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Are These Reviews Helpful?


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Hello All!

I was just wondering if these sex toy reviews are helpful to all you shoppers out there. I get some PM messages saying that you have taken my suggestions and purchased some of the items and are pleased - thanks for those messages! :blink: I also get a few - and I mean A FEW posts here saying that you have done the same.

Very few people - especially women - post their experiences with these items - or similiar items. While I think that my reviews are helpful - and I love writing them - I think if other people wrote in also it would give other posters and readers a chance to see that people besides me enjoy these items!

So, I emplore you readers to POST if you have something to add about these items, or if you have questions about my reviews! I would like some more discussion and interaction on this part of the forum.

Thanks...and I look forward to hearing your responses!

Mikayla ;)

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  • Newbie

Mikala your reviews are wonderful. I take your advice and purchase the products you like. My lady and I have a blast experiencing new things. I enjoy wathing and participating with the new toys and she likes that our sex life not boring because she gets to experience new things with new toys with different sensations. Life is to short experience all that you can and learn from those that know. Thanks Mikala Toby :D

Hello All!

I was just wondering if these sex toy reviews are helpful to all you shoppers out there. I get some PM messages saying that you have taken my suggestions and purchased some of the items and are pleased - thanks for those messages! :blink: I also get a few - and I mean A FEW posts here saying that you have done the same.

Very few people - especially women - post their experiences with these items - or similiar items. While I think that my reviews are helpful - and I love writing them - I think if other people wrote in also it would give other posters and readers a chance to see that people besides me enjoy these items!

So, I emplore you readers to POST if you have something to add about these items, or if you have questions about my reviews! I would like some more discussion and interaction on this part of the forum.

Thanks...and I look forward to hearing your responses!

Mikayla ;)

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I just posted on the review of the dream cock......guess i should have posted some of my answer here....yes your reviews are very helpful and as i was reading the last one i thought what if you didnt post about them then who would? I agree more people should post if they have tried the toys out.....good or bad all feedback on these toys are helpful....I have yet to purchase from here but when i do i will be sure to let you and others know about it.....your reviews are not basic and/or boring so im sure mine wont compare but i will post and hope others will follow as well

thanks again and keep up with the helpful advice

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  • 3 weeks later...


I think your reviews are very awesome!!! :P

I purchase the Jessica's Strobing G-spt vibrator due to your review, and it is very cool!!

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the reviews look good but I need more beginner's advice on actual sex acts that we want to try to spice up our sex life...like how to give bettere oral sex to my wife with my tongue...etc...

Hello All!

I was just wondering if these sex toy reviews are helpful to all you shoppers out there. I get some PM messages saying that you have taken my suggestions and purchased some of the items and are pleased - thanks for those messages! :blink: I also get a few - and I mean A FEW posts here saying that you have done the same.

Very few people - especially women - post their experiences with these items - or similiar items. While I think that my reviews are helpful - and I love writing them - I think if other people wrote in also it would give other posters and readers a chance to see that people besides me enjoy these items!

So, I emplore you readers to POST if you have something to add about these items, or if you have questions about my reviews! I would like some more discussion and interaction on this part of the forum.

Thanks...and I look forward to hearing your responses!

Mikayla ;)

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the reviews look good but I need more beginner's advice on actual sex acts that we want to try to spice up our sex life...like how to give bettere oral sex to my wife with my tongue...etc...

Ok, so post a question about better oral sex! There are many, many people here on the site who would be GLAD to help answer that question!

Also, some of these toys are beginner friendly...if you choose to introduce sex toys into your bedroom!


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I love the reviews myself, they are honest and down to earth without being boring.

If it were not for your reviews, I would not have decided to purchase certain items.

I think you and your husband are both selfless people who have been so kind as to put your bodies and time on the line to test out these products and give us an honest opinion if they are worthwhile or not.

Keep up the good work!

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I love the reviews in fact I just purchased Jessica's strobing probe. Woohoo it should be here tomorrow.

I cant wait to test it out. I wish I had the money to buy a few more toys that you reviewed but for now I wait.

Thank you :D

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Hello All!

I was just wondering if these sex toy reviews are helpful to all you shoppers out there. I get some PM messages saying that you have taken my suggestions and purchased some of the items and are pleased - thanks for those messages! :blink: I also get a few - and I mean A FEW posts here saying that you have done the same.

Very few people - especially women - post their experiences with these items - or similiar items. While I think that my reviews are helpful - and I love writing them - I think if other people wrote in also it would give other posters and readers a chance to see that people besides me enjoy these items!

So, I emplore you readers to POST if you have something to add about these items, or if you have questions about my reviews! I would like some more discussion and interaction on this part of the forum.

Thanks...and I look forward to hearing your responses!

Mikayla ;)

Mikayla ~ yes! I think the reviews are very helpful...your review of the Glittering G-Spot vibe sold me! I think you said it had you in orgasm in about 30 seconds. Well! I could have done that too, if I'd taken the time to read the directions when it arrived. But, Oh, no! I was in too much of a hurry - besides it's so pretty! Couldn't figure out how to get the battery pack out, get the batteries in - Arrrgggghhh! When finally I got that going correctly, I still didn't take the time to read the directions and figure out which buttons did what. But did I have an orgasm? Wow! like an earthquake! And each time I use this darling toy, it takes me to new heights of pleasure - and it has flashing lights - and the other evening, with it's lights flashing - it was like the explosions going off in my head or wherever - really added to the intense pleasure I was feeling!

And yes, the real thing is always preferable - but the only thing this wonderful toy doesn't do is have arms to hold me and lips to kiss me...and believe me when it has me climbing that mountain...my fantasies can take me wherever I want to go and with whomever I'd like to have take me there!

So, yes - keep up the good reviews!


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Makayla Your reviews are RIGHTON ! Well since I have gotten my Jessicas strobing probe OMW it is wonderful and your review hit it dead on. I have never had a g-spot vibrator nor one with lights :rolleyes: But the affect was WOOHOO. Cant even discribe the pleasure I got from it.

Thank you so much for your review if it wasnt for your review I would have never gotten it. Oh yes and the Viva cream I just had to try to and I am not into creams really at all but this one was wonderful Wow , once i rubbed it on my clitoris about 30secs later wow it was a feeling i couldnt explain

Thank you

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  • 2 months later...
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Consider me a virgin of the toy experience. I have spent hours on this site exploring possible purchases and now have over $100 of items in the shopping cart. I truly appreciate the experiences written by all. Please, keep it up!

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Well Howard to answer a few of your questions about how I choose what to buy. Depending on my mood at the time I am shopping, has alot to do with it.

When I purchased John Holmes that was a curiosity purchase. Most of my purchases have to do with what I am in the mood for. Since I own a few toys, I look for toys that have a new feature to them. For exsample; okay it vibrates, it has a nice color, but wait this one also has lights. :) So I buy it since there is a new feature. I have just recentley been getting into the dildo and I am a little amazed that even with out the vibration I really like them.When I also shop for a new toy, I look for something that does a few things, clitotal stimulation, anal or even the triple action. Sometimes I buy based completely on size and girth.

I found this question to be just a little hard to answer since I like variety, but to be honest my mood really depends on what I buy. As far as if I have seen another site that gives honest reviews like this one, the answer to that is no.

I have come across sites that say they give reviews, I have looked over there reviews and they basically consist of this toy was great, I loved it. Nothing in the review had any detail about the product just that they liked it.

Hope this answers some of your questions. :)

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Just a thought, but what if TooTimid gave a discount toward a "next order" if feedback/reviews are given... to encourage open dialogue by the customers who purchase items... I read the reviews, but I think having more than one thought on the toys would be really helpful. I recently purchased a product which had some flaws in the first one sent, then the second didn't work... Had it not been for the satisfaction of multiple users, I may have bailed on that product... I did not, and I am glad, because it rocked my girl's world... We have used the third, good one, twice... and both times were great for her!!!!

Thanks to the posters for their opinions, whatever they are...

P.S. I'd like to hear more about others experience witht the John Holmes... I am considering buying it, but want a few more thoughts...

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If you and your GF are interested in being reviewers, and lending your expertise and honest opinions of the toys, I am sure that Rob would be very interested in discussing the "reviewer's terms" with you! Just email him here at TooTimid!

As for me, I firmly believe that having honest reviewers is essential! People need to know what is good or bad about a product. In your case, your item was great once it came in good condition - hence, standing up to the previous reviews. In many cases, people get items solely based on these reviews, which is why I am very careful to state if I do not think a beginner would like it, if it did what it claims to do, or if I felt it was a little lacking. In some cases, the toy is not outstanding, but I know that a newbie would be quite pleased, so I definitely point out the good aspects.

This is what makes a good reviewer - the ability to highlight the good points, point out the bad points, or to just say "this toy stinks!" Although, that has not happened to me yet, all toys have had positive aspects!

I am glad you are finding the reviews helpful, and if you want any info on a particular item, let me know. I have reviewed 100 toys, and not all my reviews are posted yet!


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Your reviews are most helpful. I have just recently started my toy collection--before that always used a hand held massager--and have appreciated the insight.

Hello All!

I was just wondering if these sex toy reviews are helpful to all you shoppers out there. I get some PM messages saying that you have taken my suggestions and purchased some of the items and are pleased - thanks for those messages! :blink: I also get a few - and I mean A FEW posts here saying that you have done the same.

Very few people - especially women - post their experiences with these items - or similiar items. While I think that my reviews are helpful - and I love writing them - I think if other people wrote in also it would give other posters and readers a chance to see that people besides me enjoy these items!

So, I emplore you readers to POST if you have something to add about these items, or if you have questions about my reviews! I would like some more discussion and interaction on this part of the forum.

Thanks...and I look forward to hearing your responses!

Mikayla ;)

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To answer your questins (from a beginner's point of view), I have not seen any other site as professional and educational as TooTimid. But then, after searching through four or five websites before hitting on TooTimid, I haven't looked any more. When my husband and I decided to bring some toys into our bedroom and I started looking online, some of the sites were not helpful. Then there was one site that I started an order on, but had to stop to do something, can't remember what, and before I could get back to finish the order they were CALLING ME to see if I needed assistance!!!! That made me feel a little violated, and I did not finish the order, and a couple sites later came to TooTimid.

A lot of things have gone into the decisions I have made about the toys, although I have to say the biggest decision is what may meet some of the fantasies I've had. I purchased a dual action and the Clitoral Pump based on that. Both have been great! I try to go by the reviews as well, and I also have to look at price, and must admit some of the toys I want are a little out of my current price range, but there is always anniversaries, Christmas and birthdays, and I've let my husband know which ones I'm interested in.

Haven't purchased any of the glass dildoes. I'm still buying items that vibrate!

Does anyone know of another site where they do toy reviews like these? And, with all the toys being reviewed even here, how do you go about selecting the one you want to buy? Price? Shape? Size? Features? Color?

I am very curious as to what characteristics most women use or key on to choose toys to buy. I am amazed, for instance, at the range of designs, colors, and artistry now being done in the Glass dildoes, which are high end items. I just wonder if women buy them based on price, or on the artistry or what?


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I've been trying to come up with an answer, and really don't have one. For years I used a massager for clitorial stimulation, just recently getting into all the fun toys. But like I said, I look for things that I have fantasized about. Because I have used a massager for so long, I need one that is powerful. I had bought one toy with a bullet that can be inserted, found out how much fun a bullet could be alone, too, but probably would have not bought one individually. Now I'm getting ready to order one that Mikalya (I believe) recommended was really strong.

If this makes sense, I pick my toys with the "tingle factor." When I read the description, does it make me "tingle?"

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I think it's so hard to define why we buy what we buy.

For me personally, I'm just starting out so I'm sure my reasons for purchasing are different than more experienced people. I've had a jack rabbit since they first came out but that's all I've had. Luckilly I've recently been blessed with quite and overactive sex drive right now (after years of a slump - kids) so everthing looks interesting to me.

I have to say, i totally agree with the "tingle factor". Another definite determining factor is the price. I have to buy a new rabbit and I'm going to order one that is $70. wow, that's alot of money for a sex toy - FOR ME anyways. but at the same time, i know the rabbit is worth it. Besides my anniversary is today! ;) But I have to consider, I also want the butterfly and a bullet so, $$$ is a factor- value is important. Told you I'm really horny after such a long dryspell! :blink:

And I must say, reviews are a definite determining factor for me. Not only that they are reviewed here but that I know they are HONEST reviews. I love when Rob wants to know if something isn't working for people so he can decide as to whether or not tootimid should continue carrying the product. The same if someone mentions a product they found elsewhere. He wants to know what it is so he can take a look at it. I can't tell you how much credibility it gives to this company!

I haven't found any other site that has such honest reviews if any. I like the detailed accounts, not just a star rating or something. I would have to say it plays a very large part in my decision making.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Members
Hello All!

I was just wondering if these sex toy reviews are helpful to all you shoppers out there. I get some PM messages saying that you have taken my suggestions and purchased some of the items and are pleased - thanks for those messages! :blink: I also get a few - and I mean A FEW posts here saying that you have done the same.

Very few people - especially women - post their experiences with these items - or similiar items. While I think that my reviews are helpful - and I love writing them - I think if other people wrote in also it would give other posters and readers a chance to see that people besides me enjoy these items!

So, I emplore you readers to POST if you have something to add about these items, or if you have questions about my reviews! I would like some more discussion and interaction on this part of the forum.

Thanks...and I look forward to hearing your responses!

Mikayla ;)

YES.YES YES YES YES YES....................................................................

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  • 2 months later...
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I find the reviews great stuff. As a guy, it's a heck of a job to figure out what's really good enough for my gf. And what a reward when she opens the box and gives you the best review of them all - a long and loud YEEEEEEEES!

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  • Newbie

Thanks alot for the review's Mikayla.They are really great because most places you don't know what the toys are going to do for each other so your afraid to order them.Your reviews are great!We are just getting into toy's and restraint's.After reading yuor information it makes it more comfortable for us.Anyways you rock and keep up the good work

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