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What's The Silliest Thing You Have In Your Bedroom?


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So, what is the silliest thing you have in your bedroom?

I have several "silly" things, which are slowly getting weeded out, phased out, passed on, or moved somewhere else.

I have an honest to goodness disco ball (on my side of the room) just to tease hubby with, since he says I am stuck in the 80's. I also added another tease~a lava lamp, but not just ANY lava lamp, one from Spencer's. They just have THE BEST lava lamps!!

I also have my Lion King & Catwoman collection in there as well. Plus, about 10-15 stuffed animals that I just CAN"T seem to part with. I had more, but my daughter has slowly kidnapped them.

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I don't know that we have much sillyness in our room. I know we keep a glass dildo as art on a shelf with things from our wedding. Does that count? :)

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My husband. *nod self* No, no, just kidding... :)

I've got to admit I have tons of stuffed animals. Eventually, as our second bedroom flooring gets finished and we turn that room into a nursery, most (but not all!!!) of them will be "relocated" to that room... but for now, they're MINE! :D

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hmmm, tough choice,

do I go for the 50 inch teddy bear?

Or do I go for the 2 televisions and the 4 video game systems?

Do I go for the 2 computers?

Maybe its the coffee pot?

Hm, could be the massive medeval collection I have?

The stuffed dragons, the dragon/wizzard/soreceress figureines?

*waits for shouts from the board in regards to what the silliest thing in her bedroom is*

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Funny - my boyfriend laughed and said it's my macintosh. wah wah wah

I have a collection of AOL discs i've turned over to the reflective part and tacked on my wall. Someone had to do something useful with those awful things. I had too many drink coasters already;)

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Whiskey, I don't think medevil stuff is silly, or dragons either. LOL

I would vote for the coffee pot......although, if you don't wanna get outta bed in the morning for your coffee, that's pretty handy....

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Ok, I admit I had to actually go a peruse my bedroom to see what it would be. To me none of it is silly but of course that is to me. However the one ting that seems to always get comments is my elvis collection. I have plates, pictures, figurines, gold records and such covering the walls. A friend recently commented that Mike must have alot of self-confidence to preform in the King all of the time. LOL


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I have a bowling pin on my dresser. It belongs to my daughter, she got on her 5th birthday at her bowling party. I have gotten some funny looks and great comments about it from people who assume its mine.lol.

I also have 2 dog kennels in my room, a lot of people think thats weird.

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Wow. Compared to everyone else, my bedroom is plain, plain, plain. The weirdest thing? Um, the 36 pairs of flip flops in order by color (lights to darks, of course.) Maybe that's not silly... maybe it's just slightly OCD. :blink:

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I use the coffee pot on a daily basis, Usually for the days when I have to go to work at 11 pm or when I have to get up at 4 to be to work by 6.

It holds a lot more than Mom's lil 4 cup maker downstairs.

I need to weed some of this stuff out of here.

Taking stock of what I deemed to be the silliest thing made me realize I have wayyyyyy too much crap in here.

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Um, the 36 pairs of flip flops in order by color (lights to darks, of course.)

*giggle* *clap* I love it, I love it, I love it!!! That's something I'd wanna see a picture of!!

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The silliest thing in our bedroom is the stuffed animals...not just any stuffed animals, glow in the dark stuffed animals. Believe it or not, even though they've been there forever, when the lights go out and I'm crawling into bed I always notice them again as if for the first time and every night like clockwork I can't help but say "huh, they glow."


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And here I thought that everyone would be posting about ridiculous sex toys, lol. Hmm...not sure, I still have a teenager's bedroom, lol. A few stuffed animals, lots of posters on the walls... oh yes, that's probably it. ^_^ One of my friends found a picture of Elijah Wood on the internet and wrote on it for me (on her computer), it says "My name is Elijah Wood, I officially belong to --my name--, my only function in life is to please her... etc." I printed it out and it's hanging right beside my bed, where I'm looking right at it if I lie on my right side. :rolleyes:

When I do find the right man and marry him, I certainly don't want to live in my apartment any more, lol. I think my current decor would probably make him have performance issues! :lol:

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Oh where to begin??? Right now I'm staying in my old room from high school for the summer until classes start up again and I head back to Dallas. (currently in San Antonio, GO SPURS GO!!! :P ) Any way this room has a weird mixture of my sister's old things ( it was her room before it became mine), Stuff from when I was high school, stuff I've brought from college, and my grandmother's old furniture.

During the school year my room at the sorority house is like a nice dorm room. I have my bed lofted and hang sheets over the sides so that it creates a little hide-away/fort. I have lots of pillows under there, a book shelf and a lamp. I hide my toys and romance novels under there. Sometimes I'll be reading under there and someone will come in and I poke my head out and startle them.

Plus I have Supergirl sheets, movie posters, and a bunch of crazy and strange nick-nacks.

I come from a weird family so it's kind of rubbed off.

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The weirdest I am not so sure I would call it the sillest thing in my room but...........You know those HUGE I mean the HUGE Dildos that stand on the floor and about go to your wait and are about as big around as a babies head. Well why I bought this years ago I dont know but it sits on my night stand and holds some of my necklaces, my husband swears he is going to hallow it out one day and make a light of it but I highly see that happening it we have had it for about 5 years now. Other then that I think our room is pretty boring, stuff animals that glow in the dark and alot of other stuff. :P

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I have my Flash Comics and Toys at the foot of my bed. Including a stuffed Flash toy from the 60's.

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