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I Am Home


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Hello all sorry I have been MIA. I am finally home, I noticed that my husband kept you up to date. I got to come home Saturday. I am feeling alright still a little sore though. I still have a long road ahead of me. I will say though I am very happy to be sleeping in my own bed for a change, and actually getting some sleep instead of being woke up every 3 hrs for vitals.

I will be posting again and doing the reviews that are long over due once I regain a little more strength. Thank you all for your prayers.


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Great to have you back, Katprr!!! Thanks again to your hubby for letting us know what was going on with you. Whatta good boy! ;)

Although I'm not one of "the bosses" (hehe), I'd assume no one wants you to hurry as far as the reviews go. Take your time and heal yourself -- and make sure your body is ready for the more strenuous play ... erm, I mean WORK, yah... WORK ... that reviewing entails! ;)

Glad you're home and mending. :)

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*does a happy dance for Kat* YAYYYY!!!! she's back she's back, she's back!!!

Welcome back lady, glad to see your home and feeling a tiny bit better.

As it was said before, please, don't rush anything, I would hate to hear that your back in the hospital cause you pushed too much.

Take it easy, let hubby pamper you a bit and just relax.

Your still in my prayers hon.



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Welcome back!

I've missed seeing your reviews & chatting with you too. Take some time, catch up on the board, relax, and post when you can. I'm glad you're OK!!


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I am soooo glad you are back!

Please, take it easy, do not push yourself and take care of YOU first!

I will keep praying for your recovery! Glad to have you back!


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