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Going To An Adult Shop With A Friend

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So, would you or have you, taken a FRIEND (same sex, or opposite) to a sex toy shop?

I will raise my hand proudly, and proclaim that almost every friend I have, I have done so with!!

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I also will raise my hand and say I am a regular sex shop visitor (although, not as much now that I send people here)!

I have taken girlfriends, boyfriends, male friends and the husbands of my girlfriends! I am the one who seems to educate all of my group on the joys of toys!

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heck yes. I love going there and helping out my more timid friends;)

But I have to agree with Mikayla, I don't tend to go to them as often since I've discovered too timid ! ;)


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Hello Howard,

Your are right that would be the perfect opening to really start talking about sex. I would love to share this forum and some of the tips and ideas I have learned here.

It would be so nice to be open to talking about sex with with my girlfriends and not have to worry about what they would think .I know that my husband has been more open with his guy friends about sex and he is open with our sons answering any questions they have. I have always been the shy one but after 62 years maybe it is time for that to change. I would love to be able to talk to my sons wife's about sex and joke around with them the way they do with each other but at this point I think they feel uncomfortable with me being so much older and their husband's mom.Having said that I don't want to know all about their sex lives but I would like the door open so I could share ideas with them so they would know that sex can be wonderful as you get older.

ladies like your wife,Mikayla and the other ladies on this board are my inspiration!!! and you Howard are a wonderful man and if I wasn't already married to the sexiest man on earth .......

Sexyganny (flirting with Howard :) )

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Hmm...come to think of it, I've never been in a toy shop.


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I once packed up a few of my friends and embarked on a fieldtrip one night to every porn/toy store in town that was still open. I was looking for something specific (a blue tickler of all things - had to be blue, and that's what kept messing me up). One guy and two girls not counting myself. It was oodles of fun. We almost drove up to Denver, as they have several all night stores with decent selections, but everyone decided at the last minute that it was too late.

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i think every time i've ever been to a store my sister has gone. better that way, we have different stuff so we can recommend things to the other. same has going to a toy party...always in a group

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I have never gone to one by myself. I can't seem to get the courage up! My best girlfriend and I go together quite often... the clerk at out favorite shop is very helpful in finding the toys that we like.

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Many such shops are not located in the best areas of town. A woman should consider her personal safety. If you have to go alone, do so in the morning. The Bad guys are usually night workers, and sleep well past noon. If you live in a State other than Illinois and Wisconsin, you should consider being trained, and then getting a Permit to Carry a firearm for your own protection. If that is too much for you to consider, then by all means, go with a friend, or friends. The more the better. I escorted a woman friend to our local adult book store one evening late because she didn't want to be seen going in the store during the daylight hours! She was looking for a gift for her boyfriend, who was a friend of mine. She had never been in a adult toy store, and we had a lot of fun explaining all the toys that were there-- she wanted to know why there were so many choices in vibrators??---- and what certain things were used to do---- she didn't have a clue why handcuffs would be sold in such a store!!!



I am currently in the process of getting my firearm permit for conceal and carry, which I think that any(and every) woman should do, or at least go through the training. I do usually go during the day since the nearest store (that I would ever dare go to) is 2 1/2 hours away and I have no fear of being seen going into an adult store.

I have gone with several of my other girlfriends, and one of us almost always learns something new!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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YES. A week after I turned 18 (and soon after two other of my friends also turned 18) We went to a sex shop. It was me, and my girl friend, and one of my guy friends. My guy friend didnt have his ID so he couldnt go in though. But my girl friend and I had fun buying penis candy and a flavored condom.

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  • 1 month later...
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I love going to sex shops. My lover and I go in and we play with each other while we are looking. He gets excited when I wear a skirt with nothing underneath, it is so erotic to go into the shops, with all those toys, and he always picks a vibrator that is wonderful, he seems to know what will excite me and I go thru so many the life expectancy of the toys are not very good. We have several shops that are located in the good part of town, so we don't have to worry about crime, thank goodness.

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I took a friend of mine to 2 today, that she'd never been too. We had a blast going thru, seeing what they had, and even compared what TT has, to what they did. TooTimid has a majority of what we saw at them!!! Anyway, it's a great way to open up, ask questions with each other, and have some great girl bonding time! What fun!! Not bad for an "Old Married Gal"! LMAO I would LOVE to go into those places with a pin on that say "Sex Toy Reviewer"!! LMAO

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Well then we will have to make you pin for that Tyger, and Thanks I had a blast yesterday.

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I took a friend of mine to 2 today, that she'd never been too. We had a blast going thru, seeing what they had, and even compared what TT has, to what they did. TooTimid has a majority of what we saw at them!!! Anyway, it's a great way to open up, ask questions with each other, and have some great girl bonding time! What fun!! Not bad for an "Old Married Gal"! LMAO I would LOVE to go into those places with a pin on that say "Sex Toy Reviewer"!! LMAO

I find going in these shops just puts you in the mood. Ahh I mean it puts me in the mood, I don't now it it puts you in the mood but anyone else just find that if they walk in they get so darn horney. Maybe it just the experince of walking into a place like that regardless if you purchase or not


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  • 1 year later...
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Oh, I would love to do that but I know my friends would look at me like I lost my mind.I wish we all knew each other in "real life" and could go. Now that would really be fun.
I remember in the 80s and 90s driving clear to Blaine for nasty stroke mags or a vibe. I didn't want to be recognised. I remember as recently as 2-3 years ago going to my local sex shop after dark again to minimise being seen by ANYONE I might know. Tho I really had a great time twice when my gf and I went. She was constantly giggling and saying OMG every 2 or 3 minutes. We bot some small items and then went home and had playtime.
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I've been with my wife, previous GF. But I have also been with my best female friend. She's a riot. Goes over to to shelf and pics up the biggest Holmes dildo they have and says..."Well this isn't big enough...where are the horse models?"

Then again, I have seen most of my friends naked through crazy drunken late night truth or dare sessions.

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I've taken many a friend on their first trip to a toy shop

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  • 4 weeks later...
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So, would you or have you, taken a FRIEND (same sex, or opposite) to a sex toy shop?

I will raise my hand proudly, and proclaim that almost every friend I have, I have done so with!!

lmao I have been to our Christy's Toybox with one of my female friends a couple of times, always was fun/funny. Odd thing though was the other night when buying my first cyberskin cybercock toy I ran into one of the girls I know from the estee lauder counter at my work... was kind of fun frighteningly enough having it rung up in front of her.

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