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Use Of Toys Every Time During Intercourse

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I'm finding that the only way I'm able to achieve orgasm during intercourse is by using a bullet or manual stimulation by him or me simultaneously while he's in me. I love the fact that I'm not losing out on orgasms anymore, but I'm sort of feeling that maybe I should work on attaining them without having to do this? Hubby has not said anything negative, and I'm finding that he really likes the bullet too, sometimes he pulls out or on an out stroke and rubs his penis on the bullet too, which I'm glad he's finding that pleasure and loosening up on his idea that toys are not a replacement to his talents :lol:

I have no problem orgasming through manual play with him or by myself or oral. But I love to reach orgasm during intercourse and I'm finding that the bullet is working every time.

Do some of you use a bullet or a vibe consistently during intercourse? Or is there maybe something else I need to learn to do to be able to orgasm during it? Or should I just not worry about it so much and just do what works?

I think I still have part of the mind set that I should be able to orgasm without the toys.

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I usually use a bullet during sex. I could use my hands (or he could use his) but why? Why tire out and get maybe one orgasm when I could use a bullet or mini-vibe and have many??? It just makes practical sense, in my opinion.

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Yes, I use bullets and vibes, but not everytime. I like to switch it up ;)

"Or should I just not worry about it so much and just do what works? "

I think if you're trying to reach a finish line, then who cares how you get there. Just that you get there with flying colors ;)

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I'm finding that the only way I'm able to achieve orgasm during intercourse is by using a bullet or manual stimulation by him or me simultaneously while he's in me. I love the fact that I'm not losing out on orgasms anymore, but I'm sort of feeling that maybe I should work on attaining them without having to do this? Hubby has not said anything negative, and I'm finding that he really likes the bullet too, sometimes he pulls out or on an out stroke and rubs his penis on the bullet too, which I'm glad he's finding that pleasure and loosening up on his idea that toys are not a replacement to his talents :lol:

I have no problem orgasming through manual play with him or by myself or oral. But I love to reach orgasm during intercourse and I'm finding that the bullet is working every time.

Do some of you use a bullet or a vibe consistently during intercourse? Or is there maybe something else I need to learn to do to be able to orgasm during it? Or should I just not worry about it so much and just do what works?

I think I still have part of the mind set that I should be able to orgasm without the toys.

I know what you're saying. I sort of feel that way too. I think if you use toys for awhile until you are almost there and then let him penetrate you, or continue if he is already in. It could work for you, it might take time though. I find it really works especially if you have orgasmed previously. I think it was hard for me to differentiate between clitoral pleasure and Vaginal. They work together so if you are getting aroused via clitoral stim then you are becoming engorged inside as well. This is what I do, I will either be using a toy or my fingers on my clit while he is inside me, then I will just stop and focus on what his penis is doing, how it feels etc. It has been working for me. I don't know why all of a sudden. I used to be living in the orgasm desert if you know what I mean... :P LOL

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I will take all this into account, it's just still I have my mind wrapped around you should be able to just come from sex alone. I know, I know. I'm the first to advocate toys.

But still, old habits run deep.

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Yes, I also find it difficult to get there without a little help. We use a bullet regularly, too. However, not constantly - sometimes I just want my arms free to hold him, scratch him, etc.

I understand your worry - I sometimes wonder if I will become addicted, not know how to have sex without them, or mess with his self-esteem. I just try to go with the flow, and do what works. I know he would rather me have an orgasm anyway I can than not at all. Sometimes we need a bit of help and sometimes we don’t. Just do what you have to when you have to - or when you are feeling greedy! ;):P

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80-85% of all women need clitoral stimulation to get off. Some need the use of a higher vibrations to do so. So, what's the big deal? I mean, it's totally normal. Relax, enjoy, and have fun!!

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we just started using a bullet as a clitoral stimulator during intercourse.... it's amazing and will be a regular thing! ^.^

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We have never used one, but after reading all of this today. I ordered one and can't wait for it to get here.

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Most women need clitoral stimulation for orgasming. A toy just let you enjoy the pleasure without the pressure or work. I personally think your fine, but you need to figure out where you are comfortable.

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