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Everything posted by Shariana

  1. I hope all works out for you. As far as her having PTSD, I have it. The best thing to do is get her to a counselor and have her draw or write (depending on how old she is). Stay supportive of her no matter what and whenever she spits at you or hits you, hold her tight and tell her you love her. If she doesn't get the reaction she wants, she might just stop doing that.
  2. I live in CT and I vaguely remember a little earthquake when I was little... the plates in the china cabinet shook and one picture fell off the wall.... that's it. I must have been about 4 or 5.... haven't felt one since. The next day at school we had our routine fire drill, but they included tornado, earthquake and an air raid into it.... lol Even though the last time a tornado touched down ANYWHERE in CT was the first time in about 15 years or so.... I guess they wanted to cover the bases! =D
  3. lol nice.... I love medical humor.... particularly as a small town EMT... I've actually heard that benign one from a patient.... "Ma'am, have you ever had cancer?" "No, miss, but I do have a tumor, but the doctor said it didn't need to be removed." "Why is that, Ma'am?" "He said it "benign".... I don't know what how long I've had it for has to do with anything, though...." That made me and my partner chuckle a bit.... we didn't tell her what it meant, but let the doctor at the hospital know he might want to clear that up with her.... =D
  4. I went from a size 12 to a size 3/5 in one summer. My doctor put me on iron supplements and it kickstarted my metabolism.... for awhile. Then my ex started being a jerk and I turned back to my comfort foods. I am back to a size 12. I would LOVE to be a size 8 again... 6 would be GREAT! But I know it won't happen. I get jealous of my sister. She's a 3/5 and only eats junk. But, she takes after my mother, so she will see the weight gain soon enough... lol. I am 5'2", and I really would like to be down to that 8 again, too! My boyfriend is also very supportive and said he likes my "chub".... it makes him laugh when he squeezing my stomach. I would love to lose some weight, but I know he wouldn't mind even if I didn't. If your husband says he loves you anyway, believe him! Go out and get some clothes that fit right and look good so you aren't cramped in sizes too small. It took me a year to come to terms with the idea that I wasnt' an 8 anymore. Get a sexy little night gown and have a great night! Do what makes YOU feel sexy! It will help in the bedroom... trust me! ^.^
  5. I love it when my guy goes down on me... doesn't happen too often, but when it does.... oh boy.... ^.^ Sometimes he changes what he is doing RIGHT before I come.... so it's a little distracting. I don't mind not receiving oral that much.... I love giving him bjs though.... I've mastered it for him... =D
  6. You might want to try latex free condoms. I get rashes somewhat like that when I wear latex gloves at work, so I use latex free ones now. If you have been trying new condoms or lube you aren't used to, you might be sensitive to it, so stick with whatever you know has worked in the past... if nothing has worked before, try latex free.
  7. What about an I-spy photo contest? Like, take one or more of your sex toys and "hide" them in a picture you take (no photoshopping) For example.... if you have a pocket rocket, you could "hide" it in a can of pens on a desk and take a picture of the desk.... could be fun to try to find them and also useful to see the real life size of some things! The prize can be a storage case of sorts.
  8. I can talk during sex without an issue, but I can't scream like I want to. None of my friends have a house... and they all think I'm still a virgin, except for one friend. My boyfriend just gave me two 12-hour cards of "I will do whatever you want"... so... He had best be prepared! Maybe I will ask for a hotel room..... =D My parents would honestly kill me about premarital sex.... maybe not so much my dad, but my MOM might just disown me.... lol
  9. I want to try a swing SOO much! I am tempted to get an over the door swing... easier to pack up and tuck away in secret... =D
  10. vibrations are a must for me.... I have a hard time orgasming without clitoral stimulation... and even then, I have never been able to use my fingers only
  11. Um, just so you guys know, the pain on the bullet starts to flake off after a bit.... so you might want o be careful
  12. Mmm.... maybe I can get him to get a hotel after the gala this year..... that would be VERY nice!
  13. Talk to him about this. Communication is REALLY important. Also, ask if you can hang with him AND his friends. Knowing his friends is often a good thing... you'll have more in common. And remember. Even though he may seem like he doesn't want to be with you, he might just need some down time. I haven't seen my bf in over a month. We don't go to the same school anymore (I'm in University, he's a senior in high school). This week he has break, but he isn't coming to see me. I was a little upset, but I realized he needs some relaxing time to himself and his friends. Overall, talk to him about it. Tell him you miss hanging out. Ask what days HE is free and take HIM on a date! Your treat! It's rather fun that way!
  14. Just got it in the mail today. Luckily my room mate has a 3 hour lab! OMG! IT IS SOOOO STRONG! Kinda loud on the stronger settings, but the bullet and massager choice is a fantastic WIN on this! I love it already! Can't wait to have my boyfriend try it out on me! ^.^
  15. Ohhh!! My father told me this when I was little! I've always loved it! XD
  16. LOL That's GREAT! Going to send that to a few friends! XD
  17. depends on the situation we are in. If we have unlimited time, foreplay is about 30 min to an hour and the sex itself about 15 minutes, unless we really try to extend it! then we go back to foreplay to give him some time to recover and then we start up again.... ^.^ Overall, it lasts the perfect amount of time for both of us! ^.^
  18. I can imagine almost every college student's fantasy is having a chance to have sex in a place where they have NO chance of being caught or heard. I would LOVE to vocalize with my man, but.... we never are in a "safe" enough spot for it! I would love to be able to get a hotel room or something.... but the matter of paying and "why did you take out $200 on your debit last week" would come up.... Honestly, during sex I think about my boyfriend. About how I would love to marry him and not have to hide having sex as much. I hate having to hide it, but I know I would get in HUGE trouble with my family if they EVER found out. So, ultimately. I would love to be able to go on a trip with him.... get a really nice hotel room and be as loud and crazy as I want. Maybe spring break next year..... one can only hope that our summer jobs pay enough.... T.T (I guess overall I just want to have sex without any fears.... lol)
  19. I have a friend that genuinely doesn't like receiving blow jobs.... he likes to focus on the girl primarily. Ask him what feels "wrong" and how you can make it good for him
  20. I've tried only twice to swallow.... my guy is very good to me and warns me. I an only swallow a bit, because it triggers my gag reflex. I wind up spitting out and he immediately cleans up and goes to get me some water and a towel if I need it. He makes sure I am comfortable in everything we are doing. I am slowly getting used to it. Just little tastes. He loves the feeling of cumming in me, and spitting out doesn't ruin that for him, fortunately!
  21. My boy trims a bit for me because of one not-so-funny instance that my poor depth perception perceived his hair being farther away than it was. I got hair up the nose and in the eyes.... we had a GREAT laugh after, but it wasn't too pleasant! I trim for him too. He is still getting used to going down on me, but he is MUCH more willing when I trim. We talked about it. Communication is key everywhere in a relationship, particularly in bed!
  22. It could have healed with excess scar tissue that can cause defecating painful. The next time you go back to your doctor, have him/her scope it out to see if that's the case. If it is, simple surgery can cut away the scar tissue. As for spending time with friends, maybe put it in a plastic bag premix it in a water bottle before you go over so you won't have to explain the jar?
  23. Ah, ok! Well, it will be great to not blow money on batteries! Thanks for letting me know! (and yes they exist, I've seen them before on another site *forgot where.... sorry!*. I would LOVE one for me and my boy to use when he is away!)
  24. I just got the waterproof wireless bunny... it's about 3 inches insertable.... maybe 3.5 at most. And the diameter is about an inch. DEFINITELY not 1.5 inches! Just so you know, the vibrator itself is in the shaft and is HARD plastic. If you are anything like me, it's NOT very comfortable to have in when you are sitting. It's fun if you are walking around doing chores or standing up for a long time.... but if you are planning on sitting.... well, try it out at home first before you wear it in public! Everyone is different! Great little toy though! Despite some little downfalls! ^.^ I hope you enjoy it!
  25. I was going to ask the same question myself! (I was worried about having anything sent to the billing address... it's still at my parents' home!) Thanks for the reassurance!
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