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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Thank you so much! Glad you liked it.
  2. First, welcome, glad you found this site!! As to your question, many women prefer many different things, hence why there's such a variety in sex toys! However, 85% of women have to have clitoral stimulation to have their O. So, I would suggest something that does that. There are many reviews on the sex toys offered here, there's a tab at the top just for toy reviews. Just remember, there is a letter limit when we post on the site itself, with the item's product page, so there are usually more detailed reviews here in the forum as well. Many options for you to choose from!! Personally, I have a couple of faves that help get me off. I love love love my Blue Swirl glass dildo, and also, my clit tickler that came with the Infinite Pleasures Kit. Sometimes I just love that FULL feeling the All Amercian Vibrating Dildo gives me. I usually use one of those dildos with the clit stimulator, and I'm off to O-O-O land!! I also have a couple of different dual stimulators that do the trick too. But, again, each person likes different things. I hope this is helpful.
  3. Well, there! Can't ask for a more honest review than that.
  4. What a cute costume (probably for Halloween I'm guessing LOL). TROJAN MAN!!! LMAO
  5. Welcome back, and I'm glad that some self-exploration (mentally) has opened your eyes and made life better for you and your wife in the bedroom!
  6. Say there was a guy/gal in high school that you had a HUGE crush on, but they didn't ever see you, until y'all graduated, did you date them? Or someone in high school/college/local hangout that you thought that they were just your friend, or kinda odd, or just no way in hell you'd date them, and you ended up dating them? So, how did it happen?
  7. I personally don't like cum on my face. I have never liked anything on my face or near my eyes, and flying cum just doesn't do anything for me at all. Just a personal quirk. I don't mind having my man cum on my chest/tits though.
  8. I love that old topics are getting revisited! That's awesome! As far as a curved penis goes, it's actually quite common. Just because "porn guys" have straight hard ons, doesn't make that the norm in real life. Not much in porn movies are true to real life, they're more the fantasy aspects of sex. Please don't learn about sex, and genitalia from porn only. Some men are curved more than others, some tip off to the side, and some are straight up. Someone stated that there are many shaped vaginas, why not penises too? That's absolutely true. Men's penises come in a variety of shapes, lengths, and sizes.
  9. Tyger


    For women that like the rape fantasy, it's the controlled violence of it. They know you, and they're "safe enough" to know that this isn't a real thing, and that they can control it. It's a common fantasy for those women that have never been raped. However, tread lightly, and ALWAYS ask before anything like this is played out. This kind of fantasy should be discussed, not a surprise, because you never know what a woman's been thru until you ask. I highly recommend also having a safe word, something that wouldn't be uttered in the throws of passion, like MARSHMELLOW, or something equally silly, that way, if she gets scared, she just needs to say that safe word to get the actions being done to stop.
  10. Right back at ya Rob! Thanks for creating this message board! I'm thankful that I found this place!
  11. The boxes are plain, regular shipping boxes, and yes, the return labels say Atlantic Innovations. Now, if the box is opened, then they will see bubble wrap, sometimes some paper wrapping, and the toys, but nobody should be opening your packages anyway. I Goggled Atlantic Innovations, and a bunch of stuff came up, but nothing directly linked to TooTimid. And, yes, the name on the statements will also say Atlantic Innovations, so no worries about them guessing. I would hazare a guess that Atlantic Innovations is a billing company, and is similar to PayPal as far as remaining anonymous. This is one of the most private companies I've dealt with in a very long time.
  12. I get sistitus, which is a severe type of bladder infections, on a regular basis, so honey, I feel for ya!! I agree, you should go see your doctor, especially if there's blood in your urine. If you're not getting treated, then think you're ok when there's no more discomfort, have sex, and then it starts all over again, you are not cured. You will need a heavy dose of antibiotics to get rid of this fully. Your BF may have to take them too, cuz you may have a type of bacterial infection that you're passing back and forth between each other, and he may not even know it! Usually, bactrim is prescribed for bladder infections, which is a sulfur based antibiotic, and it knocks them out quickly and efficiently. Macrobid is another successful Rx too. Make sure to follow your doctor's instructions, and ALWAYS finish the entire Rx, cuz if you don't, the infection can come back even stronger, and can build up resistence to the medications, making it harder to treat, and with the use of stronger drugs. Many people think that they're feeling better, so there's no need to finish their medications, but that is not the smart thing to do. If the UTI's continue, you may want to change the type of condom you're using, cuz that may be irritating you too. It's not overly "Hot" to do, especially with a spur of the moment love making, but, always try to go pee before and soon after having sex, to clear out any possible bacteria that can get up inside your urethra. Wash your genitals with warm water and soap, making sure to rinse the soap fully away too. This should be done whether you get infections easily or not, just for cleanliness sake. Be sure to tell your doctor ALL of your symptoms and when exactly you notice them. Never be embarassed with your doctor, especially when it comes to your sexual health. Your doctor may suggest some other things to do to prevent this from happening again so quickly. Good luck!
  13. I had a FWB years ago, and it was set out there that we didn't want a relationship as far as BF/GF, but we kept our sex lives with each other to ourselves. We both had just split from serious relationships. I wound up starting to really have stronger feelings for him than I wanted too, so I cut it off short with him, which kinda pissed him off, but at least I cut it off before I really got hurt. So, I KWYM about wanting to keep things simple, yet falling anyway. That's a woman's curse, really. Women associate sex with love. After a while, we tend to fall for our lover, whether we want too or not. It sounds as if you didn't do anything wrong here. You were completely honest with him, and he was accepting of it. If nothing traumatic happened (accident, death in the family, ect), then he may have gotten cold feet, or, he found someone else that he felt a deeper connection with. With any of these, it's not your fault. I'm sure being left out in the wind is hard, but, if it was me, I'd shrug my shoulders, say "his loss", and move on. Go have fun, date, go out with girlfriends, or whomever you want too, and don't worry anymore about him. Apparently, he didn't care about you enough to be honest with you, so why would you want anyone like that in your life? Granted, you 2 weren't "committed" to just each other, but, if he did find someone else, the least he could've done is call and say, "hey look, I've found someone....". It may have hurt, but at least it would've been more honest. I want to warn you, that if he finds himself single again, he may call you, since you were a lover, he knows what you can do, and all that. It's up to you to handle it, but I'd turn him down, since, again, he's proven himself totally unreliable & untrustworthy. I'm sorry you got hurt, but these are the things that help us grow as people.
  14. Welcome and have fun browsing!
  15. Ya know, I think it's a right of pasage, when you're young, to have sex with music playing. Come to think of it, I don't think I can remember a time before I was maybe 22 when I DIDN'T have some kind of music playing while having sex!!! I love having music playing while having sex. Unfortunately, the way our room is set up right now, we don't have even a radio in there. And, since the stereo is in the dining room, we can't have music too loud, or we'd wake the kiddo. I really COULD move my stereo in the bedroom if I wanted, since I can play CDs and listen to the radio here on the computer........something to think about I guess.....
  16. I was thinking one day, where do people really get their views/beliefs when it comes to sex? Are they instilled by their parents? Religion? Do we allow our own experiences allow us our own opinions? Personally, I believe it’s a bit of all of that. Some people are more influenced by others, when it comes to forming their own sexual views. I dig out my flashlight, and go back into the deepest recesses in my mind to try and remember where exactly I got my fairly open-minded views when it comes to sex, sexual practices, sex toys, and different sexual lifestyles, switch on the light, and take a journey back…..gee, I need to dust in here…… My impressionable ages were in the 80’s. I graduated high school in 1991. Admittedly, my mother and I never really had “The Talk”. I don’t think she was worried about me. I was pretty level-headed & mature for my age. I stayed out of trouble, and was smart. In retrospect, I wish my mother had talked to me about sex, but I don’t think she knew how to really go about it, so my sexual education really began in school. Starting in 5th grade, our school system had sex education, with parental consent. Something I wish was still available for kids in school. When we started, girls learned about girl parts, boys learned about boy parts, and how they all worked. Later, progressing through the grades, we learned more and more about how those parts worked with the opposite sex, pregnancy, STD’s, and how that all transferred between 2 people having sexual intercourse. In middle school, I had friends that were having sex with their MUCH older boyfriends, thinking that that was cool. I knew I wasn’t ready for such a big step. I learned through them, that sleeping with someone doesn’t bond them to you for life, mean that they will love you, and that there are users out there that just want a piece, and they don’t care where they get it from. Loosing my virginity at the age of 16, which was about average back then, I made sure to have & use condoms, which they gave out free at the Family Planning clinics. I read all the pamphlets they had in their lobby. I went on birth control & learned about what was going in my body & how it affected me. I didn’t want to have a baby before I was mature enough to handle that. I also learned that the lovers I picked, could affect me in more ways than one. I learned from my 2nd live-in boyfriend, that asking and trying new things in the bedroom was a wonderful thing! He was 5 yrs older than I, but only a tad more experienced. He was a wonderful teacher and giver in the bedroom. I’m eternally grateful to him for allowing me to expand my sexual experimentations. I never looked back! It’s hard for me to understand how some people find sex “dirty”. Why is it acceptable to watch animals on educational channels mating, yet watching people mating is called pornography? Animals mate mostly for reproducing, yet, some animals, such as dolphins, also mate for the sheer pleasure of it. Some barriers are harder than others to get past, overcome, or change in the slightest way. Like religious beliefs, which seem to be the biggest barriers when it comes to people viewing sex as a natural, fun thing to experience. Why does religion teach that sex is dirty? After all, Churches usually promote marriage, and happy marriages include a fulfilling sex life! How is feeling totally comfortable in the bedroom a bad thing? Understandably, they also promote morality, and having more than one sex partner is not usually considered appropriate, especially not as appropriate as saving yourself for marriage. However, this is not overly realistic today, now is it? But, if you're going to share your body with someone, why not be completely open and honest about how you feel and what you want? If you're not shy about having sex with them, why be shy about talking with them about sex too? Are there ways of changing how someone, or yourself, feels about sex? It depends on how well they listen, and are willing to take other views into consideration. When it comes to trying to sway someone differently from what they believe, it’s always a good idea to educate yourself as much as possible, having answers for many of their questions they may have, and also LISTENING to their point of view on the subject. Never insult their opinions or bring them down because of them. Respect their feelings. If you don’t do those 2 important things, the person you’re having this discussion with will close you off and nothing will be resolved. After all, who wants to be put down for what they think? I truly believe that you can change how YOU feel about anything, if you’re willing to learn and keep an open mind about stuff. You should not have to give up your morals to do so. But trying to keep an open mind about thoughts other than what you’ve been brought up to believe is important. Instead of saying, “NOT!” when it comes to an idea, really mull it over in your head, research it, ask questions, BEFORE you dismiss it. Keeping an open mind in the bedroom is equally important. A willingness to try new things, and listening to what your lover wants to try keeps things new and exciting in your relationship. Taking slow steps in trying new things is a good idea: Learning how to walk, before you run, kind of thinking. Learn, live, & love. What better advice can there truly be? That’s my opinion, and I welcome yours!
  17. I think the lack of accountability, "wussifying", and over-censorship is really getting out of hand. Kids need to learn balance of how to loose how to win gracefully, and make more effort into making themselves better and stronger people, not just in sports. Building self-esteem and making kids desire to make themselves better, and have fun while doing it, instead of "offending them" is really getting out of hand. Being PC is getting to be overly anal as well. I mean, if one kid can't jump because they're in a wheelchair, they're going to think that the world MUST conform to their needs 100%, so they don't need to try hard to do anything, things should come easy to them because they're not able to do one thing or another. What's next? Banning TV because a blind person can't watch it? I never was good at any school sports, but that didn't mean that I wanted other kids to miss out and not participate cuz I couldn't do it. I mean, how selfish is that???
  18. OMG, I have been wondering where she's been, now I know. I will also PM you my cell phone, since her and I use to chat all the time on Yahoo. I have to agree with the assessment of the death of your son, and it being your first holiday season without him, as well as the heart surgery, and all of the meds she's on. Of course, the first year after the death of the child is extremely hard, and she really needs to go see a counselor ASAP. Hog tie her and gag her to go. Get her while she's sleeping (puts up less of a fight that way LOL). She's probably feeling extremely guilty for surviving all she has, when your son could not. It may sound illogical, since, she had something curable, and your son was too sick to survive it. But a mother's guilt runs deep, and after seeing my MIL bury 2 out of 3 of her children, I know how deep grief can be. Keep trying, I'm sure it's frustrating at times, to see her give up, and if she doesn't get help soon, well, let's just get her help!! *HUGS*
  19. How awesome for you both!! Congrats! I got excited reading about your success!!
  20. Howdy y’all, come on down to the ranch house for a darn tootin’ good time! Lennox films brings you this 85 minute feature, shot in high definition, starring Joey Ray, along with John West, Jezebelle Bond, Katin, and Taylor Lynn. Hard work, horses, tractors, and a relaxing night at the house await you in this DVD. Get ready ladies! Feast your eyes (and hormones) on Joey! He is a compilation of muscles, muscles, and, did I mention, muscles? Where he’s a bit too buff for my tastes, I did love watching all of those muscles flex, especially in jeans! What can I say; I love a man in jeans! The ladies in this film are also wonderful to watch. These ladies aren’t the stick figures that are becoming so popular. They look FIT, muscular, yet oh, so feminine! There are only 3 sex scenes in this film, Joey riding up on his horse, finding a cowgirl lounging on a trailer full of hay, where he ravishes her, and she him, then he comes across a woman that just finished a ride, with her saddle placed on the tractor he drove up on, they proceed to have a lengthy scroggin’. Than, the final scene, which has a bit more of a romantic feel to it, another couple lounging in the ranch house, with a glass of wine, make long-luxurious love to each other. The scenes are long, and well shot. Definitely all heterosexual. No bisexual or lesbian scenes here. This is one of the first films I’ve seen in a long time that actually STARS a man as the main adult star. Usually women are the main feature in adult films. Scenes start out in semi-slow motion, with loud music playing, the first scene has a country twang to it, second has more of a techno-mix feel, and the last is more romantic, yet kind of porno-sounding. Then the music fades into the background, still able to be heard over the moaning and groaning of the lovers. This film was pretty good. They took their time with each scene, didn’t worry about dialogue, but just concentrated on the entrance and the whole sex scene. I enjoyed this film immensely! Honky-Tonk-Badonka-Hunk
  21. Welcome & enjoy the forum!!
  22. Thank you Toy, and a Happy Thanksgiving to all as well!! Eat well, enjoy family time, and try not to fall asleep before the dishes are done!! LMAO
  23. Lacey, I'm glad that he's being so honest about his whereabouts, and is allowing you to keep tabs on him, in efforts to show that he's worth trusting again. 5 months is a relatively short time to find out and start healing over something like that. It's not like you should be over it in a week or so. He violated your trust. That takes time, and depending on the person, a long time, to re-establish. It's not a quick fix thing. Howard brought up a good point: your status in the relationship. Is it dating, "going out" which is the term used for "going steady" aka not seeing anyone else, living together (which obviously should mean you're exclusive), engaged? If you're just dating, there really is no "commitment there. However, if you've BOTH agreed that you're exclusive, then, yes, there has been a betrayal here. Women associate sex with love, men don't a lot of times. So, if a woman sleeps with a man, they are usually thinking that they're exclusive, when in fact, the man doesn't think that way at all. Great point Howard! As far as the honest answers to your questions......there are probably some details that you really shouldn't know about, like the gory ones (overly detailed). Many women are extremely visual in their minds, so you can picture these things. Everyone is curious, but, if you can keep picturing every act that they did, and where, well, that's torturing yourself. When someone cheats, IMO, the only things to know are: Who When Where How Long was the affair And, was protection used. If the answer was NO to the last one, IMO, you should kick his ass to the curb, cuz he didn't care what he brought home to you as far as bacterial infections, and of course, STDs. That shows NO consideration at all (though cheating is a good indicator of not caring) for your health and safety. Also, if they have the affair and bring the person home to screw in YOUR shared bed, again, kick them to the curb, IMO. Again, lack of consideration. You will probably know whether or not the affair, if it was ongoing, got emotional. Meaning he grew to have feelings for this girl. IMO, an emotional affair is probably worse than a one-night stand. A bit more going on in it, if you KWIM. To get over something like this, takes time, and open communication. He should be willing to answer your questions, but you should also try to think about yourself and what you really can handle as far as details go. It almost sounds like you know a bit too much, and have trouble getting those things out of your head. He may not want to sleep with you out of guilt. He also may not want you to bring up the affair during sex. If you have done this, or burst into tears during sex because of the thoughts running in your head (which is normal when it's still fresh), then he may be a bit discouraged and not want to hurt you at the same time. I also noticed your 22. And, I don't want to sound patronizing, but you are young. These kinds of things effect your still growing self-esteem a great deal. Only YOU are going to know whether or not you can fully heal over this, with him. Him being there, right now, is a constant reminder. You have to learn to forgive, and let go. But, never forget. If he cheats again, and you actually catch him, then kick him to the curb, cuz he won't stop. I've been cheated on a couple of times. I have grown to have a philosophy: no matter what you do, if someone wants to cheat, they will find a way to cheat, no matter how tight the reigns seem to be. You have to be willing to allow that person space, give trust, and, if they do cheat, understand that there was NOTHING you could have done to prevent it. Best wishes.
  24. LMAO Thurisas. I've also been the giver of a "Driving BJ", and it makes it that much more thrilling, having the man driving, having to stay on the road, AND get pleasure too. I would recommend doing such a bold move on an open stretch of road though. Especially the first time. I'm sure if they do a study on the effects of driving while getting a BJ, there will be plenty of volunteers to sign up for THAT research!! Anyway, as far as the cheating thing, and the blow to your self-esteem. Honey, if you don't feel that you can trust this man, then why stay with him? Trust is earned, and once broken, it's very hard to get back. Women take cheating a bit more personally, IMO. We feel that there must've been something that we did or didn't do, and that we are at fault for our man's cheating. When, in fact, it's not US, but the guy's inability to keep his dick in his jeans, zipped up safe and sound. When we stay with a cheater, we have a tendancy to over-think everything that the cheater does. Why is there no interest in sex, is it because he is sleeping with someone else? Why would he turn down oral sex from me, is he getting it somewhere else? Why does he seem distant? Is it because he wants to spend time with the other person instead of me? All these are not only the natural thoughts that occur, but are really good questions to ask yourself. A truly reformed and sorry cheater will make every effort to make you feel that they made a terrible mistake, and will do anything that is humanly possible (for them) to make it all better. Ones that don't seem to really care, but just say they're sorry, go thru the motions, are insincere, and withdraw into themselves. People also do this if they've confessed, feel really bad, and don't know how to handle trying to make it feel better, OR if you constantly pester them with all of the questions of "where were you?"s and so on. Granted, those are going to happen when it's fresh, but constantly accussing someone of doing what they're not doing (anymore) may be pushing them away too. It's up to you to ask him which of those it is. If you feel inept in giving a BJ, what is the big deal, while you're down there, to ask him what he wants? Try different things, and ask him inbetween if he likes that, does he want you to continue, what would he like for you to do? That doesn't make you sound stupid, it makes you sound like you really want to learn how to please him. Best wishes!
  25. Isn't it funny how sex, which is one of the MOST NATURAL things for humans to do, can cause so many mixed feelings? Try to stay reserved? Honey, WHY??? Why not expand your sexual horizons and explore more! Sex is adult play, and is suppose to be fun! Especially with someone that you have strong feelings for (like, oh, I dunno, your husband!). What's the harm of having fun, laughing, sharing, and maybe bringing more toys in the bedroom? Absolutely nothing, I tell ya!! My hubby always knew that I had and enjoyed my adult toys. However, he was of the "old fashioned way" of thinking: that if you were in a relationship, WHY in the hell do you need sex toys? I've FINALLY been able to get it thru is way of thinking, that sex toys are ADDITIVES, not replacements! How did I get him to think differently? Well, TooTimid helped. Having a variety of toys, allowing him to pick and choose what we were going to use, allowing him to feel them, and play with them, plus, getting him a couple of his very own toys, all of these things helped out a lot! Plus, they also help women orgasm faster and/or easier. Nothing wrong with that!! 85% of women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm. Adding vibrators and clit stimulators are a wonderful way to help any woman be able to get their "O" on. Best wishes!!!
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