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OPL Laundry Goddess

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Everything posted by OPL Laundry Goddess

  1. The G Freak dildo called to me the minute I laid eyes on it. I was already imagining the yummy sensations the blue man would bring and I couldn’t wait to spend time with my love and this new toy offering me jelly, a suction cup, and the most captivating curve just waiting to stroke my ego! Right away I knew this dildo was going to please because of the realistic form. This is no plain plastic rod, but a multi faceted veined and textured replica of some kind of fine man. The Freak is a jelly dildo, so there is a new smell, but it isn’t really intense, and as long as I didn’t hold it close to my nose, it was not distracting to the purpose. This dildo also boasts a strong suction cup for use in the bath or shower. There are no batteries to install and it cleans easily with antibacterial soap and water. In my opinion, toys made of jelly have an interesting “skid” factor, so I always use lube with them. Just make sure its water based as jelly is a reactive material. Once lubed and ready to play, Freak and I got to know each other in the most fantastic way. Jelly is firm, but pliable and all those sensuous ribs felt really fabulous inside me. The curl on the end of the shaft gives a very nice internal massage in the G spot area, but it did not produce a G spot orgasm. It did, however, create a glorious feeling of full that along with my favorite bullet led to several strong orgasms. I have placed this in my bathroom for further use and anticipate many long showers together. This dildo is great, a wonderful addition to a toy collection, but not as freaky as I’d hoped. Its 1.5 inch girth is an ideal size for both beginners and novice toy users alike. Remember to use proper care and storage with this jelly to keep it in tip-top shape. Get Your Freak On!
  2. OMG!! thanks so much for saying that! I've always felt this way... I have always had a hard time making female friends bec of the way they act. LOL I'm right behind you on this wagon. ~LG
  3. I can relate to how you are feeling, I had similar perspective when I was a young bride. I'm not sure of your background, but for me, I had all this ideology that came from a childhood unexposed to brothers and a father, I just didn't know the true nature of the male psyche. So I did the same thing you did, took it upon myself to be "enough" that he wouldn't look or wonder about any other women. Not only did I resent it, but it was just TOO much work to overcome soemthing that is designed into them by The Creator. From a purely sociological perspective, looking is a universal male trait. They are visual creatures. You could be the entire cast of Bay Watch and he'd STILL be tempted to look. His interest IS NOT a lacking on your part. So take time to understand YOU can't change or "fix" him. I spent the first decade of our life together trying to make Big conform to MY ideas of what a Father/Husband should be. And it wasn't really fair of me because when I finally gave him a chance to share his side of the story, he was raised with different mores and social structure that made his choices totally acceptable. Thing is, I never discussed with him the intricacies of his nature and how we each would behave in certain situations. I was making him feel bad for things he didn't think were wrong. And that was wrong of ME. Your opinions are just that, opinions, and I won't tell you that what you're feeling is wrong. I will tell you to look inside yourself FIRST before casting blame on him and ask youself why you truly feel the way you do. My guess is you will find that you have a lot of deeply ingrained messages about what marriage and sex "should" be, most likely from conservative religious and familial sources. Then sit down and have a talk with hubby. Really listen to his side. If his background differs dramatically, then you owe it to your marriage to relax a little. You obviously love him a lot, so let him be who he is. Come to conclusions together about his behavior, and then if he is in agreement with you that he wants to hold himself to a higher standard, then let him make some choices at your local christian bookstore that can help him change on his own. I can assure you that I stand in the midst of what I would consider a very successful 20 year marriage and can advise you won't always see eye to eye on things. You just have to respect each other enough to work through them in a loving and conscientious manner. Good luck to you, ~LG
  4. Many of the things you mentioned are similar to my experiences. What I can tell you is it is ALL about the hormones. The pill can and will kill the sex drive. And those sudden shifts you felt after ending the breastfeeding are the hormones surging after the nursing repressed them for so many months. After the surge, they do even out a little, like a wave crashing on the shoreline. The one thing I can advise you about is ride the wave as long as it lasts for you. And another thing I can say from experience, you will enjoy the hormone shifts that come along in your mid to late 30s... seems to be pretty much standard from all the women I've talked to over the last decade. ~LG
  5. In your dreams, right? In EVERYMAN's dreams! LOL
  6. Same here... it was all preconceived notions and society taught rigidity. Somewhere in my early mid 30s I learned to listen to my body, and that is when I started seeing sex in a whole new light. From then on, it was pretty much anything goes. We try anything and then make decisions about if we want to go there again. I will agree with you on the spitting... I HATE that in the movies. Really, there are so many other opportunities for lube, why be gross about it? Don't let her actions confuse you... that is not a new freedom in her, its reclaimation. And tell him to be careful, if he's stupid enough to believe this has liberated her in any way, he's the one that will eventually be liberated, from his marriage! Ya, like I was saying... ~LG
  7. OMG!! You should add a spew alert with this post! I almost got coffee all over my monitor! ~LG
  8. Got it, and its GREAT! Just wait for the right mood and go slow. Make sure to establish your safe word first, then enjoy! ~LG
  9. I took a loose poll at our place... Temptress wants FEATHERS, light touches, soft kisses - NO tickles and NO spanking. For me, I like surprises! Just tie me up and have your way with me... but KNOW me well enough to know when to stop without me having to say a word. ('cuz if you do it right, I won't be able to talk!) LOL ~LG
  10. (((HUGS))) from the OPL gang... Temptress and I were reading through this morning, what a terribly awful way for them to handle that situaiton. Like, wouldn't it have been easier to just send them all a memo that the whole department was closing/restructuring and save the whole "firing" fiasco. Yuck. But on another note, I know how much you've hated the amount of travel he has to do. Perhaps this will just open a door to a new opportunity for him to work closer to home. Sometimes we really have to search long and hard for those silver linings, but they are there eventually. Take care, hun... our love and brightest blessings to your household. ~LG
  11. Sorry, babe, there is only one woman for me. It's the guys I'm willing to make room for more. LOL But I'm totally up for the fantasy, so how about you could direct or play a part in some great epic with a cast of many? I'd be up for some public participation. ~LG
  12. I'll speak for the fuller figured females... THANK YOU for thinking so... IMO, I think we learn early on we have to work harder to grab your attention. Sort of like Avis... (we work harder) LOL I'm totally confident in the bedroom (or wherever I happen to be) and I know I have the skills to please (or so I've been told) but I wouldn't consider myself a "head turner" so I am of the opinion that I just have to prove myself in the pleasure department. ~LG
  13. That is a rare and wonderful thing, indeed... you are a lucky girl. ~LG
  14. I don't think it is selfish AT ALL, I call it responsible parenting. Everyone needs to know what works for them. And I agree, you just KNOW. Even if knowing is that digging feeling that you will never emotionally be content, but making a logical choice anyway. ~LG
  15. Actually, it does help. With help, they can get it back up pretty quick. Something like, "gone, but not forgotten," right? LOL I guess I just wonder what must be going through his/their brain, and you're right, maybe I am over thinking the whole thing... Any men want to chime in on this? ~LG
  16. I'm in on this one... it is that air they have, the confidence, the maturity, the experience, and they seem to be past all the BS and game playing. It seems they have lived long enough to know what they want, "target in sights, acquisition in progress." Ya, its a control thing for me too. ~LG
  17. I think this question is aimed at the men, but women can answer for their men if they have solid answers… I cannot think of a delicate way to phrase this question, so I’m gonna throw it out there straight. What happens to your erection when the guy spends time going south? I’m beginning to see a new tendency with our men in the bedroom. Seems as if lately we get all hot and heavy into a sex session and the guy decides to go oral on one of the women, it steals his erection. Maybe it always was a problem and I just didn’t notice (though, really, how can you NOT notice?) I would think with all the moaning and groaning and "oh baby, that feels amazing," it would be enough stimulation to hold the interest of that organ without its own brain. I can only speak for myself, but when I perform oral on Temptress it totally heats me up. I am MORE excited and aroused and wet and ready for play. Not so with the men. Inevitably after oral (performed by their choice) they want “help” to get it back up again; usually in the form of reciprocal activity. Not that I am opposed to oral, quite the contrary, but it can cause that “stop and question” reality check and not at the most convenient moment. I will presume if the guy chooses to go south, it must pleasure him in some way. When questioned here at home we got the answer, “I just get focused on the task at hand, besides, you can’t maintain an erection for an extended period of time, no one can.” I don’t know if it is an age issue, a stamina issue, or an interest issue, but it really can affect the mood at times. Is this a challenge in your bedroom, and if so, how do you deal with it or compensate? ~LG
  18. I think this topic is one where you can say, "you just KNOW." It's like how to tell someone when they are in love... you just KNOW. That is the emotional "we're done." There is of course, the intellectual or chosen "we're done." That is the fall back position when you just can't arrive at the emotional end. Ths is one area I think I can speak from experience... Big and I have five bio children, as do our partners (Fix and Temptress) so we are in a household with 10 kids between us. As for me, I was "done" after #4, but Big wanted another and I'm glad he talked me into it becasue she is wonderful, but there was no doubt in my mind we were finished. I felt physically tapped out and I knew I couldn't give what I wanted to give if there was less of me to go around. My Temptress, on the other hand, would have dozens if she could. But they reached a point after #5 where they knew it wasn't a smart choice for them to continue. At some point your resources (time, money, energy) just can't stretch any further. I go places all the time with our 9, or some number less, when women stop me and say, "I don't know how you do it. I can't handle the two I've got." Well, perhaps that should have been your sign, ya know? Not to be cady about it, but it doesn't take super human Mom qualities, it just takes the "want to." I don't have more patience than anyone else, but maybe I do only because I've HAD to learn. I don't have more organizational skills than anyone else, but maybe I do now because I HAD to. My advice is this, you should only have more if you REALLY want them right now... doubts are there to slow you down. If you're not certain, don't. It's not like you can return them if you suddenly realize you're over extended. This is totally an "err on the side of caution" situation. Just my 2 cents... ~LG
  19. We still use it, with variations, and depending on which partner I'm with has a lot to do with how frequently. It is not now, nor has it ever been my favorite, but it did get a lot more attention during those conception years when I could elevate the hips immediately after. I would say after the early 30's we stopped using it nearly as much as we did prior to that. Most of the variations are not a solid man-lying-on-top sort as much as they are more like Aiden described. MOT has its place, but there are so many more exciting ones! ~LG
  20. Sugar is a no-no for inside the vagina, and that includes natural fructose as well (fruit sugars.) But as far as I know, anything you want to serve externally is fine... How about a banana split? or honey dipped nipples? ~LG
  21. IMO, flirting - with whom and when - are boundary issues, just like Randy said. I am personally all about the flirt. I think flirting done correctly can boost the esteem of both the one flirting and the one receiving the attention. To mimic Iha, it "honors" both parties and can go far in producing those feel good feelings that you are a desirable, on any level - sexual or intellectual. The point is what works for you and your partner(s) and how do those around you feel about outward advances? Its a simple discussion between partners and a respect to adhere to the boundaries that make your SO feel secure. ~LG
  22. My first response is that men are very compartmental. They can and will separate unless for some reason they choose to integrate for their purpose. So, I think the questions of the "same old sex" and the "new changing friendship" are two separate issues. Sex can become habitual and routine very easily, so my guess is he is just into the groove of how you two have sex without stopping to add in the new dimension of what may or may not be changing on an interpersonal level. All very complicated in some ways. My best advise is to talk to him about it. Open and honest communication is the only way to begin to build anything beyond the FWB level. ~LG
  23. The hypochondria aside, libido is a thermometer. My first thought is that the presumed hypochondria, as well as the lack of sexual intimacy, is probably an indicator of other things going on inside her, whether mentally, emotionally, or physiologically. I would agree with everyone else here, the first thing he needs to do especially if, as you say, they seem very in love and he is a nice guy, that he begin accompanying her to her doc appts. Then go from there. Perhaps the physician has already suggested therapy, but she isn't relaying that info to the husband. Regardless, a sexless marriage isn't healthy for anyone involved. They need help somewhere along the line. ~LG
  24. We have the 101 nights book, it has great ideas, and I like how they are packaged in "sealed" pages where everything is a surprise. What we found is you really need time and money to pull off the dates. We tried all the low cost dates first, those worked very well, but then got hung up in those dates that required more money or having the children gone from the house for a length of time, or conversely, the "rent a hotel for the night and then set the mood by..." dates. If you have the extra time and money, go for that one for sure. Haven't tried any of the other ones you mentioned, but have tried some others. Here is what I reccomend on games... if you two are already playful people, the games are a great spicy addition. However, if you two are somewhat reserved or shy/skiddish games can be very uncomfortable and out of a person's normal view of themself, so tread lightly. You might want to try something like dice first, or a book/gift set on erotic massage to get started. Have fun and let us know if you find any that are a kickin' good time. ~LG
  25. I think what you're asking is if you should put all the batteries together in one place (assuming due to airline regulations) and on that I would definitely say pack the batteries in their original packaging in separate suitcases, so you don't have this mass of batteries in one place. Yes, with all our crazy policies these days, I think that would be safer. And, I can say I'm pea green on this one... Big and I enjoyed a cruise eight years ago, a Southern Caribbean tour. I fell in love with St Maarten - OMG it was beautiful. Look into those preplanned shore excursions. They are expensive, but inclusive. Sometimes they are worth it. Sometimes it is just like herding cattle and NOT worth it. If you want to snorkle, we found it MUCH more cost effective to either biring your own, or rent some for the week and go it alone. We found all the taxi drivers on the islands could point us to the most amazing reefs and dive spots and usually they were not overly crowded, saved ourselves a bunch of $$ by not going on the organized dives. As far as the sea sickness goes... I was raised on the water, so I have sealegs and normal boating does not bother me, however... one of the stabilizing arms was broken on our cruise so we were only "half" stabilized, so I had about 2 days that I had to deal with a slight fuzzy feeling when we were at sea. Based on that, I'd reccomend you take the sea sick meds with you and use as needed. There are times (weather conditions, etc) when they are not allowed to utilize the stabilizing arms, that is when you'll need to bring out the drugs! BUt under normal conditions, I could barely tell we were on a moving vessel. Have fun!! ~LG
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