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My hubby works a few nights a week at target in the back room for extra money. They were unpacking a box of what he said was a no name brand, cheaply made toys. Well, one toy was a box of baby dolls. The dolls had moving arms and legs and cooed, all the good stuff. Saying things like "mama" then more cooing and what have you...then all the sudden..very muffled and faint you hear "Islam is the light' !?!? WTF so of course they are sending them back. Hubby said it was deff. dubbed in there, because it was a man's voice and not the "babydoll" voice.

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That is kind of freaky! Makes you wonder if there are ways of getting tiny bombs in there!

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We got those same dolls in where I work. It's true, all this gooing and gahing and the doll IS supposed to say Mamma. Every now and again in the cycle though, you do hear plain as day "Islam is the light". My boss just showed me one of them yesterday.


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WOW!!! I hope it wasn't a Disney doll, cuz I get those for my DD. Other than that, not that many talking toys. They kinda creep me out, if I put them away and they go off!! LOL

It's really sad that people like that will do that sort of thing with children's TOYS!!! Scary!

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I actually heard that on the news last week. The toy company claims that the baby dolls are only made to say mama, dada and that's all. The rest is supposed to be "baby babble". I heard the audio and it does kinda sound like that is what the baby is saying!

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That doll is labeled as "little momma" or something like that. Saw it on the news a few days ago.

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That doll is labeled as "little momma" or something like that. Saw it on the news a few days ago.


I saw it on the news too. Our local news did a feature but I can't find it. The above shows a pic so it might help Santa know what it looks like since his work is just around the corner.

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I love snopes! I get stupid forwarded crap all the time from friends! I go to snopes and send them the link! What a bitch huh? :D:lol:

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I love snopes! I get stupid forwarded crap all the time from friends! I go to snopes and send them the link! What a bitch huh? :D:lol:

This was actually my first trip into snopes. And the link was actually from the post by our MsLayD, I just threw it in here for those who are snope-a-holics. I think we have quite a few.

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Wow... that's crazy... but the thought that it's saying "satan is king" is kinda far fetched.... took me awhile to hear it.

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