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Agony And Bliss

As the title suggests, the last 2 or three months have been a combination of agony and bliss. I have put in almost 60 plus hours each week, leaving little time for anything but a few fragmented hours of stolen sleep. It would literally be, leave at 10, commute no less than 50 minutes arrive at work, clock in, work my arse off for the next 8 hours, clock out, commute an hour and a half in the 7 am rush hour, come home, take the kids to school, come home, grab about 4 or 5 hours of sleep, get the



Boring Blogs

Hey all of my faithful readers...you know, that one of you who checks every day to see if I have my finger out of my ass long enough to type! I just do not get over to the blog area very much, and for that I am sorry. Lately, I have had a LOT going on in my life. My son has been, well, interesting to say the least. He is growing up so fast. Plus, I started teaching again this semester and going to and from the university is a major PAIN in my ASS. I love teaching, but it is so emotionally



Bad Hair Day

Yeah, I know, been tooo long since I added an entry into here. I cant help it, work has been keeping me on my toes, even though I have been scheduled for 5 days, I have been working 6 to 7 a week. We hired in 5 people, 2 never showed, 1 stole from the till, 1 pulled a no call no show and the last gal just up and walked out halfways through her shift, said she couldnt handle dealing with all the people. I had a customer ask me if my daughter was my grand daughter, he said he assumed she was bec



It Feels So Good

[topic="strap on"]wife fucks me with strap on[/topic]My wife had been venturing her fingers into my anus for some time and I like it. Here recently we talked about getting a strap on, so she could actually fuck me. We had to kind of work up to it. But last weekend we tried it and I love it and so did she. Any one else ever done this?



Baaad Whiskey

Yes, I am bad, I know. It has been too long since I posted. Unfortunatly folks at work are dropping like flies. My favoritist gal pulled a no call no show, right after she informed me that she was into girls *cries* oh well, life goes on. T and I split, seems I was more of a baby sitter than anything, she said "I wanna see you, but I have to work late, watch the kids and I will stop by after work" Ok fine, no sweat, well, "working late" does not entail working till 5 AM when you are supposed to



Happy Holidays

Happy New Year's also! I've been using my toys more and more, since my bf's sex drive is about dead. It's very frustrating, but I can't do anything about it! High blood pressure does a number on my man's sex drive. But thank you TooTimid for providing me toys so I can keep sane, and not cheat! This Christmas, I want that dildo I have in my wishlist.



Christmas Already!

Oh my word, I can not believe that the last time I posted it was HALLOWEEN!!! I am sooooo busy all of a sudden! I love Christmastime though, the baking, shopping, the gift giving - the gift RECEIVING! My hubby always spoils me beyond all reason - I get way too much from him. He almost always buys me jewelry, cooking supplies (cause I love to cook - not because "a woman's place is in the kitchen!) - a sexy something and something fun. I am very, very spoiled and I admit it! This year I got



Toy List Update!

So tonight i wait patiently for my box of new toys to come tomorrow from TooTimid. Its beginning to be my favorite part of the week, waiting for my new toys. i always liked being surprized at which toys im getting! So I have been a busy little reviewer, you can see my reviews at (ill try and keep this list updated with every review that i do) Crystal Snow Bear! Blast off With the POCKET ROCK-iT Get IMPULSIVE with the IMPULSE ULTRA PENIS 7 Orasmic Magic with the G SPOT PLEASURE WAND Imagine Th



Another Mess

I swear, if it isn't one thing, it's another. I got paid last wendsday, same as every other week. I collected my check and cashed it. I was informed that the manager wanted to see me, oh great, I was thinking, what did I do wrong now? Evidently, my name was entered into a drawing, I won a 50 inch tall bear. This sucker is friggin HUGE!!! Anyways, I finished my workday, got gas, got smokes and came home. I kept a 100 dollar bill aside for bills, I was gonna pay my phone and cable bill and give t




Hmm... well I played around with my toy all night and then a little this morning. It's def interesting, but I found it lacking in some areas... like for intance... if I wanted to change speeds while I was holding the vibro in one hand, I'd have to stop what I was doing with the other... so I kinda kept interrupting any Orgasm that was going to happen. I think this toy would be best used with the help of another person. The clitorial and anal attachments would be perfect to use while with a lover



First Toy

OMG! I just got my first toy today! It's a vibro-pulse pleasure kit! I opened the box and put away all of my warranty info, but haven't opened the actual package yet. I have to go to a Thanksgiving Dinner in less than an hour and I know if I open it I will want to skip dinner! I'm so excited, but kinda nervous! I'm all giddy! It has a nice texture through the plastic bag. Should I open it? I'm going to open it and clean it and put the batteries in, but that's it until after dinner! All I know is




GRRRRRR I hate the Depo shot. I should have known that there was gonna be some kind of funky side effects. I heard all these women rant and rave over it " oh yeah you don't have any cycles for like 3 months" Yeah, right, try the opposite, you have a cycle for like 3 months, then you stop for a week then its back to the menses for another 3 months. It screws with your sex drive BIG TIME! It makes you cranky, irratable, and downright beat. I am still trying to recover from the one and only shot I



Another Day In The Salt Mines

Well, we lost 2 workers in 2 weeks, one walked off in the middle of a shift and the other neglected to call in for like 4 days and never showed up for any of those days. So, it looks like I may be getting in some extra time, this is a good thing. Yeah, it is a bit of a pain to have to get the extra hours and grind through each and every day, but, hey, at least the shift will be covered and i get some serious OT. I hope I get to work Christmas or thanksgiving or maybe new years, major pay incre



Fast Shipping

WOW. I got the free gspot vibe, and 3 days later, it was in the mail! That's some good shipping.




I am starting this blog as a way to release anything and everything in my head. Please feel free to leave feedbacks. I am 21 and a mother of 3 children. I have a son that will be 3 on christmas, another son who with be 2 at the end of January and a daughter who will be 1 in July. Very stressing but would never change it, I am a stay at home mom, and my husband of almost 2 and 1/2 years works. We are moving into our first home next week. So everything right now is very stressing. Right now we ar



Happy Halloween!

Well, it is Halloween, I have like a million things to do today. I have to get some makeup for the girls costumes, put a snap on ine costume, wash it because it still smells like cedar from my cedar chest, find some vampire teeth for the 6 yr olds get up. I was sent home a note last night informing me that I was "volunteered" to bring in 25 halloween pencils and erasers for my 5 yr olds class party today. I don't mind that they like to give out something other than candy and junk food, but how




Well, last night my hubby and I had a Halloween party to go to - and I had a lot of fun (at the party, in the bathroom at the party and when we got home too!) Anyway, this year I went as a sexy kitty - which would have been sexier if I could have worn heels - but alas, no go. I had to wear my thigh high boots with a chunky heel - but it was OK. I didn't feel quite as sexy this year, as my lack of exercise has got me gaining weight - but I still feel sexy inside - so I did my best to be the se




My tounge hurts. Now, don't be getting no freaky ideas. I have been stressing out at work a lot and I have a tendancy to chew on my tounge ring. I am afraid I will rip it out one of these days if I keep chewing on it. Some days, I hate my job. Like today. The 3 o clock relief person called in sick. Actually, he came in and he did not look good at all. He was pale, running a fever, he had no buisness being around food or people. He called me a few minutes ago to apologize. I told him he was very



The Call

I did talk to Katprrr earlier, and her loss brings back so many memories of what I went through when I lost my son. I know it hurt her like hell to talk to me, and yeah at times I was on the verge of tears myself. At times like this I sit back and remember all the fun stuff my son used to do. One of my favorites was when he came out in his batman pajama bottoms, no shirt and a beach towel around his neck, he jumped up on the back of my couch, assumed the classic, one hand in the air, the other



The Last Month....

I am very sorry for not keeping up with everyone at tootimid, I have missed all the forums and talking with everyone. From my last blog I mentioned everytime my hubby leaves for a conference something bad happens. Well this year took the cake. He safely arrived home on time and I was thrilled to see him home. We had a wonderful night of great sex and when we woke in the morning started all over again. I thought this year would be different. That is when everything hit the fan, his offic




Well, this morning my neck was hurting, so I began rubbing it, and I found 2 cysts on my neck. I called the doctor since cancer runs in my family. he got me in right away, Asked what insurance I had, I replied Medicaid, he felt them, told me they were fat deposits and handed me a worksheet for a 1200 calorie diet, then he smacked my ass and told me I needed to lose both of my "cheeks" I am soooo fucking pissed right now. Would he have treated me any differant if I wern't on medicaid? Yes, I



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