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    • I am in accord. Porn can be like other enhancements in one's love life. And there's so much out there that you can tune in all kinds of stuff.🤪
    • My wife and I love watching it as a prelim to our love making. It adds to the experience
    • weird title so let me explain i have never owned a sex toy for a few reasons. 1. until recently i have always lived with family and i would die if they knew about it or ever found it not only is that super embarrassing to me but also i am pretty sure my mother and grandmother would perform an exorcism on me 2. because i have lived with family i could never order something online because they might see it or open it 3. i've never tried buying something in person because i just cannot imagine talking to someone while buying that.  so instead of having anything real i have just used the most random household objects over the years. and i am definitely a daily user of the things i use for that activity.  i recently moved out on my own (yay me!) and since nobody checks the mail but me... it seems like the right time to get a real toy or two. i am 19 and am currently dating a guy who is 25. we have been together for 7 months. he totally supports me getting toys but there is a bit of an issue i want to get a large dildo -- the real skin feeling kind with... all the parts of male anatomy and a suction cup base or even one that is attached to the abs and torso base. The issue is that I would like the toy(s) to be black. My bf is white and he says that my color preference is "weird" to him and that he wants me to get a white one or even pink or some color like that but "whatever you get is your decision." but he keeps asking a lot of questions about why i want that color in that kind of toy.  i am a very visual person when it comes to sexual pleasure and as a half white/half asian girl the contrast of a darker color toy is something i think i would enjoy very much. the reason i don't want green or pink or blue or a random darker or brighter color is because if a toy looks fake it won't get me or my arousal or my imagination to the same place a "real" looking toy would. i have explained that and he said he understands but still doesn't feel comfortable about it but "whatever you want."  but now i'm out here wondering if that is weird? should i just get a generic color?  i don't want to "get one that looks like him" because we have only been together for 7 months and i'm 19 so who knows what the future holds and i am spending MY money and want to invest in something pricey but great... if we break up ni 3 months or a year or 5 i don't want to have to get something else because it reminds me of him. i just want a toy that is independent of any relationship. but maybe that is immature?  soooo any advice or thoughts would be great because i am feeling super duper self conscious about this purchase now.   
    • wo "mutual masturbation" is like 90% of my sexual experience.  with my current bf we do it for each other at the same time -- i love that. i have done it a few times where we do ourselves and just watch each other, and have done that with my bf as well but i prefer touching each other. also idk if i can even say this here but growing up most of my first experiences with masturbating (outside of being alone) involved simultaneous masturbation with a cousin in the same bed but usually covered up and with the lights off. he was 3 years older and we didn't meet for a long time so it didn't feel as weird as it does in hindsight. 
    • I’m visualizing 🤩😘😍
    • Off her tongue 🔥🔥🔥
    • Can't imagine choosing not to.
    • What a sweetheart! I know she really appreciates yourTLC. I know I would
    • Personally, I think I’d like it. But mine don’t stay loose and hanging very long once aroused. They move up into a locked and loaded position up close to my cock on either side. If someone wanted to they’d have to be quick.
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