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Your Opinion Of Pornography


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So after I read a recent post by one of of forum members regarding his opinion of pornography I was offended. Now I'm not saying that everyone need to love porn, but I do disagree that someone has the view that its not for anyone at all to be watching. I have a lot to say about this topic so i will make a post in a few days (once I can get all of my thoughts out.) But what I want to know is what you think? Is it degrading to women, does it help or hinder a relationship, is it art or is it nothing but smut?

So post your opinions! I would love to know all of your views on the subject (even if they arn't my own)

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Personally, I am a big proponent of adult entertainment (be it movies or magazines) as long as it is ADULTS who are indulging. I too get offended when people say it is "degrading to women" and the like. Now, I know that there are some harder core movies out there, gang bangs and cum fests, that "seem" to be degrading the actresses. If you are not mentally prepared to view such a film as what it is - someone's fantasy - then it would be hard to not think the woman is being degraded.

The truth is, porn actors and actresses make decent money, they have the choice to become enterainers, they can pick and choose what types of scenese they want to engage in. While it may be true that the more "hard core" scenes render more money (anal over vaginal, DP over regular penetration) - it is still a choice. This is their occupation - by choice - and they are doing it for the money and for the "art" as it were. These actors and actresses get awards for their performances, they get recognition and even fans. It might not be the same as working in conventional Hollywood, but to them it is just the same.

Now, I agree that porn is NOT for everyone. SOme get very, very uncomfortable watching porn. These people are uncomfortable being voyeuristic and see the acts as "dirty" and the like. Still others have difficulties viewing it as a "fantasy" and not reality - this makes it hard for some to swallow. Now, while I myself do have some limits to what I personally enjoy watching (for example, one recent review I did had WAY too many religious icons used during the sex) for me, that was too over MY personal boundaries. I still found the other scenes hot, and just disregarded the previous one.

Do I find porn "art?" Well, yes and no. Sex in and of itself IS an art - a learned talent - if you will. Some people (stars and normal civillians) are much better at this art. Many porn stars are known for a particular talent - i.e. blowjobs or squirting - and they are performing their art. Some stars suck. Just are terrible, they don't seem to enjoy it, they are too mechanical. This is life. Not every "artist" whether it be a musician or a physical artist - is always good. Porn can be evaluated in the same way as anything else - there is good, and there is bad - period.

Can it help a relationshiP? ABSOLUTELY! I wrote an article on this subject, stating that couples who use porn to ignite their fire can have some explosive evenings. Getting ideas, watching the movies, getting horny while being a voyeur - to many couples, porn is foreplay. To others, one partner would never DREAM of watching porn. That is a personal roadblock.

Can it hurt a relationship? Normal porn watching I do not think hurts. Skipping work to watch, watchng all night, downloading every porn site possible - yes, that could hurt. Under normal situations, seeing naked people as a turn-on is healthy!

So, do I think porn is for everyone? No, just like not everyone eats meat, or likes sports. However, I don't find anything wrong with it - as long as it is kept in context. I personally LOVE my porn - and I will continue to!

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Wow. Big subject with alot of different ways to interpret this one. --

I think it really comes down to likes, dislikes and the right to choose; Meaning the right to choose to watch what you want or don't want to participate in. This forum is a great example of that. Not everyone's sexual preferences are the same. Some are into anal, bondage, group, etc. etc. It's all about personal preferences and what turns YOU on.

I think it's easy for some to just write off the lot. Its alot easier to say what you don't like versus what you do, or for that matter how to address your dislikes. Maybe they haven't watched what they're interested in and were exposed the wrong stuff?

I have MAJOR issues with censorship in this country, specifically in reference to Sexuality and Violence. But I won't even begin to get started on that subject. It's just relatable in this situation. Check out the documentary This Film Is Not Yet Rated if you want to delve into that subject.

Simply put, while I'm not into all types of porn, I do support the industry. I have my likes and don't buy or watch my dislikes. I think Betty Paige's story is great example of this situation too and understanding diversity. Not everyone thinks alike in this world or might be a very boring place.


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I am a BIG supporter of women's rights, or even human rights in general. I am also female. AND I love porn! I am picky what I like, but I still love porn in general.

I see nothing wrong with porn, so long as it's done within the guidelines of the law (no children, real-life rapes, sex-slaves, yadda yadda yadda).

Do I find it degrading to women? Hell no. Those women on there are doing what they WANT to do. They're getting paid for it, usually have contracts, and, after a while, can pick and choose who they will work with. Women have the majority of the power when it comes to that business. If a scene is a bit degrading or insulting, that that is really the fault of the writer & director, not the actors/actresses in the film.

It's a personal choice. Like watching those reality shows. I hate those types of shows (like Survivor). But, that's me. I don't watch them, cuz I don't care for them. If I don't like a particular porn, I don't watch it again. My choice. Welcome to America. If you don't like it, well, that's your choice too. Don't watch it, and don't "judge" those of us who do like it, and those actors/actresses that make those films. Go watch Survivor! :P:lol:;)

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This is going to sound weird coming from a film major, but I much prefer erotic novels and short stories to pron. With them you get to use your imagination more.

That aside, sex in film can be dealt with in many different ways. Full on hard core where you show every thing, and I mean every thing. This has it's uses, and if that's what you're in the mood for it works. Then there are suggestive sex scenes when you just see different body parts, like legs, arms, back, ect. It's more about what you don't see that makes some of these scenes way more erotic then if every thing's out there. One of the best sex scenes in a movie I've seen lately is in the movie 300. I was drooling the whole way though that movie. (at tons of hot, naked guys and at the amazing job that that filmmakers did, yes I am a nerd)

I do have a question, I've heard that if guy watches way too much porn, normal women will fail to arouse him. Any truth in this?

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I suppose it depends on what "a lot" is. If you are talking about the weekend watcher, the guy who likes to have his solo time masturbating to the latest flick - then he will probably be more than able to sustain a regular relationship without problems. However, if you are talking about "porn guy" - the guy who has an extensive library of movies and mags, who know all the porn stars by name and picture, who watches porn morning, noon and night and who feels like he has a "relationship" with these girls because he has watched them so much - then that might be a problem.

I am remembering an episode of Sex In The City where Miranda dated one such porn guy. Every time they would get into it, he would turn on the TV - with a porn already in - and make her move and adjust so he could see the show. WHen Miranda confronts him asking him to choose them or her, he says, "I have had a relatioship with this women for years and years, you I just met!" In his mind, the girls were "his" fantasy - not the real girl. Those men have problems!

Howard is right, and so is Leia, that the line between fantasy and reality has to be clearly etched in one's mind for porn to be what it is - adult entertainment. If this line is blurred due to mental imbalance, pyscho-sexual disorders, a poor self esteem, etc, then these people will probably never be able to maintain normal sex lives. Or, in the case of small children, who are continually exposed to it. They have no basis for "reality" and thusly, are unable to be aroused by anything but.

It is my belief that most men, a large majority, do NOT fall into any kind of freaky porn guy category, but more the "recreational" watcher category - and for these men, sex will NOT be a problem because while they might get off looking at the actresses, they would much rather have a live and in person woman to fuck.

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I suppose it depends on what "a lot" is. If you are talking about the weekend watcher, the guy who likes to have his solo time masturbating to the latest flick - then he will probably be more than able to sustain a regular relationship without problems. However, if you are talking about "porn guy" - the guy who has an extensive library of movies and mags, who know all the porn stars by name and picture, who watches porn morning, noon and night and who feels like he has a "relationship" with these girls because he has watched them so much - then that might be a problem.

I am remembering an episode of Sex In The City where Miranda dated one such porn guy. Every time they would get into it, he would turn on the TV - with a porn already in - and make her move and adjust so he could see the show. WHen Miranda confronts him asking him to choose them or her, he says, "I have had a relatioship with this women for years and years, you I just met!" In his mind, the girls were "his" fantasy - not the real girl. Those men have problems!

Howard is right, and so is Leia, that the line between fantasy and reality has to be clearly etched in one's mind for porn to be what it is - adult entertainment. If this line is blurred due to mental imbalance, pyscho-sexual disorders, a poor self esteem, etc, then these people will probably never be able to maintain normal sex lives. Or, in the case of small children, who are continually exposed to it. They have no basis for "reality" and thusly, are unable to be aroused by anything but.

It is my belief that most men, a large majority, do NOT fall into any kind of freaky porn guy category, but more the "recreational" watcher category - and for these men, sex will NOT be a problem because while they might get off looking at the actresses, they would much rather have a live and in person woman to fuck.

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*double post*

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*leia--have to agree--erotic novels/stories do the trick for me much more so than watching people get it on. If I am going to watch a movie to get turned on, I'd also rather watch a movie like, say, City of Angels or The Cooler, with lots of story and a few sexy scenes, than actual porn. Straight-up hardcore just doesn't do it for me. (It's kinda gross, I think.)

(I also prefer for my erotic literature to have lots of story, where you know how and why the characters are together. Not big on the kind of stories where you could just plug in any two names, or where there are no names. But I digress.)

But hey, different strokes for different folks, as they say. If other people wanna watch it, in their home, legally--whatever.

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I have seen a few movies in my life.

Are they degrding? well, I think that part has been covered already.

Are they art? well this also depends on the person watching them.

I rented a movie last week that was placed in the wrong case, I thought I had rented the "Davinci Code"

What was in it instead was what I considered to be the most unusual thing I have ever seen.

It was a BDSM movie, there was no sex involved, just restraints, punishments, etc.

My eyes were opened to a whole new ballgame, the trust and admiration, and the techniques used were a form of art in themselves, it was quite possibly one of the single most erotic things I have ever seen.

Can it help a relationship?

Yeah, The movies I watched gave me some fantastic ideas on how to please my lover at the time.

They can be tools, like everything else.

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Just want to say that I love porn, I have learned a few things from it, it turns me on, and there is nothing like playing along with the movie!! No one is making anyone perform in these movies, so if you do not like it, do not watch. The same goes for any type of adult porn.

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I've offered to watch porn with my husband and he has not taken me up on the offer. I have caught my father watching porn in the wee hours of the morning while growning up, but have not really sat to watch a porno myself. The people in the movies are choosing to be in porn and choose what they will or will not do. I would never have chosen to be in a porno but to each his or her own.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Personally I beleive that aslong as the actors/models in porn are adults and willing there is nothing wrong with porn. Yes only adults should look at porn. But then again I beleive that the one thing that is yours in this world is your body and that you can do with it what you want, not what others say you can or cannot do.

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  • 6 months later...
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I just came across this thread and thought I'd add my point of view. I'm into porn - not as much now as in the past; but I still totally get off on it. I watch it with my wife from time to time. As with everything, for me, the less produced the better. I love photos and videos of real people doing things together that they enjoy.

Since I've started writing porn my sex life has gotten way better. I find myself thinking about sex a lot more and having more and better sex. I totally love hearing from the people who read my stories telling me how they made them feel and what they made them do or want to do. Getting into email or IM discussions with readers (who are mostly women) is a giant turn on and I've met some great people through the process.

I think that everyone has sexual fantasies and porn is a totally valid outlet for exploring and enjoying them.

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