitted FRiday here at the ICU Pedistrics. THis is just a little update, his spirits are well though despite it all. THe think they have found the medication that will help to kill this. The ran a bunch of blood test and cultures to see what antibotic it is all resist to. Doctors are trying the last one they have and we are hopefull. I will keep you all posted. Since I can't have my laptop on in ICU, I will try to keep you all updated when I come down to eat etc.. Thank you all for the Thoughts and prayers.
  19. Well I am going to agree with the other post here. Also just a couple more questions for you. How long has it been like this and anal wise here is the link that Howard is talking about to the article http://www.tootimid.com/sex_education/anal...to_anal_sex.htm Now Astroglide is a wonderful lube for anal since it is not waterbased. Howard makes some very valuable points here on his post to, so I am going to recap a little bit here. Are you drinking enough water? Also have you had any type of an infection lately like yeast or anything? As far as anal beads you really need to be more specific in what type you are looking for? I am sure that all of us will be able to help. Also as Tyger mentioned and is a very valuable point as well is salvia does dry things out. So stop that. Once in awhile is okay but to much can sure dry you out. Also you should still be able to feel your partner just as well as if you weren't using lube. The Astroglide doesn't take much and believe it or not the TooTimid lube here is great also, although it is waterbased it really does go a long way and doesn't wear out as fast as the others. Also have you talked to your DR about this? I think that would be a good idea also. Just my two cents!!! Good Luck!
  20. Mikayla, I think an article on how to deep throat and how to stop the gag reflux would be a GREAT article. Since I have noticed on the forum that alot of people have questions on it and I think not sure on how to do it right or how to train yourself to stop the gag reflux. My personal opinion on this it would be wonderful and very helpful to not only the regular members of the board but also the quest or new members. Great idea for an article I believe since that questions comes up alot on the board. From one deep throater to another great idea!
  21. Welcome hayley!! He isn't on any medications is he? The reason I ask is because I have a friend who is taking medications for certain conditions that he has, he can get an erection with no problem at all but if he takes his one pill he will not be able to come at all. My friend and him basically have to plan nights that they are going to be intimate. Also at his age and he is not taking medication he shouldn't have a problem reaching an O. Unless it is something medical or maybe even stress as you stated. If he is becoming short of breath to the point you all have to stop, he needs to really learn how to control his breathing also so he doesn't hyperventilate. Why is he stopping you when you are giving him a blowjob? Since he is enjoying it? Have you asked him by chance? Just another thought I had. Keep us posted!! I hope this helps some.
  22. During the winter months flannel sheets are wonderful. They are soft and extremely snuggly, on my bed my sheets are a black and purple set up, they are a Egyptian cotton and sooo nice. To make it nice you can also interchange for colors I am sure you have a friend that can help you with this. For exsample, my bed sham is black, fitted sheet is purple, top sheet black, comforter is purple and one of the pillow cases is black and one purple, now I bet you can guess what my favorite color is. I have also found that if you get your basic sheets with a high thread count they really aren't to bad either as long as they are 100percent cotton since alot of the basic sheets also have other materials besides cotton. As far as the silk, I bought one set and my SO hated it. He stuck to it like glue since he is in construction he isn't the sofest man.
  23. MRSA use to be a hospital born Staph infection, it has found it's way out to the public. My son was bitten by a bug and he scratched it and staph got in and has turn to MRSA. His left side of his body is covered in red welts and blistards just like the pics. http://dermnetnz.org/bacterial/methicillin-resistance.html This link should help. Thanks.
  24. Thanks Hrnychick he went back to the Dr today and they cut another one open to drain.=( He currently has 15 of them now.
  25. I decided to post this here since not alot of you check the blogs. Mikayla thank you for your response, to all my other friends here at Tootimid please pray, or think positive thoughts for my little one he has been suffering with MRSA for awhile now and has been in and out of the hospital with it. http://search.yahoo.com/search?ei=utf-8&fr...r&p=MRSA%20PICS This is a wesite of what it looks like and tells a little about it for those that dont know. SO whatever positive thoughts you use or prayers will be highly appreciated. Sorry I posted it here but wasn't sure where to post. I know this has nothing to do with our typical post but he needs as much thoughts and prays as he can get to help him get over this. THANK YOU ALL and I will keep you posted.
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