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Sorry I Have Not Been Around


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Just wanted to let you know why i have been MIA for awhile. HUBBY and I are in the process of doing IVF, and with all the injections I have been really tired and super hormonal, bloated and crampy, and I haven't really been up to the boards or chat.

Good news is we are doing the egg retrieval on Monday, and they are putting them back on Saturday. Then I can get off all these hormone injections. So hopefully I should be back to myself in next week or so...

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Just wanted to let you know why i have been MIA for awhile. HUBBY and I are in the process of doing IVF, and with all the injections I have been really tired and super hormonal, bloated and crampy, and I haven't really been up to the boards or chat.

Good news is we are doing the egg retrieval on Monday, and they are putting them back on Saturday. Then I can get off all these hormone injections. So hopefully I should be back to myself in next week or so...

Sweetie I wish you the best with all of it. I totally understand. Get yor rest and do what you have to. If you need anything let me know....you have my number. I will keep you and hubby in my thughts and hope that everything goes well next week.

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Been thinking of you a lot. Take care.

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This too shall pass, and when its all done, with a little luck, you'll have some wonderful little thing to show for your efforts. Take your time, be healthy, and we're here for you when you need us.


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Been wondering where you ran off to hon. Thought we all scared you away with our spankings hon. Hope everything goes well. Take care!! (((((((HUGS))))) to you. Hurry back or else. LOL ;)

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Just wanted to let you know why i have been MIA for awhile. HUBBY and I are in the process of doing IVF, and with all the injections I have been really tired and super hormonal, bloated and crampy, and I haven't really been up to the boards or chat.

Good news is we are doing the egg retrieval on Monday, and they are putting them back on Saturday. Then I can get off all these hormone injections. So hopefully I should be back to myself in next week or so...

BEST of luck to you guys :) I will check in with you when I get back from Vacation... :kiss:

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((((((((((((((((((everyone))))))))))))))))))))))) i just cant wait till monday when i dont have to give myself injections anymore :D

I'm truly sorry that you are having to endure these things but hopefully you will be rewarded for your efforts.

If you need a donor my wife always said that my sperm could go through concrete walls and still fertilize an egg!!!!!!

Keep your chin up girl.


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It's the end result that matters most. Hope all works in your favor!

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I hope everything goes ok. I will keep u guys in my thoughts

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sweetie if you need anything you know how to get ahold of me....even just to talk. I will be thinking of you and Olav. We will be sending you good thoughts that all goes well.

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wooohoo last only 2 more injections!! i have one this morning...and one tonight and thats it..course the one tonight, the needle is BIG..i mean BIG

my procedure is at 10am monday morning, and i have 16 deff. follicals.

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wooohoo last only 2 more injections!! i have one this morning...and one tonight and thats it..course the one tonight, the needle is BIG..i mean BIG

my procedure is at 10am monday morning, and i have 16 deff. follicals.

Terrific. I will be thinking of ya. Once you are feeling better we will make sure we take care of you properly sweetie.

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i am off for a few for the egg retrieval. i will be around at some point to give you all an update depending on how i feel.

Good luck, we'll keep our fingers crossed for you and you're in our thoughts.


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Just wanted to let you know why i have been MIA for awhile. HUBBY and I are in the process of doing IVF, and with all the injections I have been really tired and super hormonal, bloated and crampy, and I haven't really been up to the boards or chat.

Good news is we are doing the egg retrieval on Monday, and they are putting them back on Saturday. Then I can get off all these hormone injections. So hopefully I should be back to myself in next week or so...

OH, I'm so excited for you. I hope it works. Please let us know.

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everything went well..im crampy and sore but thats to be expected. they harvested 20 eggs!! i will have a final count tomorrow as to how many were mature enough to fertilize and how many actually were fertilized. i will keep you all posted

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I will keep you in my thoughts sweetie and hope that all goes well. If you need me you know how to find me.

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