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Thank God Its..sunday?

I am sooooo glad that it is my weekend. I have today and tomorrow off. I was supposed to have yesterday off, but the new girl called off...again. This is like the 3rd weekend she was supposed to work, and the 3rd weekend shes called off. I swear she spends more time calling off than she actually works. I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand people with certain conditions have bad days, we all do, even if we are healthy. I honestly think that if someones health is declining so severely that




Since Christmas is coming up, I can't get myself any goodies. I know what I want, that blush dildo. I need slim ones, since I'm so petite. I looked at the BIG BOYS and my God. Like rolling a hot dog down a hallway. That woman will be happy with it, but how can any real man compete?



Today Sucks!

oh god, today just soooooo isn't my day. I got written up for something someone else didn't do. In other words, we were both working the same shift, something was supposed to be done and wasn't, so I sucked it up and had the write up put in my file. Then, I was making a pizza, I went to put it in the oven and my hand slipped and I blistered 4 fingers on my right hand. After the big lunch rush, I went to do dishes, of course my hand was throbbing because I literally melted the glove to my skin.




I had some fun at work today. I had this cute guy come in like 5 or 6 times for some little thing or another. A sandwich, a cup of coffee, a bag of chips, some cookies, etc. Everytime he kept asking me to take off my glasses. I kept asking him why, and he would just repeat his request, "Take off your glasses." Finally he irratated me enough that I did, and he said "YOUR EYES ARE BLUE!" I said "Well, DUH!, what were you expecting? dayglo orange?" After that he spent the next 45 minutes chit cha



How To Squirt Cum

my friend was telling me how to squirt cum but I can just never get the hang of it. Could someone pls explain to me on how its done?



Tounge Ii

What a waste! It didn't feel like oral at all. It just felt like someone battering me. Not sexy or intimate at ALL. Even the slowest speed was too much. I'm very disappointed.




I would totally reccomend the Jenna Jameson's Mini Vibe Kit! WOW. WOW. WOOW. The probe attachment is the best. I also like to use the vibe itself as a massager for my neck. My birthday went very well. I saw Pirates of the Caribbean 2. I loved it! JD is so damn hot. My bf doesn't see what the big deal is with JD, but come on. Ladies know what I mean. I'm looking for another toy to buy.. I think I might get a dildo.



Keep Forgetting

Hi ALL! I am sorry that I keep forgetting about this "blog" but I do so much other writing that I forget! This week in particular has been kind of trying. My son, who you may or may not know, has severe ADHD and he is having a hard time in school. I thank my lucky stars that he is healthy and seemingly happy - but some days that ADHD really takes a toll on me. He has been medicated since before he was 3 - which is a little rare, but we really had no other option. It sometimes makes it hard



The Hardest Choice

4 days ago, I had to make a choice. My dog became severely ill, the diagnosis was grim indeed, septis, renal failure and her demise was inevidable. She was given about a week left to live. She was 15, had diabetes for 9 years and required insulin injections twice a day. She gave me 15 good years as a friend, a protector and a family member. I chose to have her put to sleep, it was the most humane decision I felt I could make given the circumstances. I know if any pet owners are reading this, the



My First Blog

Well I have done a blog before but I think it may be a good thing with all the things going in my life. Things have finally calmed down after the last few weeks, and that is because I broke my foot and I can't really do anything. Which is actually a relief between work, my sister being very ill, football practice and cheerleading pratice, I was getting burned out. I think breaking my foot was gods way of telling me to slow down. My hubby has been away all week and is finally coming home ton



Wild Sex

Oh yeah, my knee is feeling much better! Hubby and I had WILD sex last night. I guess he was glad I felt better! First we went to dinner -nice place. Then we were driving home and I gave him the beginnings of a great blowjob in the car! I know how distracting it can be, so I only just started. When we pulled into our garage, he hoisted me up onto the chair that is out there (bar stool), spread my legs and began to eat me out! It was wonderful! I came quickly and he said "even!" We wen




For those who have been reading this for a while now, you remember a few nights back I posted about the neighbors fighting AGAIN, and their dog was hurt... Well, they killed it. I found it in the yard of the vacant house next door. I went over thre because I heard a commotion, and because it is vacant and having work done to it, I didn't want a bunch of neighborhood vandals destroying anything over there. I went over and saw about 10 or 15 kids standing over the body of the dog. The only thing I




Well today is a much better day as my knee is feeling a tad better today! It has really been bumming me out, but today I woke up and could walk without pain. So, I took my doggy for a walk and just basked in the nice Chicago weather! It has also been a bummer for my hubby - cause although he and I are still having sex, even with the knee pain, having pain as such makes certain positions impossible. Even with me on my back if he reached to push my knees back by my head there was a real problem




Well, my apologies to anyone who has been following this blog. I got so caught up in work and trying to do the little mom/work balancing act, I forgot to pay the cable bill, so my internet was shut down for a while. I am sooooooo embarrassed, usually, I pay it without fail, geuss I got too caught up. Anyways, I am back. I hate nights like tonight. The neighbors are at it again. It isn't fair, it really isn't. They can fight and have 20 sherrif cars out here, her 2 sons are both on probation,




I am so bummed! Many of you may know that I enjoy jogging as my exercise as choice. Well, since I have hurt my knee - AGAIN - I have not been able to walk let alone jog. I am bummed out about it, cause after a week, it still doesn't feel any better. I hate being a whiner, and normally I'm not, but this is just pissing me off! So, what do I do. Just sit and do nothing. That is SOOOO not me. UUUGgghhh! Well, there are other people in this world with much bigger problems than I, so I shoul




I have GOT to start judging those entries, and let me tell you...it is going to be HARD!!!! All of the stories are good in their own way, and many of the stories are outstanding. I really am impressed with the different tactics and ways people write - it will be a hoot! My anniversary trip ended short, as I had a little fall and hurt my knee. Many of you do not know this, but over a year ago I got literally run down by a man at work, and I broke my ankle and twisted by kneecap. I have since



Blog #1

[font=Arial][b]Well, not sure what a blog is, how to make one or if it will have worked when ive done it, so just testing!!



10th Anniversary

Today is my 10th Anniversary! Whoo hoo! My hubby and I are going away for the whole weekend..the whole weekend ALONE! I can NOT wait! My hubby's Mom is going to watch our son, and we are going to go and have a weekend of sex, food, sex, shopping, sex and more sex! I have a little suitcase FULL of toys - luckily we are driving - I have to go get batteries! I can't wait to surprise my hubby with a new outfit and some new ideas. I even packed the bedspread restraints. After all these year




OMG!! MY LEGS! I forgot what it was like to stand on my feet for 8 hours straight. My legs feel like cement, I was up at 5:30 this morning, and it was a rough one. The 5 yr old came in at 6 complaining of an ear ache. The baby woke up at 6:30, so I was dealing with a very unhappy camper trying to make her feel better and feed the baby at the same time. Grandma had a Dr, s appointment. she has 2 masses in her intestines the size of lemons. Because it is in the lymph nodes, they can not operate.



Can't Do It

After thinking a lot about this friend of mine, and her request - she called again last night - I have decided that I just can't do that to my hubby. Even though it would be with a woman, it surely must still be cheating, any way I look at it. I should post a message on the forum to this effect. Asking if others think this is cheating as well. Anyway, I feel resolved that I made the decision. I made another decision recently, that I have not yet shared with many people. I have decided to n



Time For A Change

I got a phone call this morning from another employer, no surprise there, I get them on almost a daily basis with all the applications and resumes I have been putting out thre. Anyways, This employer called me, wanted me to come in for an interview, ok, no big deal, 2 o'clock. I ironed my suit, showered, shaved and went in looking pretty professional, I probably could have gotten away with casual, but I figured the suit would work better. So I went in, did the interview, answered with no hesita



Another Day

Well all, I must admit, I had never heard of a "blog" until this, but I thought I would go and give it a shot. It seems interesting, like a way to just get out thoughts and say whatever comes to mind. I suppose for me, writing here could be much about anything and everything - I write so much of my life on the forum - my sex life anyway - that writing here for all to see isn't much different. Sometimes I think that my life is so humdrum, yet people seem to be fascinated by the way I spend my



This Title Left Intentionally Blank

Man, what a day, thak god the kids FINALLY went to bed. I think my oldest is hitting puberty. She is beginning to "bud" if ya know what I mean. She also gets really really moody around the first week of each month. I swear, if you even make a face at her she runs off crying "everybody hates me" I told her dad she might be getting ready to go through it, he agrees, her grandmother says I am pushing her, to wait until she is at least 13. Like I have ANY kind of control over it?! Hell, I started



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