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I was at the swimming pool with my kids today. While they were swimming, I noticed a about 4 yr old girl playing with a toy in the water telling it to swim, which is completely normal and innocent right. Later I noticed that her "toy" was a butterfly clit stimulator and to make it swim she was turning it on! I laughed so hard the lifeguard asked if everything was okay. I never saw the little girl's mom and I wonder if she realized what her daughter had taken.

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I am almost ashamed to admit this but.....

when my son was younger, 4 or so, I had gotten some toys and they were on my bed. He came in and said 'whatcha' doin' MaMa?' and I replied, 'oh, just looking at some 'massagers' for Daddy's neck.' He walked out of the room. Later that evening when my hubby came home my son ran up to him, gave him a hug and said, 'Daddy, go sit down on the couch, I have something for you.' He raced away and came back with a dual action vibrator and proceeded to try and rub my hubby's neck with it!

Since that point whenever he sneaks in and sees unused toys, I let him massage himself with them. Oh, and he does still play with the "I Rub My Duckie" toy in the bathtub!

Innocence in the eyes of children....

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I laughed so hard the lifeguard asked if everything was okay.

OMG!! You should add a spew alert with this post! I almost got coffee all over my monitor!


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OMG that is too funny. I have my toys very hidden as my daughter is so nosey. I kept picturing the day she would come out with one of my vibes and I was not prepared to go there. So they are hidden where she will never find them....lol.

I would love to have seen that mother once she realized what her daughter had and how everyone saw it.

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Don't usually allow kids in my bedroom, but a good friends child came out with my pink bunny clit stimulator the other day and asked what kind of toy it was. I grabbed it but my friend saw and laughed her ass off. I was bright red and said, "Okay..no kids in the bedroom." They might be scarred for life if they saw my big man dildo!!

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OOPS!! :lol:

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That is TOOOOO funny!

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NO way!!! Thanks for sharing. I'd hate to be that mom, but it might make for an interesting story when the girl's older.

:o YEAH.....NO SHIT!!

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Oh sorry...in my laughing again as I typed I did forget to mention she was "trying" to make it swim. She wasn't successful, it kept sinking on her.

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Oh dear.... THAT would be embarrassing!

I was rarely allowed in my parents' room when I was little.... only for time out when I was sharing a room with my sister or to sleep in there if I was sick, had night mares, or when my father was away on camping trips (I would get worried about him a lot)....

I can't picture my mother having something like that anyway..... would make for an interesting topic of discussion, though.... lol

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