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What Is Your Worst Sexual Turnoff


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BAD BREATH! Smokers especially! I won't get within 10 feet of a smoker's mouth or their cum - it is SO GROSS!

How can someone feel sexual about someone who doesn't care about themselves - you have to be clean, shaven (unless you have a little 5 o'clock shadow) and present yourself in nice, up-to-date clothes. Some cologne is nice - not cheap stuff.

As far as actions - when I was single - I hated the gropers - the ones who barely knew me but wanted to grope me all over the moment the met me. I am all up for a little sexual, discrete groping when the sexual chemistry is there - but in the first few minutes - hell NO!

I also would get instantly turned off by any guy who I would sleep with who turned into a baby talker. I do not like baby talkers in bed. I like MEN - not babies. If you wanted to make a relationship with me last, never refer to my tits as titti-witties!


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i agree about smokers cant stand them dont like when MEN pop gum or people to smack when they are chewing when i was single i dated this guy that did humming sounds( he said that was his way to relax during sex) and he was off tune men and women who brag that their lives are the SHIT!!!!!! and you find out their struggling harder then you

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Oh God yes the BRAGGERS and the ones who think they are GODS GIFT......hate those kinds and no one is perfect not matter what they think or say.

Never really liked the smokers but ended up being married to one so had to overcome it in a way. He isnt as bad as some he makes sure to brush his teeth or he knows no kissing from me.But still cant stand that smoke smell after we have been out at a club or bar.......that stink on the clothes YUCK

DO NOT like guys with out a backbone...no wimps for me or that the

guys that constantly says Im sorry even if its not their fault.....the ones that are way way to eager to please that they lay it on thick....to

much to soon as in my single days where with some it felt like it went from first date to marriage over night.....Guys that are way to controlling are also a big turn off.

Any guy that doesnt care about what he looks like or doesnt take care of himself as far as grooming goes.......is it that much of a chore to shower daily, brush your teeth and hair, shave and use deorderant and maybe some cologne????


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Oh God yes the BRAGGERS and the ones who think they are GODS GIFT......hate those kinds and no one is perfect not matter what they think or say.

Never really liked the smokers but ended up being married to one so had to overcome it in a way. He isnt as bad as some he makes sure to brush his teeth or he knows no kissing from me.But still cant stand that smoke smell after we have been out at a club or bar.......that stink on the clothes YUCK

DO NOT like guys with out a backbone...no wimps for me or that the

guys that constantly says Im sorry even if its not their fault.....the ones that are way way to eager to please that they lay it on thick....to

much to soon as in my single days where with some it felt like it went from first date to marriage over night.....Guys that are way to controlling are also a big turn off.

Any guy that doesnt care about what he looks like or doesnt take care of himself as far as grooming goes.......is it that much of a chore to shower daily, brush your teeth and hair, shave and use deorderant and maybe some cologne????


That hit a thread. Woman I have slept with "Gods Gifts" are lousy fucks. In general, I think you laid it out; good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There are SEVERAL!!! I can be so picky!!!

My hubby smokes (he quit for a long time, but started up again during the whole hurricane Rita drama we went thru), and I HATE it!! He has to shower and brush his teeth before he even THINKS of coming near me!!! :blink:

I also hate men that scream like women when they come!! :unsure:

And men that are SO insecure about their penises, that they obsess over your past lovers and try and compare!! (My ex dh was like that.)

Dirty, unclean men.

And, to sound a bit on the materialistic (as far as looks go), I don't do bald men.

Confidence is a good thing, but being so cocky (no pun intended), that they think they don't need to exude any effort, is SO irritating, I never bothered.

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Hm. Well, hygiene is a big one. If you're not going to keep yourself clean, don't expect me to want to put my hands, mouth, or any other parts of my body on yours. Oral hygiene is included in this - it's hard to feel romantic when the person you're lip to lip with smells heavily of onions. I also have a heavy aversion to people who can't find the thin line between confidence and blind arrogance. I will grant you, sometimes it's sexy when a guy is a little arrogant, but when I've told you I'm not interested for the fifth time, and you're still convinced I'm just playing hard to get - cause how could I NOT want that? - we have a problem.

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I live in east Texas and one of my turn offs are the guys that talk too country...I can't stand that twangy Gomer Pyle, Andy Griffith, Jeff Foxworthy "redneck" dialect....it is really hard to "get off" when the guy sounds like he belongs on that movie Deliverance and is breaking out the "dueling banjos" for a good time...

one of my others are the face lickers...he takes his tongue and licks you from the chin up to the eyelid like a dog does...that is just gross

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Most of you guys have hit the nail on the head for turnoffs,

bad breath, arrogence,hygene.

I hate the "playah's" as they are called in my area.

I mean any man who is rubbing on your leg, answers his cell phone and says "naw, naw, naw baby, you know your my only girl."

and then they brag about how many women they have slept with.

I always tell them "Get a belt, get a job, then you an afford some pants that fit!"

Men with "russian hands" and "roman fingers"

I mean, if a guy invites me out to dinner and starts groping me before the drinks arrive, he is liable to get his hands broken.

And last but not least, the men who think they know it all.

You know the kind, the ones where you are making small talk and they start running their mouths off about how they know EVERYTHING there is to know about the subject, even if you have been doing it for 20 or more years.

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Men who havent respected my wishes-

Like, dont suck my toes (because I havent bathed) so he does it anyway. For ages. Great. Thanks for listening. :angry:

Men who are thinking so hard about what a women wants in bed that they forget to be a man. Im not against men wanting to please women, but I do like a man to behave like, well, a man! B)

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the worst? being unsure of what to do, but refusing to ask. my boobs are not bread dough, quit treating them as such. also, being cocky and disrespectful. actually, i kinda find the those funny. and i delight in knocking you off your high horse. oh, and if i just met you....DON'T touch me.

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My MAJOR turn off is someone that's meek and unsure of themselves. I've dated several guys that asked my permission before kissing me and stuff. The last guy before my fiancee would ask me on the phone if he could kiss me/touch me the next time he saw me. Ick! I LOVE arogance. A man that's cocky and confident gets me every time.

My other turn off, as in complete deal breaker, is someone that smacks their lips while eating. It just gets under my skin and makes me want to scream! Don't know why I'm so sensitive to it, but I am.

Like the other posts I don't like a cigarette smoker, but I ended up with one. He kissed me after smoking once and I felt like I was kissing an ashtray, and I told him he tasted like one. :) Now he keeps mints nearby at all times. :)

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You all pretty much covered eveything. Hygene, attitude, respect for me and your self. The players who are looking for a new notch for the bedpost, oh please.

Dishonesty is big for me. Lie to me, and no turn on is possible

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Biggest turn off, lack of enthusiasm. Don't just lay there like a cold fish. If you want it, let me know. I hate feeling like a woman is just waiting for a guy to finish. When I was newly married, my wife didn't know how to show her excitement for sex and just laid there. After a couple of time of me asking why and just stopping all together, she picked up on the idea that it's okay to enjoy it and really show how much you like it. Thank God.

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Not being clean is the digest turn off! Almost as bad is a guy who is unsure of himself, I need a man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to take it. I also will not kiss a guy who is drinking beer...ewwww. Other drinks do not bother me, just can not stand beer.Also the gods gift type can take a hike.

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Missing or bad Teeth. It shows me that they don't take care of themselves. If you are not going to take care of your mouth then what else are you not going to take care of

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