Tyger Posted April 8, 2007 Report Share Posted April 8, 2007 So, I was curious to see how many of our members have participated in 3-somes, and are STILL with their partner they had had BEFORE they had started doing 3-somes? And, for the ones that HAVE & ARE, how do you keep it together? How do you handle this in your relationship? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Mikayla1 Posted April 8, 2007 Members Report Share Posted April 8, 2007 Well, I have not had a threesome since I have been married, cause I already know how hard that is on a relationship. However, I had a few when I was dating, and obviously, I am not in the relationships anymore.I will say, when I was with Bondage Guy, I had 2 threesomes - one with a woman, with whom I continued having threesomes with, and another time with a man. Bondage Guy was not threatened by the woman, but was by the man - even though it was ALL his idea. He should have been more threatened about the woman, I would have continued to be with her outside our our relationship. Anyway, we broke up, BG and I, but not because of threesomes - but because he was a royal ASSHOLE! So, I think in committed relationships - but not marriage - threesomes can work out - if BOTH couples are open to it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Blush Posted April 8, 2007 Members Report Share Posted April 8, 2007 I tried it many years ago with a boyfriend and a male friend of his. It didn't really have an effect on our relationship, which wasn't going anywhere anyway. We were both very young and just having fun. My husband and I never dabbled in it outside of the fantasy aspect. A FFM is one I would really like to try with a SO at least once. For me anyway, IMO it doesn't have to change things IF there are rules . What is allowed what you feel comfortable with... etcI think if it's more like a vacation sex, giving each other the gift of a fantasy kind of attitude and all the stars line up for it to happen, it could be fun. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members komana Posted April 8, 2007 Members Report Share Posted April 8, 2007 About 4 months after we got married, my husband and I were waiting to pull out of a parking lot when he sort of looked at me out of the corner of his eye and said "So, you know, what would you think if I asked you to do a threesome with me? There'd be, you know, all sorts of rules, and we wouldn't actually have sex, just the three of us, you know, pleasuring *mutter mutter*... well, what would you think?" We had had a long discussion several weeks before about fantasies, and this had come up, and I guess I had been open enough that he thought we might be able to act out some of them. I told him I wasn't too sure, but I was intrigued, so I asked him to talk to me again in a few days. He did, we talked, and set up all of our "rules" for the night, and then he popped the bad part... the girl he wanted to include. He had met her during the year of our engagement, while we were living in different states, so he knew her more than I did, and said she was trustworthy, so I went along. We talked to her about it and she actually agreed. (He was pretty certain she would, I had no idea whether yes or "hell no" would be the answer.) I do have to say, I got two amazing nights out of it: the first when I agreed that I'd do it (probably the most romantic "thank you" sex he's ever initiated ), and then the night it actually happened. I got a little bit nervous, but his fantasy was basically twofold: first, having himself and another woman being completely at *my* command, and then having us turn the tables on him and sort of dominatrixing him (is that a word? it is now *rawr*). She was a bit of an accessory, and knew it going in, so I really had no reason to let jealousy make me so nervous.Now the bad stuff...In a committed relationship, a threesome is VERY hard to pull off successfully - not the actual planning or execution, but the aftermath. To make a long story short, I managed to convince myself that he had fixated on her, even though she got into a relationship a couple of weeks after we had our FFM. This jealousy on my part nearly tore the marriage apart, and my husband lost his friend. We went through a very rocky period of nearly a year because I was almost always mad at him at the back of my mind, for the feelings I assumed he still had for this girl. We finally finally finally talked about it, and resolved the issues that it had brought up.So to sum it up: It really was like "vacation sex," almost a gift from me to my husband for playing out his longtime fantasy. married + threesome = good thing ONLY if you are not the least bit the jealous type. otherwise, married + threesome = AWFUL. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Blush Posted April 8, 2007 Members Report Share Posted April 8, 2007 I totally agree with you! I wholeheartedly think the woman should choose the third party. Like I said, preferrably like vacation sex... someone who doesn't live near you or have any history with you. A one time thing. Which is all good in theory I know... Not so sure about the application. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members nosleepnmesa Posted April 10, 2007 Members Report Share Posted April 10, 2007 Well I have not had a 3some since I have been married. I have had a few when I was dating. I have been with a women and my boyfriend at the time and in fact also had my boyfriend, another man, and me. I will admit that having another women was more fun to me then having another man. Now my boyfriend and I stayed togeather for 2 years after a few threesomes and things honestly our break up had nothing to do with the threesomes we just were younger and grew up and decided our goals in life were different.They girl and I are still great friends and have been for many years. Yes we still talk about our threesome and laugh about certain things to which I think both our husbands get a kick out of. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members citizenk Posted April 12, 2007 Members Report Share Posted April 12, 2007 Hubby and I have talked about it both in the heat of passion and outside the bedroom. I don't think it is anything we would probly do-just one of those things that is better kept as a fantasy in our relationship. We have talked about letting him watch me with someone else (side note, I offered to let him watch me with another woman, he said no-can you belive that?)If he wanted to persue it, I'm not sure how I would react. I think that having kids also changes things in how you deal with such topics and issues. I think that we may have persued it further if there were no kids involved. We did some awesome things when we could just go at it any time and any where we wanted...now, it is confined to a well scheduled date. Last time we went out, I offered him a BJ as we were driving around-he was concerned about having an accident and getting arrested because we had both had a couple of drinks!But I digress, I don't beleve a threesome is something that I would be prepared to do just because I know I would over analize looks and giggles between the two of them if it were FFM, and I really don't want another man so, FMM wouldn't do me any good! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members willwork4sex Posted April 14, 2007 Members Report Share Posted April 14, 2007 OK, well, we have had a 3-some many years ago with a good friend. Hubby was more interested in me and her and watching that I had to physically "help" him in. It was a good experience; he was just making sure it was ok with me...I think men look at sex as sex unless with the one they love and women see sex as a committed thing....well, that is my thoughts on it...but I have become a little more slack with that opinion.More recently, we did not really "have" a 3-some, but it was us and another male. THere was no penetration involved, alot of nipple sicking on both parts, fingering and licking from my hubby and intense rubbing, mild scratching (not scratches but hard rubbing with fingers)....very intense feelings because he was so different than what I was use to.Hubby wants to have a MFM encounter, fantasizes about it, but I don;t know if it will happen. He leaves all that up to me. The FMF fantasy comes up as well, but he wants to see me in action and I want to see him...LOL...both of us like to watch, it is just so erotic to me.Anyway, we have a great relationship and a great sex-life when time allows...LOL. We both know that we are happy and we fit each other like a glove, so no one is going to be able to replace each other. We are very open and very honest and communicate very well. I think those are the keys to having a successful marriage as well as a happy sex-life and love-life! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newbie mber2z Posted April 17, 2007 Newbie Report Share Posted April 17, 2007 Hubby and I had talked about this through our marriage as a fantasy. Last year we finally made this a reality with a good female friend. It was completely fun, amazing, erotic, and now we try to do it every couple of months. I would really like to find a male to do a MFM threesome. I find that to be a really hot idea.My marriage is very secure, and there's no way I could ever allow this if it wasn't. Everything is discussed and there are rules set up before, but we love finding ways to please each other and this was one of them. The FMF threesome we did has definitely brought out the bi-curious/bi-sexual side of myself, and I really would like to find another female to share the experience. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newbie swalker14 Posted April 17, 2007 Newbie Report Share Posted April 17, 2007 I have always known that I am interested in men and women. I have also had sexual encourters with women before I started dating Shane (my boyfriend). Shane and I talked alot about having a threesome (me, him and another woman) and sometimes we would talk about it when we were having sex.Once I started school I started talking to this girl, and we became good friends. She was in a relationship, but it was very rocky. One night her and her boyfriend got into a huge fight and she broke up with him. She stayed over at my place that night. We started drinking a little bit, and then me and her went for a walk alone. We had talked in the past before about having a threesome with my boyfriend, so when we went for a walk the topic obviously came up again. We laid out some ground rules and made sure that we both wanted to do this. Then we went back home.Since that night she has come over 2 other times. Because her and her boyfriend have been going on and off for a while, she decided that it would probably be better off if she didnt do anything with my boyfriend, but she still wanted to be with me. She didnt have a problem with Shane watching us. Every once in a while she comes over for a "booty call" or I call her when I want a "booty call." Getting involved in a threesome with someone that you love and care about isn't always the smartest thing to do. There has to be an understanding between the 3 of you, and everyone has to feel complelty free to stop at anytime without question. Shane and I have this trust in eachother, I know that its just the fantasy of being with 2 women at once. You have to have alot of trust in the other woman as well. Knowing that she is purely into this for a sexual purpose.Hope this helps. Feel free to ask me anymore questions if you would like!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newbie Troy Posted April 18, 2007 Newbie Report Share Posted April 18, 2007 Here's my situation. I really have fantasized about a sort-of-threesome. Basically, I fantasize about watching my fiance having sex with another guy and allowing me to watch. This thought really turns me on. I've mentioned it a few times and she's made comments such as wondering what guy I had in mind, but I don't know if she knows I'm serious. I think she may ask about the guy in a joking manner. I don't know how she would react if she knew it was a real proposition - for me to want to watch her have sex with another guy. How do I approach this issue without bringing any problems into my relationship? She may be open to the idea (I really don't know). We love each other very much, would do anything for each other, and have a very active sex life together. It's just something I'd really like to watch her experience. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Newbie Troy Posted April 25, 2007 Newbie Report Share Posted April 25, 2007 Well, WE DID IT!After posting here last week, I decided to talk to my fiance about my thoughts this past weekend. She actually was a little hesitant at first but as we discussed it more, she became more open to having me watch her with another guy. I told her she could even pick the guy. In the end we decided to give it a try. After discussing it, we decided that the guy that interested her the most was a guy we both have known for quite a while through work. We were actually getting together with him and another friend Sunday for lunch. At the end of lunch, once the other friend had left we discussed our proposal. He, as we suspected he may be, was also interested. So last night it happened. He came over. We all had dinner and wine. Then it was off to the bedroom. It was the most AMAZING experience. I never thought it would be so enjoyable just watching. She was so active and energetic. Watching her body move on him was the biggest turn on. He brought her to the big "O" three times. After having two O's, when they started having sex again, she asked me to move closer to her. I did and to my suprise, she started giving me oral while he was having sex with her. This was definitely a memorable experience. We discussed it this morning and both discussed how we enjoyed it. We are going to consider doing it again. Just thought I'd update everyone. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyger Posted April 25, 2007 Author Report Share Posted April 25, 2007 So long as you both can handle the "aftermath" of a 3-some, then I'm glad you both were able to fulfill your fantasies! Please let us know how things go a bit further down the line. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members pappyld04 Posted September 22, 2007 Members Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 My gf & I have been together 12+ years. About 8 or so years ago we started a MMF 3way which was crudely interrupted by her daughter showing up a day earlier than expecte. We did have her naked and giving us both head when the girl knocked on the door. Maybe it is just my way of thinking but I think if a partner wants to try anything there should be a way to help them achieve this. Jealousy is an emotion that people could do without. The only pisser about the whole thing is the fact that we never got to finish what we started. But one day the opportunity may present itself again. Be it male or female doesn't matter as long as we all enjoy it. After all the whole reason for doing it is to experiment and let our partners try new things. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members alishaw03 Posted September 22, 2007 Members Report Share Posted September 22, 2007 I've had both FFM and MMF 3somes (several FFMs with the same girl and my then-boyfriend and a one-time MMF with an earlier boyfriend and another guy). I'm not dating either of those boyfriends anymore but I don't think it was because of the 3somes, probably just that we would have broken up for other reasons anyway. Actually in the case of the guy I dated and had the MMF 3some with it probably did contribute; I think he had a big jealousy complex and having another guy in the picture definately didn't help. I haven't done one with my current boyfriend yet although we've talked jokingly about an FFM (he's ruled out having another guy and I love playing with women so that's a plus for both of us). Maybe in our future but probably not too soon, we need to talk more about it and make sure were comfortable with the idea. Well I'm very comfortable with the idea :> I guess we just need to discuss the actual "doing." Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members rosamaba Posted January 5, 2008 Members Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 My fiancé and I have been together 6years now... About two years into the relationship we had a ongoing mfm threesome - my guy is bi but the good friend that joined in was straight, so all attention on me. We continued it on and off for about 2years, it ended when our friend entered into a relationship. There were no negative repercussions I could say- other than sometimes one girl is too little for two men, unless they are both bi (I would imagine). My guy has no problem with penetration from other parties- we learned this obviously through the experience as he was unsure how far he would want it to go in the beginning- so I let him call the shots (as long as I was comfortable as well) and all went fine. We both like to watch- I would luv to watch him with another girl... he loves me to make up stories about being with other guys or past experiences etc, and recently let me go off and be with someone else. Our relationship is still great...and we defiantly are no longer afraid to share our deepest darkest fantasies with each other. We are currently trying to have our first MFF threesome but are having a hard time finding a girl in our area. I think what helped is that although we are both very different people we are kinky and into most of the same stuff sexually... also we also check out girls and guys and tell each other about them- always have before any topic of extra people joining in came up. And we both luv to watch each other so no matter the third parties preferences - We could both be relatively happy just watching... How it first came up actually- was like Howard said- if you can't tell each other things even the bad or scary that others have said - then don’t do a threesome- well I told him I thought his friend was flirting- and he told me he noticed it and thought it was hot..and it went from there, same with girl stuff, he always tells me when a girl hit on him or made a pass or I will tell him a girl is checking him out and to go for it... but then again..although we have been through many ups and downs and gone through a lot of outside crap together we r still together...so I do believe that it needs to be a strong relationship - and that you need to be comfortable with yourself and know your boundaries. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Gia Posted January 21, 2008 Members Report Share Posted January 21, 2008 posted tmi...sorry Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Wisconsin Cougar Posted February 10, 2018 Members Report Share Posted February 10, 2018 For my husband and I 3somes have been and still is part of our normal lives. Some say it can wreck a relationship while others say it helps. For hubby and I sex is just that sex, we are in love and totally committed to each other and can and do separate our sexual desires. We enjoy our 3 somes and play often. It’s not uncommon for me to please both my man nd our mutual friend, I love frequently enjoy my girlfriends and sharing them with my husband. I know he loves it!!!! That being said we always communicate and keep each other in the know as to whom we are with. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members HipHugHer Posted August 27, 2020 Members Report Share Posted August 27, 2020 My wife and I got into it with another couple , long time friends , and it was great while it lasted which was many years . There were a couple threesomes involved in the mix . MFM and FMF and they were out of this world as well . It stopped when , unbeknownst to me , the other guy started getting to be too much for my wife . There were no issues that came of it and we are still great friends . But I still miss those days . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DewMan@1961 Posted September 21, 2020 Members Report Share Posted September 21, 2020 My man and I have been having threesomes for about eight years now. And foursome with seven couple's. We are good friend's with benefits too all that is involved. We all get along with no problems or jealously between no-one in our group. And are looking for more to add to the group every day and night. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DewMan@1961 Posted September 21, 2020 Members Report Share Posted September 21, 2020 3 minutes ago, Excited said: It would be wonderful to get with others for sexual fulfillment only. I think having a guy stroke my ass while I eat her pussy at the same time would be great. How about we fill both her holes at same time. We feel each other’s dick inside her. Just think about her orgasims coming back to back over and over again. Yes I could get use to that as long as she didn’t mind me wanting his dick just as much or more at times. Or her pegging me as I suck on him. Dang you all are living my fantasy So Cum with us. Let us know if you two are interested Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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