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Have You Ever Had A Masturbation Night With Your So?


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If so, how'd it go? Was it all just fingers and hands, or were toys used?

Give some tips as to how you go about having a Masturbation Night, for those who may be "Too Timid" to broach the subject.

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While I feel silly admitting to it, I have never had the courage to suggest this with my current partner. Something similar used to occur with my ex where I would watch and press against his side while he masturbated, but even that only happened when we'd been going for so long that I was too sore to let him continue. I am curious as to whether or not others have found this arousing or even just a decent educational experience.

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My wife and I do this on occasion and we have a blast. We use toys for both of us and we really get hot watching each other. Some nights we take turns and I watch her get off, and then vice versa, it's very hot; and yes, I think it can be educational, her hand job technique definately improved after a couple of times watching me and I learned a bit more about what motion she likes on her clit with fingers or toys.

The first couple of times we did this, it was not planned or suggested, it just happened. I would be using a toy on her and she would ask me to jerk off where she could see and I was very eager to suggest that she take over the vibe or touch herself for me. It would up working out so we came together and were very satisfied. We did this a few more times and now we try to do this every so often to keep things interesting.

That said, there are several ways you can get a partner involved in this. One is to simply ask, do you like watching me touch, play, or screw myself (use the word you are most comfortable with)? Or tell them to meet you in the bedroom, when they come in, tell them you want to give them a show, they can touch themselves, but only themselves and only when you tell them they can. I know that choice is definately for the bold and daring, but it's so much fun. If they break the rules, the show stops. What is good is that you can reward him with a bj after you have gotten a few orgasms under your belt.

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Yes, and they can be very fun!

The first time was completely by accident. I mean I'd touched myself in front of him before but not to completion as of yet...

One evening He'd gone out and returned sooner than I'd expected, I didn't even hear him and I wasn't sure how long he'd been standing there. lol

Although it was obviously long enough to have taken his pants off and be hard as a rock. The sex was amazing that night and from that point on, I made sure to let him 'catch' me periodically for the surprise factor. He would do the same for me too. Nothing like walking in a room with a big surprise drooling waiting to see just you! :)

As far as planned masturbating nights.. we'd do porn night every once in a while and that always started out as masturbating, watching each other, etc. Teasing in the car...

Even just laying beside each other in bed while you both masturbate.. which usually led to me cumming a couple times then a bj or intercourse for him.

Or ... the ultimate torture for me is to be tied down and he makes me watch him ... I can't touch myself or him...... hurts sooo good.

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We've done it a few times. I absolutely love it when I can roll to my side while I'm pleasing myself and she's pleasing herself to give her a deep kiss. As she hits a particularly pleasing spot on her self her mouth will shudder as she gasps in the middle of the kiss. The feeling of her lips quivering on my lips and the sound she makes, pretty well sends me over the edge.


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Double post. oops.

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  • 1 month later...
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Yep! We did this while we were staying in the same cabin with my parents. Horny but not able to have sex, we masturbated with each other and at the time of orgasm we just kissed & breathed into each other, masking our sounds. It was one of the most erotic moments I've had. Not just because my parents were in the room next to us, but just the experience of it. ;)

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My boyfriend in highschool would masturbate in front of me when i was on that time of the month. We would have a heavy makeout session and he would really want it so we would take turns jacking him off until he came. It was very erotic and a huge turn on. Me and hubby have never done anything more than rub or touch ourselves while we were having sex, but I would like to see this happen. :)

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Yes it was with toys and fingers, and it was great actually.

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I never have an orgasm from my husband and I having sex, :( however my husband and I have "ME" night. Which means he pleasures me oral, masterbation, toys ... and then a few nights later I please him!!! My husband and I have learned alot from from the education paet of too timid. Our "me" time has went from a 3 to a 20!!! :P

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  • 4 weeks later...
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-The direct approach might be best for you. Just tell him you want to see him pleasure himself in front of you(in your own words of course).

-Perhaps you could start yourself. Start masturbating in front of him and when he tries to come to you shake your head and let him know he can look but can't touch...that he'll have to take care of himself this time.

-Maybe you'd like to set it up before hand, just letting him know you want to do this.

-You might also like to play director or let him do so, letting each other know exactly what you want to see them do.

Ultimately, however you go about it, you really have to talk to your partner to let him know what it is you want explore. This might be such a surprise and a turn on for him and he'll likely get right into it. Also, pushing past your comfort zone and actually asking your SO to do something you want sexually will better prepare you for the next idea you want to suggest. Perhaps your SO will start making suggestions too. Above all, have fun.


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  • 1 month later...
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The first time my wife and I did we were still dating. Neither of us had watched another person masturbate or had someone watch us. It was a huge turn on. We had a great time and speaking for myself I learned a lot about what she liked and how she likes to be touched. We still do have nights like this, or mornings. Sometimes with toys sometimes without toys. It's a still a lot of fun.

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we do this fairley often. but w edo the masterbating to each other. he will use toys or just fingers on me and i will jack him off and give him a little head. it is very enjoyable and a good time is had by both of us.

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  • 5 months later...
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my boy and I do this rather often.... just recently, I showed him the vibe I just got (first toy, wasn't sure how he would feel about it) and his eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store.... he had me cumming more times than I could count.... lol

Then I needed a break, so I gave him a bj until he ALMOST came. Then, I stopped. He looked at me, and I said "my turn again!" He got this evil grin, and went to the freezer... I didn't even see him put the vibe in there.... but oh, my, word! was it EVER cold!

felt very good though!

THAT was a great night! ^.^

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My current SO and I had a few of these before we actually had sex. There were no toys involved, which was actually more comfortable for me. There was nothing "distracting" from the experience. Plus, it was a learning experience since I got to see what he liked.

We have regular "helping hands" sessions because he works 3rd shift and can't help waking me up when he comes in (I'm a bit of a light sleeper). Being the horn-dog that he is, he usually pops a tent as soon as he gets in the bed :) Unfortuantely I usually have early classes and am still too sleepy to engage in the full package, so I'll use my hands. He says he likes it because I'm soft and 'comforting'

On the other hand I have a small vibrator in my purse, a cell phone, a break between classes, and access to an out-of-the-way and rarely used campus bathroom. Those sessions are obviously a bit different, but he says he likes those too :D

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  • 1 month later...
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Kim and I do this about once a month. so far it's just fingers and hands, though we are planning to add toys this weekend. :D I totally agree with others that this is a very erotic experince between you and your s.o. Not real sure on any advice on how to bring it up, as kim and I are extreamly open with each other. However I highly recomend trying it at least once.

"Relax it's just sex"

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  • 2 weeks later...
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YES! We did mutual masturbation when we went on a cruise, and at the time my little one slept in the same room, with a flimsy curtain separating the sleeping areas. We were both very aroused so we quietly helped each other out.

Needless to say, we have never shared a room with any of our children since then; suites, connecting rooms you name it we've tried it.

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yes we do it sometimes I posted a story too you can find it here:


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He's out of town for the summer, but we have webcams... almost every night between visits is masturbation night :lol:

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Major hot fun in person or with webcams! Start out just hands, but the toys invariably always come out....but it's watching your partner really get off on it and the back and forth "comments" that really fuel the fire!

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Major hot fun in person or with webcams! Start out just hands, but the toys invariably always come out....but it's watching your partner really get off on it and the back and forth "comments" that really fuel the fire!

<sigh> Sure SOUNDS like a lot of fun. If i were to have a SO right now I would insist on this kind of behavior. Actually, reading the posts here at TT have helped me narrow down just what i want in a partner sexually...someone who is free enough for this activity, or at least is willing to give it a try.

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Yeah, it amazes me now that people can get to be middle aged and still be holding back sexually.....it's now or never, let go and enjoy it!!!! I hate that I let so many years get away from me.

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We have talked about it and are going to do something one night. I just started masturbating just recently so I am still new to it. I know I will be nervous at first like anything else I have been doing. Once I get past that I think that I will be fine.

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Nope, I have asked him to show me how he does it to see if maybe I can get better at it but he won't. So I just wing it. I guess I do it ok, he's not complaining. I just think he feels inhibited doing it in front of me or something.

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