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At What Age Did You Loose Your Virginity?


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I was 16 yrs old, and I chose a guy I'd known for a long time, and was in love with for a long time. He was very gentle, and patient with me. I was scared to death. But, even though, later on in life, he ended up being my ex husband (after parting ways for almost 10 yrs, and then getting back together), I've never regretted my choice in my First.

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I was seventeen; he was a couple years older... military man... charmed me right off my feet (literally). After a while of, "Yes, I'll be waiting with bated breath until the next time you have time for me!" I realized how silly-in-love I was, what a jerk HE was, and that he was not only sleeping also with my best friend, but HER girlfriend (often at the same time), and also half the female population of a major city nearby!

Ah, growing up. ;):rolleyes:

My husband and I saw him across the local shopping market a couple months ago, though... *giggle* ... and he had an arm in a sling. I have to say.. as horrible as it sounds... a part of me was giddy at that sight! :P

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I lost mine when I was 16 years old with my sister as a look out she had no idea what was going on that night I lost my virginity. LOL She thought we were just dancing and we didn't want our parents to know (his mother and my mother were best friends) what we were doing. but the kind of dancing we were doing was something that if we got caught we would get in trouble.

So after I lost my virginity everyone wanted us to be in a relationship because he took my virginity. "BUZZ" wrong idea we had no intentions on being in a relationship with eachother. So it didn't work out between us and although he taught me the basics of sex I wasn't in love with him.

We had known eachother for a while before my father died, there was always something there between us but if my father ever knew then he would killed us or maybe not because he was already like a son to him he knew him since he was a little boy.

The last time I seen him it was about thre years ago after I had my daughter and all I could think about is how much fun we used to have together sneaking behind my ex BF back still having sex with my first (who thought I was with him just to make him jealous).

Since I seen him thre years ago I always wondered what the sex would be like now that we're older and I'm much more experienced. He has a Six YO daughter the same age as my oldest daughter born on the same month in the same year. I still think about what sex would be like now that I am more experienced who knows I might find out one day and he just might be the one. LOL Yeah right I don't want nobody elses hang up I have my own.

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I was 15 . I was so sure that this guy was "the one" and it happened on the 4th of July. Lets just say that I was sorry I missed the fire works and regreted the decission imediatly. and if the sex wasnt bad enough a week later I found out that he was cheating on me with several other girls.

I have to say that if I could go back and un do any thing it would have been that moment. There is such a huge diffrence between having sex with some one, and having sex with some one you are truly madly in love with.

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I was 15 and the guy was 19. I wasnt crazy about it because it was NOT what I expected! Not even the "pain" part. I didnt bleed, it didnt hurt, no orgasm, nothing. And yes I regret it because I wish I wouldve saved it for my husband now.

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I think I was 13 or 14. I was drunk, out doing things I shouldn't. I did a lot of really stupid things at that age. There was a lot going on in my life at that time. I regret it immensely. You can never take away the memories of what you do.

On the upside, because of my "wild child" days, I am a much more conscientious parent. I have what I think is a pretty good relationship with my children. I also am very aware of what they are doing, who they are with, where they are, etc. I can't protect them from everything, but I can at least have an open dialogue with them. I can hopefully guide them into making good choices and not life changing ones like me that they'll always regret.

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I was 14 and the first of my friends to go all the way. No one ever told me that it hurt so I thought something was wrong with me. I broke up with the guy the next day. I waited a year to do it again. This time with a guy who knew what he was doing. I am smaller than average in that area so it took me a week or so to fully enjoy it. 16 years and I still want it every night.

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I was 14 and it was horrible. The guy was this popular guy in school and I thought he'd like me if I slept with him. I was very niave and gullable at the time....I've learned a lot about guys since then.

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I was 24. :) I'm 25 now. I lost my virginity to my fiancee. I don't regret it a bit. I do regret, a little, the place we chose. :) We were both wanting it so bad, that we had sex, for the first time, on the bathroom floor. Not only the bathroom floor, but we were visiting his first wife's aunt (the kids love to go over there), and it was only the second time I had been there. :) We are so bad. I would've liked it if it had been more romantic, but I don't know, there's something romantic in the level of need we had for each other. :)

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I was 15 and it was with a boy a year older than me that I had gone with for a year. We really just had a school yard/bus romance, as my parents never allowed me to date. We used to sit in the back seat of the school bus (he didn't live close but knew the bus driver and would ride the bus with me to spend more time with me) and we'd throw a coat over my lap and he would finger me until I came, often twice. Because of my love (and yes, it was love) of Tom, my parents made me change schools the next year. If they had let it go, chances are it would have burned itself out, or we would have gone on and gotten married out of high school. As it was, I started skipping school with him. He loved me so passionately, he was wanting to wait until we got married and was content with heavy petting and masturbation, it was me that pushed the issue. I still remember the exact day. I can't remember where we were (whose house) but I remember the day well. It was a wonderful experience. The next time I skipped I got caught and my parents really did put an end to the relationship then. I never got to see him again, but still think of him often and appreciate the passion he brought out in me, and the knowledge that sex is a beautiful thing. I have done some e-mail searches to try and find him, and located the brother of the girl he eventually married on Classmates.com, but he never e-mailed me back. I'd love to touch base with him again, but not bad enough to pay for a search. But he still has a warm spot in my heart.

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17, with my gf (ex these days). It was the first time for her, too, and it must've been the worst sex anyone has ever had. The upside was that we could explore each others sexuality in the same rhythm.


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I guess i would have to say that i was way too young and it was not a pleasant experience. In fact, it was terrifying and involuntary on my part. Yes, I'm talking rape. And I was about 10 or 11.

It took me years to finally relax and enjoy sex. And then even longer to be able to achieve an orgasm, either by myself or with someone.

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I was 17 when I lost mine, as for the guy that I lost it to, well, it wasn't given up freely.

He had a gun and forced me into his car, we drove to a corn field where he placed the gun against my head, forced me to undress and have sex with him.

There was no kindness, no gentleness, just fear.

Oddly enough to this day, I can not go by a corn field without some sort of a panic attack.

You'd think that 20 years later I would at least be able to drive by one.

Ah well.

There's your answer.

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Well this is gonna sound bad I was 15yrs old. I stayed with him for 5yrs and it was not a bad experiance at all. We are still great friends to this day. There is a huge story behind it but to make it a short one I wad emanicipated by the state at this age and was with someone older he was not a teen he was 20. Yes I was a little young I will say.He was very gentle and talked threw the whole thing in fact he told me it might hurt a little and everything else he was very good and always ask if I was okay or umcomfortable.

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I was 24 and newly married. My then husband, whom I suspect may not be entirely straight, did not consumate the relationship for some time. It seemed fine at the time, but that was because I had nothing to compare it to. I didn't find out how wonderful sex could be until I was in a long-term relationship with a man I met when I was single again.

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"guess i would have to say that i was way too young and it was not a pleasant experience. In fact, it was terrifying and involuntary on my part. Yes, I'm talking rape. And I was about 10 or 11."

I would have to say if your raped then you haven't lost your virginity...I would say when you actually had concented Sex then that would be the time you were not a virgin anymore...So sorry that you were raped at such a young age.

I lost my virginity at the Age of 17 and the guy was 14 at the time...and i totaly regret it. Considering we didn't have sex....he fingered me....and then he was DONE...that was it...I then had to go pee and noticed i was bleeding...the asshole broke my hymen..I didn't even know....cause it really didn't hurt at all either....

I wish i would of saved myself to my Husband.....But i guess there's no turning back once its broken....I have heard that if your Selebut for like 10 years it will grow back...not sure if its true or not...But there's no way i am not having SEX for 10 years....I would die....


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A friend and I were just talking about this topic the other day. I had many boyfriends but not being on any type of birthcontrol the fear of getting pregnant and letting my parents down stopped me everytime. Now thats not to say that my boyfriends and I didnt have "fun" but NO intercourse. Also in my school back when I was a teenager girls got bad reputations if they fucked anyone....it only took one time before you were known for fucking the whole football team.( I never dated anyone from my school by the way cause of that reason) Anyway it wasnt until I was 18yrs old and I met my now hubby. I remember I made him wait a good few months before I gave in so to speak....He knew he had to be the "one" or I wasnt going to give it up. I never thought as far as marriage but I didnt want to be just a fling or a one night stand etc. Also he had to wait until I was on birthcontrol. He said he would use a condom but I wanted to be on the pill to feel more secure about NOT getting pregnant. It didnt happen with wine and candles lol....it was after a date back at my house parents upstairs sleeping one thing lead to the other and i thought oh god just do it go for it.....and all said and done I didnt orgasim...it didnt hurt as much as i thought it would....ofcourse there was a bit of pain but nothing major....and I remember crying...which he thought he really hurt me but it was just such a emotional time i couldnt help it. I dont regret it because we are married....and he likes knowing he was and is my one and only.....do i wish I had more before him....well in a way yes and no. I would like to know what else was out there so i dont feel i misse something but then again I didnt want to be know as easy or a slut and ofcourse my hubbys love makes it all worth it.

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i was 14, my 15th birthday was days away and i had a huge crush on this guy, so much so that i thought i was soooo deeply in love with him, mainly becasue i was being a rebel because my family forbid me to see him becasue he was a "trouble maker" of the religion (my parents are both hindu, though not indian... whole nother story! lol), so... one day we were swimming in my pool and i dove in and he dove in under me, all of a sudden he grabbed me and gave me this chilling passionate kiss UNDER THE WATER... it was enough to drive me off the wall... later that night... i was lying in the garden (in peru) with him looking up at the stars when i just turned on my side, my hand supporting my head, and i said.. "so.. what are you getting me for my birthday?" and he said " i dunno yet... still thinking about it" I said " i know what you can give me and it wont cost you anything.." he said " what?" (with a devilish smile) and i simply said " i want you to give me the most passionate night you could give any girl, for my birthday" he just looked at me stunned, not knowing what to say and then, i just kissed him. we didnt do it that night, but the day of my birthday... we were all at my house celebrating with my friends, and at exactly 36 mins after 12 (the time i was born) he came up to me, said he had a surprise and took me to one of the rooms at my friends house... {which was right next to mine (in peru there are a cluster of houses gated together)} which was completly lit by candles and roses and said... " is this what you had in mind?" right then and there i couldnt belive my eyes and had this huge nervous smile on my face... needless to say.. it was one of the most passionate and memorable days of my life(although iw as a little git at the time and had no idea what an orgasm was, i would change a thing about it!).. and i am so glad that i didnt listen to my parents! lol.


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I was 16, he was 18...I was in "teenage love" with him, lol. We had both been drinking (keg party) ....not drunk though. It happened in the backseat of one of his friends' car ...hot, heavy...tearing off clothes, typical horny teenagers on a hot summer night parked down at the pond .......I can't say that it was good as far as sex goes....but I was happy about it....I never regretted it.....what I do regret is not kicking off the head of his twin brother when he raped me about a year or so later, but that's another story.

We dated on & off for years, I still see him...I ran into him at a local mall at Christmas time this past year, there's still a little spark even after 25 years :)

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