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Kids Are Innocent... But Odd


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So I'm sitting at home today, admittedly doing nothing, and la nina's school nurse calls. She says I have to come get her because she threw up on herself and another student. I start thinking about all kinds of stuff, "Is she okay?", "Did she eat something funky?", "Is she getting sick?". What I assume is the usual stuff. I grab a change of clothes for her and head off to the school. When I get to the nurse's office, I find my soon to be step-daughter smelling gross but looking fine. She even throws on the huge grin when she sees me and waves wildly (Like I don't know where she is, the goofball :rolleyes: ) Well, whatever. While la nina's changing in the bathroom, I ask the nurse what happened. She says she doesn't know because no one but the two girls were involoved and no one else saw anything. Unfortunately the other girl was crying so hard no one could get anything out of her (she had apparently thrown up in response to being thrown up on, so she was covered twice as bad) and la nina just keeps saying she doesn't know. So I ask la nina what happened on the way home. She looks at me all wide-eyed, and I tell her I'm not mad or anything, I just need to be sure she's okay. So then it comes out...

The other girl is in la nina's class. She walked up after lunch and announced to la nina that she knew what a uvula was (for reference, it's the little dangly bit all the way in the back of your throat). She then said that if la nina would open her mouth, the little girl would "show" her where it was. Yeah. The rest, as they say, is history. At least she won't do that again!

I know. Completely useless story, but I just felt like I had to share. I just wonder what oddball idea she and her classmates will come up with next :P .

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LOL!! sorry dont mean to laugh...kids are funny...i work with kids, and the stuff i hear on a daily basis can make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts, or make you so sad you cry....


sound like she has adjusted wonderfully, and has come along way!! kudos to you!!

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I agree sounds like she has adjusted and is doing well. Kids do some of the strangest things for sure. My daughter is constantly coming out with things that I just end up shaking my head in amazement.

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What a funny, and cute, story. Kids are so innocent and adventurous.

And it sounds like you and she have a great relationship - good for you and her!

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HAHAHA, that is way too funny. Kids! :rolleyes:

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So I'm sitting at home today, admittedly doing nothing, and la nina's school nurse calls. She says I have to come get her because she threw up on herself and another student. I start thinking about all kinds of stuff, "Is she okay?", "Did she eat something funky?", "Is she getting sick?". What I assume is the usual stuff. I grab a change of clothes for her and head off to the school. When I get to the nurse's office, I find my soon to be step-daughter smelling gross but looking fine. She even throws on the huge grin when she sees me and waves wildly (Like I don't know where she is, the goofball :rolleyes: ) Well, whatever. While la nina's changing in the bathroom, I ask the nurse what happened. She says she doesn't know because no one but the two girls were involoved and no one else saw anything. Unfortunately the other girl was crying so hard no one could get anything out of her (she had apparently thrown up in response to being thrown up on, so she was covered twice as bad) and la nina just keeps saying she doesn't know. So I ask la nina what happened on the way home. She looks at me all wide-eyed, and I tell her I'm not mad or anything, I just need to be sure she's okay. So then it comes out...

The other girl is in la nina's class. She walked up after lunch and announced to la nina that she knew what a uvula was (for reference, it's the little dangly bit all the way in the back of your throat). She then said that if la nina would open her mouth, the little girl would "show" her where it was. Yeah. The rest, as they say, is history. At least she won't do that again!

I know. Completely useless story, but I just felt like I had to share. I just wonder what oddball idea she and her classmates will come up with next :P .

hey they are kids-WHO THE HELL KNOWS?!?!?
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LOL!! sorry dont mean to laugh...kids are funny...i work with kids, and the stuff i hear on a daily basis can make you laugh so hard your stomach hurts, or make you so sad you cry....


sound like she has adjusted wonderfully, and has come along way!! kudos to you!!

Yeah, her therapist says she's doing pretty good. I give la nina the credit for that. She still has her moments, but she really is a good kid. She still has the nightmares, though. I really wish those would stop. I hate how scared she gets :(

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Yeah, her therapist says she's doing pretty good. I give la nina the credit for that. She still has her moments, but she really is a good kid. She still has the nightmares, though. I really wish those would stop. I hate how scared she gets :(

Well unfortunately no therapist in the world is gong to help that, but know and seeing that that you and her daddy love and care about her and will do anything to protect is the best medicine. And moments like this build trust. Now I'm not sure what the background is, but I'm glad to see she has someone who cares for her as much as you do.

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Kids ARE funny!! Gawd!! Lemme show you where your uvula is!! LMAO Guess she missed the "if you touch it, you will gag" part of understanding what it is!! LOL!!

My daughter's 5, and, right now, her favorite thing to say is "When I'm a Mom I will......(fill in the blanks)". I can almost hear DH's gray hairs screeching thru his scalp each time she says it!! :P

The other funny thing she said was one night, she was trying to spend the night at my Mom's travel trailer, and she asked my Mom why her boobs were like "that". Meaning kinda droopy, and my Mom almost pissed herself, she was laughing so hard! Kids say the darnest thing!

As far as her nightmares go, hopefully, time will heal that, and they'll get less frequent. *hugs*

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oh wow that is too funny.

No, your not bad for laughing, that is hilarious!

My kids do some prety odd things at times.

I hope you continue to share these kinds of stories with us.

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Oh my gosh, that's hilarious... and yet I feel so bad for the two kids!!! ... and yet I can't stop laughing... *giggle* Thanks for sharing; this brought a big smile to Thur and me. :)

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