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Would You Send Your Partner To A Hooker?


Would You Send Your Honey To A Hooker for a BJ?  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Considering that you might be unwilling to do so, would you send him to a hooker to be "serviced" and be OK with it?

    • NO WAY....I would dump him in a heartbeat!
    • SURE....as long as I didn't know and he was "safe"
    • I would send him knowingly cause I don't want to do it!
    • Yes I would ask a hooker for sex tips!

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OK, this question is sparked off a discussion that Howard and I are having about the legalization of prostution. He thinks that if a woman is UNWILLING to give her husband a blowjob that it would be OK with her if he sought out this "service" by a hooker, as long as he did not get caught and embarrass her.

I think this notion is RIDICULOUS - and say "no way" would a woman be OK with her partner going to a hooker for anything. He also said that if prostitution were legal that women would feel comfortable going to Hooker X and asking her "tips" and techniques. I also say, while women might want to know some tricks of the trade - I doubt they would go slumming to get them!

So, answer my poll ladies, cause I am really dying to know!

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How does this grab you?


I don't want my husband going ANYWHERE else for any sort of sexual release, especially to another woman! And, if I want to learn new/different sexual techniques, I will come here! ;) Actually, for those women who are scared of the internet, or coming to a "sex site", there are also lots of books out there. Plus, friends can be fun to quiz. Talking about sex is almost (I said almost) as fun as having sex!! Think of all the info, and laughs you could have!

IMO, and from some prostitutes I have spoken with, their sexual repoirte' so to speak, is mostly to get the guy off as quickly as they can, so they can get it over with, and then off to another john. Where's the fun in learning that?

Plus, why waste the money on a hooker, when you can go to almost any bar, and pick up someone for a quickie, or one night stand....for free? I mean, there's the same amount of risk, and that is LEGAL.

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no way!

there are somethings that people will not do....

i think that if it is something that your SO won't do, you have weigh the importance of it. Is it something that you can or can't live with out...is it worth throwing away the relationship you have with your SO?

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Put me down for a HELL NO as well.........

Even legalized wouldn't matter to me concerning my man.

btw... I am in favor of legalization to tax, control and make it a safer industry.

It will never fade away so why not?

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Now, do I want my husband going to a prostitute--no! I don't think there is much that a pro could do for him that I couldn't or wouldn't. We have both been open for anything the other wanted and him going would be like a slap in the face to me.

However, I would like to see prostitution legalized. That way we could do away with the pimps and addiction that are associated with prostitution today, make sure that the people involved are of age, etc. There wouldn't be the exploitation.

I haven't read Howard's postings on this yet, so he may have already stated this obvious argument (I've been swamped with school work, and it's not getting any better--finals are the first week of May). I'll go back and check them out while I have a few minutes.

Two of my favorite movies involve prostitution--Best Little Whorehouse is Texas and Cheyenne Social Club. But I know these movies do not depict what the business is really like.

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My hubby has already told me I'm more woman than he can handle - so _why_ would I want to do that???

Also, even if prostitution is legalized, it _still_ exploits women. That's kind of like saying 'Well, ya know, we could legalize slavery agin, too. Thay say, th' South'll rise agin!' - Just because something is 'legal' doesn't make it 'right'!

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HELL NO!!!!!

That is cheating at its lowest!! I would be more upset if my hubby went to a whore, than if he met someone else. I think it is wrong, and low. How low do you have to be to have to pay for sex. I value a lot of what Howard has to say, he brings up a lot of good points, but not about this. I mean have some class man!!

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Let's not forget that there are male prostitutes as well. Is it still considered "exploiting" if a woman or a man chooses this as their desired profession? Who are we to say what's o.k and not o.k for someone else?

In my opinion prostitution is MUCH different than slavery and the two can not be compared. People couldn't choose to be or not to be slaves.

humm... interesting topic.



My hubby has already told me I'm more woman than he can handle - so _why_ would I want to do that???

Also, even if prostitution is legalized, it _still_ exploits women. That's kind of like saying 'Well, ya know, we could legalize slavery agin, too. Thay say, th' South'll rise agin!' - Just because something is 'legal' doesn't make it 'right'!

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Let's not forget that there are male prostitutes as well. Is it still considered "exploiting" if a woman or a man chooses this as their desired profession? Who are we to say what's o.k and not o.k for someone else?

In my opinion prostitution is MUCH different than slavery and the two can not be compared. People couldn't choose to be or not to be slaves.

humm... interesting topic.


While I agree with Meg, that if a woman or a man choose to be, let's say a prostitute, stripper, a call-girl, or a porn actress that she is not exploiting HERSELF, I still believe that by the very nature of the profession, people do internally exploit those persons. I have friends who are strippers (or were back in the day) and they IN NO WAY feel exploited. They are in control, they make good money, they felt it was a good job choice at the time. Many porn stars feel the same way - that they chose to do that and they like the money.

I do have to point out that statistically, upwards of 75% of all hookers are either homeless people, runaway TEENAGERS or drug addicts. They ARE being exploited because they are not *choosing* to do this, it is done out of necessity, or someone HAS exploited them in their time of weakness. People would argue that they still "choose" it because they could go home, go to school, work at MCD. Well, of the rampant numbers of runaways, they ran away because of physical or sexual abuse - so why would anyone go back to that?? Street people are savy in telling their new recruites that they can "control" what is going on, make money, exploit the customers - it is NOT like that at all.

In an article I read called "The Hidden Life of Hookers" it said that more than half of all street workers have pimps, and that those pimps actively beat, rape and degrade their hookers - along with taking $78.00 out of every $100.00 that the hooker makes - which keeps her on the streets.

Let us not forget the totally INSANE number of children SOLD into sex slavery. Yes, slavery. This happens here in America and all over the world as well.

I think that the only "hookers" or "pros" who are not exploited are those whom work in safe environments (and really, are any environments "safe" - and who work in a brothel type situation. ANY street hooker is exploited by nature of her profession. Does any man or woman who goes to a pro have consideration or respect for them? Or, are they just looking to get off and have sex, or to do to them what they would NEVER do to their wives or girlfriends. This is exploitation at it's root in my opinion.

THis is not the world of Pretty Woman where the handsome rich man take the beautiful hooker out of her hell and provides for her. This is real life. So, while we can not and should not condemn those FEW prositutes who choose to do this for a living (i.e. the Bunny Ranch) we definitely look at who the majority of hookers are, and honestly say...are these girls and guys being taken advantage of because of their youth, drug addiction or poor circumstances? I think the answer would be MUCH different then!

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I agree with Tyger!!!


You know I had a neighbor where I use to live, she wasn't married or anything but had a live in boyfriend. They were having money problems and she decided after talking with her boyfriend that she was going to do a one night call-girl thing. She had I guess talk to someone before about it. Anyway to make a really long story short, she did it and made 300.00 dollars for a quick screw or whatever all was involved she try to tell me the details and no thank you it about made me sick just thinking about it.

Needless to say about a month after that, all hell broke lose over there. I mean after that day you could sure tell something was going on between them and it wasn't good.

Now On the other issues I agree with Mikayla and meg. If someone willing goes into those professions then that is there choice and they aren't exploiting themselves. I know that in this life there seems to be more and more runaways and those runaways I believe run out of places to go and a pimp more then likey picks them up and treats them at first with respect and kindness ect tell they feel comfortable and then yes I think they are forced into this type of business, and are beatin and raped and money taken from them and yes they are know forced to maintain this type of lifestyle and by the time they are adults they know nothing else but hooking. What a sad situtation.

I could type for hours on my opinion on this type of subject but now I am just rambling. LOL but to the original question NO WAY!!! HELL NO!!!

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HELL NO is right no way would I send my man anywhere and for advice I can get that from any movie, book, even some tv shows!! if your not satified with who your with then try something else if that don't work then leave!!!!!!!! I also think prostitution should be leagalized but that is more to monitor and make it a bit safer (taxes also come to mind) :)

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