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I Need Advice

I need some advice.... im 21 years old i've been engaged to my fiancee for 3 years this April. He is 33 years old. We have 2 children together, our son is 14 months and our daughter is almost 2 months. When we first got together the sex was amazing! every day atleast twice! we would cuddle naked afterwards and fall asleep in eachothers arms.... just beautiful. Now, 3 years and 2 kids later im lucky if I get it once a month. It sucks because I feel like im not pretty anymore ive got more stre



Maybe The Next One....

Maybe my next life will be a bit better. All I can say is this is so not fair. My ewe dropped dead last week. I have no idea why, half of her wool fell out practically overnight, and the next day she was on the ground dead. The vet told me he thought it was scrapies. This is a serious thing. Scrapies is very much a extremely contagious disease, it affects, sheep, goats and cows. It is a neuological disorder that affects the central nervous system. It causes seizures, and all sorts of problems,



The Fit Hits The Shan

Ok, if any of you followed my rant on the board, you know the situation. My step sister has come in and cleaned out the house. Pictures, guns, knives etc. Everything is dissapearring quicker than Houdini could get out of a straight jacket. It really irks me that they scream and holler and yell and demand to know where every little thing is, and the fact of the matter is, we just don't know. Anyways, they are gonna be here any minute, so I gotta jet and be prepared. Ill add more later. Ok I k




I hung out with the boy this weekend for the first time in a couple of weeks. I am feeling so much better about things; mostly, I think, because he is obviously feeling better. What originally drew me to him is his honesty and openness, and the past few times I've seen him I've felt like he was holding back, sort of shielding himself... which doesn't bode well even for a friendship. I was kinda worried he was going to let the friendship slip and the relationship was going to turn into benefit



10 Months....

blah.blah.blah - who cares about the sappy stuff. we all want to know about the sex! Well, the past 10 months have been a tease. i need to feel your cock in me. i need you to rub my nipples and make them hard. i need you feel the naked warmth of you body against mine. I NEED. i want happiness. satification. i want you to give me extra kisses. i want you to rub my feet. i want you make a great dinner for you and then throw the dishes to the floor and take down your pants. take you in




So it looks like I have a friend with benefits. Normally I'd be ecstatic, but I'm actually pretty disappointed. First time I've ever been disappointed about no-strings-attached sex. Same guy as from the last post. Incase you couldn't tell, I actually like this guy. We hung out yesterday and I was getting such mixed signals that I don't know which way is up. He asked me out to dinner, then came back to my place and we hung out until around 2AM. He suggested future plans for the weekend afte



First Post!

QUOTE You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Blog system to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise violative of any law. Haha, are we all in trouble? Silly IPB. It seems like I have a blog on every forum I post on these days... and the sad thing is that none of them have any entries that are exact



Happy New Year

Oh wow, 2008 already! Time goes flying by! I was just reading ThorsNymph's blog, and I have to say, all should read this blog! It is fun and entertaining and erotic and so true to life. I hope that more people can start to view sex as a fun partnership that can keep getting better and better! This year I have high hopes (don't we every year!???) but I really do. I want to reclaim things I have lost, do things I haven't done, read more than I have ever read, and connect more than I have in



Follow Up To Our Escapades

My Brother has told me that he would be interested in "going further" with My wife, though I can still sense alot of aprehension on his part. If only he knew how much she has fantasized about him and for how long. I tried to tell him about it but I guess it is hard to fathom. More on my part.. I really am turned on by the idea of my wife ( of 6 years) being with my younger brother , it holds so many aspects of erotic arousal. First off.. I love her very much and to watch her orgasm or experience



My Wife And My Brother

My Wife (27 Yrs. old, 5'4" 120lbs brown hair and eyes,slim with great hips and nice tits) and I have talked many times about how she is attracted to my younger brother, we decided to take action upon it and so we told him that she thought he was sexy and that she may be interested in more with him. He was shy about it all for a long time. One night he was over and we were all drinking and talking and very bluntly, the question was posed if he would like to "be with her" he nervously said yes b



3 Am Meeting

So the time is 3 am. You told me the other day it is. Since telling me I wake up and think of you. At 3 am when you wake up I hope you can feel me. We will never have that one day but a woman can dream..... One day where you will greet me at the door, take the load out of my arms, give me a scotch and lead me to the bedroom. You will let me take a sip of my drink while you kiss my neck. Take off my suit jacket and my blouse. Wiggle off my suit skirt and take off my heels. You will refill



Hot And Bothered - In The Hot (and Bothered) Tub!

I am just going to share with you the way I get off with out the SO (significant other - husband - roommate). This has to be at night after 8:30 - it has to be dark. I get totally naked, take off my glasses and put up my hair. I grab a few of my toys; 'Ben' (my ben-wah balls), water proof g-spot vibrator and my nipple 'pinchers'. Ben goes in me, the pinchers go on my nipples (shiver) and I put on my robe with g-spot vibe in hand. I walk out to my hot tub and disrobe, but I sit on the edge



Four Months Later

Too much to put in to words. You fill my heart and mind. Lately I'm thinking... I am not confused but focused Current status... Concentrate on execution of the project plan This is really interesting... This entry is a work in progress, but you should know I am sitting here naked after an event with Jet 7. I moaned your name. It adds to my orgasm. Very good one tonight because of you. Currently reading... In to your mnd. I am really starting to understand how you work through things The so



Three Months After....

Lately I'm thinking... I am not confused but a little ... i don't know. Is this a real attraction or is it that I am being paid attention to? Current status... Expedite the Project Plan This is really interesting... Thinking about picket fences <off limits but a glimpse.. is that so bad?> Currently reading... In to too many IM's The soapbox: Over 3 months later and I still feel that the Vendor is right. But I am questioning my current situation. Do I talk too much? Should it really be t



First Too Timid Entry

This is what I like: The most pleasure is leading up to the act. I great conversation or debate (no fighting). Maybe a personal or professional accomplishment - celebration. Then dirty talk and then let your mind (and body) just go for it. Doggy (woman submissive) and then underneath your man, and then a butt slap... maybe then a tin solder. Finish up with a little BJ and finally all over (or in) you. SOOO HOT SO it is only for the invited,,,, MR MDLS... i really want to to do this with you!!!



Pity Party

Lately I'm thinking... Why am I here, in this place now and not somewhere else with someone else, happy? Shout out to... The Vendor Current status... Working to 18 months timeline Currently reading... IM's The soapbox: Isn't is the question of every unhappy person... Why, here, now with him? And not why, here, now with my soul mate? Just having a pitty party...



Day Dreams

i have been compiling <for a lack of a better term> a short list of daydreams. i want to share these with you. i intend no malice or any action to be taken toward them but just wanted you to know that i think about you in the strangest ways <i think they are ok to share>: 1. Sitting at a stop light in the car. I am in the passengers seat and the red light is long. I reach over the console and kiss you on the cheek. You smile. 2. <a little theme going on here> Sitting a



Intent - Boring Log Entry

So the intent of my blog is to leave note or summary of the days events... not everyday but some days. I will even post some naughty thoughts too!



Jet Number 7

So my home life is a scam. I was duped by a boy that i thought was a partner BUT is really a leach. Tonight, like many, was satified by hot tub jet number 7, Ben (ben-wah balls) and any water proof vibe. Not once, not twice but at least 3 big ear pearcing O's. TY I live in the country. TY for Choppn - I hope you heard me call your name.




I have been dying to tell you this dream I had the other night. <again not asking for anything but wanted to share this with you> It was SO real. I really thought it was happening: I am at the office and talking with you on the phone. We are going to meet up for 'something', I think it was hitting golf balls. You ask me my eta, did I park in the city, is it the normal spot, even the floor of the garage. I am like WTF, if you really want to meet me I have to leave now. You are laughin




Oh lord, My schedule is back to normal, kinda, the boss has me flip flopping all over the place, half of the week I am on days, the weekends I am on mornings, and on the latter part of the week I am on midnights. Damn, my sleep schedule is all messed up. 2 of the girls have poison Ivy. My 7 year old had this rash on her face, I took her into the doctor, and she pointed it out right away, so today was spent outside in the backyard with long sleeved shirts and pants and boots and long gloves pul



This Title Left Blank

Man, what a week it has been, I am pretty much laid off of work due to construction. I went from 50 hours a week down to 8, talk about a major set back. Hopefully this will be the last week things are like this, the boss is talking about starting my midights back up again, even a few days on top of the one a week I am getting now will be better than none. It is kinda nice to have some time off, but on the other hand all the boredom is killing me. MIL had a new treatment last week. She can not s



Nothing Witty Comes To Mind Right Now

Well it seems as though the more things cahnge, the more they stay the same. my ex called me last night, drunker than a skunk and wanting to pick a fight. I told him flat out, I am not in the mood for this, I am not gooing to fight with you, call me in the morning when your sober and we can talk like normal human beings. I still do not plan on fighting with him, I don't need the stress and I won't give in to it, he wants to talk thats fine, but I refue to let it escalate past talking, if it star



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