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Falling In Love

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I just posted a reply that got me thinking....how old were you when you first fell in love. I had a girlfriend for a couple of years, from when I was 13 or so just before I hit 17. A week or so after my 17th, I met a girl at a friends birthday bash. I thought she was older and fell for the first time. She made my knees weak when we kissed (just once) the next morning (we all stayed over at the party). She lived an hour or so away and I, in my teenage wisdom, blew the whole thing. I am still friends with her, and I know we could have been amazing together. She's a wonderful person and I am glad to have fallen for her.

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Those are the kind of girls that keep us going after one or 20 of those rotten ones! I haven't seen my first crush in years but we've been friends since I was about 10 or so. She was 2 years older and I only got to see her during the summer when I went to my grandparents for the break. Every year she would be one of the first people I saw. She was always trying to hook me up with her little sister. Little sis had it bad for me but I had it bad for big sis.

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The first time I fell in love was with a boy who went to the Catholic all boys high school in my town. He rode the same bus as me. I was 16, he was 15. I sat with him one day and I was yakking it up with some girlfriends loud as ever. (yep that's me) When I finally shut up, he asked me if I had gone to the RATT concert (dating myself I know). At this point I noticed he was cute. "Yeah I was there" I said. I realized he had been sitting there trying to think of something to say to me. We ended up dating for a year. He was a musician, played Bass. His family was Italian and super strict and I could not really be alone with him much. I think they knew trouble when they saw me! He could never stay out late, or be in a car with another teen driving etc. We tried to work it out though. I was young and very cute. I had dudes chasing me all the time. I cheated on him and felt guilty, so I confessed. He was devastated. Broke up with me and hated me after that. I would see him and he would not even talk to me. I was only 16! I really hurt him I had no idea. I thought he would just be like OK let's move on. Boy do I know now though! I still wonder about him. I know he is married and has a little boy the same age as my middle daughter. It is my worst regret...

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I think I was about 8 years old. One of the guys who was helping my dad build their house. Man I had such a school girl crush on him! I can't recall falling for anyone that hard until I was a Freshman in College.

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Um... now? Haha. Even now I'm not ready to call it "love," I differentiate very strongly between love and infatuation and I want to be absolutely sure. This is the first time I've ever felt like I would like to put forth effort to make this work though, along with the natural chemistry. I think that says something.

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I was 18 when I first fell in love. We dated for a yr and half and recently reconnected through myspace. He hasn't amounted to much after all these yrs....tells me he still loves me. Yeah, whatever :rolleyes: It's been almost 20 yrs dude!

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I'll admit I had several fairly intense crushes over the years, but real love as I know it now, probably at about 18.

However, I have to admit, I NEVER felt for anyone as I do for my husband now! ;)

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My first boyfriend (and only, he ruined the whole dating thing for me) when I was 17. He was younger than me, and it wa slong distance. Absence makes the heart grow fonder right? Since then I have realized that I quickly and easily fall in love. And yes it is love, at least the level of puppy love that I felt for the ex. However when it's not nutured it goes away, much slower and more painfully but gone none the less. Oh well. I'm working on NOT falling in love at the moment.

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My first crush was in the 6th grade. We dated for a very short time before I moved. My first love, I think, was in when I was 17 and we dated for a few months before she moved to Florida. The hardest part of that is that, even though you're young, you really wonder what would have happened if life had been different because there was no real closure. Of course, I ended up with Valntyn in the end, so I know things worked out JUST the way they were supposed to.


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OK....First time I'm even thinking this out loud! right now my heart is pounding and my palms are sweating......

I was date raped at 16.5

Ok done

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OK....First time I'm even thinking this out loud! right now my heart is pounding and my palms are sweating......

I was date raped at 16.5

Ok done

I was 17. See why he ruined relationships for me? *HUGS* I'm sorry. I never know what to say. If you want to talk I'm here.

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I am so sorry for you both. :( Huge ((hugs))

I was 14 and he was 14 and I gave him an ID bracelet, and he gave me one. We dated on and off for a couple years. In retrospect it was a very sweet crush, now that I know better, I know what real love is and I'm so lucky I found it even at 45.

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The only girl I've ever loved was the one I met in Texas when I first moved there. She was a few years older and much wiser. I had asked her to marry me several times and she always said we were far too young. When I decided to come back here I told her about it and asked her to marry me and come with me. She wasn't the kind of girl that just moves in with a guy and her parents were ever vigilant. White boys driving their daughter through a largely Hispanic neighborhood at nights just didn't sit too well with them. She tried to talk me into staying and I kept asking her to come with me. I know I broke her heart when I left and have never met another girl who even comes close. And it killed me too. I haven't been the same since! I've always regretted that decision!

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Thanks ladies, but I've gone as far a I can right now. Farther than ever before and it happened 30 yrs ago.

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The only girl I've ever loved was the one I met in Texas when I first moved there. She was a few years older and much wiser. I had asked her to marry me several times and she always said we were far too young. When I decided to come back here I told her about it and asked her to marry me and come with me. She wasn't the kind of girl that just moves in with a guy and her parents were ever vigilant. White boys driving their daughter through a largely Hispanic neighborhood at nights just didn't sit too well with them. She tried to talk me into staying and I kept asking her to come with me. I know I broke her heart when I left and have never met another girl who even comes close. And it killed me too. I haven't been the same since! I've always regretted that decision!

Pappy, do you know if she is attached? Look her up, Call her, finding out!

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The first time that I really, really fell in love, was when I was 14, and it was with my now ex-husband. I broke up with my First ever BF to be with him. We dated on and off for 3 yrs, and lots of drama later, we got back together in 1995, and married in 1999. Unfortunately, we had gotten back together due to unresolved feelings, and he loved having me as his trophy wife. I found out his ego was more important than I was, and I divorced him 9 mos after our wedding.

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If she was as hurt as some of my friends told me I don't think that would be very smart or very respectful to her. That was not the kind of ending either of us wanted. I know I'd still feel the same about her but I would never try to ruin anything she may have done for herself. And I have no doubt that she felt the same for me . I know I will never have that kind of love again but I can only hope that she has that.

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If she was as hurt as some of my friends told me I don't think that would be very smart or very respectful to her. That was not the kind of ending either of us wanted. I know I'd still feel the same about her but I would never try to ruin anything she may have done for herself. And I have no doubt that she felt the same for me . I know I will never have that kind of love again but I can only hope that she has that.

You are a Gentleman, Pappy.

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>.> First and only time so far that I fell in love was last year, with my now ex. My first fling was over the internet, when I was 14. Not much of a fling. This was my first real relationship...meh. It's hard.

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Pappy, you're a good man, and as ladylove said, a gentleman. I hope someday she comes and finds you so you two can have a second chance. You of all people deserve it.

I had a few crushes, but I've only fallen in love once. I was 17, and my current boyfriend and I had been dating for a few weeks. I can't really point to the moment when I fell in love, but over those first weeks we were inseparable, and our mutual crush quickly turned to love. Almost three years and surprisingly little drama later, we're talking about getting married someday. I'd just given up on love completely when I met my him... funny how that seems to work. ^_^

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Several big, long crushes before but actually falling in LOVE when I was 19 with my hubby. Never planned on it happening. My family had moved to a new town right after I graduated high school and I moved off to college. Came home for the summer break and knew absolutely no one. Took a part-time summer job and one of the girls I met there and started running with had a younger brother she wanted to play a mean trick on and set up with this real loser psycho chick...I saw his picture and said "wait he's too cute to do that to....I'll go out with him" just to pass away some summer days. He was very quiet and shy and a real gentleman which was such a nice change from the "just want to get in your pants" assholes I'd met up until then. We hung out together the rest of the summer and when I went back to school we would spend hours on the phone together. When he said "Come home and let's get married" I went completely against everything I ever planned for myself, dropped out of college and came home. My parents couldn't believe I could be so stupid and truly wanted to kill me, but I would not listen. We played the on again off again game until we finally got married at 21.

In hindsight I kick myself everyday for quitting school like that. I could have waited till I graduated with a degree. Always intended on going back but life goes by so fast and responsibilities get in the way and before you know it you're middle aged and telling your daughters if you do anything that stupid I WILL kill you! haha

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Chloegirl please don't take this the wrong way but this is one of those that I personally hate to see/hear. Many people do the same thing and most all regret not finishing. Just my opinion here but but there is nothing that a partner give you by convincing you to quit that you would not be able to top by finishing. (Does that make sense)? Odds are that these relationships will not last til death do us part and then the partner is thrown to the world to fend for themselves. The Certification or Degree that you once sought and were set to get would be real nice to have on the shelf even if you don't use it at least you can say you have it. In this area I see far too many girls especially and some boys that dropout of high school because of pregnancies, boys, drugs, and a million other senseless excuses. They all have a hard time getting by and only then do they begin to see that their choices caused this. I hope you consider picking up where you left off. Education isn't everything but it damned sure helps! And surely couldn't hurt!

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I hear you Pappy and I agree with you 100%. Anytime some life changing decision like that comes along it is always best to wait awhile before jumping in, but at the time you're not thinking with your head you are letting your emotions and whatever else have full sway. Now don't get me wrong....I have had a good and happy life here, but if I had to do it again I would have at least waited to finish and maybe rethought about that "gentlemanly, good guy" thing.....at this point I think I would pick the horn dog hehe! :lol:

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