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Blog Entries posted by whiskeywoman

  1. whiskeywoman
    Man, what a week it has been,
    I am pretty much laid off of work due to construction.
    I went from 50 hours a week down to 8, talk about a major set back.
    Hopefully this will be the last week things are like this, the boss is talking about starting my midights back up again, even a few days on top of the one a week I am getting now will be better than none.
    It is kinda nice to have some time off, but on the other hand all the boredom is killing me.

    MIL had a new treatment last week.
    She can not stand any closer than 8 feet away from anyone, no physical contact, we are not allowed to wash her dishes, we are not allowed to wash her clothing or take out her trash.
    If we want to visit her, we must stand 8 feet away and wear a lead apron that goes to our ankles.
    The kids are not allowed to hug her or give her a good night kiss, the radiation she is emitting could very easily make them sick.
    She is on day 8 of 12, and going absolutely bonkers being stuck in her room.
    And they cut off our cable.

    I paid the bill, but they are trying to strong arm us into renting their silly recievers, otherwise we can't get cable.
    I really do not need TIVO, I do not need all the fancy cable channells available, jus thte weather channel and the sci fi cahnnel,cartton network for the kids, and of course MIL's judge programs, and life will be good.

    Well, Not much else is happening, still havnt heard from babys donor.
    I geuss his story has changed now though, it went from" that is not my child" to "it could be my baby"
    I just wish he would stay still long enough for them to do the DNA test.
    Everytime they find him, he moves so they have to close out the current case and reopen a new one in another state.
    It is getting to be a major pain in the rear.
    Anyways, I gotta lay the young en down for her nap.

  2. whiskeywoman
    Man, am I beat.

    I got into work and found out that my helper called off.
    Then I was greeted by the delivery of 5 skids, approxamitaly 5 feet long by 4 feet high FULL of boxes, that had to be marked, dated, opened and put away.
    Of course I also had to rotate out the current stock.
    All of this happend the day before inventory.
    Wich means I will be laughing my ass off at the assitant manager, because she is the one who ordered it, and she is the one who has to count it all.

    right before i left I was informed we had another 3 skids of the same dimensions waiting for us in the freezer.

    Egads, we had so many differant types of salads, it was like a rabbits wet dream in the cooler!

    And everytime I mentioned that at work, people just looked at me like i was insane or something.

    Am I the only only one who has any kind of a sense of humor?
    Has everyone else lost theres?

    Is the sense of humor about to become extinct?
    is it going to soon become a prerequisite for us to no longer have a sense of humor before we take an offer of employment?

    Will we begin geneticly testing our children for a sense of humor when we are still pregnant?
    Will the doctors reccomend that we terminate if they find a sense of humor?

    that thought right there makes me shudder.
    the thought that a doctor will be able to test our children in utero and find any genetic deficinacys or problems, and actually suggest that we terminate depending on that test results.
    that is a scary thought.

    im glad i didnt listen to my doctors.
    when i was 5 months pregnant, i had some routine tests done becuase of my " advanced maternal age"
    they showed my baby had trisomy 13.
    its a 3rd number 13 chromesome.
    most women do not carry to full term, those that do, the babies usually die within 48 hours of their birth.
    the children are severly deformed, and only 5 percent make it to their 1st birthday.
    only a handful have made it to their teen years.

    they suggested i have an amneosentisis, and a level 2 ultra sound.
    i did as they suggested, had the amneo, the results came back positive, she was diagnosed as having trisomy 13.
    the doctor reccomended that i terminate my pregnancy immediatly.
    they wanted to do it when i was still 4 or 5 months along, because any longer than that and they would have to deal with a bunch of red tape stuff.
    I decided not to, i told the doctor that even if she was sick, she had the same rights as all of my other kids.
    She had the right to be loved, and taken care of, she didnt ask to be created, she didnt ask to be sick, so i declined the termination.

    im glad i didnt do it.
    She was born, she was all wrinkled pink and pissed.
    they did some testing and said she was totally healthy.
    so, now shes a smart little shit.
    She can count to 12 all by herself with no help whatsoever.
    She is beginning to speak a bit of spanish too.
    I started crying when I came home from work and she hugged me and said "Hola mommy!"

    Anyways, the thought of what were doing with our childrens future just scares the hell out of me.

    ok, enough of this sappy crap.
    i need to run to the liquor store for mom, she needs a bottle of wine and a straw LOL

    Take care yalls!
  3. whiskeywoman
    I will be the first to admit...I am scared shitless right now.

    For those of you who actually read my ramblings, know that my last entry was about a guy I have ben chatting with for the last 6 years.
    He is coming out here for at least a weeks vacation.

    I know it is hard to tell about a person online.
    But once you get to talking with someone for a while, you get a general feeling for them.

    I know one guy who just wants me to call and masterbatate for him.

    Another guy just wants to vent once in a while.
    wich is fine with me, I don't mind if someone wants to bend my ear.

    This guy though, I am 99 percent positive he is the real deal.

    And it scares the hell out of me.

    He is honest, he is a hard worker, he understands my quirky sense of humor, he is sexy as hell, he is open minded about a lot of things, and he is willing to put his all into a relationship.
    Yeah, there is more about him, TONS more.
    But those are the ones that stand out the most.

    I have told him about my past, he knows about the bad relationships in my life.
    He also knows the consequences of those.

    He has been telling me for years that he is not like the others, he has also asked that he be allowed to prove it.

    So, your probably sitting there wondering then WHY I am scared to death.
    Your probably sitting there reading this going " girl, he sounds perfect, whats the problem?"

    Well, stop and think for a minute here...
    I have been married twice, and I have been divorced twice.
    I have been in more " wham bam thank you ma'am" relationships that Liz Taylor has had husbands.

    The last one I was in, I thought he was Mr. Right, problem was, he left as soon as he found out I was going to have his baby.
    He broke up with me via an email.
    So now I am a single mom of 4 kids.

    Yeah this guy even knows that too.
    He is ready and willing to take the whole package deal.

    I may be strong enough to deal with heartache, and fists pounding into my face, and I can even deal with death and its life altering effects.
    But, when it comes to this guy.
    I am scared shitless.

    I am scared that he may be " the one"
    I am also scared of losing him.

    Damn, I feel so helpless, I hate feeling like this.

  4. whiskeywoman
    6 years ago, i started chatting with a guy i met in a chat room.
    we have talked on and off for 6 years, his net would get cut off, or his work would get him too busy or tired to chat.
    His wife would get nosey and start trouble etc.
    but it never failed, he would always find me and chat with me.
    he and i have talked eiher on the phone or online for no less than 5 years.

    recently, his company went out of buiness, and will be closing soon.
    his wife did not like the idea, and divorced him.
    thank god, she was a real pain.

    anyways, he recently contacted me again, we caught up on whats what, he has some vaca time coming up, and hes going to come out here to see me!
    i am so jazzed, i cant even begin to expalin it.

    hes always been very honest and open with me.
    we have discussed things online that i have never discussed with anyone else.
    parenting, life, work, love, hopes, fears, dreams, sex, past experiances, likes, dislikes, you name it.

    i dunno if it was just because i thoght i would never actually see him face to face, so my true self came out, or what.
    i dunno, all i know is that i am really excited abotu his visit.

    we have discussed our " relationship" and he says its not just about the sex, we both think that there may be something more to this whole thing other than enjoyng the comapny and the attention.

    so, we both want to find out exactly whats is there.
    he says if hes right, it may be over, he may just move down here, he says he wants to take care of the girls and i.

    while that is a very thrilling idea, it is also terrifying, i mean, hes everything i could ask for in a guy, and hes real, and hes coming out here to meet me.
    i mean the thrilling should be obvious, but what about the terrifying
    what if a year or two down the road later? what if he decides that i am not everything he wants? and i have fallen head over heels for him?
    that kind of a heart ache will be awful.
    yeah, ill cry, get sick, not eat etc, and yeah ill get over it.
    but lets face it, i am not getting any younger, and after a while, i will just quit looking for the one.
    no one wants to grow old all alone and loney.
    but, im almost 40 now, my time is quickly running out.
    i need to worry aout other things, like how the heck im gonna pay for college, and how im gonna mke it to next week.

    i just keep telling myself, every day that goes by is one day lcoser to him coming out here.
    maybe the next time i post an entry, i will know when hes coming out.

    oh well.
    i think im gonna go to bed early tonight, i have to be up at 5 to be to work by 6.
    have a good night yalls.

  5. whiskeywoman
    Someone posted something, wating to know hwo people can be in cruel relationships.

    Ity made me think back to my days in a bad relationship.
    The fighting, the yelling, the screaming, and the physicla violence that follwed suit.

    It wasn't too bad, generally a slap on the ass too hard, then it escalated, to slaps on the face, or a punch in the eye.
    then he wised up, no marks on the face.
    I had bruises up and down m y legs and arms, on my chest, my hips, my back, everywhere.

    then the abuse got worse.
    he punched me in the nose when i backtalked him.
    he has blacked both of my eyes, split my lip opne more times than i care to count.
    hes even knocked out a couple of teeth.
    and thats part of my problem now.
    there has been so much damage to the bone layer from the punching and the kicking, that my teeth are falling out.

    yeah, i still strugle with it, and yes i still try to adapt, but it gets old sometimes ya know?
    i would love to be able to eat a salad.
    right now, with ll the fresh fruits and veggies coming into season, i am dying.
    i would love to sink my teeth into a ripe crisp juicy apple.
    but i cant
    hell, i cant even eat a strawberry.
    instead i have to rely on breads and soft foods like pasta and mased potatos.
    i cant chew them, i have to swallow them whole.
    and trust me, all these carbs ar enot good for my diet.
    i have gained 75 pound sin the last 2 years.
    i am very unhappy with my body, but i cant do much about it, unless i want to toss my steak into a blender and drink it.
    no thanks, think ill pass.

    it just sucks you know?
    ive been away from him for almost 10 years, and im still getting bit in the ass by his actions....
  6. whiskeywoman
    OK, so most people who read this know I have a tendancy of ranting and venting here.
    Quite honestly, I feel it is better to rant in a blog than fill up the board with my senseless rantings.
    especially when i make a 180 degree turn.

    Today is not going to be about ranting and venting.
    well, maybe.

    I am actually just going to put down some maybe good news for a change?

    I am so damn excited I can't stand it....

    My 7 yr old has been sick lately, and she has been purposly coughing in everyones face, meaning were all sick.

    So the other day as I was getting hit with this crud full force, I had cold chilld and the fever and the whole 9 yards.
    I went to the store to get dinner for my youngests birthday party.
    I began to feel nauseated again.
    I stopped into the little liquor store to get a ginger ale to settle my stomach, the guy behind the counter said hi, like always, and asked how i was.
    I told him " with as sick as i have been, im actually pretty good"
    he said " well you got the pretty part down, don't know about the good part"
    then i set my soda on the counter, he handed me my soda and the 5 i gave him to pay for it.
    he startd to say something to me, then i turned around and asked his name, and i told him mine.

    I told mom, and she said it sounds like he is kinda sweet on me.
    yeah ok great, so i know his name, and he knows mine.
    how do i proceed from here?
  7. whiskeywoman
    Maybe my next life will be a bit better.

    All I can say is this is so not fair.
    My ewe dropped dead last week.
    I have no idea why, half of her wool fell out practically overnight, and the next day she was on the ground dead.

    The vet told me he thought it was scrapies.
    This is a serious thing.
    Scrapies is very much a extremely contagious disease, it affects, sheep, goats and cows.
    It is a neuological disorder that affects the central nervous system.
    It causes seizures, and all sorts of problems, in cows it is commonly reffered to as mad cow disease.

    This is very bad because I keep goats and a black angus cow in the same pen as the sheep.
    SO far, none of the other pen mates have shown signs of hair loss, seizures etc.
    Personally, I think she at herself to death.

    There is a bacteria that naturally live in the ground, feces and the digestive tract,
    if they over eat, this bacteria goes nuts and kills them by multiplying.
    I know, gross, and probably more info than you wanted to know.
    But they were supposed to have been vaccinated for this problem when thery were still young.
    None including the vet has mentioned anything about a booster shot.
    cut me some slack ok? I kinda got thrown into the whole ranch hand situation.
    This is all new to me, and I have no idea of what I am supposed to do, other than feed the animals daily, and make sure the fences are in good shape.
    And figure out if there is any odd behavior in the animals.

    Odd behavior? hmm, well lets think aout that for a second...
    my cow is a retard, she thinks she is a goat.
    No lie.
    She runs around and jumps with all 4 feet off the ground like a damn goat.
    she also thinks she is a dog, she will come up and literally lick your face like a dog.
    That in its self is a bit creepy.
    To have this huge rough wet tounge with NASTY breath come out and lick your face.
    Now THAT is wierd behaviour.

    The goats think they are rams.
    they lock horns and do mock battle over the female goat, and the goats are brother and sister!!
    how wierd is that?

    anyways, i need to jet later taters

  8. whiskeywoman
    Ok, if any of you followed my rant on the board, you know the situation.
    My step sister has come in and cleaned out the house.

    Pictures, guns, knives etc.
    Everything is dissapearring quicker than Houdini could get out of a straight jacket.

    It really irks me that they scream and holler and yell and demand to know where every little thing is, and the fact of the matter is, we just don't know.

    Anyways, they are gonna be here any minute, so I gotta jet and be prepared.
    Ill add more later.

    Ok I know I said I would edit this later, and it has been later.
    A lot later.
    anyways, I really don't feel comfortable discussing this any more cause there will be legal action involved.
    ill let yalls know how that goes.
  9. whiskeywoman
    Oh lord,

    My schedule is back to normal, kinda, the boss has me flip flopping all over the place, half of the week I am on days, the weekends I am on mornings, and on the latter part of the week I am on midnights.
    Damn, my sleep schedule is all messed up.

    2 of the girls have poison Ivy.
    My 7 year old had this rash on her face, I took her into the doctor, and she pointed it out right away, so today was spent outside in the backyard with long sleeved shirts and pants and boots and long gloves pulling weeds and trying to find the source of the culprit.
    We fund it, a 9 foot tall poison sumac tree growing out of the neighbors yard.
    So we grabbed some saws and some face masks and began hacking.
    We also found poison ivy growing and hiding amongst the grape vines.

    So, now the backyard is clear of all irratants, I hope.

    The girls have testing next week for their hapkido class, they are all white belts right now, but the Master said they are ready for testing, so it might be a big jump for them to go to a yellow belt.
    They are doing so much better since they started the classes.
    They have mor confidence and self esteem.
    I think it has been good for all of them in some aspect or another.
    One has learned how to quit being such a wuss, the other has learned how to keep her anger in check a bit more, and the third one has learned how to stand up t herslef.
    it has been so good to them that I have decided I may want to enroll in classes myself.

    Well, i met someone, well, actually i have known him for a while.
    we have chatted for a couple of years now, and we have just started talking about the possibility of having a relationship.
    it is not a big rush for either one of us.
    we want to make sure that things are going to work out.
    will they?
    who knows only time will tell that one.

    well, im off, i have to be to work early tomorrow, AGAIN.

    I have to fill up the car, AGAIN, I also have to break out the suit, I been looking for a job closer to home, 50 bucks a week in gas just to get back and forth to work each week is a bit much, it is getting old and extremely expensive.

    have a great night yalls!!
  10. whiskeywoman
    Well it seems as though the more things cahnge, the more they stay the same.
    my ex called me last night, drunker than a skunk and wanting to pick a fight.
    I told him flat out, I am not in the mood for this, I am not gooing to fight with you, call me in the morning when your sober and we can talk like normal human beings.
    I still do not plan on fighting with him, I don't need the stress and I won't give in to it, he wants to talk thats fine, but I refue to let it escalate past talking, if it starts to, he will have to leave.
    I did however relent and give in and invite him over for coffee and aspirin this morning.
    he can come over hung over and chat with me while the kids are here and geting ready for school, after all, 4 kids and a hangover, isn't that enough punishmnet?
    yeah so I am a bit twisted, it cant be helped.

    anyways, i bought a new laptop, so I can store my reviews and other ramblings.
    I actually at one time started a article about parenting and sex, then the old computer ate it when the external hard drive crashed.
    I bought that drive so that i could store my reviews and articles and such and the stupid thing crashed.
    i took it in to see if one of the employees could extract any of the data if at all possible, surprisingly enough, tehre was a large sign on the door that said "OUT OF BUISNESS"

    Great so I spent 300 bucks on an extrenal hard drive that crashed and yalls are out of buisness, wonderful.
    the whole hard drive fiasco has just been getting worse and worse

    Anyways, its 6:30, I need to make coffee and get the girls up in a half an hour.
    Ill fill yas in later on what happens today.
  11. whiskeywoman
    As the title suggests, the last 2 or three months have been a combination of agony and bliss.
    I have put in almost 60 plus hours each week, leaving little time for anything but a few fragmented hours of stolen sleep.
    It would literally be, leave at 10, commute no less than 50 minutes arrive at work, clock in, work my arse off for the next 8 hours, clock out, commute an hour and a half in the 7 am rush hour, come home, take the kids to school, come home, grab about 4 or 5 hours of sleep, get the kids from school, make dinner, get them ready for bed, catch a quick rinse off shower get dressed then back off to work I go.
    Last week I got called to go back in for another 6 hours AFTER I had already put in 8 hours.
    My check stub says I put in 68 hours last week.

    On the bright side I got a nice check this week, and as a way for them to ATTEMPT to make ammends I actually have been given the next 3 days off.
    Wich works out really well, I just got a new box from TT in todays mail.

    I am seriously looking for another job.
    The commute alone is a killer, driving an hour to get there and an hour and a ahalf to get back is just insane.
    The stress of dealing with my co workers and the new boss is unbelievable, I have never seen such behavior in grown adults.
    The manager is unreal, unless you kiss her ass daily and are in her clique, you will get ragged on every chance possible.
    The assistant is just as bad, unless you are a brown noser or a gossip, forget about getting in their good graces.
    Co workers are aweful, they are a bunch of two faced back stabbing adolecent adults.

    Oh well, life goes on I suppose.

    I had better quit ranting already, I am liable to kill my plans for this weekend with my foul mood.

    /rant off

  12. whiskeywoman
    Yeah, I know, been tooo long since I added an entry into here.
    I cant help it, work has been keeping me on my toes, even though I have been scheduled for 5 days, I have been working 6 to 7 a week.

    We hired in 5 people, 2 never showed, 1 stole from the till, 1 pulled a no call no show and the last gal just up and walked out halfways through her shift, said she couldnt handle dealing with all the people.

    I had a customer ask me if my daughter was my grand daughter, he said he assumed she was because of all the grey hairs I have.
    Normally I am not a vain person, I try and take care of myself, but when someone guesses my age to be 50, and I am still in my 30's, something has to be done.
    So I decided I was going to take the leap, and color my hair for the second time in my life, the first was my goth phase and I dyed it jet black.
    I decided on a shade of strawberry blonde, not a major change, enough to cover the greys, and add a little somin somin extra to my normal blonde.
    I bought the color, read the instructions and followed them to the T
    I rinsed it out, dryed my hair and looked at the results, I about had a fit, it was not strawberry, it was purple, and not red purple, it looked like i stuck my head in a pitcher of grape koolaid.
    I wanted strawberry and got stuck with mixed berries instead.
    So now I have purple hair, least till it fades.
    I called the company, they offered to pay for it to be stripped out, and of course they are sending me free coupons for more hair color, I have a feeling this is a mistake I will not be repeating, Next time Ill just shave my head, or wear a baseball cap.

    Night night, don't let the bed bugs bite, if they do, get the bug motel, they check in, but they don't check out!

  13. whiskeywoman
    Yes, I am bad, I know.
    It has been too long since I posted.
    Unfortunatly folks at work are dropping like flies.
    My favoritist gal pulled a no call no show, right after she informed me that she was into girls *cries*

    oh well, life goes on.
    T and I split, seems I was more of a baby sitter than anything, she said "I wanna see you, but I have to work late, watch the kids and I will stop by after work"
    Ok fine, no sweat, well, "working late" does not entail working till 5 AM when you are supposed to be home by 11 PM.
    And no I know she wasn't really working, shed come over with hickeys and smelling of someone elses cologne.
    Eventually I called her on it, and she admitted to useing me.

    Oh well, life goes on, and no I am not broken up about it, I knew from the git go it was just about sex, plain and simple, thats what she wanted, thats what she got.

    I was more pissed about being taken advantage of.

    Anyways, I been working between 12 and 15 hour days, 2 more folks up and quit, with them gone, it leaves a whole 4 employees to pick up the slack.
    The boss is supposed to be holding interviews tomorrow, well see.

    Someone also told the boss I wanted to work the midnight shifts, NOT!
    I enjo sleeping during the evening, and playing while the kids are asleep.

    besides, I only score about 4 hours of sleep during the days.

    Not cool.

    Anyways, I gotta change and get ready for work,

    Hope you all have a great new year!

  14. whiskeywoman
    I swear, if it isn't one thing, it's another.

    I got paid last wendsday, same as every other week.
    I collected my check and cashed it.
    I was informed that the manager wanted to see me, oh great, I was thinking, what did I do wrong now?
    Evidently, my name was entered into a drawing, I won a 50 inch tall bear.
    This sucker is friggin HUGE!!!
    Anyways, I finished my workday, got gas, got smokes and came home.
    I kept a 100 dollar bill aside for bills, I was gonna pay my phone and cable bill and give the rest to gramma for the gas, water, or whatever bills she needed to pay.
    I do that on a regular basis, I give her between 50 to 75 bucks a week for whatever bills there are.
    Anyways, I decided since it was late and every place was closed, I would pay the bills the next morning before work, and maybe sneak in some grocery shopping.

    I got up the next morning, had my grocery list in hand, I began to get out my food stamp card and my money, only to discover that they were both gone.
    My 20 and my singles were still there.

    We all tore the house apart, the living room, the kitchen, the 4 bedrooms, both bathrooms, we looked EVERYWHERE, and to no avail.
    I had to call the card in as being stolen.

    ok fine, we still have enough to get us through until next payday, tomorrow.
    I have a tendancy to buy meat when its on sale and store it in the deep freeze, and our mail carrier brought us about 40 LBS. of venison from when he went out hunting.
    I also hit up a lot of the 10 for 10 sales, especially when its on things like pasta or rice and bread which I also freeze.

    So no there is no chance of my kids starving.

    To make matters worse, gramma woke up yesterday in a lot of pain, throwing up, unable to hold down even water.
    I took her into the hospital, they admitted her, they have a tube down her throat draining her stomach which continues to fill up despite not being able to eat or drink.
    They have no idea whats wrong with her, they are still running tests.
    She may have to stay for a few more days.

    This is really gonna suck, we had plans to have Thanksgiving dinner at her daughters house,
    with her being in the hospital, we don't know whats going on.
    I myself think it would be good to continue with the priginal plans, and bring her a plate and let everyone visit her, one by one of course.

    The kids can't see her because the 6 yr old is sick, and they have no way of telling if the others are harboring cold or flu viruses.

    Anyways, thats about it for now.
    I gotta go and see how gramma is feeling, I am gonna call up there and see whats new.
    I honestly hope this is not the way shes gonna go, no one deserves to suffer.

  15. whiskeywoman

    I hate the Depo shot.
    I should have known that there was gonna be some kind of funky side effects.
    I heard all these women rant and rave over it " oh yeah you don't have any cycles for like 3 months"
    Yeah, right, try the opposite, you have a cycle for like 3 months, then you stop for a week then its back to the menses for another 3 months.
    It screws with your sex drive BIG TIME!
    It makes you cranky, irratable, and downright beat.
    I am still trying to recover from the one and only shot I got 7 months ago!

    Oh well, enough rambling, I know no one wants to hear about my dis satisfaction with my birth control.

    Anyways, things went well today at work, I volunteered to go in on thanksgiving and black friday, both days I will get time and a half.

    on top of any overtime I get normally.
    That could make for a VERY nice check.

    I just went out to have a smoke and was greeted by a very bright flash of lightning and a loud rumble of thunder.
    Even being under an umbrella I still got drenched.
    Well, I think it is time for me to curl up under some nice warm blankets and sleep for a bit.
    6AM comes awfully damn early.

    Night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite, and if they do, get the Raid!
  16. whiskeywoman
    we lost 2 workers in 2 weeks, one walked off in the middle of a shift and the other neglected to call in for like 4 days and never showed up for any of those days.
    So, it looks like I may be getting in some extra time, this is a good thing.
    Yeah, it is a bit of a pain to have to get the extra hours and grind through each and every day, but, hey, at least the shift will be covered and i get some serious OT.

    I hope I get to work Christmas or thanksgiving or maybe new years, major pay increase there, I think it is like 2 and a half times your normal pay rate.
    I can forsee myself getting some new toys for Christmas.....

    Found out I was eligible for health care coverage today too.
    Although I am gonna decline it, no offense, I mean, the benefits are halfway decent, but the deductible is murder and its a 50 dollar a week draw from my check, I simply can't afford it.
    There is no prescription help and even the hospitilization paln is kinda pricey, were talking an 80/20 split.
    while 80 percent is a fair amount, the 20 can be pretty damn expensive in itself.

    Now I wouldn't mind the 401K plan....

    I was glad to see Katprr on the board, I have been thinking about her a lot lately, I worry about people I consider my friends, and she is no exception.
    I know she has been having a rough time of it lately, and it breaks my heart to know that other than moral support, I can do nothing to help her.
    I would love to be able to give her a hug and reassure her that things will be ok.

    She helped me when I really needed someone to talk to about mom having cancer, and she helped me prepare the kids a bit for what lies ahead as far as grandma getting chemo treatments and stuff.


    I got a notice today from the court, my court date was cancelled because the babys dad has dissappeared and they can't find him.
    The S.O.B KNEW that the court was gonna order a DNA test and he KNEW that the test would prove that he was Liz's dad.
    I know, I know, I know, Karma is a bitch, and she will turn around and bite him on the ass.
    Yes, they have his social security number, and thats all they need, once he gets a job they will have him nailed to the wall.
    Too bad what he has done isn't against the law.
    Too many fathers do the same thing, they manage to avoid the courts for years and years and years.

    I'm sure if I sweet talk the right people I can get some info for the courts.
    He is sooooo gonna regret the day he fucked with my daughters life by denying her the right to know who she is and her heritage.

    Ok, I am done ranting for now, I am off to bed, 6 AM comes too damn early.


  17. whiskeywoman
    Well, it is Halloween, I have like a million things to do today.
    I have to get some makeup for the girls costumes, put a snap on ine costume, wash it because it still smells like cedar from my cedar chest, find some vampire teeth for the 6 yr olds get up.

    I was sent home a note last night informing me that I was "volunteered" to bring in 25 halloween pencils and erasers for my 5 yr olds class party today.

    I don't mind that they like to give out something other than candy and junk food, but how about a bit more notice than 1 day?!
    I looked at every dollar store, at Kmart (they were asking wayyyyy too much)
    Wally world who also asked wayyyyy too much, like a buck a pop!

    My money is budgeted down to the last penny, if I had been given a week or two more notice, I could have worked it into the budget.

    Anyways, I wrote the teacher a note, "sorry, all the dollar stores were sold out, and I cant afford them at kmart and wally world"
    "Perhaps next time a weeks notice would be more helpful, instead of giving me less than 24?"

    Well, anywho, I need to jet, I have to get some stuff for the girls and they are gonna be home in about an hour and a half.

  18. whiskeywoman
    My tounge hurts.
    Now, don't be getting no freaky ideas.
    I have been stressing out at work a lot and I have a tendancy to chew on my tounge ring.
    I am afraid I will rip it out one of these days if I keep chewing on it.

    Some days, I hate my job.
    Like today.
    The 3 o clock relief person called in sick.
    Actually, he came in and he did not look good at all.
    He was pale, running a fever, he had no buisness being around food or people.
    He called me a few minutes ago to apologize.
    I told him he was very sweet to do so, but I knew he was sick, and I did not hold that against him.
    He could not control how severly he got sick.
    Don't get me wrong, we can all do things to improve our health and decrease our chances of getting sick, but short of staying in an isolation room, or wearing a mask all the time, we can not avoid getting a cold.
    Especially if your a parent.

    Anyways, to make a long rant shorter, he and "dale" as well call him arranged to switch days and shifts.
    Dale would come in and work "Joe's" shift from 3 to 11 today, Joe came in and was sent home right away.
    Dale never showed, never called, nothing.
    needles to say that left me there, alone, for 5 hours until the end of my shift.
    Now, not having anyone to cover from 6 to 11 is a bad thing.
    So we called in a wild card, one of the ladys that works at the fuel desk at the truck stop area came over to work in the resteraunt until the midnight person comes in.

    One nice thing about today, I got to work with my girl, Sandy.
    I swear, if she was Bi, I would nail her ass in a heartbeat.
    She is cute as hell, and has a great personality to go with it.

    Anywho, I think its bedtime,
    I am sitting here nodding off at the comp.
    more later.

  19. whiskeywoman
    I did talk to Katprrr earlier, and her loss brings back so many memories of what I went through when I lost my son.
    I know it hurt her like hell to talk to me, and yeah at times I was on the verge of tears myself.

    At times like this I sit back and remember all the fun stuff my son used to do.

    One of my favorites was when he came out in his batman pajama bottoms, no shirt and a beach towel around his neck, he jumped up on the back of my couch, assumed the classic, one hand in the air, the other fisted and on his hip pose, and announced in his very best superhero ish voice "I'M SUPER GLUE!"
    Then he promptly fell behind the couch and said "uh, mom, a bit of help here please, super glue is stuck.."

    I fell over in my chair laughing my ass off.
    He said "It's not funny mom, help me up!"

    All of a sudden he jumped up from behind the couch with our ferret Snowball hanging off of his cape, he said "never mind, Snowball unstuck me.."
    I laughed all the harder at watching him running around the apartment trying to dislodge the ferret from his cape.

    Another favorite was when he was 10, and my oldest girl was 2, they both came out of the bedroom, he had a bathtowel around his neck and she had a handtowel around hers.
    They jumped on my coffee table and began making their capes flap in the breeze and go "whoosh"
    I was laughing and asked him what he was doing.
    He said "I am superglue mom, and this is my sidekick, stick"
    I said "stick?"
    He replied "yeah stick, shes glue stick, shes always hanging around me, so I figured glue stick was a good name for a sidekick"
    The I asked "what are you doing on my table?"
    He said "this isn't a coffee table, this a whoosh cliff"
    Of course I was laughing at this, I asked "what the heck is a whoosh cliff?"
    He said "come on ma, everyone knows a whoosh cliff is where super heros go to make their capes go "WHOOSH!"
    The whole time my daughter was mimicking him " yeah ma, Whoosh!"
    I asked if I could get on the whoosh cliff, he said "No, you don't have a cape, and your not a superhero"
    I said I could get a cape and become one, he said "no you can't.. your a MOM"

    Then there was the time he tried to help me clean the house.
    He offered to do the dishes, never being one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I accepted.

    Looking back upon the offer, perhaps it would have been best if I had simply done them myself.

    He used a half of a bottle of concetrated dish soap, then took off to use the rest room.
    When I came out from starting laundry, my entire kitchen floor was covered in suds!
    Well, we got the mess cleaned up, I asked him to take the mop outside so it could dry.
    He was gone for quie a while, when I looked out to see what had happned, there he was, dancing the tango with my mop.
    He had even pushed the "hair" back, and began "kissing" it.
    I had to have a snap shot of it, so I quickly snapped a picture.
    Yes, I do have it, somewhere.

    He was very comical.
    He used to tell me that humor was the best defense anyone could ever have.
    I have to agree with him, I have used my sense of humor to make light of several bad situations.
    I have to, if I can't laugh at life, and everything that it holds, shoot me, the party is over.

    I walked around kind of like a zombie for a few months.
    I couldn't bring myself to face the fact that he was gone.
    One day I decided it was time to clean out his room.
    It took me all day, I made dinner in the crock pot, just in case I wasn't able to.
    Then I walked into his room, and began packing things away, deciding what was going to the purple heart, and what I was keeping.

    Somewhere in the midst of his clothes I found his favorite shirt, most parents know about "the shirt"
    The one thats faded from all the washing, the one that is wayyyyy too small, but they insist on wearing it anyway, because "it's comfortable"
    Even though they turn a funky shade of purple because they can't breathe, or you can see their belly button everytime they put it on, its "comfortable"

    I lost it at that point in time, I began crying, not the " it hurts" crying we all do from time to time, this was more of a " i can't function without him, hes part of me, part of me is gone too" deep, wracking sobs.

    Eventually, I did get over the zombified state.
    I tried getting a job, it didn't last too long.

    I got a tattoo, as a way to immortalize my son.
    I have a dreamcatcher, with a scene he told me about, a wolf howling, in front of a backdrop of mountains with the grey clouds in the sky.

    I went on a letter writing campaign, it has lasted for 4 years.
    I still do it, as a way to help bring light on the subject of more responsible gun ownership.

    No, don't confuse my ideas with gun control.

    I believe we all control our own guns.

    My belief is for gun owners to be responsible owners.
    Use trigger locks and gun cabinets.
    Educate your children on firearm safety.
    Make sure they know, guns are NOT toys, and they are NOT to be fooled around with.

    Guns kill people.
    Yes, the bullets do too, but only if fired from a gun, if you throw them, the "victim" is probably going to fall on the floor laughing their ass off at you.

    Yes the person pulling the trigger of the gun with the bullet in it also kills people.
    He is apt to do more damage than an unloaded gun or simply throwing a bullet at you.

    Make sure they KNOW you have a gun, and make sure they KNOW you use a trigger lock, this way there are no surprises if they happen to stumble across it.
    If they try to pick the trigger lock, it will destroy the firing pin, making it inoperable.
    Take the key for the trigger lock with you, lock the ammunition away out of reach.

    This is not friggin brain surgery people.
    taking 10 to 20 minutes out of your day to put your guns in a cabinet and put trigger locks on the weapons is not going to make or break you, it will however assure that your children will not shoot themselves or someone else accidentally, because they found a gun.

    Kids are a miracle, appreciate the time you have with them, you never know when theyll be gone.

    Night folks

    God bless you Kat, your in my prayers.

  20. whiskeywoman
    Well, this morning my neck was hurting, so I began rubbing it, and I found 2 cysts on my neck.
    I called the doctor since cancer runs in my family.

    he got me in right away,
    Asked what insurance I had, I replied Medicaid, he felt them, told me they were fat deposits and handed me a worksheet for a 1200 calorie diet, then he smacked my ass and told me I needed to lose both of my "cheeks"

    I am soooo fucking pissed right now.
    Would he have treated me any differant if I wern't on medicaid?

    Yes, I plan on getting a second opinion.
    I just can't believe the nerve of that guy.

    the baby is awake so I gotta jet

    I will keep you all informed.

  21. whiskeywoman
    I am sooooo glad that it is my weekend.
    I have today and tomorrow off.

    I was supposed to have yesterday off, but the new girl called off...again.
    This is like the 3rd weekend she was supposed to work, and the 3rd weekend shes called off.
    I swear she spends more time calling off than she actually works.

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I understand people with certain conditions have bad days, we all do, even if we are healthy.

    I honestly think that if someones health is declining so severely that you need to call off repeatedly to care for them, then perhaps they should take a hiatus or go to part time.

    Then the closing shift person called off, which did not make the managment happy.
    At first they wanted me to pull a double, from 3 to 11 then 11 to 7, but quickly realized it wouldn't float if I had to be back in at 10 the next day.

    Anyways, things are going well,
    I plan on getting a credit card next week.
    I'm just gonna get one of them rechargeable things.
    Not much, but I can get my pay direct deposited, and I won't have to pay a fee for getting my check cashed anymore.

    Ok, thats enough ranting and venting.
    I am gonna go take a nice long hot shower, put on my warm comfy jammas, and call it a night.

    Sweet dreams all!

  22. whiskeywoman
    oh god, today just soooooo isn't my day.
    I got written up for something someone else didn't do.
    In other words, we were both working the same shift, something was supposed to be done and wasn't, so I sucked it up and had the write up put in my file.

    Then, I was making a pizza, I went to put it in the oven and my hand slipped and I blistered 4 fingers on my right hand.

    After the big lunch rush, I went to do dishes, of course my hand was throbbing because I literally melted the glove to my skin.
    I either dislocated it, or I broke my thumb.
    It is all swollen and purple.
    And to top it all off, I have a 2 1/2 inch cut along the side of that thumb,

    I had to drive home in the dark, one of my least favorite things.

    I come home to be mobbed by the girls all trying to tell me at once that there was a bomb threat at their school today.
    I geuss a couple of the older boys thought it would be a riot to write a bomb threat.
    Oh yeah great laughs there, the sherrifs department and the bomb squad all came down with the dogs and the diposal unit etc.

    Ok, enough venting.

    I am just glad it is over.
    I think I am gonna take some asprin and call it a night.

    night night, don't let the bed bugs bite, and if they do...squash the lil fuckers!

  23. whiskeywoman
    I had some fun at work today.
    I had this cute guy come in like 5 or 6 times for some little thing or another.
    A sandwich, a cup of coffee, a bag of chips, some cookies, etc.
    Everytime he kept asking me to take off my glasses.
    I kept asking him why, and he would just repeat his request, "Take off your glasses."

    Finally he irratated me enough that I did, and he said "YOUR EYES ARE BLUE!"
    I said "Well, DUH!, what were you expecting? dayglo orange?"

    After that he spent the next 45 minutes chit chatting with me.

    Now don't get your knickers in a twist, it was just small talk.

    I was cleaning and stocking the service area and we chatted, nothing much, just the usual,
    hes a driver with a national chain, works 11 months out of the year, lives in Texas, divorced, 3 kids, just became a grandpa.
    Other than that, most of the time I told him jokes.

    I didn't mind, it helped the last 45 minutes of my shift go by a little bit faster.

    I FINALLY got my cell phone working!!!!
    the local courier company kept saying that the adress was invalid, and they wanted a real adress.
    Now mind you, grandma has lived at the address in question for the last 30 years, if anyone would have a problem, she would.

    Well, I bumped into one of the couriers at work, he got ahold of the delivery person,
    come to find out, the guy doesn't like the area, so he just figured he would keep sending it back.
    Surprise! I heard a knock at the door and there it was, my new SIM card, delivered by a very apologetic courier.
    I'm so happy, what a way to end my day.

    Ok, it is 10:30 here, I have to go to bed, I am beyond tired.
    I have to get up and go to work in the morning.

    Nighty night, don't let the bed bugs bite, and if they do... squash the fucker!
  24. whiskeywoman
    4 days ago, I had to make a choice.
    My dog became severely ill, the diagnosis was grim indeed, septis, renal failure and her demise was inevidable.
    She was given about a week left to live.
    She was 15, had diabetes for 9 years and required insulin injections twice a day.
    She gave me 15 good years as a friend, a protector and a family member.
    I chose to have her put to sleep, it was the most humane decision I felt I could make given the circumstances.
    I know if any pet owners are reading this, they can relate to what it is like to have to make the choice.

    Now the other dog is suffering from depression.
    Honestly, I am not making this up.
    He refuses to go out in the backyard, he urinates and defacates in the house.
    The only way he will use the bathroom outside is if I take him for a walk.
    Now, don't get me wrong, walking is great and has terrific benefits for he and I both, but, walking him during a thunderstorm or even when it is raining is just not feasable, and he is a lot like a kid, he hears water running, and he has to go potty.

    When he DOES go out back,(more like when I drag his 100 LB. butt out there) he stays at the door and cries until he is let in.
    I have to get ahold of the vet and ask her about things that can help him snap out of it.

    Anyways, work is work,
    I got this one guy hassling me all the time, I seriously doubt he will last much longer, he has already had 3 write ups, next one is gonna be his termination.
    No one there can stand him.
    I will be excited as all get out if he gets fired.
    Don't get me wrong, I really like my job, I get to work with all the really cool loonies, and I honestly like most of my co workers, well, with the exception of 2 of them, but I rarely have to work around the one,
    and the other, I grit my teeth and bear it.
    For the most part though, my boss is cool, the assistant manager is cool.

    But this joker is just too much, he leaves during the busiest part of the day and leaves me there alone with customers waiting as patiently as possible for their orders.

    Most of them have a sense of humor and I can USUALLY defuse the situation by cracking a joke or a smart ass comment.
    There is always at least 1 person that you can not sway, and generally I know who it is, I give them great food, great service and a smile, I tell them a cute little one liner joke, make them smile, and after that it is easy.

    Well, I gotta go and drow errrr bathe the kids and get them all set for school tomorrow.

    I will leave you all with a grin for today with my favorite one liner.

    whats the differance between a harley and a hoover?
    The position of the dirtbag

  25. whiskeywoman
    For those who have been reading this for a while now, you remember a few nights back I posted about the neighbors fighting AGAIN, and their dog was hurt...
    Well, they killed it.
    I found it in the yard of the vacant house next door.
    I went over thre because I heard a commotion, and because it is vacant and having work done to it, I didn't want a bunch of neighborhood vandals destroying anything over there.
    I went over and saw about 10 or 15 kids standing over the body of the dog.
    The only thing I could do was put her in a trash bag and call the human society to remove the body,
    I would have buried it, but where, and how deep to dig a hole for a full grown chow chow is beyond me..

    I get so pissed over this stuff, I go through great pains physically and finacially to care for my animals,
    and there are others who just don't care about if their animal dies.
    if you don't want them or can't afford them, DON'T GET THEM!
    I would love to have another cat, but, I can't aford the spay/neuter fees and the declaw and shots, not to mention the exams and extra food and cat litter, and thatrs for a freebie, if I adopt from the shelter, there are extremly expensive adoption fees.
    I can barely afford the ones I have now, food, litter, insulin, needles, surgery for the growth on the dogs leg,
    blood tests to make sure everything is working ok, booster shots, heartworm medicine, heartworm tests, it really adds up and quickly.
    In 2 months we spent a little over 4 grand on surgeries, tests, booster shots and preventive medicines, and that was just for 2 dogs!
    I have yet to take in the other dog or the cat, I am dreading that.

    A 35 minute drive into the heart of downtown, the sign says "Welcome to Detroit, hope you survive!"

    Anyways, I am gonna shut up now while I have a chance,
    I am tired and liable to say something stupid.

    Good night folks,
    sweet dreams to one and all!
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